Spring Equinox - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Happy Ostara!
Happy Ostara!
Happy Ostara!
Happy Ostara!

Happy Ostara!

Today we reap when we created during Imbolc.

Spend time with nature.

Bask in the sun.

Be present, be kind, be blessed.

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2 years ago

its ostara/equinox tomorrow!!!

here is a list of ideas to do, if ur looking for some inspiration :)

Go for a walk in nature

Do some self-care (fancy bath, skincare...)

Spring Tarot spread

Light candles (for the dead, and a white for the day and a black for the night)

Eat berries (maybe with chocolate)

Drink tea, preferably lemon or lavendel tea

Wear green, blue, pink or yellow colors

Eat eggs

Pick flowers

Clean, cleanse and set up new wards

Make bread

Watch the sunrise and sunset

Listen to music

Read a book

I'm too excited for this lol

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11 months ago

@esoteric-chaos thank you for such great information.

Spring Equinox Masterpost- Spoonie Witch Friendly

Spring Equinox Masterpost- Spoonie Witch Friendly

Art Credit: Anastasia Catris

The Spring Equinox, also called the Vernal Equinox or Ostara, is usually celebrated between the 21st of March in the Northern Hemisphere (In the Southern Hemisphere around September 20th or 21st)

In 2024, Ostara and the Spring Equinox land in the Northern Hemisphere on Monday, March 19th.

The Spring Equinox celebrates the arrival of spring. Celebrating balance, growth, and new beginnings as Winter has finally ended.

Spring Equinox Correspondances


Light Green


Sunny Yellow

Light Blue

Pastel Pink







Apple Tree

Cherry Blossom


Birch tree




Ash tree




Salad greens

Spring veggies

Fresh berries






Edible flowers






Baby Chicks












Clear Quartz









Flowering or Tree Buds



Spiritual meanings


Cleansing (removal of stagnant energy)






Good fortune







Floral scents (rose, lilac, jasmine, etc)

Herbal scents (rosemary, basil, mint, etc)

Gods / Goddesses / Spirits

Eostre –  (Anglo-Saxon)

Aphrodite - (Greek)

Gaia - (Celtic)

Gaea - (Greek)

Venus - (Roman)

Athena - (Greek)

Aurora - (Roman)

Eos - (Greek)

Isis – (Egyptian)

Freya - (Norse) 

Persephone - (greek)

Cybele - (Roman)

The Green Man - (Celtic)

Odin – (Norse) 

Osiris – (Egyptian)

Pan – (Greek)

Thoth – (Egyptian)

Adonis – (Greek)

Apollon –  (Greek)

Apollo - (Roman)

Need some suggestions to celebrate? I've got you covered.

High energy celebrations and ritual

Deep cleaning of the hearth and home

Nature hikes

Visiting farmers markets

Making preserves

Create a fae garden

Create a seasonal altar

Abundance/Prosperity ritual

New beginnings ritual

Low energy celebrations 

Wear pastels

Create flower crowns

Light a candle with scent correspondence

No spoon celebrations 

Opening a window

Journaling Prompts

Keeping hydrated

Drink floral tea


How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.

Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not Wiccan-based and has plenty of resources for every witch.

Feel free to post how you celebrate in the comments or reblogs!

Want to see more of my posts? Check out my Wheel of the Year Masterpost or my Main Masterpost.

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11 months ago



I love this time of year! Spring is one of my favorite seasons. Life if returning to the earth and my birthday is a few days after the equinox. Here’s how I’m celebrating this extra special time of year🌱🥚


All pastel colors! I like to emphasize yellow for daffodils, blue and green for new life, and pink for the other spring flowers

Altar decorations🐰

🐣Animal figurines/stuffed animals lambs, chicks, deer, frog, and bunnies are great choices for this time of year. You can even make clay figurines of the animals you see around you.

