NSFW and 18+ to follow Just stuff I wanted to add - things I find enjoyable and things I would enjoy doing with my boy
913 posts
I Have Been Enjoying This Journey. Over A Year, And Still Finding New Things To Enjoy. I Am Quite Pleased
I have been enjoying this journey. Over a year, and still finding new things to enjoy. I am quite pleased with our time, such a great Boy.
Hold him down and have fun hehe
Hey boys. Its been a while. Partly my fault. I have been trying to stay off tumblr to not jack without permission. Being mostly successful so I haven’t been posting Sir and I play sessions. Well I need to get back to posting. :)
a lot has happened since I last posted when we played with gimp. I have become much more confident in my sexual skills and I actually was able to get hard, stay hard and FUCK Sir last week hehehe. Its been a big goal for both of us and it finally happened yay.
Now its not foolproof. If my dick can’t get in Sir’s hole right away it does seem to get discouraged and goes down some. But I haven’t let that slip up ruin the fun :) found a great new fuck position that is comfortable for me to thrust and feels good for Sir hehe. I pin his legs down with my legs and then push the rest of my body into his ass and back. It feels awesome for both of us hehe.
Now for today we were able to play at Sir’s house which is a change from the club. I enjoy both places. They both have fun pros and little cons :) I pinned Sir down on his back and had my way with his nips, chest, abs and cock hehe. I have succeeded according to Sir in being able to read body language and moaning and stop right before Sir was going to cum hehe. You should have seen his face. It was sooooooooooo priceless hehehe. I finished him off right after that experiment and he threatened to hurt me if I ever did that again. He likes to edge not be edged hehehe.
Was such a fun evening. I am such a lucky boy to have such an awesome Sir :) will talk to you boys later. We have one more play session before both Sir and I go on separate vacations. I’ll miss him but should be fun for us both. Talk to you boys later.
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Do you love DOGGY STYLE? Try these 10 Ways to Fuck the Bottom HARD
Hi guys,
I am back again with these 10 variations on the doggy style bottoms love to be fucked in.
1. The regular doggy style with the top at the edge of the bed. It is very important the top learns how to hold the bottom in this bottom. Observe below where the top is holding. Try that at home.

2. This is with the top on the bed. This is the secret for the top. The more forward the bottom places his knee the more open the ass will become, giving you the control. Try to position the bottom where he is bracing more on you and not away from the top.

3. The first two doggy style we showed, had the bottom with his head up. Forcing the bottom’s head down in the pillow, or on the floor gives you more control to fuck the ass hard.

4. Have the bottom takeover. For this to happen, spank his ass. The example below has the top making the bottom wet. I am sure you will make the ass wet.

5. Most doggy style positions end with the bottom on his stomach. Wherever you end, ensure you get to fuck him hard and long.

6. Observe where the top’s foot is. This allows the top to thrust in the bottom deeper and harder. Pulling on the bottom’s head allows the bottom to feel he is dominated and gives the top all the power he craves.

7. If your bottom can handle you in this position, respect him more. This means his ass is open and the bottom wants your dick deeper in the pussy. You need to hold the bottom so you get to thrust deeper. Climbing on top of the ass is the best doggy style you can ever give.

8. Again, another end result of the doggy style. This time, have the bottom’s leg spread so you get to do up in the pussy more. If the ass is really wet in this position, you will be fucking him good in the second hole.

9. How good is your bottom tonight?

10. However, you get to fuck the ass. Ensure you look like a porn star fucking.

:) you have come such a long way Boy. Your next bf will have such fun with you after your training. :)

Hey guys. This is a pic of me with my new collar from Sir hehe. He surprised me for my birthday with it :) he had been working on it for a year :p hehe. Was a great stater to a SUPER fun play date. I’m really learning how to finger and find Sirs prostate. I worked that p-spot hard on Wednesday and got as a reward and huge mouthful of Sir cum hehe. Such a great reward :). I have found that fingering Sir has helped me figure out what goes on in my own hole so I know what is going on when someone is playing with my hole. I have to say that Sir working my hole was the most fun that I have had with exploring down there. Been getting more comfortable with others being in control of what goes in and out of my hole lol. Also we had an awesome first on Wednesday. I was actually able to fuck Sir for the first time. Before I could only stick my dick in and then I’d go soft. This time I got to thrust and push my dick back in several times hehe. Such progress. I can’t wait till I have the full confidence to thrust my little heart out and make Sir cum hands free hehe. A goal I think we can reach soon :)

