Daddy/boy - Tumblr Posts
Boy, I am so very proud of you and everything we have been able to accomplish. This has been and continues to be an awesome experience. Yep, communication is KEY to us both getting what we need out of this and when we discuss training you and what you want to become, it has been really awesome to be able to help grow that. And yeah, YOU BOY have turned me into a total spanko. I LOVE not only the sounds you make, but the way that ass of yours jiggles when I strike it and when I hit harder and harder near the end of run of slaps and you arch up... that means I am doing well. :) You might have created a monster, and I am very happy monster! :)
Humpa humpa hump
Hey everyone. I hope everyone is having a smashing day :) I certainly had a fucking awesome night last night. Sir and I had our midweek play time last night and I have to say it was totally awesome! Hehehe.
Sir gets into VERY competitive streaks where he wants to beat me in our exercises. Have him get close to you in weight and reps and he really tries to surge forward and over take you lol. Since he didn’t workout Monday since we couldn’t get together (I had to take mom to dr.) So he had plenty of energy for the gym yesterday lol. He hit those weights WAY harder then I would have. He is going to be soooo sore. Espically after I ramped up the rest of the workout to meet what he was wanting to go. He regretted that about half way thru the workout hehehe.
But the true highlight of our play time was me fucking Sir for our longest time ever. I mean I got hard and stuck my happy dick in his fucking delicious ass and fucked away. I’d say we at least doubled the time my dick was in his ass plowing away at his prostate hehehe. I even was leaking while fucking him. That has NEVER happened before :) mmmmmm I can’t wait to get back on that ass grrrrrr.
But as usual my dick went soft after a while. He is still getting use to being an active participant where he rubs and goes up and down but he is getting there. By the amount of precum he was leaking he was having a FANTASTIC time :)
Now enough with me and my development. My Sir has made some wonderful developments himself hehehe. When we first started playing together Sir was not into spanking. He had childhood issues that many people have involving spanking that I can totally understand about. But for me he tired spanking me. We went slowly so both parties could get use to the situation and so we both could develop the trust for spanking. Kink play requires A LOT of trust between the people involved. If you don’t trust the person you are playing with either if you are the Sir or boy then the relationship won’t work. The Sir wants to kbow that the boy will speak up before the Sir accidentally hurst his boy. That isn’t any fun. And the boy wants to trust that his limits will be respected and pushed lovingly if that has been agreed upon. When this happens then you get the best play where both parties are getting what they need out of the session and boy dis Sir get what he needed hehehe. Sir has been on this kick that he wants to spank me harder and harder these last two play sessions. He really likes to hear me moan and squeal while working over my ass with his hand and paddle and he really let my ass have it last night. He smacked my ass soooo hard with the paddle last night I had to stop him after the last hard smack. It felt good but I wasn’t going to be able to take another one lol. (Scratching my ass thinking about it lol) after that push we stopped and discussed limits. It is good to push and I like Sir being able to show off his new muscles but you always discuss the new limits after puahing them so both people are on the same page.
:) I am very happy with my Sir and I am sooo glad that I can keep him satisfied in all we do. That is our role boys. To make Sir happy and proud of his boy. What have you sone today to make Sir happy :p
I really had an awesome time, and very glad that you were able to confront and deal successfully with that energy. Yep, BDSM is that way for some… why after care is very important and helps one ride the emotional waves that can be released.
I am very glad we have found each other and very happy with the path we are travelling together. I have learned much so far, and hope to learn even more.

Hey everyone. I have to say that Saturday play with Sir was AMAZING! I mean we did all kinds of thing that I have never done to Sir and we totally enjoyed ourselves :)
Sir had asked me to clean and come to the club plugged to see if we could work on me staying hard longer so I could fuck Sir longer. I have to say if you are having a hard time stay up try this method. It really works lol. We found this out by the first 10 minutes at the club. Sir told me I could unlock and my dick swelled the whole cage. He had been doing that all week since Sir got me a new cock cage. My old one had cracked so he got me one exactly like my old one but something was different. I don’t know what but it kept my cock semi hard all week grrrrr. He was dying to get out of that cage and when he did get free he went with it. My cock went fully erect. He couldn’t get any harder lol.
Now as you all know Sir and I do a workout before we play every play session. It is good for Sir and he has shown lots of progress since we started this routine. We had to skip playing on Wednesday because of some issues so I wanted to make sure he got in another workout before he leaves on his business trip for a week on Monday. Well my dick and Sir had other plans lol. I could not help myself and went top crazy. I gentle guided Sir to the wall and was humping his ass hard. If I was only an inch taller I would have fucked him against that wall grrrrrr.
So we got to rolling around on the bed fully clothed ready for the gym. Well that idea didn’t last long lol. I was ripping his pants off to get at his ass. I pushed him down on the bed and slid my pants down to give my dick a crack at his ass. I was humping and sooo horny. I penetrated pretty fast and easy for me. I was going at his ass fully clothed lol. Eventually he was naked and I ripped all my clothes off so I could have no hindrance to fucking his brains out grrrrrr. Eventually when my legs just could push anymore :( Sir hopped on my cock and rode it till he came on my chest. MAN that was FUCKING HOT! I want to do that over and over and over again hehehe. Sirs ass is soooooo hot.
Bit eventually was dick settled down and just couldn’t preform anymore. It was so sad because Sirs ass was in heat and needing to be continuously fucked. I wish there was another boy that could’ve continued where I left off. I felt bad leaving Sir hanging with a horned up hole but when my dick is done he’s sadly done. We are working on that but it is a slow process.
So instead I power humped Sir for a while. Slamming all of my weight into his ass repeated. It made such a heavenly noise. I hooe the whole bathhouse was jealous of what was happening in our room hehehe. Then I would intersperse that with light paddling. Sir likes to be spanked a little sometimes. I think he has picked up the bad habit from me but I am happy to oblige him hehe. After smacking that ass to a nice red hue I thought oooo what about the wartenberg wheel. All the soreness from the smacks makes the skin super sensitive and thus more receptive to the prongs of the wheel. Hehehe man was rolling the wheel over Sirs ass fun. His ass went into convulsions during the wheel time. If my dick had been in his ass at the time man I would’ve been jacked off by his ass lol. Hehehe Sir also pointed me to a new pleasure spot on him that I did not know about. He likes to haave his calves squeezed real hard. Doing that produces soooo much good energy :) I can’t wait to figure out all of the nuisances inlaid into those muscles hehehe. I did try to inhance the experience with the calves by lightly smacking them with the paddle and then squeezing. Mmmmmm so much pleasure can come from pain :)
Sir rewarded me for our awesome day with one fair answer to a question in a game we are playing with some friends and by helping me break thru some issues that I have been holding on too. One of the effects of bdsm is the relasing of emotions that one has bottled up and locked away. The intense pain and pleasure can unlock these emotions and memories and cause one to cry. A good Sir will help the sub ride the emotions and use the experience as a cathartic way to deal with those emotions. One is at there most vulnerable when these emotions bubble to the surface. Sir wasn’t beating me when these emotions popped up but he was just talking calmly to me and was massaging my chest and told me that it felt like I was holding on to something about my ex. That led to discussing some problems that I was having with my friends which led me to start crying. This was my body dealing with emotions that I had buried deep concerning them. It was such a nice experience that I would not have had if I did not trust Sir. It is hard for one to successfully deal with these emotional triggers without a loving, caring beautiful Sir to make you feel safe and guide you thru the experience.