🥚 painted or plastic eggs


🌷A vision board/representations of things you wish to get done

☀️Solar symbols

Spell themes🐸

🌱 Renewal



🍃Getting rid of negative thoughts, cycles and patterns

Plants 🌱

🌼Daffodils (my favorite)








Food 🥘

🍳 Eggs

🥛 Milk

🥐Baked goods





🥦Any in season vegetables where you live

Ways to celebrate 💐

🎨Paint eggs with friends

🌳Go for a walk, taking notice of the new spring plants and animals

🌅Wake up at sunrise and hear the birds chirping

🍰Bake and cook while putting your intentions into the food

🌱Start your garden by filling an eggshell with dirt and planting the seed in the eggshell. Say your intention while planting so it manifests as the seed grows

🖌Make Ostara themed art, doodles, and crafts

🧺Have a picnic or tea party

🎵Sing, dance, and make music


I hope everyone has a wonderful Ostara and let me know if you try any of these🐣

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11 months ago

Tips for Decorating your Altar for Ostara


The spring equinox is approaching, so here’s some tips on how to get your altar and house ready for the Sabbat!

🌸Decorate with pastel colors like lavender, baby blue, and light yellow

🌸Use a woven basket or nest to place offerings

🌸Decorate with statues of fertility Goddesses

🌸Amethyst, quartz, moonstone, citrine, and aquaramarine crystals

🌸Potted plants

🌸Tealights placed in eggshells

🌸Colored eggs

🌸Seeds to represent new beginnings

🌸 Statues or pictures of bunnies

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5 years ago

Imagine Your Favorite Character

You: "I bought you these flowers!"

Your Favorite Character: "Oh, why thank you! They’re wonderful!"

You: (Chuckle lightly) "Well, I guess I just associated them with you. I mean they are your favorite color and have a meaning fitting to express my love and care for you. So..."

Your Favorite Character: "Hmm, well I believe it is a fitting time that I give you these!" (pulls out, your favorite flower from the side to give to you)

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11 months ago

Ostara is a time of renewal and new beginnings, and there are many practices you can incorporate into your celebrations.

Here are some examples:

Plant a seed: Ostara is a perfect time to plant new seeds both physically and metaphorically. Consider planting a new herb, vegetable, or flower in your garden or in a pot indoors. As you plant the seed, set your intention for what you hope to grow and manifest in your life.

Create an Ostara altar: Use the colors of the season such as pastels and spring greens, fresh flowers, and symbols of growth like eggs and seeds to create an altar that celebrates the coming of spring. Take a moment to connect with the energy of the season and set intentions for the coming months.

Make springtime crafts: Get creative with DIY crafts that celebrate the season, such as painting eggs or creating flower crowns. Use natural materials and incorporate elements of spring like flowers, leaves, and pastel colors.

Go on a nature walk: Take a walk in nature and observe the signs of spring, such as the buds on the trees and the return of migrating birds. Connect with the energy of the season and take time to reflect on what you want to grow and manifest in your life.

Have a spring cleaning ritual: Use the energy of Ostara to clear out any physical or emotional clutter. Clean your home, declutter your space, and let go of anything that no longer serves you. You can also do a ritual cleansing using herbal smoke or homemade sprays to clear negative energy.

Enjoy a spring feast: Gather with friends and family and prepare a feast using fresh seasonal ingredients. Incorporate spring herbs and vegetables like asparagus, peas, and radishes, and use light and refreshing flavors to celebrate the coming of spring.

These are just a few ideas for new Ostara practices. Remember, the most important thing is to connect with the energy of the season and set intentions for growth and renewal in your life.

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11 months ago

Spring Equinox

The spring equinox takes place between March 19 and March 22. That may be the official date, but when does spring really start? When do you begin to notice that it's spring?

As we come into spring we start to notice things. Leaves growing back on the trees, birds coming back again, bugs starting to come out, maybe even flowers sprouting. But the weather is still quite cold, and we may think, Is it spring already?

I began to notice the incoming spring at the beginning of March. Birds were out rustling in the trees, butterflies, wasps, and bees came out, and my young blackberry bush began to sprout leaves. The weather also got about 10 degrees warmer. For me, this was the start of spring. But I still choose the celebrate the equinox on the official date. Why? Because I always have, and because it gives me to prepare.

And that's what the spring equinox is all about. Preparing to take action towards the goals you set during the winter. It's a time of sowing seeds, literally and metaphorically.

How Can You Celebrate The Spring Equinox?

Sow your seeds

Literally: plant the fruits, veggies, herbs, flowers, or whatever else it is you plan to grow this season. Get your hands in the dirt and connect with the earth and the new spring time.

Metaphorically: Set the intentions you have for this coming season. Quarterly goals are great for all areas of life. What goals do you want to accomplish in the next 3 months? Make a plan for what you're going to do to accomplish them. You might chose to keep your goals aligned with the spring season. In this case, here are some ideas:

~ New ideas and projects. That new art project you see in your mind, or that new business idea you've been dreaming up. Maybe someone asked you to collaborate on an idea, now is a time to say yes.

