Tip I Was Taught
Tip I was taught
If you have a dream, and you wake up and remember a single part or image of that dream, even if you don't do any dream recall, it's a message. For example, if you have a full and complex dream but only remember something like seeing a particular flower, and you remember that through the day, even without dream recall, then its a message. If you forget about it then it was just a normal dream.
Edit - So I'm incredibly sorry about the fear this post may have caused so I would like to clear a few things here. Look at a dream dictionary for the knowledge of abstract symbols and meanings. We are often communicated to through symbols so a dream of xyz may not be a literal interpretation of xyz but an abstract meaning of xyz. Also, make sure to note that a dream that stimulates enough of an emotional response, like sex or a fear inducing situation, will often be remembered in the short term, and sometimes in the long term. I should have made the distinction that the dream will leave a sense of intuition guiding you to know there's something more to the dream than meets the eye.
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More Posts from Sspoonie
How to Create Sigils

Pick your Intention or affirmation.
Cross out all vowels and repeating letters
Match the letter to the number
Create a clock wheel 1-9 in whatever order you wish
Connect the Numbers
Add a personal touch (arrows, dots, swirls)
and you're Done!
Another Method

Pick your intention or affirmation
Cross out vowels or repeating letters
Connect the letters on the wheel
Add a personal touch (arrows, dots, swirls)
and you're done!
Tip for a Green Witch
... Profile your herbs, fruits, plants, trees, vegetables etc.
But I just don't mean like profiling their magickal properties. I mean - their medicinal properties, how to propagate them, do they require pruning and pinching, full sun/half sun, what time to sow them (including what sign the moon should be in if you want to go down that deep), harvesting time and so on. Legitimately, if you're going to grow these herbs, know every damn thing about them. Better to know it and not need it than need it and not know it. Also it just helps with gardening purposes, like if you overwater a strawberry (that prefers drier soil) then its going to suffer and you're going to wonder why.
So here's a list
Folk Names
Magical Properties
Medicinal Properties
What Sun does it need
Best time to plant it : (season), (moon phase), (moon sign)
Harvest time
What type of soil does it like: Acidic/alkaline
Watering: a lot of water, not much water, water twice a week
Folk Lore and Superstitions:
Best time to harvest it:
Signs and symptoms : root rot, etc.
Pet friendly : do I need to put it on the top shelf to prevent Ravioli from eating it.

My Personal Tips For Getting In The Headspace For Divination Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en
🌙Turn off your phone or make it disappear for awhile. 🌙Dance around to music to amplify your energy. 🌙Drink a divination tea. 🌙Have a go to step by step ritual so your body and mind are conditioned to slip into the space for divination magick. 🌙Do some meditate exercises before hand or while you pre-shuffle your cards. Concentrating on your breathing. 🌙Go into your divination practice knowing that it is your personal care time, a chance to reconnect. 🌙Use any moods to your advantage. Happiness is energy. Stress is energy. Anger is energy. I do recommend while working with difficult energies not interpreting your cards right away. 🌙Set the mood. Light some candles, use full-moon made divination oils, or burn some incense. 🌙Realize you don’t have to have everything set up perfectly, life can be chaotic. Sometimes you’ll have to pull a card with a baby in your hip, kids playing in the background, while in the car in a passenger seat, etc. Whatever you work with in your practice knows that perfection or the perfect environment isn’t always attainable, if at all. Crystal ball from - @tamedwild Deck - @intuitivenightgoddesstarot

Happy Ostara!
Today we reap when we created during Imbolc.
Spend time with nature.
Bask in the sun.
Be present, be kind, be blessed.
How to write spells & rituals

Workings List:
Your Intention
What type of working
Ground and Center
Day of the week
Time of day
Moon phase
Spirits/Deities etc.
What is your intention? What do you want to achieve/manifest?
What kind of technique do you want to use?
Types of spells:
Group Ritual
Solitary Ritual
Sweetening Jar
Candle spell
Honey jar
Sugar spell
Mojo Bag
Jar Spell
Doll baby
Head working
Different methods have different time scales, and they have different desired outcomes.
Example spells
Spell Jar:
You want a small jar, with a cork lid or a screw top, doesn't matter. You're going to seal it with wax later. You can easily get one at your local dollar store. Then you're going to want to pick your incense for cleansing your items. Set your intention, ground and center. Then you're going to want to add your salt, one that corresponds with what you're trying to achieve, along with herbs, and crystals, powders, flower petals, and maybe add a petition if you choose. Then end with a sigil of your intention on the top. Light your candle with the color that corresponds to your intention and let it run down sealing your jar.
Sweetening jar:
Same as the Jar spell. You want to write a petition, so you need to know what kind of paper you're going to use or what type of ink you're going to write with. Then what kind of sweetening agent? Sugar? Syrup? Honey?
Head working spell:
In this case you want to do the same thing as a Jar spell, except you want to use a skull candle, again color is based on your intention. Place it on a fire proof surface. Then add a petition and taglocks, along with your herbs and oils or powders (make sure they're safe as the skull candle burns down).
Time of spell:
Now when do you want to do your spell? Is there a specific time you want to do the working? Morning, afternoon, night? A specific moon phase? A New moon, a full moon, the waxing, the waning or the dark moon? Maybe a particular day? What time best corresponds with your spell? You want whatever help you can get for your spell to work.
Deities or Spirits: (optional)
What about Deities, spirits, ancestors, beings or the fae? If you want to work with the fae, you would want to give regular offerings for a few months before you can do that working. If you'd rather work with your ancestors, then you'd want to create an ancestor altar, leaving out offerings for them and changing their water every Sunday. If you want to work with a spirit or deity, you must first form a connection with them and have things prepared to leave an offering. It's very important to have a suitable connection as well as leaving suitable offerings in order for your working to be accepted and manifest.
Do you want to write something on a petition? Do you want to say a chant, something that is repeated over and over as a way to raise energy? Do you want to write a petition to a particular Deity, or spirit? Overall your intention and energy is the most important thing, and that is enough for the spirits and ancestors to hear you.