I don’t know what I did to deserve my Sir but I am eternally grateful for meeting him and for my time with him. I don’t know how ling the universe has us linked together for but I am happy that our paths are linked and I hope that they will be linked for the rest of our lives. You mean very much to me Sir and I thank you for picking me :)
Hope you boys enjoyed our latest paly session. I know I did lol. Well I will see you guys in a week since Sir will be out of town for a week. I hope my dick can haddle a week locked up without getting out to play lol. Wish me luck guys. Good night
Patience in all things are rewarded. :) it takes time to develop the trust one needs in BDSM relationship.
I am so happy BOTH of our patience has been rewarded. Quite an awesome time was had by all. :) looking forward myself to future fun.
Flip fuck success :)
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope everyone has had a wonderful week. Its been an uneventful week for me since Sir was out of town on business so we didn’t get to play till yesterday. And man was the wait worth it hehe
Sir unlocking my cage was like unlocking a beast hehehe. I was on Sirs ass hard all day. Fucking his sweet ass over and over again grrrrrrr. I am really enjoying that my cock is obeying more and getting to be used as a fuck toy by Sir. I can get him in Sirs ass a fucking away much easier then even a month ago. I am still self-conscious about how my dick is worjing but that is quickly fading away.
Now the next hurdle I’d like to push pass is positions. Right now the most comfortable position for me to fuck in is with Sir on his stomach and his legs together. I feel most confident in this position but I’d like to get confident in others. We have tried a few others but my dick has a hard time with them. I wish I was an inch longer sometimes with them but that is my own issue. I know that a dicks fun is all about how Its used not how big it is.
Speaking of huge dicks Sirs was glorious yesterday. I mean it was at full mast and just heavenly. Sirs cock looks like a very normal size when soft but when it gets fully hard it swells to three times its soft size mmmmmmm. And apparently when It is at full mast I turn into the biggest pussyboi ever lol. I would want to have that beautiful cock in my ass right away and I have to say Sir has not fucked me fully yet. His cock has similar issues to my cock so we haven’t really explored that aspect of sex yet. Also my first fuck ever was with a guy who was very big and had no idea what he was doing. He just stuck it in and went to town. That hurt like a bitch and turned me off of anal sex for a long time.
But even with being turned off by it I still felt drawn to anal sex. Heck when Sir and I started this journey last year I thought I wanted to be a pussyboi. At that time I couldn’t be one. I was still dealing with my own issues with my hole and not quite feeling pleasure out of my hole. Well fast forward a year and I’m ready for full anal fucking hehehe. Every time Sir would be fully engorged I’d want his dick in me. Hehehe. I tried riding it but my hile isn’t quite trained enough to relax to do that yet so the next time Sir put me in the same position that I fuck him in: on my stomach with my legs together. His huge dick penetrated my hole, which it has never done hehehe. It hurt like hell and he had to pull out right after which pissed me off because I wanted to be fucked but you have to listen to what your body is telling you. Even though it hurt I was very happy and my cock couldn’t have been any harder. I had to push my cock down so that it wouldn’t be at full mast under my weight. That hurt so good but I wasn’t able to concentrate with my dick on fire. And right after Sir got out of me I was sad. I really wanted him inside me and I used the pain in my ass to fuck Sir with. The pain felt so good thay I rode it to fuck Sir even harder. Which got Sir hard hehehe. We are now at the point that with proper preparations Sir and I could flip fuck all night hehehe. Me fucking him gets him hard and him fucking me gets me hard. So as one’s dick gets soft the other person can hope In and start fucking the other till the other person gets hard again. Fuck and repeat hehehe.
I can’t wait till Monday for even more fun hehehe. See you alls later :)
We will get through this, just more patience is all we need.
Monday night fucking!
Hey boys and Sirs. It was a great start to my work week with a play session with Sir hehehe. Sirs dick was being over active again hehehe. When his dick is at full mast I gotta have it in me :). This time I wore a butt plug and took it out right before Sir wanted to fuck my tight little hole. Grrrrrrr. It felt good. It is much easier for me to take his cock when my hole has been stretched out by my butt plug. My butt plug is fast becoming my favorite toy for what it does for me. It helps me stay hard to fuck Sir and keeps me open so that Sir can play with my ass. Hehehe. Now days I really like Sirs fingers up my butt hole working my insides grrrrrrr. Now if I could only cum on demand. Its the only thing that is frustrating me with the play sessions is that I feel great afterwards but I don’t get off. I don’t really need to but I want to to show my Sir and anyone else that I’m with that I really enjoyed what we did. For guys cumming seems to equate with satisfaction. I made that guy cum. I did that! Can’t fake cumming like a women can lol. Working on this issue and I know we can get past it. I could cum with Sir before I can cum with him again. Wish me luck boys :)
It's cumming time!
Hey everyone. I hope your weekend is going well. Mine has been so far. I got to cum this week so I’m doing great lol :p. I don’t know how long I has been sinc I came with Sir in the room but Sir and I were very proud of myself :)
Sir and I started the play time with a romp thru the gym. Sir had taken the previous week off from the gym since he was out of town and not close to a gym he could use. So we were working on getting him back into gym mode. He was doing really well but the workout really made him tired. Gym time is like bondage time. Get your victim really tired at the gym and then his muscles will be too sore to put up a fight hehehe.
So after the workout we retired to the room to play. I topped Sir but had to be gentle since his lower back was acting up HUGS. Gotta be careful withyour workouts since they could rench your back out of place and be painful for many weeks.
As a reward for making Sir so happy I was allowed to jack myself to cum. It had been many months since I had cum with Sir in the room. Dont know what the problem us but I am sooooo glad Sir put on some porn and allowed me to jack with him playing with my nips and balls hehehe. It felt wonderful and I hope to repeat that again and again and again with Sir hehehe.
Now I have a warning for you chastity boys. Make sure you keep your cages clean and shower after you have anal sex before putting your cage back on. I went to work after we played and ended up with terrible back pain for the whole night. Or at least I thought it was back pain. The next night I had green oooz cuming from my piss slit and realized that what I had was a UTI. The back pain was actually kidney pain. I don’t know what I did to cause it since I have never had this happen before but just giving you boys a warning. Things happen and with some cranberry juice I am back to my normal horny self :). Hope everyone has a kinky week coming up :)
I definitely had a very fun time. And maybe in just two more sessions... I will have a boy who gets hard and leaking when tickled. :)
Threes a party :)
Hey boys and sirs. Hope everyone’s weekend was awesome. I got a whole bunch of chores done while Sir was having some fun of his own. My illness cleared up over the weekend so all was set for Monday playtime :)
Now this play session was different because we had a third to play with. A friend of Sir and I wanted to join in in the fun and we are more then happy to have another join us. Espically this cutie since he is one cute ball of energy. I have never played with him but just standing next to him when he was getting a few swats to his delicious ass just overwhelmed me with positive energy many times before. We have such handsy and kinky friends lol.