~ Growth. Personal, business, family, any goal you have that involves something growing and/or improving.

~ Gardening. Maybe you want to start a small garden, or add a new plant to an existing one.

~ Community. Litter clean up projects, community gardening projects, fundraisers for causes around your area. Spring is a good time to bring the community together.

Have a picnic or cookout with family and/or friends

Celebrate the spring time with your family and/or friends. Cook or bake some foods that are in season at this time and enjoy the weather together. You can find tons of lists with a quick search about what foods are in season. You can also visit a local farmers market if possible!

Spring cleaning

This is definitely one you hear all the time, but it's a good one! What better way to bring in the new season than getting rid of the dust and clutter from the previous? Here are some ideas:

~Physically clean your area. Your house, your yard, or even just your bedroom. Make a project of it if you'd rather. Pick a different area to clean each day, or whatever time block works best for you. Write them down on a checklist with the day you plan them, and check them off when you've done them. This will actually help you stay motivated for it too, every time you check one off the list.

~ Cleanse your area. Whether it be with smoke, sound, crystals, words, or whatever other method you choose to use.

~ Switch up or tidy up your altar if you have one.

~ Clean out your inbox. Emails, text messages, social media notifications, clean out everything you don't need. Unfollow those people who mess up your feed, block those negative messages, unsubscribe from unwanted emails.

Spend some time outside. Go on a hike, watch the sunrise or sunset, visit a local park. Stargaze after dark, look for constellations and planets. There's a couple of good apps that help with this, Skyview and Stellarium. I personally use Stellarium.

Do some magic. Spring is a great time to do manifestation, workings around friendship, love, and community, workings to bring in abundance and wealth, workings for health, and workings to aid in personal growth. I'll be posting one of my favorite spring time workings soon!

Give spring time offerings to the deities and spirits you work with. Flowers, leaves, acorns, honey, fresh fruits, baked goods, milk, spring inspired art.

These are just a few ideas that come from my view of spring. I encourage everyone to look at how they view the spring time and figure out what works for them!

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11 months ago

Secular Celebrations - Spring Equinox

Secular Celebrations - Spring Equinox

Next on the calendar is the Vernal Equinox, which marks the beginning of spring and the start of the growing season. In the northern hemisphere, this usually happens right around March 20th to March 22nd, depending on the year, while in the Southern Hemisphere, this occurs around September 20th - 23rd.

This is the time to start shaking off the winter and those cold weather blues. And as someone who is firmly on that Seasonal Affective Disorder train, believe me when I tell you that this is IMPORTANT. So when you think about what you’re going to do for the spring equinox, make sure you include self-care and a continuation of that cleaning kick you hopefully started back around Imbolc. Actually, every holiday observance should include a little bit of both of these things. Not just because they’re important, but because holidays are easy to remember, and even if you don’t always have time to fit these things into your schedule, it might be more feasible to work them into your holiday observances.

If the weather allows it, try cracking a window, even for a few minutes, and get some light and fresh air into your home. Even if it’s still chilly outside, sometimes it helps alleviate that dry, stuffy feeling we all get from being stuck inside with the heat on for months at a time. Open up those shades, let some sun in, turn on a sun lamp or one of those little antidepressant desk lights if you have one. Like the musical says, “Let the sunshine in.”

Or, if you can, get outside for a little while. Hopefully there will be a nice clear day that allows this. Look for signs of spring in your neighborhood - birds, flowers, buds on the trees, maybe some snowmelt if you live in a place that still has snow in late winter. If you have children, this might be a fun spring bingo type activity. The birds will be coming back, so scatter some seeds for them while you’re out and about. And speaking of snowmelt, melted snow and icicles can be used as a base for moonwater. Just make sure you select...er...CLEAN material to work with, and strain the meltwater through some paper towels before you store it for magical use.

You can also note the progress of seasonal changes in your journal or your planner, if you have one. This doesn’t always have a magical application, but it’s important to mental health to be able to track the passage of time through changes in your environment. If you have trouble with Seasonal Affective Disorder, or if you just hate winter, noting when the weather starts warming and the sun comes out and the early bulbs start to come up can be very encouraging.

