Kitchen Witch/Nature Witch
77 posts
Sspoonie - ShawnieSpoonie - Tumblr Blog
its ostara/equinox tomorrow!!!
here is a list of ideas to do, if ur looking for some inspiration :)
Go for a walk in nature
Do some self-care (fancy bath, skincare...)
Spring Tarot spread
Light candles (for the dead, and a white for the day and a black for the night)
Eat berries (maybe with chocolate)
Drink tea, preferably lemon or lavendel tea
Wear green, blue, pink or yellow colors
Eat eggs
Pick flowers
Clean, cleanse and set up new wards
Make bread
Watch the sunrise and sunset
Listen to music
Read a book
I'm too excited for this lol
Happy Ostara witches✨
May all your plans and wishes bloom into success

Witch Exercises
1) Concentration
Get a candle, any candle, doesn't matter what colour it is. Hell it can be a tealight, even a scented candle (but make sure that the candle isn't too strongly scented). Now, set a timer for two minutes, and put it aside. Light the candle and stare at the flame for two minutes. Yes, direct your entire focus and mind on that little flame. If thoughts come into your head, redirect your focus to the candle. If you wanna look somewhere else, redirect your focus to the candle (within reason of course, if you have something urgent like a parent calling you or something then answer and do this exercise later). What this does is two things - one, the flame and staring into it is believed to have properties to empower psychic abilities. 2) By doing this consistently, you have begun to learn how to push out everything else and direct your concentration into one thing (so now you can concentrate on your intent better instead of just suddenly thinking of what you need to do for dinner). RInse and repeat. No candle, then get a picture or something else suitable to you. I do this when praying, whenever I pray the Our Father on the Rosary, I focus on a picture of God as the Trinity. The Hail Marys, I focus on a picture of Mary who strikes down the dragon or Mary, Mother of Graces.
2) VIsualizatio.
Get something. It can be a vase or an apple, or even some money. Look at it for a couple of minutes, toss it around in your hands. If you have aphantasia then instead of visualizing, you would essentially just know (like instead of trying to visualize and feel energy in your body, you just know there's energy in your body. I don't believe, I know is one of the most powerful thing's I've seen.) When its done; put it down and close your eyes and form it in your mind, every detail. Know what it looks like, know its colour, know its smell, know what it feels like, know the emotions it brings, what sound would it make if it fell down, what does it taste like? Then hold that knowing or image in your head for as long as possible (again, you can set a timer for two minutes) - what this does is 1) concentrates your mind on something and accurately replicates it 2) gives you the ability that after this in spells you'll be able to better visualize because you were able to pick up how to ues the five senses in it and so on.
3) Breathing
Go to Wim Hof's youtube channel, I don't trust anyone else except him.
4) Meditation - you know that candle thing up there - yeah it was meditation. Walking around can be meditation, drawing and journalling can be meditation. When we pray the rosary; we're asked to meditate on the mysteries but I've interpreted simply as contemplating. Mindfulness is contemplating the experience of the now. Meditation is not about no focus, its about directing your focus to something (like walking, breathing, the candle flame) and letting your mind relax, clear itself out and be more receptive to trances, magick, psychic abiliies etc. prayer in itself is meditation.
Herb and Flora Properties

Acacia: Exorcism, banishing, money, love, to be burned for alter offering, aiding in psychic powers, meditation, protection
Acorn: Strength, money and wealth, protection
Adam and Eve Roots: (TOXIC) Attract love, happiness
Adders Tongue: Healing, divination
African Violet: Protection, promote spirituality
Agaric: (TOXIC) Encourage fertility
Agrimony: Protection, banish negative energy-entities, reverse spells, break hexes, promotes sleep, psychic protection, returns spells to their senders
Ague Root: Protection, break hexes
Alder: Whistles entice the Elemental earth, water magic, strength
Alfalfa: Abundance, prosperity, money, anti-hunger, frugality, providence, place in the kitchen
Alkanet: Repel negativity, attract prosperity, purification All Heal- Mental powers
Allspice: Money, luck, healing, prosperity when burned, courage, magickal power, love, lust
Almond: Prosperity, success in business ventures, money, wisdom, love, anger management
Aloe: Protection, luck, money, repel evil, healing, beauty, success, peace
Aloes, Wood: Love, spirituality, money, protection Althea - protection, psychic power, attract good spirits
Alyssum: Protection, calm anger
Amaranth: Healing, protection, healing heartbreak, invisibility Amber: Healing
Ambergris: Lust, sex Anemone - health, protection, healing
Angelica: Protection, exorcism, remove curses and hexes, healing, visions, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house, increases life energy bringing warmth of Fire element, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house
Anise: Divination, psychic awareness, joy, dreams, luck, love, enthusiasm, Winter Solstice, entices the spirits to aid in spells
Apple: Love, healing, garden blessing, buried in the garden on Samhain as food for the departing spirits, to be shared with one you love, immortality, happiness, luck, broken heart, spirit food, the goddess
Apricot: Love
Arabic Gum: Purification, spirituality, protection
Arbutus: Exorcism, protection
Arrowroot: Protection
Asafetida: Purification, protection, exorcism
Ash: Prosperity, protection, healing, love, wands, leaves for prophetic dreams, sea rituals, longevity, peace, luck, purification, study, enhances magic, besom
Aspen: Protection, eloquence, anti-theft
Aster: Love
Astragalus: Fortification, Strength
Avens: Exorcism, love, purification, Exorcism, purification, love
Avocado: Beauty, love, lust
Bachelors Buttons: Love
Balm of Gilead: (TOXIC) Love, manifestations, ease a broken heart, protection, healing, love
Bamboo: Protection, luck, break hexes, wishes
Banana: Prosperity, fertility, potency
Banyan: Luck, happiness
Barley: Healing, protection, love
Basil: Exorcism, love, protection, prosperity, wealth, repels negative energy, sympathy, wealth, flying, courage, business, fertility, healing relationships, ensure faithfulness on masses
Bay: Psychic powers, protection, healing, purification, strength, wish magick, wisdom, good luck, fertility, banish negativity, energy, insight, divination, victory, prosperity, employment, mental power, burn for psychic powers
Bayberry: Employment
Bean: Love, protection, exorcism, wart charming, reconciliation, potency
Beech: Creativity, wishes, fertility, balance mental health
Beet: Love
Belladonna: (TOXIC) Visions, astral protection, divination
Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, astral projection, confidence, protection
Bergamot: Success, money, confidence, protection, prosperity, employment, unwanted advances
Be-Still: (TOXIC) Luck
Betony: Love, healing, burn at Litha for purification, protection; place under pillow to be rid of nightmares; sprinkle around doors to ward off despair, psychic awareness
Birch: Purification, protection, exorcism, cleansing, beauty, catalyst, blessing, health, besom, beginnings
Bistort: Fertility, psychic powers
Bittersweet: (TOXIC) Protection, healing, broken heart
Black Cohosh: Courage, love, protection, potency
