36 posts
Stars-mars13 - Mars - Tumblr Blog

OMG BUTCHNATURAL???????????????

happy 16th to my favourite episode ever made on any show and to my favourite character EVER, happy lazarus rising day 😇🐿️🫎
@zombiecastiell DID IT‼️‼️ I'm very much happy as the rot in my brain has been eased by this edit🙏
@stars-mars13 posted this good destiel edit idea and i made it 🤩

Fem destiel😇

Here's my indie cover for Destiel's Fighting Techniques game (fake, no such game)The game consists of choosing either Dean or Castiel for a 1V1 fight. Choose your hero and fight!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks of Destiel when I listen to "Strawberry Blonde" by the amazing and wonderful Mitski? Like there are so many lines that correlate to them. And I would love to make an animation of them with that song if I wasn't so shit at drawing but still like envision it with me. Like I can picture it from Cas' POV. For example,
"I love everybody because I love you"
is a line that speaks for itself
"Reach out the car window tryna hold the wind
They can be driving in the Impala while Dean has his hand out,
You tell me you love her, I give you a grin
Can be about Lisa, like it reminds me of her but it would be like in that episode where Dean is panicking about Crowley having Lisa and Ben but it'd cut to Cas watching with that sad little expression on his face
Oh, all I ever wanted was a life in your shape
So I follow the white lines, follow the white lines
Keep my eyes on the road as I ache"
Cas wanting free will like Dean has and so he follows with his plan to get to purgatory, and when Dean finds out and doesn't trust Cas anymore and tells him he thought they were family, Cas is still keeping himself strictly on that road even if it hurts
" Look at you, strawberry blond
Fields rolling on
I love it when you call my name
Can you hear the bumblebees swarm?
Watching your arm
I love it when you look my way"
These lines just remind me of the "Crazy Cas" Era like he would be more honest with himself about how he feels and like also, the bees. Also, for the "call my name part" I think that'd be like the praying because Dean never prays to really anyone one else besides Cas.
Overall, anytime I listen to this song it makes me think of them and it just makes me happy. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
destiel - good luck babe
you could say it's just the way you are make a new excuse, another stupid reason
repressed cas truthers stand up!!!


Halo, Im new in tumblr. But I found a funny post from tumblr, so I made sketch. Im obsessed with this couple! 😍 Pls tag on the person who made this quotes, I don't know how to use tumblr much. Very New. Btw, I don't know how archangel looks like, Imma just put lots of eyes on it. He probably bigger than the whole earth. Idkidk. Im just hairless ape.
Had a thought about how if Micheal and Adam had a kid, would it technically be asexual reproduction?? Like, they share the same body and stuff, so like, if it happened wouldn't that be the case? Please tell me I'm not the only one who's thought of this 😭😭.