Getting back to the subject of children’s activities, this is a great time for spring-related crafts, fingerpainting (you are NEVER too old for fingerpainting), and a discussion about why the seasons change and what it means in your household as far as traditions go. Your kids may be seeing their peers going on Easter egg hunts and getting baskets of candy, so if you’d like to do something similar but secular, maybe have a “signs of spring” scavenger hunt. If you want to decorate some eggs, go right ahead! Make some special witchy equinox eggs, why not.

If you want to make a special meal to celebrate the change in seasons, I suggest a breakfast. It’s the beginning of the yearly planting cycle, so why not mark it with the first meal of the day? Appropriate foods include bread, eggs, cheese, cured meats, preserves, sprouts, sweets, and pastries. So bust out that french toast casserole recipe, the good jams, and your best quiche lorraine and go to town!

Once you’ve recovered from the food coma, get cracking on that spring cleaning you started back on Imbolc. There’s always more to do! If you’ve finished decluttering one area, start on another. If you’ve finished one project, pick another one. Keep yourself motivated and moving as much as you can. If you’ve been meaning to start a new self care routine or exercise program, go for it. The world is waking up and coming back to life after a long winter’s nap; you can do the same.

Freshen up your household wards and protections while you’re tidying. This can be as simple as “cleaning with intent,” whereby you banish negativity or bad luck or sickness along with the dirt and grime, or as complex as a full casting to patch whatever needs patching, or anything in between. Get rid of any lingering stale energy from the winter. You’ll know best what needs to be done. It never hurts to have a freshly-cleansed home.

If you’re planning to plant a garden, the Vernal Equinox is a great time to start. Whether you’re buying seeds, filling starter trays, or just sketching out what you want to plant when the ground thaws, get a jump start on your green witchery. Housewares stores should begin stocking seeds around this time, or you can order free catalogs from places like Burpee, Seed Savers, or Baker Creek to help you plan.

Of course, not all of us have green thumbs. If you’d like a garden but can’t seem to keep your sprouts going, try putting together a succulent patch. These hardy little plants are easy to care for and harder to kill than the mutant offspring of a rabid zombie and the T-1000. (I can personally speak to this - I have two sprouts of aloe that are actively growing in trays that have no dirt or water in them. It’s a little bit freaky.)

For those who are more inclined to crafty activities, you can create a fairy garden with a couple of flowerpots, some moss or lichen, and whimsical miniature decorations like fairy gardens.

You can also bring fresh flowers into your home. Give yourself a bouquet or a potted plant for a splash of color and scent. Swap that wintry pine bunting for early blooms like forsythia, dogwood, pussy willow, and cherry blossoms. Some traditions call for a bonfire in March or April, on which the old bunting will be burned, but obviously, please only do this if you’re using actual pine boughs, not plastic and silk.

And silk flowers ARE valid seasonal decorations for the witchy home, by the by. If you don’t have access to fresh foliage or can’t keep houseplants for whatever reason, go with silk ones. They can stay up for months on your walls or on your altar with just a little dusting, and provide ambience and magical symbolism with comparatively little effort. Plus, you can save them from year to year to be reused. I have a set of seasonal garlands that I hang over my altar that is entirely composed of silk flowers and leaves, and they provide a really nice aesthetic without too much worry about dead flowers or crumbling leaves catching on fire from the candles.

We experienced the promise of spring on Imbolc, and now we see that promise fulfilled at the vernal equinox. Sketch out your goals for the upcoming season. Think about the positive changes you wish to make and how you intend to grow. Meditate on the importance of keeping promises, both to yourself and to others, and on making only those promises you know you can keep.

And remember - you’ll reap what you sow later in the year, so sow ever so carefully.

-from Hex Positive, Ep. 011 - Secular Celebrations (Nov 01, 2020)

Other Posts In This Series:


Spring Equinox




Autumn Equinox



If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop.

The Hex Positive podcast is a proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.😊

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11 months ago
Ostara Altar Ideas & Correspondences

Ostara Altar Ideas & Correspondences

Ostara, also known as the Vernal Equinox, marks the balance between light and dark, symbolizing renewal, fertility, and the awakening of the Earth from its winter slumber.

Ostara Correspondences

Symbols: Eggs, rabbits, spring flowers, seeds, and chicks.

Colors: Pastel shades such as green, yellow, pink, and light blue.

Crystals: Aquamarine, rose quartz, moonstone, and clear quartz.