Black Hellebore: (TOXIC) Invisibility, exorcism, astral projection
Black pepper: Courage, protection
Black Snakeroot - Love, lust, money
Blackberry: Healing, protection, prosperity, money, pies for Lughnassadh
Blackthorn: Returns evil to it's sender
Bladderwrack: Psychic powers, protection, money, water or sea spells, wind spells, travel, psychic Clarity
Bleeding Heart: Love
Blessed Thistle: Protection, animal healing, abundance
Bloodroot: (TOXIC) Love, purification, protection
Bluebell: Luck, truth
Blueberry: Protection
Blue Cohosh Root: Courage, balance, protection
Blue Flag: (TOXIC) Money, wealth, success in business
Bodhi: Wisdom, fertility, protection, meditation
Boneset: Protection, exorcism
Borage: Courage, psychic powers, carry leaves for protection
Bracken: Protection, healing, fertility, prophetic dreams, rune magick
Brazil Nut: Love
Briar: Add to tea for clairvoyant dreams, protection
Briony: (TOXIC) Mage magick, protection, money
Bromeliad: Protection, money
Broom: (TOXIC) Divination, wind spells, purification of the circle, hung indoors for protection
Bryony: (TOXIC) Pleasure, reveal secrets
Buchu: Prophetic dreams, psychic powers
Buckeye: Luck, divination, money, wealth, prosperity, gambling
Buckthorn: Protection, exorcism, wishes, legal matters
Buckwheat: Protection, money
Burdock: Protection, healing, wards off negativity, purifies, protects (washing floors or dried root on red string around the neck), happy home, clears space & holds the space safe, spirit of north
Cabbage: Luck
Cactus: Protection, chastity
Calamus: (TOXIC) Luck, protection, healing, money, purification
Calendula: Stress management , opening to the 3rd Chakra, helps energy move outward from center of body extending in all directions
Camellia: Prosperity, wealth, luxury
Camphor: (TOXIC) Healing, divination, chastity, past lives, prophetic dreams, purification, psychic awareness, unwanted advances
Caper: Lust, love, potency
Caraway: Protection, lust, healing, mental powers, repel negativity, psychic healing, vitality, energy, magickal power, anti-theft
Cardamon: Lust, love, burned in love spells and in love sachets
Carnation: Protection, strength, healing, altar offering to the goddess, strength
Carob: Protection, health
Carrot: Fertility, lust, vision, the God aspect
Cascara Sagrada: Protection, money, legal matters
Cashew: Prosperity, money, communication
Cassia: Psychic awareness, spirituality
Castor: (TOXIC) Protection, repel negativity
Catnip: Love, beauty, happiness, power, courage, positive cat magik, friendship, joy, anger management, depression management, familiars
Cat Tail: Lust
Cayenne: Exorcism, healing
Cedar: Healing, purification, money, protection, cleansing, courage, stopping sexual harassment, prosperity, aura field and space
Celandine: Joy, protection, happiness, escape, legal matters, depression management
Celery: Lust, psychic powers, mental clarity, concentration, peace
Centaury: Snake removing
Chamomile: Purification, tranquility, money, sleep-rest (tea), love, luck, meditation, prosperity, incense for the God, gambling, hex breaking, legal matters, peace, dreams, dexterity, protection
Chapparal: Fire element rituals, Protection, Spirit of South
Cherry: Love, divination, burn chips at sabbats, creativity , victory
Chestnut: Love
Chickweed: Love, fidelity
Chicory: Favors, frugality, remove obstacles, invisibility, frigidity, liberation
Chili Pepper: Fidelity, love, break hexes
China Berry: (TOXIC) Luck, change
Chrysanthemum: (TOXIC) Protection
Cilantro: Health
Cinchona: Protection, luck
Cinnamon: Prosperity, success, spirituality, healing, lust, protection, love, psychic powers, passion, power, dreams, strength, astral projection, courage, money, purification, personal empowerment
Cinquefoil: Money, protection, sleep, prophetic dreams, purification, lust, prosperity, divination dreams
Citron: Healing, eaten to increase psychic powers
Civet: Love, lust, sex
Cloth-of-Gold: Animal communication
Clove: Protection, exorcism, purification, love, money, mental clarity, burn for wealth, wards off negativity, counter spells, cleansing, divination, luck, depression management, psychic awareness, prophetic dreams, happiness, gossip
Clover: Success, protection, money, exorcism, love, fidelity, consecration, beauty, luck, youth, healing, faeries, prosperity
Club Moss: Protection, power
Coconut: Purification, protection, chastity, Water
Cohosh, Black: Courage, protection, potency, menopause
Coltsfoot: Love, psychic visions, healing, wealth, prosperity
Columbine: Courage, love
Comfrey: (TOXIC) Money, root or leaves for healing, carry for safe travel, protection, stress management, safe Journeys (Worldly or through Meditation) , Winter Solstice
Copal: Love, purification, exorcism, protection, spirituality, earth element, sets sacred space, allows guides and guidance to come
Coriander: Love, health, healing, protection, longevity
Corn: Divination, protection, luck, money
Cornflower: Psychism
Cornsilk: Water element, stimulates flow
Cotton: Luck, healing, protection
Cowslip: Youth, healing, treasure finding, luck, love, psychic dreams
Crocus: Love, visions, wisdom
Cubeb: Love
Cuckoo-Flower: Love, fertility
Cucumber: Healing, fertility, chastity
Cumin: Exorcism, protection, prevents theft, fidelity, love
Curry: Protection, exorcism
Cyclamen: Fertility, protection, happiness, lust, broken heart
Cypress: Healing, protection, comfort, longevity, peace, sleep, liberation
Daffodil: Love, luck, fertility
Daisy: Love, lust, Luck, depression management, faeries and elves, happiness
Damiana: Divination, love, lust, sex magick, dreams, visions, psychic powers, opens door between worlds
Dandelion Leaf and Root: Purification, divination, wishes, calling spirits
Date Palm: Potency, fertility
Datura: (TOXIC) Protection, sleep, break hexes
Deerstongue: (TOXIC) Lust, psychic powers, gossip management
Devil's Bit: Love, protection, luck, exorcism
Devil's Shoestring: Protection, luck, gambling, power, employment
Dill: Love, lust, seeds draw money, leaves for protection, flowers for love
Dittany of Crete: Manifestations, astral projection
Dock: Money, healing, fertility
Dodder: Love divination, knot magic
Dogbane: Love
Dogwood: Protection, wishes
Dong Quai, Slices: Health, vitality, fire element rituals
Dragons Blood: Power, protection, exorcism, potency, love, courage, fortune, catalyst, magick power, strength, purification, stimulates action of other herbs in incense blend, stimulates movement of energy
Dulse: Harmony, lust
Dutchman's Breeches: Love
Ebony: Protection, power
Echinacea: Strengthening spells, health, strength, wards off negativity or undesirable energies
Edelweiss: Invisibility, bullet-proofing
Elder: (CAUTION: SEEDS ARE POISONOUS, TOXIC) Money, wishes, theft protection, exorcism, healing, prosperity, sleep, wards negative thoughts when used as wind chimes, blessings, do not burn the wood of elder for it is sacred to Hecate, see fairies in the trees at Litha, flowers used as an alter offering, berries for esbat wine, flowers added to candle spells directed at hecate during the new moon, cleansing, offering
Elderberries: Prosperity, protection, sleep, joy, visions, banishing, energy, ancient wisdom, contactwith elementals, invoke magic
Elderflower: Purifying, healing
Elecampane: Love, protection, psychic powers, anger management
Elm: Protection, love, attracts elves
Endive: Love, lust
Eryngo: Peace, love, lust, traveler's luck
Eucalyptus: (TOXIC) Healing, protection, joy, purification, air element rituals
Euphorbia: (TOXIC) Protection, purification
Eyebright: Joy, psychic powers, mental clarity, mental ability and clarity, visions