swashbucklin’, corn-shucklin’, wife-cuckelin’, cock-suckelin’ pirate

ive watched 103 episodes of one piece. soft launching my drawings on tumblr before posting them on instagram
One Piece Character Angst/Angst HC's
(some are a mix of my random typed out thoughts and others I've heard from ppl)
Thinking about how Law has probably slowly started to forget Cora's face, how he has so many medicinal books about the frontal lobe and memories and how to regain memories just to be able to remember Cora's face.He'll break down in tears and the other heart Pirates have to comfort him but every time they wrap their hands around him the only one he can think of is Cora and his warmth and how much he misses it. Thinking about how the main three Heart Pirates, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo all remind him of Cora in some way. How some days it'll be too hard to even look at any of the Heart Pirates because every time he does he catches glimpses of Cora. How meeting the first three Heart Pirates and remembering how he met them always brings him back to remembering Cora. How he probably blocks out memories from that time and anytime they try to reference that period of time, he'll tell them in a bit of a panic that he can't remember and so they'll have to help him. They tell him over and over so he can't forget again. Thinking about how those three are probably the ones who bought Law the material and the sewing kit that he would later use to make his clothes that he incorporates Cora into.
Thinking about how the reason Law hated the female version of himself is because it just reminded him of his little sister. Sweet Lami, who if she had the chance to grow up, would probably look something like how he did. That's why he was so quick to change back, cuz he couldn't and wouldn't think of her. He couldn't think of seeing her empty eyes, her cold, empty eyes. He couldn't think of how he couldn't save her. And during Lami's last seconds all she could think of was her brother, all she could think of was going with him and getting ice cream and playing and doing all the things he promised. And actually thought of these things a smile made its way onto her face. And that's how he found her smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling, always smiling. And that's why seeing Cora's dead body with that same smile made it all the more worse. He hated it. What were they smiling about? Were they really so happy to leave him? Did they feel at peace? Why couldn't he save them? Why couldn't he take their place? If he had even a sliver of a chance to do so, he would.
Thinking about how Sanji pulls that his hair when stressed, because he just has to reassure himself that he's no longer in that helmet, no longer in that cell, that cold dark desolate cell with no one but himself. How whenever it gets too quiet he has to go outside on the deck, go around the other straw hats, because if it's too quiet he's back in that cell again.
Thinking about how one of the main reasons Sanji hated being on Okama Island was the dressing up. Because when he went back to his room one those nights and saw himself, he would spiral into a panic attack because he hadn't seen HER in so long and- GOD, he really does have her eyes, and- and her nose and her mouth. And he just looks so much like her and he HATES it. He's reminded of it every time they succeed in getting him in a dress and putting makeup on him. He feels his hands shake and his breath quickens and eventually the Queens notice. At first they think it's because he just doesn't want to accept this version of himself, but they then realize that's not the case. Sanji hates it because it reminds him of his mother, the one person who showed care and loved freely, even though she would never be free. It haunts him. He hates it even more during WCI, when Reiju mentions how much he looks like her. He can see it in her eyes that whenever she looks at him, all she sees is their mother. He learns to love it eventually, to realize that looking like her means he has another piece of her with him. How it made him look more human. Even though, with the modifications coming in, he no longer felt like he was.
Thinking about how whenever Doffy's left alone he'll get that voice in the back of his head, the one he hears whatever he thinks of Rosi, the one that just yearns for his younger brother. The voice in the back of his head screaming and crying for his baby brother. The one that doesn't understand why or how he's gone. The one that doesn't understand that HE'S the reason why his precious baby brother whom he loves so much is dead.It increased ever since he went to Impel Down. It cries and screams and begs for it's little brother. But he pushes it down, he doesn't acknowledge that the reason that he can't see or have his little brother in his arms is because of himself. He doesn't comprehend that all of this is his fault. The voice screams at him that it's all his fault, that he's a monster, that he needs to burn. But he doesn't listen, why should he? His precious baby brother's dead now, after all.
Thinking about how Uta probably kept singing because she hated how quiet it was in that house. She had no one to talk to. Her father, the man she trusted with her entire being had thrown her away. She still hears his voice when she sings, complimenting her when she hits the correct notes and reassuring her when she doesn't. She lies awake at night wondering why he left her. Maybe she wasn't a good musician, that's okay, she'll just practice more and maybe he'll come back for her.
Or maybe, just maybe, she was a bad daughter. Maybe he was just tired of her. Maybe he got tired of her being bad. Maybe he didn't like her playing around and being loud. But she and Luffy played around and he never said anything bad. Then again, he always seemed to like Luffy more. She could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at Luffy. She doesn't blame him, Luffy shines brighter than the Sun. Her jealousy of him would never burn brighter than Luffy himself. That's probably it. He doesn't want her because he has Luffy. He probably didn't want her in the first place. She was just dull copper in that pile of shining gold in the treasure chest which he found her. But at least she had Ben! But then, why didn't Ben help her? Did Ben not like her either?
...Did any of them?

"Where's your cock and balls 😞?!" "Have you checked behind... YOUR EAR 👂⁉️" 😭😭

they didn't choose the clown life, the clown life chose them
He is the new Ford Pines 😌
does fnf Sabo have 6 fingers on purpose? Like is he polydactyl? (genuine question)

"I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it" ahh sentence 😭😭
Luffy getting most of his genetics from Crocodile….. crocodile feeling all the more upset because he actually looks more masculine with these features than he did before transitioning… if you support trans rights, support trans wrong too, Crocodile should be allowed to commit homocide on his own child 😤
Kobylu Cannibal AU! (Also late Koby birthday post)
AU where Koby was a slave and was force fed a regeneration fruit where he would be able to regenerate limbs and is freed by Luffy, who's a cannibal, or like a vampire maybe. Either way he needs meat or blood or else shit goes crazy. Then Koby is freed they offer to let him stay on their ship (or maybe Luffy invites him to join) and one day they're out of meat/blood so Koby mentions and offers himself because he feels he has to pay Luffy back. Luffy immediately takes the offer bcz FOOD (and also he might be close to going batshit if he doesn't eat/drink). It turns into a cycle and eventually Koby can't regenerate quick enough due to the amount of blood loss/ how often it happens, however he doesn't tell Luffy this bcz he doesn't want Luffy to hate him or throw him away once he's not of use anymore. One day, Koby hasn't fully regenerated but Luffy is so HUNGRY. So, he ends up killing him and once he realizes what he's doing it's too late. Koby lost too much blood , yet he's smiling at Luffy like he's hung the stars and is the reason the Sun shines so bright in the sky. He thanks Luffy and tells him how happy he's been and how free he's felt. He tells Luffy in broken sentences and stuttering breaths how he loves everything about him and how he's sorry he couldn't do enough. He dies with a smile on his face, one full of freedom and love. Two things he was able to have because he met Luffy, and two things he will never have again for that same reason.
I don't have anything for Koby's birthday besides my shitty edited photos of Koby saying random shit.

Made a Kobylu fankid

She's adopted but ate a devil fruit so she can shape shift. She's also like 7.
Also, Koby preaching

And in old time talk