NSFW and 18+ to follow Just stuff I wanted to add - things I find enjoyable and things I would enjoy doing with my boy
913 posts
Patience In All Things Are Rewarded. :) It Takes Time To Develop The Trust One Needs In BDSM Relationship.
Patience in all things are rewarded. :) it takes time to develop the trust one needs in BDSM relationship.
I am so happy BOTH of our patience has been rewarded. Quite an awesome time was had by all. :) looking forward myself to future fun.
Flip fuck success :)
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope everyone has had a wonderful week. Its been an uneventful week for me since Sir was out of town on business so we didn’t get to play till yesterday. And man was the wait worth it hehe
Sir unlocking my cage was like unlocking a beast hehehe. I was on Sirs ass hard all day. Fucking his sweet ass over and over again grrrrrrr. I am really enjoying that my cock is obeying more and getting to be used as a fuck toy by Sir. I can get him in Sirs ass a fucking away much easier then even a month ago. I am still self-conscious about how my dick is worjing but that is quickly fading away.
Now the next hurdle I’d like to push pass is positions. Right now the most comfortable position for me to fuck in is with Sir on his stomach and his legs together. I feel most confident in this position but I’d like to get confident in others. We have tried a few others but my dick has a hard time with them. I wish I was an inch longer sometimes with them but that is my own issue. I know that a dicks fun is all about how Its used not how big it is.
Speaking of huge dicks Sirs was glorious yesterday. I mean it was at full mast and just heavenly. Sirs cock looks like a very normal size when soft but when it gets fully hard it swells to three times its soft size mmmmmmm. And apparently when It is at full mast I turn into the biggest pussyboi ever lol. I would want to have that beautiful cock in my ass right away and I have to say Sir has not fucked me fully yet. His cock has similar issues to my cock so we haven’t really explored that aspect of sex yet. Also my first fuck ever was with a guy who was very big and had no idea what he was doing. He just stuck it in and went to town. That hurt like a bitch and turned me off of anal sex for a long time.
But even with being turned off by it I still felt drawn to anal sex. Heck when Sir and I started this journey last year I thought I wanted to be a pussyboi. At that time I couldn’t be one. I was still dealing with my own issues with my hole and not quite feeling pleasure out of my hole. Well fast forward a year and I’m ready for full anal fucking hehehe. Every time Sir would be fully engorged I’d want his dick in me. Hehehe. I tried riding it but my hile isn’t quite trained enough to relax to do that yet so the next time Sir put me in the same position that I fuck him in: on my stomach with my legs together. His huge dick penetrated my hole, which it has never done hehehe. It hurt like hell and he had to pull out right after which pissed me off because I wanted to be fucked but you have to listen to what your body is telling you. Even though it hurt I was very happy and my cock couldn’t have been any harder. I had to push my cock down so that it wouldn’t be at full mast under my weight. That hurt so good but I wasn’t able to concentrate with my dick on fire. And right after Sir got out of me I was sad. I really wanted him inside me and I used the pain in my ass to fuck Sir with. The pain felt so good thay I rode it to fuck Sir even harder. Which got Sir hard hehehe. We are now at the point that with proper preparations Sir and I could flip fuck all night hehehe. Me fucking him gets him hard and him fucking me gets me hard. So as one’s dick gets soft the other person can hope In and start fucking the other till the other person gets hard again. Fuck and repeat hehehe.
I can’t wait till Monday for even more fun hehehe. See you alls later :)
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Hi everyone. Hope everybody is having a nice day. I know I had an awesome one this past Saturday. Sir and I met up for our weekend play time which was most fun.
We did things out of order this time and headed to the hot tub first. Sir needed to warm up a little. When he isn’t warm he isn’t warm lol. One time he felt like an ice box he was sooo cold lol. It was nice to start with a nice soak in the hot tub. Its a major perk of playing at the club.