False Unicorn Root: Connection to magical realm, contains energy and intention
Fennel: Protection, exorcism, healing, purification, virility, sacred to the God, hung over doors at Litha, strength, courage, money
Fennel Seed: Stimulates movement
Fenugreek: Prosperity, wealth, money, mental powers, clearing
Fern: (TOXIC) Money, wealth, eternal youth, protection, outside for rain, luck, riches, health, exorcism
Feverfew: Protection, wards sickness, wards accidents in traffic
Fig: Divination, fertility, love
Figwort: Protection, health
Fir: Health, prosperity, birth and rebirth
Flax: Luck, money, protection, purification, beauty, psychic powers, healing, health, initiates flow
Fleabane: Exorcism, protection, chastity
Forget-Me-Not: Mental powers
Foxglove: (CAUTION: POISONOUS, TOXIC) Faeries and elves, lust, grow in garden for protection of the house and yard
Fragrant Bedstraw: Love
Frankincense: Exorcism, purification, protection, spirituality, power, meditation, blessing, concentration, banishing, courage, divination, healing, love, purification, consecration, sets sacred space, sets safe space for guides to come in, spirit of east or north
Fumitory: Money, exorcism
Furz/egorse: Burn at Ostara for protection and as a preparation for any conflict
Fuzzy Weed: Love, hunting
Galangal: Protection, legal matters, lust, health, money, psychic powers, break hexes, energy, strength, courage
Gardenia: Love, peace, healing, spirituality, psychic awareness
Garlic: Protection, healing, health, exorcism, lust sacred to Hecate, flowers for altar offerings, cloves for protection, anti-theft, wishes, relief from nightmares
Gentian: Power, love, break hexes, wishes, theft
Geranium: (TOXIC) Courage, abundance, health, love, protection, fertility
Giant Vetch: Fidelity
Ginger: Love, money, success, power, aphrodisiac, psychic ability, apathy, lust, good health, magickal power, fire element rituals, brings into existence, bringer of the manifestation, 3rd chakra vitality, inner strength, stimulates flow of energy, spirit of south
Ginseng: Longevity, sexual potency, protection, healing, love, lust, wishes, beauty, vitality, fertility, desire, encourages a long lasting affect, strength
Goat's Rue: Healing, health
Goldenrod: Prosperity, money, divination, luck
Goldenseal: Money, healing
Gorse: Protection, money
Gotu Kola: Meditation
Gourd: Protection
Grain: Protection
Grains of Paradise: Love, lust, luck, money, wishes
Grape: Mental clarity, money, fertility, garden magick, happiness
Grass: Psychic powers, protection
Ground Ivy: Divination
Groundsel: Health, healing
Gum Mastic: Magickal power
Hawthorn: Happiness, fertility, powerful wands, protection, chastity, fishing magick, faeries and elves, purification, business, depression management, purity, cleansing
Hawthorne Berries: 4th chakra strength and vitality, love, contentment
Hazel: Luck, fertility, protection, wishes, nuts strung on cord in house or ritual room to invite the help of plant fairies, used for wands, healing, anti-lightning, love, aphrodisiac, wisdom, divination, mental powers, intelligence, inspiration
Heather: Luck, protection, red to start or end an affair, white for protection, purple for spiritual development, use at samhain to invite spirits to visit, rain making, spirituality
'Heliotrope: (TOXIC) Exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth, invisibility, money, spirituality, prosperity, psychic awareness
Hellebore, Black: (TOXIC) Protection
Hemlock: (TOXIC) Astral projection, diminish libido, power, purification, charging, alignment
Hemp: Healing, love, visions, meditation
Henbane: (TOXIC) Love, luck, divination, invisibility
Henna: Healing, health, love, change, dying material
Hibiscus: Love, lust, divination, 5th Chakra
Hickory: Legal matters
High John the Conqueror: (TOXIC) Strength, confidence, health, love, money, success, happiness, break hexes, increase strength, legal matters, anointing, victory
Holly Thistle: Purification, break hexes
Holly: Protection, luck, dream magic, anti-lightning, balance, dreams, enhances magic, holiness, consecration, beauty
Honesty: Money, protection
Honeysuckle: Protection, money, psychic powers, confidence, broken heart, luck, happiness, healing, depression management
Hops: Healing, sleep, stress management, opens the channel in and out of the body in relationship with the universe
Horehound: Exorcism, healing, purification, protection, mental clarity, balance, banishing, opens air element within body & in the world, opens channel for clear communication
Horse Chestnut: (TOXIC) Healing, money
Horseradish: Exorcism, purification
Horsetail: Fertility
Houseleek: Love, luck, protection
Huckleberry: Protection, luck, dream magic, break hexes
Hyacinth: (TOXIC) Business, court cases, sleep, depression management, love, protection, happiness
Hydrangea: Break hexes
Hyssop: Healing, protection, purification, wards negativity, prosperity, money, banishing, dragon energy
Indian Paint Brush: Love
Iris: Purification, wisdom, courage, reincarnation, spirituality, happiness
Irish Moss: Luck, money, protection, opens throat, opens channel for clear communication
Ivy: (TOXIC) Divination, protection, healing, fertility, love, fidelity
Jasmine: Divination, love, money, prophetic dreams, sleep, prosperity, spirituality, visions, confidence, broken heart, astral projection, business, court cases
Jimson Weed: Protect against evil spirits
Job's Tears: Luck, wishes, healing
Joe-Pye Weed: Love, respect
Juniper: Protection, love, exorcism, health, anti-theft, banishing, peace, wishes, aphrodisiacs, sets sacred space, spirit of north
Kava Kava: Lust, protection while traveling, astral projection, visions, luck, visions, protection, love, opens one to receiving guidance and guides
Kelp: Wind spells, psychic powers, protection, connection to divine source through the physical and spiritual, unity, life-force strengthening, spirit of center
Knotweed: Health, binding spells, protection
Lady's Mantle: Love, self control
Lady's Slipper: Protection
Larch: Protection, anti-theft
Larkspur: Protection, health
Lavender: Protection, call in good spirits, love, sleep, longevity, happiness, peace, healing, burn for purification, peace, use in bath for purification, burn at Litha as an offering, psychic awareness, chastity, liberation, menopause, childbirth, grief or loss, youthful vigor, stress management, travel, anger management, attracts elves
Leek: Exorcism, love, protection
Lemon: Purification, love, friendship, longevity, cleansing, healing, peace, success, broken heart, anger management, devotion
Lemon Balm: Love, success, healing, depression management, aphrodisiac, soothe emotional pain after relationship ends
Lemon Verbena: Protection, purification, love, power, beauty, youth, happiness, peace, mental and emotional balance, summer solstice
Lemongrass: Psychic powers, mental clarity, lust, repel snakes
Lettuce: Love divination, sleep, protection, chastity, luck
Licorice: Love, lust, fidelity, aphrodisiac, meditation, harmony
Life-Everlasting: Health, healing, longevity
Lilac: Eorcism, protection, purification, beauty, love, peace, psychic awareness
Lily: Protection, exorcism, repel negativity, truth, break love spells, strength, purification, breaking hexes
Lily of the Valley: (TOXIC) Mental clarity, happiness, insight, depression management, peace
Lime: Healing, love, protection, cleansing, happiness, purification
Linden: Healing, protection, luck, love, sleep, bark for protection, leaves and flowers for immortality, good fortune, youth, attraction, longevity
Liquid Amber: Protection
Liverwort: Love, protection
Lobelia - (TOXIC) healing, love