So I picked this friend up from his work and we met Sir at the club. Much to my happiness Sir had done his full workout before myself and this friend had showed up. Sir didn’t want to eat into the play time with his gym time :p soafter Sir was done with gym we all hopped into the hot tub and soaked so the friend could detox from work and Sir could warm up. He was starting to feel like a corpse :p hehe
I have to say threesomes are a little tricky to do but once you get the hang of it they are lots of fun. One person tends to get to be the center of attention for a bit and then with a good threesome the center moves from person to person to person so that all three feel equally delicious hehehe. And man this friend had a fine ass that is sooo fun to play with. I had spent the previous night dreaming about working over his ass lol and man did his ass live up to my expectations hehehe. He responds like I do to a good spanking grrrrrr. So hot! I couldn’t keep my hands off his jiggly ass. Whereas Sir focused on his cock hehehe.
Sir is sooooo good at edging a boy that they always cum back for seconds hehehe. Sir kept our friend horned up all night. He was training wombat to get hard while being tickled so he was moving between getting our friend hard and tickling him hehehe. By the end of the night he was showing much progress with tickling being tied to his dick hehehe.
our even took a crack at spanking my ass mmmmmmmm. That felt sooooo good. I really enjoyed that and I wasn’t expecting that. He was always just a spanking bottom but we are working on making him a spanking top too hehehehe. But our friend should be careful about his sarcastic comments because they can come back to haunt him hehehe. He made a comment that since Sir likes pressure he should do push ups on Sirs chest. The look Sir gave with that comment was priceless lol. Both wombat and I were doing push ups on Sirs chest after that. That was totally hot. Hot to see Sirs reactions and to see our sexy friend pushing up and down on Sirs chest grrrrrrrr.
Thank you for such a fun time. I hope the three of us get to do it again sometime soon. One time with your ass is not enough hehehe. Thank you Sir for setting up this play date and I hope you had as much fun as I did Sir hehehe.
You need more than one Boy.
Cuddles times :)
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope all is going well with everyone. Its been a good week for me. I have gotten to do two days a yard work so the yard is almost ready for summer and I got to play with Sir on Wednesday.
Sir didn’t know if he finished the last workout in his 10 week cycle or not so we decided to do a general workout routine of things that he liked that would affect hia back which has been acting up sadly. The workout went really well and Sir worked up a good sweat.
A very delicious sweat that I proceeded to lick off his body hehehe. Sir smells really good after his workout. There are so many perks to him wanting to pump it at the gym hehehe. Grrrrr I pumped his ass good afterwards. Using my sweat as lube to hump his hot ass hehehe.
Sir was trying to make the day all about me because of his injury but I was able to flip it on him and make the day all about him. I really enjoy when Sir makes a boy centered day for me but I like making him the center of attention as much as possible. He makes me soooo happy that I want to make him just as happy :) I did a really good job of that since he had to jack by the end of play time when he wasn’t planning on it at all hehehe. I’m such a naughty boy….I need a spanking hehehe.
I was not sure if I enjoyed it fully last night, but I am now very turned on by it. And with the trees in my yard, many more switchings will come. :)
Got me so turned on this afternoon... grrrr.

Hey boys and Sirs. Hope everyone had as fun of a Monday as I did hehehe. Sir and I met for play time but we didn’t get to do his gym workout since his boss couldn’t get off the phone fast enough so we ended starting later than normal but that didn’t mean we didn’t have tons of fun hehehe.
The pic is of my ass after a good switching. If you don’t know what a switch is it is a thin branch usually about a quarter of an inch thick that has been stripped of all knobs and smaller branches. It needs to be a recently cut branch so it has some bend to it and doesn’t break over a boy’s ass lol. Fathers would use it on their boys bottoms in the US usually in rural areas and part of the punishment involved having the boy cut his own switch.
Luckily I didn’t have to cut my own switch lol
I had joked with Sir last week about a switch while he was doing yard work. Little did I expect that he would show up with a freshly cut one on Monday lol. Now I have never had a switch or a can used on my ass so I didn’t know what to expect. I like trying new things so it was an adventure. I have always been more attracted to the use of hand or paddle on my ass.
Well after Monday the switch will be added to the play list lol. You wouldn’t think it would hurt that much since it is such a thin piece of wood. Well I have to tell you boys that it hurts worse then a paddle at full tilt lol. Sir didn’t have to smack at full swing for me to be so close to calling orange. I was in sooo much pain with such a tiny instrument lol.
My ass is still sore and its been almost 24hrs since he smacked my ass with it lol. Sir finds that the smack isn’t as satisfying as with the paddle but apparently the noises I made made up for the quieter smack of the switch. Also he loves how he was able to send me to bed in the morning with a sore ass. He has only gotten to do that once and really likes to do it. And the funny thing is my ass is still sore but the switch didn’t leave any bruising ir marks of any kind. I suggest to you Sirs that if you need to truely punish you boys don’t use the paddle use the switch lol.
After the switch we went to the hot tub got hit on by a cute bear and then went back to the room and had the real fun. Sir humped my ass till he spewed cum all over my ass hehehe. I felt like such a lucky boy that my ass was being marked by Sirs seed hehehe. MY Sir! Hehehe
It was such a fun night and I get reminded about it every time I sit down lol. Hope you all are staying naughty and having fun. See ja alls later :)
We so will get there, both of us are getting each of the things we need to do to get things going good. Soon flip fucking will be a regular event. ;) Then have to come up with something new to try! :) hehehe
Pussyboi my ass Sir!
Hehehe hey boys and Sirs. I hope everyones week is going well. Just one more day till the weekend :) and that means hust one more day till Sir and I can play again grrrrrrr. And I’m sure that our Saturday play will be just as fun as our Wednesday play hehehe.
We hit the gym hard on Wednesday. It was the start of a new 10 week exercise plan for Sir and we started it off with a bang. Sir was pumping iron well above what he was doing last week so it should be interesting what his results will be. He cheats and reacts really well to weight training. Only takes a day somehow to see results in his chest and arms grrrrrr. They are fetting really defined and nommable hehehe.
After making sure Sir was exhausted by the end of gym time we went back to the room and knocked boots hehehe. I licked his nips sooo light and gentle to drive up his libido hehehe. If you have someone who has sensitive nipples lick then in circles with just the tip of your tongue. It should drive them wild hehehe
I really enjoy how sensitive Sirs chest and arms get after his workouts. I can manipulate the sore muscles and cause such happy noices from Sir hehehe. I will push hard on the nips and then slowly work my hands up his chest and on to his shoulders. I have to say that it alm ost looks like his eyes role back into his head from the experience hehehe.