We took a kind of lazy approach to the day. After the hot tub we lounged about and chatted and then headed to the club gym for Sirs Saturday workout. These workouts are really helping Si get buff. His chest and arms are mmmmmmmm delicious hehehe. And it is sooo much fun to be Sirs trainer. I even teased him by bending over in front of him while he was trying to do a workout hehehe. I’m such a bad boy :)
After the workout the dirty fun began hehehe. It was a full day of edging both me edging Sir and Sir edging me hehehe. My edging isn’t always intentional but it does produce some great results. I really enjoy when Sir can’t take it anymore and HAS to get off. So he has me lay down and he jacks on my abs while I play with his nips and chest :). Boys if you Sir works out I suggest doing a deep massage on his chest muscles while he is jacking. My Sir produces soooooo much happy energy when I do that I could live off it for months hehehe :)
Well I’m off to work boys and Sirs. Talk to you guys in two days after Sir and I get to play tomorrow :)

Some Helpful Tips for Those New to BDSM
1. Take it SLOW - I know you are excited. You want to just jump right in and do what you saw at the movies, on television or read in a book. If you take it slow, you greatly reduce the chance of anyone getting injured or mentally scarred by what happens.
2. CONSENT - This is HUGE. I cannot stress enough the importance of have the consent of all that are involved. This means Dominants and submissives BOTH. Consent is the cornerstone of all BDSM activities and without that, it is abuse.
3. COMMUNICATION - Second only to consent, communicating your needs, desires, limits and expectations is crucial. If you cannot communicate to your Dominant what you want or cannot communicate to your submissive what you are comfortable with, you need to stop and reconsider.
4. Practice, practice, practice - Another important thing for Dominants, especially those into impact play (striking with floggers, canes and even the hand) is practice. Hit yourself with the flogger first. Understand how it feels. Learn how the same strength strike with one toy differs from another and still differs from a bare hand. This will help you understand what you are doing with your submissive.
5. Aftercare - This is crucial when conducting any sort of scene, especially those that involve impact play. This can truly stave off “sub-drop” which you can think of as a short term but often bad depression. You are responsible for your partner before, during and AFTER a scene. It doesn’t end just because you got off. Make sure your partner is alright. Warm blankets, water, cuddling, lotion on a red rear and of course tender words will go a long way here.
6. Real Life Does Not Equal Porn - I don’t care who your submissive is, one does not simply start shoving things into orifices without build-up or knowledge. I don’t care what you saw on that porn movie, you are not going from “exit only” to a 2-inch wide butt plug in a matter of seconds, nor are you sticking that industrial sized rubber dildo into a vagina that’s never known anything above “human sized”. This can lead to serious injury and potentially life-threatening situations. So, before you go crazy with the internal use toys, step back and re-read number one above.
If you follow these, your start into a BDSM life will be far better and much less harmful to you and others. Enjoy. - Ian
You need more than one Boy.
Cuddles times :)
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope all is going well with everyone. Its been a good week for me. I have gotten to do two days a yard work so the yard is almost ready for summer and I got to play with Sir on Wednesday.
Sir didn’t know if he finished the last workout in his 10 week cycle or not so we decided to do a general workout routine of things that he liked that would affect hia back which has been acting up sadly. The workout went really well and Sir worked up a good sweat.
A very delicious sweat that I proceeded to lick off his body hehehe. Sir smells really good after his workout. There are so many perks to him wanting to pump it at the gym hehehe. Grrrrr I pumped his ass good afterwards. Using my sweat as lube to hump his hot ass hehehe.
Sir was trying to make the day all about me because of his injury but I was able to flip it on him and make the day all about him. I really enjoy when Sir makes a boy centered day for me but I like making him the center of attention as much as possible. He makes me soooo happy that I want to make him just as happy :) I did a really good job of that since he had to jack by the end of play time when he wasn’t planning on it at all hehehe. I’m such a naughty boy….I need a spanking hehehe.

Grrrrrrr "You said you were a top"
Hehehe hey all. Hope your weekend is going well. Mine is going fantastically. Sir and I got to play most of the day on Saturday :).
Sirs cock was huge and feisty today. He just kept getting up to play hehehe. Anyone who doesn’t understand a grower not a shower needs to play withsome where that is true. Sir looks average when soft but when he has a full hard on its quite a mouthful hehehe. Soo tasty to play with hehehe.
Today’s title comes from Sir pushing me into the door of the room we were in and humping my ass with his engorged cock hehehe. We have been training me to top for a little bit and I’d say I’m mostly top but can’t help when I have a throbbing cock that just looks like it needs a nice tight hole to explore hehehe. I can’t help it some of me is still a pussy boy lol. And I got SO hard from Sirs cock pressing against my ass that me are definently going to be a flip fuck boy and Sir. If we can get our dicks to behave there isn’t an ass that’s going to be safe between the two of us hehehe.