Loosestrife: Peace, protection, harmony, purple restores harmony and brings peace
Lotus: Protection, spirituality, love, lock opening, liberation, mental powers
Lovage: Love, attraction, cleansing, purification
Love Seed: Love, friendship
Lucky Hand: Protection, luck, money, travel, employment
Mace: Psychic powers, mental clarity, divination'
Maguey: Lust
Magnolia: Fidelity, past lives, peace, sex, broken heart, beauty, wisdom
Mahogany, Mountain: Anti-lightning
Maidenhair: Beauty, love
Male Fern: Luck, love
Mallow: Love, protection, exorcism
Mandrake: (TOXIC) potency, exorcism, protection, fertility, money, love, health, protection, catalyst, prosperity, divination, increase psychic powers, aphrodisiacs, cursing enemies, building, banishing, protection in the subconscious, unconscious and underworld,
Maple: Money, longevity, love
Marigold: Prophetic dreams, protection, legal matters, marriage spells, enhanced psychic powers, pick in full sun, business and legal matters, clairvoyant dreams, mixed with water and rubbed on the eyelids to see fairies
Marjoram: Protection, love, happiness, health, money, depression management, prosperity
Marshmallow: Healing, friendship, boundaries, love, protection, strength, emotional balance'
Masterwort: Protection, strength, courage
Mastic: Psychic powers, lust, manifestations, love, magick power
May Apple: (TOXIC) Money, prosperity
Meadow Rue: Love, divination
Meadowsweet: Love, divination, peace, happiness, harmony, 3rd chakra
Mesquite: Healing
Milk Thistle: Creativity, protection, dispel, transformation
Mimosa: Love, protection, prophetic dreams, purification, past lives, visions
Mint: Exorcism, protection, money, lust, healing, travel, alter offering for helpful spirits , love, luck, anger management, dreams, abundance, prosperity, rejuvenation
Mistletoe: (TOXIC) Healing, protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism, hunting, success, catalyst, lust, liberation, sexual potency
Molukka: Protection
Moonflower: Liberation
Moonwort: Love, money, divination
Morning Glory: (TOXIC) Peace, happiness, depression management
Moss: Luck, money
Motherwort: Balances within, self empowerment, 2nd chakra
Mugwort: Astral projection, strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, divination, rub fresh herb on crystal balls and magick mirrors to increase their strength, pick on full moon night, clairvoyance, purification, sex, renewal, fertility, clearing, sleep, visions, opens one to the teachings of the subconscious and unconscious self, 6th and 7th chakras
Mulberry: Protection, strength
Mullein: Exorcism, health, protection, courage, love divination, calling spirits, dreams, opens life energy flow through the body
Musk: Purification, sex
Mustard: Fertility, protection, mental clarity, health, money
Myrrh: Spirituality, purification, protection, healing, exorcism, wards negativity, burn for purification and consecrations, banishing, sets sacred space, ancient wisdom
Myrtle: Peace, money, love, youth, fertility, sleep, healing, prosperity
Narcissus: Peace
Nasturtium: Healing
Neroli: Love
Nettle: Exorcism, protection, healing, lust, abundance, 3rd and 6th chakra, banishing, stress management, gossip management
Niaouli: Protection
Norfolk Island Pine: Protection, anti-hunger
Nutmeg: Protection, money, health, luck, fidelity, break hexes, burn for prosperity, love, psychic awareness, relief from nightmares
Nuts: Fertility, prosperity, love, luck, use for tips on wands, gifts, communication
Oak: Protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck, the God, wands, burn leaves to purify the atmosphere, acorns draw money, burn wood for good health, acorns draw money, power, balance, prosperity
Oak Moss: Court cases, money, protection
Oats: Money, offering to the god, stress management
Oleander: (TOXIC) Love
Olive: Healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust, victory, spirituality
Onion: Exorcism, healing, protection, purification, money, prophetic dreams, lust
Orange: Love, divination, luck, money
Orange Bergamot: Prosperity, success, energy, joy, friendship, success, prosperity, psychic awareness, peels for love, incense for good fortune
Orchid: Love, psychic powers
Oregon Grape: Money, prosperity
Orris: Divination, protection, love, prosperity, money, clairvoyance, sex, psychic awareness
Palmarosa: Hhealing, love
Palm Date: Fertility, potency
Pansy: Love, divination, rain magick, mental powers, strength
Papay: Protection, love, wishes
Papyrus: Protection, wisdom, self-insight
Parosela: Hunting
Parsley: Purification, protection, lust, love, fertility, prosperity
Passion Flower: Peace, sleep, friendships prosperity, increase libido, popularity, anger management, stress management
Patchouli: Money, fertility, lust, break hexes, incense for drawing money, earth, underworld, business, confidence, court cases, love, desire, prosperity, protection, success, sex, enemies
PAU D'ARCO: Fertility, wards off negativity, clears
Pea: Money, love
Peach: Exorcism, love, fertility, wishes, longevity, broken heart, youth
Pear: Love, lust
Pecan: Money, employment, prosperity, dreams, discipline
Pennyroyal: Exorcism, consecration, strength, protection, peace, healing
Peony: Exorcism, protection, purification
Pepper: Exorcism, protection, use in amulets or grow for protection, wards negativity
Peppermint: Purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers, divination, money, apathy, exorcism, insight, lust, menopause, clears energy and space
Pepper Tree: Protection, purification, healing
Periwinkle: (TOXIC) Protection, money, love, lust, mental clarity
Persimmon: Healing, luck, changing sex, insight into others
Petitgrain: Protection
Pilot Weed: Protection
Pimento: Love
Pimpernel: Protection, health
Pine: (TOXIC) Protection, exorcism, money, healing, fertility, brush outdoor ritual area with a branch to purify and sanctify, burn for cleansing, needles in money spells, spirituality, gambling, dreams, cleansing, banishing, purification, prosperity, employment, birth, rebirth, strength, life and immortality
Pineapple: Luck, money, chastity, hospitality, protection
Pipsissewa: Money, calling in good spirits
Pistachio: Breaking love spells
Plantain: Protection, healing, strength, snake repelling
Plum: Protection, love, healing, self-confidence
Plumeria: (TOXIC) Love
Poke: (TOXIC) Courage, break hexes
Pomegranate: Divination, luck, wealth, wishes, fertility
Poplar: Money, astral projection, success
Poppy: Fertility, love, sleep, money, luck, healing, invisibility
Potato: Healing, image magick, astral projection, separation, foundations, earth energy
Prickly Ash: Love
Primrose: Protection, love
Purslane: Protection, love, happiness, luck, sleep
Quassia: Love
Queen of the Meadow: Power, protection
Quince: Protection, love, happiness
Radish: Protection, lust
Ragweed: Courage, faeries and elves
Ragwort: Protection
Raspberry: Healing, visions, protection, love, alleviates labor pains, spirit of center, spring equinox
Rattlesnake Root: Protection, money
Red Clover Blossoms: Abundance, love, money, protection, success, summer solstice
Red Root: Clears energy, dispels
Rhubarb: Health, protection, fidelity
Rice: Protection, money, fertility, rain, blessings, weather magick
Roots: Protection, divination, power
Rose: Beauty, protection, purification, love, psychic powers, healing, divination, peace, luck, courage, catalyst, sex, sleep, prophetic dreams, anger management, love divination, abundance, attraction, prosperity
Rose Geranium: Protection
Rose Hips: Healing, luck, call in good spirits, abundance, strength, fall equinox ceremony