After he git riled up I went spalunking in his damn hot ass hehehe. I am really becoming comfortable with thrusting and deriving pleasure from fucking Sirs ass hehehe. We are now wanting to explore different positions to get some variety and try hitting some new spots hehehe. It has been very difficult for me to get my dick in Sirs hole any other way except when he is on his stomach with his legs together. If his lefs are apart I can rub his hole but just can’t get my dick in :(. We’ll get there tho. Before I couldn’t get my dick in at all let alone keep it hard while playing around. The days have changed :)
And man have they hehehe. Sir flipped me over and was grinding my ass hard. I was in such heat that I was spreading my own ass cheeks as wide open as I could for his huge dick to get inside me. I have never ever done that before for anyone lol. I was soo dick hungry that I NEEEDED Sir inside me grrrrrrr. I felt like such a pussyboi face in the pillow holding my own ass open for Sir to have full access to my pussy hehehe. Sir got in a few times but my ass is way too tight for him to stay in long. I keep forcing him out by accident. I really got to work on my pussy muscles so I have more control and can let an awesome dick pound me into the bed whenever my hung top wants too hehehe. The few time Sir breached my pussy did bring him to climate all over my ass hehehe. My ass was sooooo happy to be the cause of Sir happiness. I can’t wait till its my pussy that causes Sir to lose control and spill his cum on my ass hehehe.
Well I gots to go boys and Sirs. Hope everyone is enjoying my posts. If anyone wants to chat just message me :) see ya and as always stay horny hehehe
Definitely an awesome day, since I got off four times. LOL :)
Also yes on the riding each other. Such a hot time.
We are so getting thers. :)
Sit on that dick hehehe
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope all is well this weekend. I’m having a fucking awesome weekend! Sir picked me up for play tine yesterday and we went to a local kink shop to pick up a new toy. We didn’t know what we were going to get but Sir was in the mood to get a treat hehehe. Nothing really tickled our fancy for a while. I was hoping we could get a cane but I didn’t like any of the ones I saw. Sir found a cool paddle that was soft on one side and hard on the other. Ine could focus on stinging or thuds based on which side you wanted. It was nice but based on its $130 price tag Sir was like no lol. Dont know why it would be that fucking expensive. We finally found some long metal witches nails that are for electro wands but work really well as just long nails to glide over sensitive skin hehehe.
We then headed over to the club and had the time of our lives :). We got the big room with the full length mirror on the wall next to the bed so you can see everything that is going on hehehe. The mirror is not a necessity but it can be really fu n to look up and see what fun is happening in its entirety :).
I don’t know what was up with me but my pussy was on fire. I was ready to take a dick and ride it yesterday lol. I had been dreaming about sitting on Sirs dick and riding it good. Sadly that didn’t happen becuase my pussy is really tight and I don’t have too much control over it yet. I’ll be wotking on that tho hehehe. My ass was in the air wanting to be played with the whole time hehehe. While I was sucking Sir I would move my ass around to face him so he could have free range to swat, play with or whatever to my ass, pussy, dick and balls hehehe. I was actually able to take 4 fingers up my pussy from Sir I was wondering if I would become a fisting bottom at that moment because of how hungry my pussy was last night lol.
The more Sir played with my ass the more I wanted to fuck his. Grrrrr Sir has such a fun ass to play with hehehe. Now that I think about it. I never eat his ass last night….sad. I was having too much fun fuckong and humping his ass to realize that I had missed eating him out lol. Mmmmm I need some Sir ass in my face right now hehehe.
Sir and I were trying to do some new positions yesterday to vary how we fuck. You always want to be pushing yourself with sex so one doesn’t become complacent and just resort’s to the same positions over and over again. One didn’t succeed because of my dick but the other was wildly successful and will be repeated over and over and over again hehehe. The first new position Sir was up against the door with his ass sticking out and I was trying to stick my dick in and fuck it grrrrr. My dick just wasn’t having that position so we went back to him on his stomach and me humping away at that sweet ass. I did get to try a new way of humping witch was just my hips tocuhing Sirs ass and nothing else and that turned out to be super fun hehehe.
Our second position was certainly a crowd pleaser :) Sir was sitting on my dick riding it hehehe. On man was that hot. My dick was hitting all the right spots for Sir that he came in no time flat hehehe. It was such a fun position that every time my dick was at full mast Sir would hop on it and fuck my dick with his ass hehehe. Man that was sooo much fun. I can’t wait for us to do that again and I can’t wait to return the favor. I tried to sit on his dick too but it wasn’t quite working for us so I got his dick head right up against my hole and was rocking back and forth to stimulate his dick grrrrrr. I can’t wait to get Sirs fully erect dick up my pussy shoot and milking it hehehe. We were having fun that this is how we are going to flip fuck when we get there hehehe. I am totally up for this kind of fun morning noon or night hehehe.
Well I’m off to tey and do something productive today. Maybe I should practice with my dildo a little bit hehehe. Have a nice weekend boys and Sirs :)
We are getting there... Hehehe

Doesn’t my ass look damn hot boys and Sirs hehehe. Sir gave me an awesome switching before play time ended yesterday hehehe. You can see all the welts easily hehehe. I am soo happy with my Sir and his readiness to beat my ass when I need it :).
Sir and I had a really nice play time yesterday. We hit the gym HARD with Sir making vast leaps and bounds on his reps from last week :) I hope he felt the results from it today hehehe. He is sooo hot when he is all exhausted from a hard workout that I helped with :)
After the workout Sir let me do something that I talked about in my last post that I didn’t get to do last time. Ear his tasty ass. I am such an ass muncher that I really want it everyday all day lol. It just tastes so good and Sir makes such delicious noices from it hehehe. And sweaty post workout ass is even better :)
That got Sir riled up to take what he wanted hehehe. He had me on my stomach and humped a load into my ass crack grrrrrr that was sooo damn hot. I need that again right now grrrrrrr. Then after Sir got off we chatted and cuddled for a bit. This is just as important as play to Sir and I. You get to check in after play and see what was good and such. And cuddles are always awesome :)
Then we went to the hot tub to soak. Which I always enjoy. A big perk if the club is the hot tub. I really like hot tubs but don’t have access to one anywhere else. After hot tub soak we went back to the room and played around some more hehehe. Sir got soooo horned up that he was ready to stick his dick in my ass and fuck my pussy hehehe. It was a process since I kept forcing him out by accident. I not use to having other people shove things up my ass so my hole reacts accordingly. But for the first time ever I was able to relax my hole all by myself and let Sir in to my ass hehehe. I feel really guilty that he got part way in and then I told him to stop. It was starting to hurt and I didn’t want a repeat of previous times with my ex where I had to grin and bear it. But Sir isn’t my ex and he is more concerned about my comfortablility. I should have told him to wait a second while my ass got use to his dick being there and then have him keep moving forward. I really want to enjoy getting fucked but it us a process. I hope Sir will forgive me for my hesitation and will still be willing to explore anal with my ass as the prize to win hehehe. I want my pussy worked out by Sirs huge cock. Make me anal orgasm Sir grrrrrrrrr :)
Till next time boys and Sirs. Gute nacht
Yes, I was talking with @mr-r-sd and his information on just easing the rope was a LOT of help. Was wondering why my ropes weren’t as “clean” as his were in his postings. I need practice, but at least feel it was great feedback and will help with future rope play.