Plants: Daffodils, tulips, crocuses, and other early spring ephemerals.

Herbs: Jasmine, honeysuckle, and vervain.

Foods: Fresh fruits, leafy greens, eggs, honey, and sprouts.

Altar Decorations

Spring Flowers: Adorn your altar with fresh flowers like daffodils, tulips, or cherry blossoms to symbolize the awakening of nature.

Eggs: Decorate eggs with natural dyes or paint them with symbols of fertility and growth. Arrange them in a nest or basket on your altar.

Rabbits and Chicks: Incorporate small figurines or images of rabbits and chicks to represent the fertility of the season.

Symbols of Balance: Place representations of balance, such as scales or yin-yang symbols, to honor the equilibrium of light and dark during the equinox.

Spring Incense: Burn incense blends featuring floral scents like jasmine or lavender to evoke the essence of spring.

Altar Cloth: Use a pastel-colored cloth as the base for your altar to reflect the hues of the season.

Candles: Light candles in colors associated with Ostara, such as yellow or light green, to welcome the return of the sun.

Seeds and Soil: Display small pots of soil or bowls of seeds to symbolize the potential for growth and new beginnings.

Divination Tools: Incorporate divination tools like tarot cards or runes to seek guidance and insight for the season of growth ahead.

Offerings: Leave offerings of fresh fruits, flowers, honey, or bread as a gesture of gratitude to the Earth for its abundance.

As you prepare your altar for Ostara, infuse it with your intentions for renewal, growth, and the blossoming of new opportunities. May you find warmth in the returning sun. <3

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11 months ago
 Happy Ostara And Nowruz - Blessed Be
 Happy Ostara And Nowruz - Blessed Be
 Happy Ostara And Nowruz - Blessed Be
 Happy Ostara And Nowruz - Blessed Be

Happy Ostara and Nowruz - blessed be 🌿

reblog is ok, don’t repost/use

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1 year ago

💞🌺 simmer pot for the spring equinox 🌺💞

using fruits and herbs for inviting energies of joy, pleasure, and abundance in the astrological new year

 Simmer Pot For The Spring Equinox

~grapefruit for energy refreshment and amplifying self love

~strawberries for sweetness and prioritizing pleasure

~orange peel for tapping into optimistic energies

~hibiscus for following the heart

~chamomile for a chill, peaceful aura

~cinnamon stick/powder for protecting and strengthening the heart, also encouraging good luck

happy ostara witches 🧹🌱

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1 year ago



In the Northern Hemisphere, Ostara is on March 21st. In the Southern Hemisphere, Ostara is on September 21st.

Ostara actually falls around a number of different celebrations that range from a single day, up to forty days. It is the day of the Spring equinox, when day and night are at their most equal internationally, not to be confused with American Earth Day, and International Astrology Day. It also falls during the week of the Cherry Blossom Festival, which is probably the most “Spring-like” mental image you could imagine. Ostara will always fall somewhere during the time of Lent for the Catholics. However the most interesting one, in my opinion, would be the Indian/Hindu festival of Holi, which also falls somewhere around the same time. I had no previous knowledge of this amazing holiday, and now, with the emphasis on color and the positivity it brings, and the spirit of coming together leaving resentment behind, it might be my favorite.

Named for a Goddess of fertility, Ostara is here to celebrate the fertility of nature. Day and Night are equal, and from now on it looks like clear skies and warmer days. It has been progressively getting warmer, melting the snow away, and waking up the entire earth. The Goddess is back to her full strength, and spreading fertility to plants and animals alike. The God is growing up, and spends his time hunting and flirting with girls. The lethargy of winter is literally melting away, leaving behind a fresh earth growing more and more active. It is a renewal.

With the Christian Easter coming up, traditional Ostara decorations are everywhere. Really, all that’s needed is to take that spirit of newness and the bursting of nature, and follow that instinct. Use the colorful eggs and rabbits you can find at every single store around this time. The truth in the multiplying like bunnies metaphor is so real. Flowers and greenery are blooming, so get colorful when decorating with flowers. They’re new and bright. They also bring around a lot of bees, so working with bees and honey would be a fun addition. Ostara is also a celebration for the equaling of night and day, so a theme of balance would also be appropriate. For that, you could incorporate the feminine and masculine, light and dark, sun and moon, basically the yin-yangs of nature.

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