Rosemary: Exorcism, protection, healing, love, lust, mental clarity, sleep, youth, burn for purification, wards negativity, love, blessing, consecration, cleansing, strength, wishes, dreams, beauty, theft, healing, psychic ability, spirit of south, grow to attract elves, blessing
Rowan: Protection, success, psychic powers, healing, power, wands and amulets for knowledge, incense of leaves and berries for divination, fires to call upon spirits for help, grow for protection of the home, inspiration, wisdom, enhances magic, attracts faeries
Rue: Exorcism, protection, purification, break hexes, health, mental clarity, healing, blessing, consecration, use in altar oil, love, money and wealth, gossip management
Rye: Love, fidelity
Saffron: Love, lust, healing, strength, happiness, psychic powers, wind raising, depression management
Sage: Purification, protection, wisdom, longevity, wishes, health, immortality, intuition, divination, luck, prosperity, money, spirituality, menopause, psychic ability, clears, inner guide, longevity, vision
Sagebrush: Exorcism, protection, purification, joy, peace
St. John's Wort: (TOXIC) Exorcism, protection, courage, strength, happiness, health, love divination, burn at Litha to send away negativity, wear for invincibility, willpower, gathered at Litha, power, stress management
Saltpeter: Unwanted advances
Sandalwood: Protection, exorcism, purification, wishes, healing, spirituality, full moon esbats, wards negativity, spirit offering, luck, sex, banishing, astral projection, business, success, mental powers
Sarsaparilla: Love, money, inner strength, grounding, purification
Sassafras: Money, health, healing
Senna: Love
Serpentaria Root: Love, aphrodisiacs
Sesame: Money, success in business, lust, happiness, gambling
Shallot: Purification
Shamrocks: Faeries and elves
Shepherds Purse: Sleep, depression management, healing
Skullcap: Peace, love, fidelity, stress management, anxiety management
Skunk Cabbage: Good fortune, legal matters, legal matters
Slippery Elm: Halts gossip, aids verbal communication and development, enemies, friendship, ends disputes
Sloe: Exorcism, protection, banish negative energy/entities
Snakeroot: Money, luck, break hexes, love, lust
Snapdragon: Protection, break hexes, exorcism, prophetic dreams, prosperity, gossip management, money and wealth
Solomon's Seal: Love, exorcism, protection, an offering to the elementals for their aid
Sorrel, Wood: Healing, health
Southernwood: Love, lust, protection, faeries and elves
Spanish Moss: Protection
Spearmint: Healing, love, mental clarity
Spiderwort: Love
Spikenard: Health, fidelity, love, luck, strength, wisdom, mental powers
Squill: Protection, money, break hexes, business
Star Anise: Psychic powers, luck, good fortune, spiritual powers
Stephanotis: Lust
Stillengia: Psychic powers
Straw: Luck, attracts fairies, do not burn magik infused straw, it will bring ill-fortune, used as an image to protect an area, image magick, fertility
Strawberry: Love, luck, joy, broken heart
Sugar Cane: Love, lust, prosperity, sympathy
Sumbul: Psychic powers, love, luck, health
Summer Savory: Mental clarity and strength, mental powers
Sunflower: Wisdom, health, wishes, fertility, happiness, friendship, prosperity
Sweetgrass: Calling in good spirits, bringer of positive energy, clears, seals In, burned after white sage which clears, spirit of east
Sweetpea: Strength, courage, friendship, chastity, truth, love
Tamarind: Love
Tamarisk: Exorcism, protection
Tangerine: Magickal power
Tansy: Healing, health, longevity
Tea: Strength, courage, prosperity, riches, health
Thistle, Holly: Purification, hex breaking
Thistle, Milk: Exorcism, protection, healing, strength, break hexes, snake enraging
Thyme: Purification, courage, psychic powers, sleep, wards negativity, burn for purification, and healing spells, love, renewal, youth, divination, prophetic dreams, faery folk, romance
Ti: Protection, healing
Toadflax: Protection, break hexes
Toadstool: (TOXIC) Rain making
Tobacco: (TOXIC) Healing, purification, offerings
Tomato: Protection, prosperity, love
Tonka: (TOXIC) Courage, love, money, wishes, luck, friendship, prosperity
Tormentil: Protection, love
Trefoil: Decorate alter, protection, luck, when taking one, leave a bit of ginger or milk poured into the ground as payment to the fairies
Trillium: Love, luck, money
Tuberose: Love, lust, peace, psychic awareness
Tulip: Protection, prosperity, love
Turmeric: Purification (used with sea salt), fortification, strength, clears aggression
Turnip: Protection, endings, banish negativity
Uva Ursa: (TOXIC) Psychic powers
Valerian: Protection, purification, love, sleep, prophetic dreams, peace, sex, friendship, anxiety management, self esteem
Vanilla: Love, lust, mental clarity, money, confidence, attracting people, magickal power, prosperity, success, wishes
Venus Flytrap: Protection, love
Vervain: Sleep, protection, purification, love, money, peace, healing, gather/burn at Litha, altar offering, brings riches, creativity, wards psychic attack, youth, chastity, astral projection, unwanted advances, anger management, prosperity
Vetch, Giant: Fidelity
Vetivert: Love, luck, money, break hexes, wards negativity, anti-theft, exorcism, wishes, peace, protection, prosperity, divination
Violet: Protection, healing, love, lust, luck, wishes, peace, sleep, insight, visions
Wahoo: (TOXIC) Courage, success, break hexes
Walnut: Health, mental clarity, wishes, infertility, spirituality, travel
Watercress: Healing
Wax Plant: Protection, power
Wheat: Money, fertility, prosperity
White Willow Bark: Healing, blessings, binding, sacred earth connection between human and earth and spirit, protection, spirit of east
Wild Lettuce: Love divination, protection, sleep, opens to the deeper consciousness, attunes to deeper meanings
Wild Plum: Healing
Wild Yam: Fortification, grounding, release, 1st chakra
Willow: Protection, healing, love, burn bark with sandalwood for divination, vitality, energy, ending pain, moon magic, wishing, spirits, death passage, besom, inspiration, pyschic energy
Wintergreen: Protection, healing, break hexes, strength, good fortune, opens channels
Winter's Bark: Success
Wisteria: Spirituality
Witch Grass: Exorcism, happiness, love, lust
Witch Hazel: Protection, chastity, healing, beauty, unwanted advances
Wolf's Bane: (TOXIC) Protection, invisibility
Wood Betony: Love, purification, protection
Wood Rose: Luck
Wood Sorrel: Healing, health
Woodruff: Protection, money, victory, add to Beltane wine to clear away barriers, success, changes, psychic awareness, prosperity
Wormwood: (CAUTION: POISONOUS, BURN IN WELL VENTILATED AREA, PREFERABLY OUTDOORS TOXIC) Exorcism, protection, love, psychic powers, calling spirits, protection while traveling, evocation, divination, scrying (stronger when combined with Mugwort) at Samhain, sacred to the moon, good luck, clairvoyance, divination, safety in cars
Yarrow: Hhealing, divination, exorcism, protection, courage, love, psychic powers, happy marriage (wedding bouquet), wards negativity, defense, protection, gather at Litha, happiness, fidelity, broken heart, prophetic dreams, spirit of south, clears, stimulates movement
Yellowdock Root: Clears stuck energy, fortification
Yellow Evening Primrose: Hunting
Yerba Mate: Love, lust, fidelity
Yerba Santa: Protection, healing, psychic powers, beauty, clears channel to divine life force
Yew: (CAUTION: POISONOUS, TOXIC) Yule symbol for death and rebirth, used for dagger handles, raising the dead, psychic awareness, spirits
Ylang Ylang: Insight, love, past lives, peace, sex, visions
Yohimbe: (TOXIC) Love, lust
Yucca: Protection, purification, transmutation

Happy Ostara!