Hey boys and Sirs. It has been a little while. Sir and I were both busy last week so we didn’t get to play for a whole week :( but we are back to are old horny selves this week hehehe.
As you can see I got tied up by Sir for a little bit this monday hehehe. Sir had been talking to a bondage tumblr guy that day and got some very useful tips on rope work that Sir wanted to try out. They were a lot of fun. I wasn’t even in really any pain kneeling there with my hands tied behind my back :) But beware boys when the rope comes off yiu are going to need a minute and probably some help to recover from the rope play. My joints were sooo stiff after this lol. Can’t wait to do it again tho. It was so hot to have Sir be able to hold on to the rope and control what position I was in. If my ass would’ve been cooperating I would have sooo loved to have Sir fucking me while holding the ropes to keep my ass in position hehehe. The rope made me feel like such a pussy boy. Cant use my hands so Sir use my holes for your pleasure hehehe.
Well you guys got the end of our night….how bout we talk about the beginning now lol. Sir hit the gym really really hard that day. I was sooooo proud of him. He went 5-10 lbs up on every exercise he did from a week ago. He was actually feeling the workout the next day I found out hehehe. I think we have hit that sweet spot where his muscles are really starting to be challenged Hehehe. Based on what he has achieved with the lesser weights Sir will be a halking beast of a man by the end of summer hehehe.
After gym time we went back the room and fiddled around :) getting reacquainted with eachother since we hadn’t seen eachother in a week. Had to make sure that what was good last week was still good now hehehe. And it is :p I worked over Sirs nips, pits and cock. When we really got going I was fingering his ass good grrrrrrr. He has such a fun ass to play with.
He kept trying to get my dick to ruse but when he doesn’t want to go he just won’t go. I don’t know what was the matter with him but it took him a little while to get in the mood. But when he finally rose to the occasion Sirs ass needed him in there working his magic hehehe. I hope that Wednesday my dick is wanting to go from the beginning because I want to tap that ass over and over again hehehe.
Hope you all have a nice day. I am off to bed yay :p
Grrrr yes, we are making awesome progress and glad we both keep sticking to it. Patience will be rewarded.
Tight holes make for fun play :p
How’s all the Sirs and boys out there doing? I hope you all aren’t being too innocent lol Sir and I certainly aren’t being innocent at all hehehe.
Sir and I started our play day with an HIV test. I know this isn’t a fun topic but it is essential for keeping ones health in tip top shape. You always want to get tested regularly so that you know your status and can protect yourself and your playmates from becoming HIV statistic. Preventing the spread of this virus is up to each and every one of us :). Happily I can say that I’m negative yay!
Now on to the fun stuff hehehe. Gym time was fun as usual. Pushing Sir to grow his muscles to new heights. We discovered that his biceps now have those sexy lines in the muscle when he flexes grrrrrr. I am so proud of my Sir for sticking to his workout routine. It may not be every workout but with his diet he is making awesome strides. Now I am motivated to oush myself harder with exercise and diet so I don’t fall behind him lol. Dont want to see my Sir pass me to where he finds a new boy :p lol
After gym we wrestled around. Me licking and sucking his nips till his dick needed some major attention hehehe. It is soooo much fun to start with Sirs nips and work them till he forces me to start sucking his cock hehehe. He can’t wait for me to get there on my own so he moves me there grrrrrr. Probably a good thing he does that because I’m a tease and will work on other areas way after he needs me on his dick hehehe.
So we ened up kind of 69 it. I was sucking his gorgeous cock while he was playing with my ass. Spanking it and wotking my hole open. It felt so good and I was making some fun noises lol. His dick was very engorged that day and needed to get off hehehe. He had me get on my stomach and was trying to fuck my ass. My hole was just not having it that day :( I wish my hole would cooperate when I wanted it to. Sir really needed a pussy to fuck and sadly I couldn’t deliver. I was just forcing him out accidentally grrrrr. Seems like I need to stretch my hole out more so that when Sir needs to fuck my tight hole he can have it hehehe. Practice practice practice I say :p.
So we flip fucked the hours away. When my dick got hard from him humping my ass I would hump his till he needed to hump mine again hehehe. That was a lot of fun. I wish my ass and dick would’ve cooperated more but I’m not going to beat myself up too much about that. They have made progress from the past and they will get to where Sir and I want them to be in the future. Time and practice will bring and already have brought great results. I can’t wait till Sir and I play on Saturday. I’m going to make sure my ass is ready for a Sir pounding hehehe.
Have a good end of the week boys and Sirs. See yas!
Slowly but surely we are getting there. :) and I am glad both of us are patient. As I say, good things come to those that wait. Especially with chastity play. Hehehe
Insert tab A into slot B hehehe
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope all yiu had a fun weekend. I certainly did hehehe. This Saturday the fun started in the shower prepping for my play time with Sir. I have been having a hard time with bottoming because of my tight hole. It likes to clamp shut when Sir is trying to breach it. It drives me crazy that it does this so I was determined to not have this problem Saturday. So while I was rinsing out my pussy so it would be enjoyable for Sir to play with I decided to work on stretching my hole. I wanted to see that it could stretch and stay stretched while taking a dick. So I took a butt plug and kept pushing it in and pushing it out till my pussy was loosened. Then I took my 6.5" dildo and attatched it to the wall and practiced impaling my ass on to it. I’ve never really done this before since I was more concerned about getting it in my ass then how my hole was dealing with the dildo getting in there. So I kept setting up the dildo and backing my ass on to it for practice. Hehehe I have to say it ended up being pretty fun and I got my hole loose enough that I could take Sirs huge dick hehehe.
So after getting my pussy ready I slipped in a butt plug to keep it loose and headed to have fun with Sir at the club. We were suppose to workout but Sir just wasn’t into it. He had missed his chiropractor appointment this week so his back wasn’t wanting to cooperate. So with no gym to get in the way we jumped right into the fun stuff hehehe. Sir had me strip while he went to the bathroom so he had to eagerly check what undies I had worn to see what kind of play day we were going to have hehehe.
Those who are new to following me should know that when I wear tighty whities that is a signal to Sir that I NEED a good spanking that day. He can deliver it any way he wants but I NEED to have my butt smacked and redden during our play session lol. So he was enthused to see that I had come with my tighty whities on hehehe.
He laid down while was working his nips, shoulder and arms. Getting little Sir nice and hard so he could have a fun day. After Sirs cock was getting hard I started sucking it while Sir was slapping my ass. We were in a 69 position with his cock in my mouth and my ass getting wacked with the paddle :) it is a good thing that I make Sir do his wrist exercises since it the paddling was all wrist lol. Sir was also making sure that my mouth wasn’t leaving his dick while he was paddling me lol. He kept telling me to get back on top of it and how it shouldn’t leave my mouth.