Hehehe hope you guys like this pic of me in my tighty whities getting a good spanking from Sir. We have a code that if I wear white briefs I need a spanking and boy did Sir need to give me a spanking. He was dying to give a hot boy a good spanking over his need. I got his hand and his georgous wooden paadle that heats my seat real well. And unlike his last one, my ass hasn’t broken this one yet hehehe.
Play time on Wednesday was tons of fun. It was a flip fuck night hardcore. We have never flip fucked before but we both think its really hot so we decided to give it a try. Espically since my dick was at FULL attention the last time Sirs dick was knocking at my hole lol.
So Sir got me hard and I topped him but my dick just didn’t want to cooperate so Sir flipped me over and took a crack at my ass. Man was that fun. Sir didn’t penetrate but he did get off by humping my ass hard. My dick was soooo happy with that play he wants to do it again hehehe. Then after Sir was jacking me a litte and teasing my dick I got super horny and fucked his ass and I mean I went to town. My dick is reminiscing about that ass. He still has a hard time with being an active participant but he is learning and enjoying this new role. Both him and I can’t wait to play with Sir again tomorrow hehehe
I really enjoy all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our fun sessions. :D I think we will overcome this hurdle quite quickly.
Monday treat!
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope everyone is having a fun day. I certainly had a fun evening yesterday hehehe. Usually Sir and I don’t get to meet and play on Monday’s so that Sir can have a free day to play with others or just hang at the house :) But lighting struck twice yesterday and we got to go to the bathhouse and have some fun :) hehehe
With me in chastity Sir is concerned with me getting off at least once a week for health reasons. So I got to have my cage off and my dick got to have fun popping his head in and out of Sir’s eager hole. I can’t wait till I can fuck the cum out of Sir hehehe. Don’t know if that is a possibility but I find it really hot when that happens to guys.
My dick is being stubborn as ever. He gets excited then plays a little thrn decides he is done before I get off. He’s going to need to learn that that is unacceptable behavior. You come to the party you are letting me cum before you leave lol. We tried jacking and I get really really close and then I can’t get over that last hurdle to release. Its annoying but we will be able to clear this hurdles just like my nipples, my balls and my dick staying hard :)
So Sir and I got to talk about everything under the sun which I really enjoy. I am sooo lucky to have a Sir who is the whole package. Sexy, smart, kind and caring. Remember boys you deserve a Sir who cares about the whole you not just when he wants sex. Signing out for the day. You boys be good….unless you want a spanking hehehe
Patience in all things are rewarded. :) it takes time to develop the trust one needs in BDSM relationship.
I am so happy BOTH of our patience has been rewarded. Quite an awesome time was had by all. :) looking forward myself to future fun.
Flip fuck success :)
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope everyone has had a wonderful week. Its been an uneventful week for me since Sir was out of town on business so we didn’t get to play till yesterday. And man was the wait worth it hehe
Sir unlocking my cage was like unlocking a beast hehehe. I was on Sirs ass hard all day. Fucking his sweet ass over and over again grrrrrrr. I am really enjoying that my cock is obeying more and getting to be used as a fuck toy by Sir. I can get him in Sirs ass a fucking away much easier then even a month ago. I am still self-conscious about how my dick is worjing but that is quickly fading away.
Now the next hurdle I’d like to push pass is positions. Right now the most comfortable position for me to fuck in is with Sir on his stomach and his legs together. I feel most confident in this position but I’d like to get confident in others. We have tried a few others but my dick has a hard time with them. I wish I was an inch longer sometimes with them but that is my own issue. I know that a dicks fun is all about how Its used not how big it is.
Speaking of huge dicks Sirs was glorious yesterday. I mean it was at full mast and just heavenly. Sirs cock looks like a very normal size when soft but when it gets fully hard it swells to three times its soft size mmmmmmm. And apparently when It is at full mast I turn into the biggest pussyboi ever lol. I would want to have that beautiful cock in my ass right away and I have to say Sir has not fucked me fully yet. His cock has similar issues to my cock so we haven’t really explored that aspect of sex yet. Also my first fuck ever was with a guy who was very big and had no idea what he was doing. He just stuck it in and went to town. That hurt like a bitch and turned me off of anal sex for a long time.
But even with being turned off by it I still felt drawn to anal sex. Heck when Sir and I started this journey last year I thought I wanted to be a pussyboi. At that time I couldn’t be one. I was still dealing with my own issues with my hole and not quite feeling pleasure out of my hole. Well fast forward a year and I’m ready for full anal fucking hehehe. Every time Sir would be fully engorged I’d want his dick in me. Hehehe. I tried riding it but my hile isn’t quite trained enough to relax to do that yet so the next time Sir put me in the same position that I fuck him in: on my stomach with my legs together. His huge dick penetrated my hole, which it has never done hehehe. It hurt like hell and he had to pull out right after which pissed me off because I wanted to be fucked but you have to listen to what your body is telling you. Even though it hurt I was very happy and my cock couldn’t have been any harder. I had to push my cock down so that it wouldn’t be at full mast under my weight. That hurt so good but I wasn’t able to concentrate with my dick on fire. And right after Sir got out of me I was sad. I really wanted him inside me and I used the pain in my ass to fuck Sir with. The pain felt so good thay I rode it to fuck Sir even harder. Which got Sir hard hehehe. We are now at the point that with proper preparations Sir and I could flip fuck all night hehehe. Me fucking him gets him hard and him fucking me gets me hard. So as one’s dick gets soft the other person can hope In and start fucking the other till the other person gets hard again. Fuck and repeat hehehe.
I can’t wait till Monday for even more fun hehehe. See you alls later :)