Today we reap when we created during Imbolc.
Spend time with nature.
Bask in the sun.
Be present, be kind, be blessed.
Tarot Cards Meaning
Major Arcana





Fresh fruit for breakfast🦋❤

glass monstera leaf

the latin name of dill is anethum graveolens (and yes I did copy and paste that)
planet: mercury
element: fire
magical properties/powers: love, lust, protection and luck
dill stimulates lust if eaten or smelled, so consider giving your lover some dill pickles–I’m sure they’ll appreciate it (as long as they like pickles, of course :) dill, if placed in the cradle, will protect your kid + it is often used in love and protection charms, as it is good at keeping dark forces at bay
medicinal uses: dill seeds/fruits have been used to treat stomach ailments, hiccups, bad breath and flatulence
it's particularly useful for gas-relieving and similar stomach related issues!
How to write spells & rituals

Workings List:
Your Intention
What type of working
Ground and Center
Day of the week
Time of day
Moon phase
Spirits/Deities etc.
What is your intention? What do you want to achieve/manifest?
What kind of technique do you want to use?
Types of spells:
Group Ritual
Solitary Ritual
Sweetening Jar
Candle spell
Honey jar
Sugar spell
Mojo Bag
Jar Spell
Doll baby
Head working
Different methods have different time scales, and they have different desired outcomes.
Example spells
Spell Jar:
You want a small jar, with a cork lid or a screw top, doesn't matter. You're going to seal it with wax later. You can easily get one at your local dollar store. Then you're going to want to pick your incense for cleansing your items. Set your intention, ground and center. Then you're going to want to add your salt, one that corresponds with what you're trying to achieve, along with herbs, and crystals, powders, flower petals, and maybe add a petition if you choose. Then end with a sigil of your intention on the top. Light your candle with the color that corresponds to your intention and let it run down sealing your jar.
Sweetening jar:
Same as the Jar spell. You want to write a petition, so you need to know what kind of paper you're going to use or what type of ink you're going to write with. Then what kind of sweetening agent? Sugar? Syrup? Honey?
Head working spell:
In this case you want to do the same thing as a Jar spell, except you want to use a skull candle, again color is based on your intention. Place it on a fire proof surface. Then add a petition and taglocks, along with your herbs and oils or powders (make sure they're safe as the skull candle burns down).
Time of spell:
Now when do you want to do your spell? Is there a specific time you want to do the working? Morning, afternoon, night? A specific moon phase? A New moon, a full moon, the waxing, the waning or the dark moon? Maybe a particular day? What time best corresponds with your spell? You want whatever help you can get for your spell to work.
Deities or Spirits: (optional)
What about Deities, spirits, ancestors, beings or the fae? If you want to work with the fae, you would want to give regular offerings for a few months before you can do that working. If you'd rather work with your ancestors, then you'd want to create an ancestor altar, leaving out offerings for them and changing their water every Sunday. If you want to work with a spirit or deity, you must first form a connection with them and have things prepared to leave an offering. It's very important to have a suitable connection as well as leaving suitable offerings in order for your working to be accepted and manifest.
Do you want to write something on a petition? Do you want to say a chant, something that is repeated over and over as a way to raise energy? Do you want to write a petition to a particular Deity, or spirit? Overall your intention and energy is the most important thing, and that is enough for the spirits and ancestors to hear you.
Tip for a Green Witch
... Profile your herbs, fruits, plants, trees, vegetables etc.
But I just don't mean like profiling their magickal properties. I mean - their medicinal properties, how to propagate them, do they require pruning and pinching, full sun/half sun, what time to sow them (including what sign the moon should be in if you want to go down that deep), harvesting time and so on. Legitimately, if you're going to grow these herbs, know every damn thing about them. Better to know it and not need it than need it and not know it. Also it just helps with gardening purposes, like if you overwater a strawberry (that prefers drier soil) then its going to suffer and you're going to wonder why.
So here's a list
Folk Names
Magical Properties
Medicinal Properties
What Sun does it need
Best time to plant it : (season), (moon phase), (moon sign)
Harvest time
What type of soil does it like: Acidic/alkaline
Watering: a lot of water, not much water, water twice a week
Folk Lore and Superstitions:
Best time to harvest it:
Signs and symptoms : root rot, etc.
Pet friendly : do I need to put it on the top shelf to prevent Ravioli from eating it.
Tip I was taught
If you have a dream, and you wake up and remember a single part or image of that dream, even if you don't do any dream recall, it's a message. For example, if you have a full and complex dream but only remember something like seeing a particular flower, and you remember that through the day, even without dream recall, then its a message. If you forget about it then it was just a normal dream.
Edit - So I'm incredibly sorry about the fear this post may have caused so I would like to clear a few things here. Look at a dream dictionary for the knowledge of abstract symbols and meanings. We are often communicated to through symbols so a dream of xyz may not be a literal interpretation of xyz but an abstract meaning of xyz. Also, make sure to note that a dream that stimulates enough of an emotional response, like sex or a fear inducing situation, will often be remembered in the short term, and sometimes in the long term. I should have made the distinction that the dream will leave a sense of intuition guiding you to know there's something more to the dream than meets the eye.
Three Types of Charms
Sachet/Spell Jar: bag or bottle that's small enough to carry around. Contains ingredients associated with your intention.
Scroll: a visualization paper. Drawings, sigils, bullet list, color associations, anything that helps you focus your energy to manifest your wants and needs. When you've completed the ritual or ceremony, roll the paper into a palm sized paper egg roll, bind with tape and a ribbon.
Enchanted Object: I usually think of some kind of jewelery that you xan wear, but really it xan be anything you put the energy into imbue with a purpose.
Happy casting
Easy Witchy Morning Routine
✨ When you wake up, take a few deep breaths to ground yourself for the upcoming day.
✨ Choose a crystal to keep on your person to help cope with whatever you have going on that day.
✨ Ask your tarot deck what to focus on for the day and pull a single card. Pay attention to what your intuition tells you about your interpretation of the card in conjunction with your question.
✨ Stir intention into your morning cup of tea of coffee. Clockwise motions add an intention while counterclockwise removes something.
✨ Sit down with your journal and write out some goals and things for which you are grateful. Write out your goals as if their success is inevitable. “I will…” Write out your gratitude, allowing yourself to feel the positive emotions that come with being thankful.
✨ If you have the space or opportunity, go outside for even just a few minutes, put your feet into the grass, and take a few deep breaths. Just two minutes of grounding to start your day can severely adjust your entire attitude going forward.