Afrer the paddling Sir was playing with the dildo in my ass. Slapping it, pulling on it, pushing on it, pulling it all the way out and then shoving it back in hehehe. Then he took my hole into his own hands hehehe. He was working my hole over with one finger, then two, then three on to four and finally to five! I had five fingers all the way in my ass :D. I had never accomplished that before hehehe. I was SO happy about that. I could finally take Sirs cock YES!
Well my ass was ready but Sirs cock was not having it that day. It was hard but not hard enough to penetrate my ass. It seems that when one thing is ready the other is not lol. One day his cock and my ass will be horny and ready at the same time for play. I even tried to ride his dick which got an awesome reaction from Sir when my pussy got on top of his dick head but I wqs worried about hurting Sir so we could go all the way sadly. So instead Sir lubed up my ass cheeks and fucked those till he came grrrrrr.
It is soooo hot to have my ass covered in Sirs cum. I don’t want to move or anything when that happens. I feel that I have accomplished a great thing when it is MY ass that heoped Sir cum hehehe. Soon very soon it WILL be my ass and my hole working in tandem to make Sir spurt all over the place hehehe.
I can’t wait till we get to play again hehehe. Hope you all are having a decent beginning of the week and stay kinky :)
I had an amazing evening, I also enjoy it alot and with everything going on, it is quite relaxing and enjoyable.
Slow and steady makes Sir feel good :)
Hey boys and Sirs. Its a brand new week time for some more dirtyness hehehe. Sir had the day off so he was raring to go early in the day lol. Its a good thing that I woke up earlier then I was expecting so I could take advantage of Sirs day off hehehe. We were able to hit the gym a full hr early :). I put Sir thru his paces so he’d keep growinf his muscles hehehe. He was talking about how much they had grown by the next morning lol. Its a good thing that I insist that he works out so that he makes those gains because when he is super horny he always tries to escape his gym time lol.
But he always gets me back for his gym time lol. When we got back to the room he unlocked me from my chastity cage and I almost doubled over with how hard my cock was when it was coming out. The head almost didn’t want to come out of the cage lol. Sir was using the cage as a little makeshift jack sleeve. He claims he was helping :p uh huh lol so he did a quick suck of my engorged cock and then he wanted to go to the hot tub grrrrrr. Such an evil Sir lol. Me waiting there with my cock at full mast needing attention and he makes us go out into public so the whole club can see my hard cock lol.
He knows how to have fun with my mind lol. So we went to soak in the hot tub for a bit which I always enjoy. If I could install my own hot tub I would now lol. When we were nice and hot and my dick had decided to calm down we went back to the room and to a nice long night of sucking, fondling and rubbing hehehe. I was going back and forth between suckinf Sirs cock with all the gusto in the world and jacking him with just as much hehehe. I love how hard Sir gets when I jack him. I wish my hand could stay lubed all the time so I could keep jacking him without it getting sticky. Sie rhen would flip over and I’d feast on his ass grrrrrrr. I want my last meal to be Sirs ass hehehe. I get sooooo horny from that ass that I can’t hlelp but jump on it and hump it till I have no energy left in my body hehehe.
Then I’d go back to sucking and jacking Sir. Getting him close but him not coming for like an hour hehehe. I even hopped on top of him and was squat fucking his cock. Showing that my skills in that area were improving :). I can’t wait to use just my ass to make Sir cum hard hehehe. So finally when Sir just had to get off he climbed on top of me and first humped my ass some and then turned me over and jacked on my chest. Man was it such a hard cum for him hehehehe. He was in such a good mood foe the rest of the night that we went to the hot tub and then lounged by the pool for awhile just chatting and enjoy eachothers company :) I enjoy this aspect of our play sessions just as much as all the dirty sex. The emotional connection is what makes our play time sooo awesome and meaningful. :) I hope all you boys and Sirs are working towards the same goals in your kinky relationships HUGS you all have a nice day and stay kinky :p
I think we made awesome progress and your ass is so heavenly. :) and funny cause I see guys now and think of fucking them, not usually the case. Grrrr Saturday can't get here soon enough.
Heaven is two inches past the cheeks hehehe
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope everyone enjoyed their week. I CERTAINLY did. Sir and I played on Wednesday at it was AMAZING. We made sooooooo much progress that it is hard for me to comprehend just how far we have come in just three days since we had last played hehehe. The play day started out kind of stressful because of the traffic in town. There was soooooooo much traffic on every road and freeway that it took me twice as long as normal to get to the club. Sir got there first and got a room. Apparently all of the attendants at the club were wondering where I was lol. I didn’t get there too much past Sir but we did lose half an hr to our play time so we skipped the gym and man was that worth it grrrrrrr.
When I got in the room Sir was already naked and ready for fun hehehe. Before I even got my clothes off he was kneeling on the bed ass up teasing me with it. Grrrrrrrrr I couldn’t help myself hehehe. Sir let me eat that sweet set of cake till I was horned up and I mean SUPER horned up. My dick was hard after having a full meal of Sir ass that he was looking for some tight hole fun hehehe. I actually got to mount Sir while he was kneeling on the bed ass up hehehe. We have tried this position before and it was no dice time and time again. I just couldn’t get my dick to breach his hole. It would always slip down past his hole and frustrate me. Well I am happy to report that did not happen this time. I pushed in and felt heaven open up to me. I can still feel Sirs ass squeezing my dick hard as it went in. GODS i want that feeling again grrrrrrrrrrrrr. My knees were on the bed and i was grasping his sides as i thrusted in and for the first time out hehehe. Before I was always nervous about my dick popping of his ass and not going back in. Porn seemed like such a unrealistic fantasy to me. How do guys with dicks my length (average sized) truly get to thrust with abandon. Well I found that out Wednesday grrrrrr. By being able to keep my torso straight up I was able to have more control over my dick and thrust how and where I wanted to go hehehe. Even when i would bend over to caress Sirs back I was bale to keep humping his ass and working his hole sooooo good hehehe. I was hitting all the right spots for Sir grrrrrr He was moaning sooo much which of course made me want to keep going. Give him as much pleasure as my body could physically do and man did I succeed hehehe Sir said afterwards that if I had kept it up he would have cum from my fucking him hehehe. He was starting to lose control of what his dick was doing and could almost shoot hands free grrrrrrrr. A near goal that I will make happen. Hopefully Saturday hehehe. I know I have the motivation to make that happen. Man nothing would encourage me more then making Sir cum hands free grrrrrrrr. My dick did that hehehe.
We rested after that since both our hips needed some rest hehehe. I need to look up exercises to help me last longer since my hips get sore after a while and I was having a hard time breathing while in that position. I think that was just because I was sooooo excited and was enjoying myself soo much that i was forgetting to breath lol. Well that and my body isn’t use to thrusting that way do was being bad. I don’t think this will be a problem for very long tho hehehe. I am going to make that position my best one. I will make Sir cum every time from fucking his sexy ass! Hehehe so since Sir was already most of the way there I sucked the cum right out of him hehehe. It didn’t take long espically since I was fingering him HARD. I mean i was merciless on his prostate hehehe. Right as he was cumming I pressed down on it hard. Making him scream in ecstasy hehehe. I love that I know what I am doing now. I sooo enjoy that I can make Sir fill with pleasure :)
and speaking of filling with pleasure grrrrrrr. After the hot tub and some lounging by the pool Sir fucked my tight ass GOOD. I mean REAL FUCKING GOOD! My ass was begging for a fucking and Sir delivered. Unlike before where my ass would put up as much of a fight as possible when Sir found my hole and pushed to enter my hole opened right up for hm. I mean it just parted and let his HUGE cock go all the way to the base hehehe. It fekt soooooooooooooooo FUCKING GOOD! I was backing up on his dick trying to get even further into my ass. I was a bitch in heat lol. And what was even better was my ass was letting him be in there thrusting around giving me pleasure. It wasn’t perfect but man did my ass let him in and there to stay for the longest time so far :) hehehe and Sir was able to enter and fuck my ass several times. There was no pain and I was feeling soooooooooooooo good that i even got hard. Hard enough that Sir and I for the first time flip fucked. He fucked me and then I fucked him. One after another grrrrrrrrrr. It as SO hot. This has been a goal of ours for a long time. Ever since Sir started training me to top we have wanted to flip fuck and we finally did it YAY! Cant wait to do it again grrrrrrrrrrr. Saturday can’t come fast enough! Now the complementary goal will be to have both of us cum while either fucking or getting fucked. Sir has approved both of these as ways for me to cum. I am not allowed to get off any other way then thru fucking and man am I now really happy for that rule. I feel so close to this goal that I will have to be pealed off the wall when it happens grrrrrrrr. Stay tuned for even more kinky fun guys HUGS
OH! I’m Good!
Hey boys and Sirs. Hope all of you have been having a good week so far. I certainly had a VERY fun weekend. Sir and I got to play most of the weekend hehehe. We had a back o school party to go to for a friend so Sir and his partner were able to pick me up from my house and take me to the party too. :) The party was super fun. There was food and games and a great bunch of people to hang with. We were there for a couple of hours and then Sir and his partner took me back to my house so we could Chinese fire drill with the cars :P. Sir was coming with me so his partner could take one of their friends home while I took Sir down to his house. Luckily Sirs niece was out of town so we could play at the house and this time I decided after being offered to stay at the house and cuddle with Sir and his partner. I usually don’t care at all for their bed, It is super soft for me and my back regrets it the next day. But I really wanted to play with Sir and I LOVE hanging out at their house. So I got to take Sir home which was a lot of fun. We got to talk and he didn’t freak out about my driving this time LOL It seems that driving in the dark with Sir is better because he then can’t see a lot of the things that make him nervous lol.
So we made it to the house and Sirs partner made it a few minutes after that. Sir let me out of my age yay! He was probably thingking that we would get to play before bed but we were all pretty tired so we decide to crash in the bed. I usually sleep naked at home but I have a hard time sleeping naked with other people. It just seems odd to me. I’m not use to it. So I dropped to my undies in bed and crawled in hehe. Sir was of course naked and was asking me why I wasn’t lol. His partner stuck up for me in my choice but I did take my undies off and I have to say best decision ever lol. I was sooo much cooler being completely naked and it gave Sir better access hehehe. For awhile we were all trying to get some sleep but Sirs mind gets very overactive in bed and I needed to help take care of that hehehe. I sucked Sir off which was a lot of fun. He came in no time flat. He must have been very full hehehehe. So after that he finally was drifting off to sleep with the rest of us :)
I woke up really early the next morning compared to when we got up. I might have gotten I’d say 6 hours of sleep but it was great sleep. My back didn’t hurt and I felt rested. I did manage to tear the sheet off the corner of the bed tho so I don’t know how much I tossed and turned in the night but I woke up with a massive hardon. It was full mast and hungry. He wanted Sir ass. And to make matters worse Sirs ass was just inches from him. If his ass had been prepped he would have had such a fun morning wake up fuck grrrrrrrrrrr. But that was sadly not in the cards. But what was was humping Sir and giving him a bj hehehe. Best way to start the morning ever :) And then what made the day even better is that we were going out for breakfast yay! All three of us got up and we went to waffle house. mmmmmmmm waffles. I LOVE waffle house waffles. Can’t go there without getting two waffles mmmmmmmmm. So I certainly wasn’t keeping my low carb diet but neither was Sir :P He got a peanut butter waffle hehehe. So we had breakfast and then went grocery shopping. That certainly opened my eyes lol. Sir is a very pampered person :P we are going on a camping retreat together next month and I can’t help but call it glamping all the time these days. He wanted to bring a big screen TV and his playstation with him lol. We are already going to have carpeted floors,a towel rack, an air mattress, matching sheets, and a heater lol. I have NEVER camped like this before lol. Should be a really fun experience :) So we got a few things. Apparently grocery shopping counts as 4 food items and 12 non-food items :P hehehe. We headed home and brought everything in. I was supposed to clean the floors in exchange for Sirs partner to give me a hair cut but we didn’t get that far. Sir and I went upstairs to have some fun while his partner rested hehehe. I was wearing my tighty whities so Sir knew that I needed a good hard spanking and man did he deliver grrrrrrrr. He had me take off my undies and put me into the wheelbarrow position. For those of you who don’t know what this is it is when the spankee is has his head and knees on the ground while his legs are on either side of Sirs hips. This way the spankee’s ass is right on top of and in front of Sirs cock hehehe. So Sir has apple access to the boys ass and this position has the added benifit that I found out that one cannot clench your ass muscles in this position. Therefore the smack is falling on a totally lose and unguarded ass hehehe. It hurts a lot hehehe. Man it was sooooo much fun. Sir got me speaking in tongues in no time flat lol. After the spanking Sir and I cuddled a bit so that i could come down and recover from the spanking. I have such a thoughtful Sir :) After coming down I sucked Sirs nips really hard. They hadn’t gotten any action up to this point and I needed to rectify that hehehe. Got Sir more horny and then went to town on his cock. hehehe didn’t take me long to get him off. Sir made the comment that he needs to change the time for the challenege of getting him off from 15 minutes to 3 LOL I am getting really good at getting him offf. I can make it last or drive him really fast to orgasms hehehe. So many choices not enough time hehehe. Any way I do it I still get rewarded with delicious Sir cum grrrrrrrrr. I diffidently need more of it in my life hehehe. After Sir got off and before he started snoring we invited his parter to come nap with us and man did we nap HARD I slept like 4 hours and I woke up after I was planning on leaving lol. Not a bad change of plans tho since I did get to have a steak dinner with Sir and his partner :). Sirs partner makes FANTASTIC steak. I never liked steak before having his streak. MMMMMMMMM thank you for the food you two :) Then it was of to work for me lol.