From ‘Witchcraft Therapy’ by Mandi Em
2022 Witch's Calendar
For all my witches out there, here's a handy list of the 2022 dates for the major holidays, full and new moons, and special events. I've listed my sources at the bottom. Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed. Enjoy!
WOTY Holidays and Solstices
February 1-2 - Imbolc
March 20 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
May 1 - Beltane
June 21 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer
August 1 - Lughnasadh
September 22 - Autumn Equinox / Mabon
October 31 - Samhain
December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule
Full Moons
January 17 - Wolf Moon ♋️
February 16 - Snow Moon ♌️
March 18 - Worm Moon ♍️
April 16 - Pink Moon ♎️
May 16 - Flower Moon ♏️
June 14 - Strawberry Moon ♐️
July 13 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑️
August 11 - Sturgeon Moon ♒️
September 10 - Harvest Moon ♓️
October 9 - Hunter's Moon (aka Blood Moon) ♈️
November 8 - Frost Moon ♉️
December 7 - Cold Moon ♊️
Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. In 2022, that month will be September.
New Moons
January 2 ♑️
February 1 ♒️
March 2 ♓️
April 1 ♈️
April 30 ♉️
May 30 ♊️
June 29 ♋️
July 28 ♌️
August 27 ♍️
September 25 ♎️
October 25 ♏️
November 23 ♐️
December 23 ♑️
Special Events
April 30 - Black Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse (10:42pm EST)
May 16 - Total Lunar Eclipe (12:11am EST, coinciding with zenith)
June 14 - Supermoon
July 13 - Supermoon
October 25 - Partial Solar Eclipe (11:01am EST)
November 8 - Total Lunar Eclipse (5:59am EST, coinciding with zenith)
Inverse - Full Moon 2022 calendar: Dates, times, schedule, and names for the brightest nights all year
Astroseek - Full Moons 2022 & New Moons
The Pagan Grimoire - The Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar
Pro Tips to Clear Negative Energy from a Room (for broke people like me)
You don’t always need fancy magic materials to cleanse a gross-feeling room. These are my go-to, down-to-earth methods for making creepy, negative, tense, or otherwise iffy rooms comfy and grounded again.
- Turn on your favorite uplifting, feel-good music (something happy). Turn it up so that it fills the room!
- Occupy the room. It sounds simple, but rooms can sometimes feel iffy if they’ve been left alone for too long. So sit in there, preferably with friends, and lighten up the energy by watching funny videos/a comedy movie/etc, talking lightheartedly, playing a fun game, whatever it takes to fill the room with laughter and happy vibes
- Clean the room. Dust, sweep, vacuum, spray some good-smelling stuff or light a scented candle. Physically cleaning literally takes old stagnant energy and removes it, allowing new energy to come in.
- Open up all the doors/windows. Get a cross breeze going. If you have small wind chimes to spare, putting them in an open window to chime is traditionally a good way to “break up” the old energy.
- Rearrange the room. Sometimes if the room is crowded full of furniture or nick-nacks, it’ll trap old energy and feel meh. Just moving stuff around can change the energy
- Clap your hands/use a spoon and a pan to make a lot of loud noise in the corners and nooks and crannies of the room. This also “breaks up” the old energy
- Place a bowl of water and iodized salt someplace in the room where it won’t spill. This acts like a trash can for negative energy. Depending on the size of the room, you might need two or even three bowls.
- A vase of fresh flowers or a potted plant will bring some fresh new energy into the room
If you have crystals, incense, or smudge sticks, those will work wonderfully, but they aren’t necessary. My go-to room-cleansing crystal is selenite, but you can also use smoky quartz, black tourmaline, or citrine. Standard sage works well, but you can also burn rosemary or cedar. But as always, go with your gut and do whatever feels the best for you. Happy cleaning!
🌄Sunrise Witchcraft🌄

☀️sunrise is the best time for: healing, positivity, happiness, anti-anxiety/depression, spirituality, self care/love, air magic, cleansing, soft energy/ positive energy amplifier, truth spells, protection, and peace
☀️sunrise associations: citrine, lemon, peaches, ginger, orange, morning dew, orange calcite, coffee, bergamot, lime, earl grey, mint, sage, cinnamon, grapefruit, morning glory, marigold, saffron, calendula, daylily, daisy, black tea, and frankincense
☀️tips and things to try:
🌞yoga (especially sun salutations!)
🌻sunbathe in the sunrise to cleanse and charge with positive energy
🌞if you can’t wake up before/during sunrise, just leave your window blinds open to help you wake up naturally and/or to charge in the sunlight while you’re sleeping
🌻this is a great time for tea and coffee magic
🌞this is a great time to charge stones, especially sun-sensitive stones. (Here’s a post on solar stones)
🌻listen to and charge with soft or acoustic music
🌞 spend some time outside, take some deep breaths of fresh air, enjoy the birds chirping, flowers, dew, fog, and the beautiful colors in the sky that sunrise brings
🌻charge some lemon juice in the sunrise for extra boost of cleansing, positivity, and happiness properties (to make it stronger you can infuse it with mint or grapefruit, which both have similar properties and correspond with sunrise)
🌞if you’re comfortable with it, leave an offering out for sunrise deities and dawn sprites & other sun fae
🌻sunrise is a spiritual time, it’s the perfect time for meditation, exploring spirituality, astral travel, etc.
🌞here’s my post on how to connect to the elements in the morning/dawn
☀️My sunrise recipes:
🍋Sunrise tea: (has cleansing, happiness, positivity, energy boost, and protection properties)
1 part grapefruit (be careful if you’re on medication) optional
1 part sage or basil (whichever you prefer, both work)
1 part lemon
1 part orange
1 part mint
1 part hibiscus
🍊Sunrise oil/diffuser blend: (helps you connect to the sunrise, and it’s energy. It has positivity, happiness, anti-depression/anxiety, glamour, cleansing, and love properties)
🍑Dawn faeries/spirtes:
☀️What they’re like- human looking, lots of pinks (their skin as well as ‘clothes’), they love dancing during sunrise, waking up the animals and plants sweetly, happy attitude, gentle, they love dew, pink clouds, they have a soft yet sparkly pink glow (it feels warm but not hot), and can bring about peaceful and positive feelings
☀️Offerings- rose quartz!!!, grapefruit, pink chyroprase, pink roses, peaches, peach roses, peony, geranium, hibiscus, marigold
☀️Deities associated with sunrise- Eos, Aurora, Hemera, Alectrona, Neaera, Mitra, Saranyu
Witch Tip 72
Get. A. Planner. Or a bullet journal. Or a calender. Something you can write to do lists and other important things in.
My school kept pushing us to get planners. They gave us these ugly mandatory planners that was also your hall pass, so you couldn t throw it away. No one actually used them because no one cared enough to use them.
Now as an upcoming comic artist, blogger [on TWO sites including this one], student and a curator/mod on the amino app, that little fucker could have made me double the amount of content I put out.
If you want to remember the moon phases and remember to get rain water, put it in a note takint app or digital planner thing.
Personally mines a cute lil Gothitelle notebook from Lickitung Legends

When I first started reading tarot I had all these reservations and newbie mistakes that I sometimes made for YEARS. Don’t be like me, learn how to read tarot, be confident and understand that the good comes with the bad. And you’ll be an expert tarot reader in no time.
Tarot is a tool for YOUR intuition - I don’t know why, but this really didn’t resonate with me right away. I would second guess, re-read, and not use my intuition when interpreting the cards. In the end that cause some really inaccurate readings then if I would have just used tarot as a tool to grow my own intuition and spiritual feeling.
Don’t stress read - I know I know we all do it. Madly shuffle the cards then start pulling whenever things start to go array. Let me be the first to tell you that is not an accurate reading. That is just you stressing out pulling cards in a fury that will only lead to more stress.
Take time to meditate and clear your mind beforehand - Don’t come into a reading with a cloudy head. If you really want to get a good read, spend a few minutes clearing your mind before you shuffle your deck.
There are no bad readings - I repeat, there are no bad readings. Even horrible tower falling outcomes are just the start to something new and better. If you do get an outcome from a tarot spread that is less than favorable breath and take it one day at a time.
There are also no bad tarot cards - Just like there are no bad readings, there are no bad cards. Endings are just beginnings in reverse. So even if your BFF is stabbing you in the back with the 5 of Swords, don’t worry it’s just your spirits getting rid of them for you.
Get to know your decks beforehand - Each deck sometimes has a little personality. Spend some time with them, know them, see how they read for you before you jump in with all the important stuff.
Meditate with cards you feel drawn towards - Do you really vibe with the High Priestess? Or maybe it’s The Hermit for you. These cards could be your archetype. Pull them out, meditate, feel their answers and seek guidance from them.
Take breaks from reading - I am a huge advocate from taking a break from tarot. Sometimes you need to change it up, put it down or just step away for a few days or a year. Whatever it is take time away if and whenever you feel the need to.
Use tarot as a tool for manifesting - Ask questions, lots and lots of questions about different outcomes. If you don’t like the outcome, change your question or change your mind and ask again. Once you get the desired results stick to it.
Don’t read for free, but practice - I see so many new tarot readers reading for free online. Don’t do it! Your time is precious and if someone wants a free reading, they can lean it themselves.
Don’t skip knowing your shadow self in a reading - One of the best things you can do is learn exactly who you are, and you can’t do that without knowing all the parts of yourself you’ve rejected. Use the tarot to get to know yourself in the shadows too.
The cards never lie - Never. Ever.
Reshuffling won’t bypass a reading you didn’t like - Don’t get yourself trapped into ‘clarity’ cards. That’s shuffling and asking the same question again and again for clarity, or until you get the answer to the question you want. Sure ask for clarity ONCE when you don’t really understand, but don’t ask again and again just to see what you want.
Don’t wait to start tarot - If you feel called to read tarot, start now! You don’t have to wait for someone to gift you a deck (who started that bad rumor anyway?!)
Confidence is key - This also took me a long time to ‘get’. Read with confidence. You are a badass witch. You have stepped outside to do so much spiritual growth, why would your card reading reflect any different?
Your tarot reading is not the end all be all - Tarot is subjective, not prophecy. So change your mind and change your future. Nothing is set in stone.
Advice for people who want to ask for witchy advice
I've had so much trouble in the past being able to give people good advice or recommendations when they hit me up with, "hey, I'm at [experience level] and looking to expand, any ideas?"
So if you're one of those people really frustrated by vague answers from blogs who seem like they should know what's up, this post might be able to help you out :)
Experience level labels are beyond useless. I know an energy worker practicing over 5 years who firmly identifies as a beginner and instructed me to stay in my lane when I advised they were probably beyond that. I have seen 17yos post stuff like, "Hi! I'm an adept who has been studying Wicca for 3 months and I am ready to begin looking for students."
Instead of telling a blogger, "I'm a beginner/intermediate" (etc. etc.,) try giving context to your practice by explaining what you can do or what you have studied. "I have been studying elemental energy work. I can make energy balls and multi-layered shields."
Months/years of practice is not helpful. Someone seriously studying and practicing magic every day for 6 months can be more skilled than someone casually studying magic and casting occasional spells for 2 years. Same as above - the length of your practice isn't useful in terms of knowing where to point you. Instead, try framing your practice as "I study every day, I want to know some really dense texts I can dig my claws into," or, "I prefer reading over active practice, I'm looking for easy ways to incorporate daily magic." Etc.
Ask specific questions related to specific things you want. "I feel stuck," "I don't know what to look at next," aren't helpful descriptors, especially if you provide 0 context to your path. Try describing what you want. Do you want to learn new ways to cast spells? Do you want to be exposed to new paradigms of practice? Even if you can only point to things like, "I want to feel I have more control in my day-to-day life," or, "I want to feel more spiritual," that is so much better than, "where do I go from here?" which is inevitably responded to with, "wherever you want, its your own path!"
Don't forget, "witchcraft" can mean anything from pure, secular energy work to intensely religious ceremonial craft, folk magic, pop-culture magic, and everything inbetween. Please do not assume that the blogger understands your path/interests/needs based only on the extremely vague label of "witchcraft."
Include what you're not interested in. There is nothing that makes me die inside more than someone sending a vague "what do I do next?" message, and I'm like, "why not try out servitors?" and they follow up with, "I'm actually not interested in servitors... I had a bad experience... thanks anyway." If you are not interested in working with spirits, you don't want to do pure energy work, you have a serious issue with astral travel, etc., say so - especially if you aren't really sure what you do want.
No one is really going to be able to help you if you aren't able to even identify your own wants and needs. I know this is kinda harsh, but no blogger out here is going to be able to do introspection on your behalf. If you genuinely don't know what you want out of magic, if you don't know your spiritual needs, that's okay. If you're just out here like, "I have no idea what I'm into, what would you recommend for people who want to do what you do," that's great. But if you approach bloggers like they hold some kind of mystical key that will unlock your path for you, you'll be disappointed. They don't have that key. They can just give you ideas for what they think you'll be into, based on the context you're willing to provide.

My Personal Tips For Getting In The Headspace For Divination Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en
🌙Turn off your phone or make it disappear for awhile. 🌙Dance around to music to amplify your energy. 🌙Drink a divination tea. 🌙Have a go to step by step ritual so your body and mind are conditioned to slip into the space for divination magick. 🌙Do some meditate exercises before hand or while you pre-shuffle your cards. Concentrating on your breathing. 🌙Go into your divination practice knowing that it is your personal care time, a chance to reconnect. 🌙Use any moods to your advantage. Happiness is energy. Stress is energy. Anger is energy. I do recommend while working with difficult energies not interpreting your cards right away. 🌙Set the mood. Light some candles, use full-moon made divination oils, or burn some incense. 🌙Realize you don’t have to have everything set up perfectly, life can be chaotic. Sometimes you’ll have to pull a card with a baby in your hip, kids playing in the background, while in the car in a passenger seat, etc. Whatever you work with in your practice knows that perfection or the perfect environment isn’t always attainable, if at all. Crystal ball from - @tamedwild Deck - @intuitivenightgoddesstarot
How to Create Sigils

Pick your Intention or affirmation.
Cross out all vowels and repeating letters
Match the letter to the number
Create a clock wheel 1-9 in whatever order you wish
Connect the Numbers
Add a personal touch (arrows, dots, swirls)
and you're Done!
Another Method

Pick your intention or affirmation
Cross out vowels or repeating letters
Connect the letters on the wheel
Add a personal touch (arrows, dots, swirls)
and you're done!