It was such a fun weekend. I caan’t wait to experience another one soon :) You have a fun day you naughty boys and Sirs BYES
I get threesomes now LOL
Hey everyone. Hope you all are having a great week. I certainly had a fantastic one last week. After Sir and I played on Tuesday I figured that we were using that as our midweek plaay day and not doing Wednesday. To my suprise we were not. Sir wanted to do Wednesday and was bringing his partner with him for daddies night at the club. I got the room and they got to get discounted lockers since they are both over the age of 40. We got to scare the club attendant since he thought my Sir was MUCH younger then he really is hehehe. Sir looks fantastic for his age hehehe. Sirs partner has know me from the beinging of Sir and I playing together. We have a friendly relationship with eachother but I have to say it was never really sexual. Well this night that all changed hehehe. We went to the room and all striped. Sir took my cage off and we sat on the bed with me in the middle. Sadly they had no deluxe rooms available so we three grown men were on a twin mattress. While we were talking I was fondling Sir’s partner’s dick. He is thicker than Sir but his dick head is smaller then his shaft hehehe. He seemed to enjoy the attention hehehe. Then it was me who got all the attention. Both Sir and his partner were working a nipple while either woeking my shaft or my balls. I have to say that I was in boy heaven! Lol my dick got soooo hard that my sex drive was catapulted back into full existence hehehe. I was horny and raring to go grrrrrr. Sir and his partner laid down and made out while I flitted between the two. Licking a nipple here and a duck there. Trying to balance my time so no one got jealous :) got Sirs partner so going that he had to tell me to stop lol. He is a cum and done kind of guy I found out from Sir so he wasn’t ready to be done yet hehehe. So he got up and Sir turned over so that I could mount him. I have to say that my dick wasn’t at full mast to penetrate but he was having fun hehehe. He was humpinf on Sirs ass where out of no where Sirs partner starts working my asshole! He lubes up his fingers and pushes into me making me stretch and feel fantastic. I couldn’t help but keep humping Sir and pushing against his fingers. It felt so good and then it got unexpectedly even better. Sirs partner then mounted me and stuck his dick in my ass!!!!!! OMGS I wanst expecting that I a million years lol but man was I overjoyed with it hehehe. His dick popped right in with like no resistance. My ass was ready and wanting to swalloe his dick hehehe. He trusted a couple of times and then pulled out. I hope it was because my ass would have made him cum and not because my ass likes to fight dick. I don’t think it was since my ass was in a very happy place at that moment hehehe.
To recover from that awesome moment we all went to soak in the hot tub and check out the meat that was around us. Sir and I don’t really look for others but his partner was looking for a little fun I found out later hehehe. After soaking we went back to the room and cuddled for a bit before Sirs partner went to find a cute boy to suck him off while Sir and I got to have some Sir/boy time. Thanks you soo much for that Sirs partner. It is a part of our time that we do need to feel whole but we love having you just as much hehehe. I got to suck Sir off while his partner got sucked off by someone else hehehe. He even had competition for his load hehehe. I will be part of that competition too mister hehehe. We reconvened after they got off and created a huge cuddle pile on the bed. Cuddling for a bit before we decided to go soak in the hot tub again. There was nothing but smiles in the hot tub hehehe. We headed baxk to the room for me to get off but instead we got into a great political discussion and Sirs partner and I got to have a really cool talk and I got to find out about parts of his life I had no idea about. It was a great bonding moment. It went soooo well that we lost tract of time and there was no time for me to get off LOL be careful boys or your mouth will keep you from getting the chance to get off LOL I had such a great time and I hope we get to do it again. Threesomes with people who know tye importance of balance and giving as well as taking can create a really hot and memorable day HUGS. Love you all BYES
Sir is back!!!!!
Hey everyone. I hope you all have been having lots of naughty fun :) Sir and I certainly have hehehe. Sir and his partner got back from vacatoon two weekends ago and Sir and I eneded up getting to play on that Monday. :) I know that that is a long time from playing to posting about it but Sir has been very understanding about why it took me aome time to post about our play time. I was out of sync with posting since it had been almost a month since I was posting regularly because of all the vacations him and his partner were on during the month and this whole last week I have been fighting a pretty bad poison ivy rash that made it that I felt fatigued and just not able to post about play.
Well now that the rash is subsiding I am reasy to get back to my duties and get back to posting :) Sir and I weren’t planning on meeting up on monday since he got back from his art retreat on Sunday and I worked Sunday night but luckily I woke up around 4:30pm on Monday feeling very rested. I felt great and raring to go. I txted Sir a response to something and he was wanting to meet and play. I really wasn’t expecting that responce but after a little thought I was fully enthusiastic about getting to play with Sir after a week and a half of not getting to see him. I was really in the mood and luckily the rest of my body agreed that it was time for some play time hehehe.
We got to the club and checked in. Got a room and settled in for some fun. I worked Sir nips really hard. Working them like th ey needed hehehe. Making my hunk of a Sir do many many many full body shudders hehehe. Then I slunk down to his cock and sucked and licked and nibbled till Sie was sooo hard he had to flip me onto my back and jack till he came all over my chest. Mmmmmm such a hot view. I flexed my arms so that he could see all of the muscles in my upper body. Hehehe that always gets his dick going :) after he recovered from getting of he played with my dick hard. He was edging mw which led to me fucking his sweet ass HARD. I was giving his ass all the unused energy for the last week and a half and Sir was enjoying it well hehehe. He was telling me to go harder and harder. I can’t wait till I can do full thrusts with all my leg muscles while my dick in his ass. I love the sound when I slap my dick against his ass but can’t quite get the same uffn when I am trying to stay in his ass. Goals. Always go to have goals to achieve guys. It keeps things fun and moving forward with momentum :). After I had lost most of my energy and had to lay back down Sir starting edging me again. He can’t help it. When a cute boy dick is in front of him he has to edge it hehehe. And it feels good. What was even better is that the edging session turned into a jack off session when Sir let me get off. :) man was that good :). After recovering I got Sir hot and heavy again till he had to jack off on my chest again hehehe. I love doing that to my Sir hehehe. We spent the rest of the night till I had to head to work just talking. It was sooo nice. I missed talking to my Sir. Txting is good but ralking is way better. Plus with getting to talk to him I get to cuddle him too hehehe. Can’t beat cuddling :) I’m sooo glad we got to play since the next morning I found out I must have been exposed to poison ivy during the weekend and we had to cancel our Wed play session so I couls deal with. Luckily it was cleared up enough that Sir, his partner and I got to play during the whole next weekend hehehe. And you guys will get to hear about that in my next post. BYES

Hey boys. Doesn’t my ass look nice hehehe. Sir needed this butt pick during the week so he could see that phat ass he owns hehehe. It does look good and it was all his this last weekend. His niece and her kids were going to be gone for most of the weekend so I got to go down friday night and get to sleep with Sir and his partner in their bed YAY!!!!! I don’t get to do this very often and it is a cery exciting experience to get to do it. I had three bags packed for all I needed for the weekend. I went down late friday night after the house emptied out. Got to hang with Sir and his partner for a few hrs before we hit the sack. I got to help Sir relieve some “tension” that had built up during the week hehehe. His dick was soooo hard that I was having a little trouble trying to suck it lol. Hw could have easily opened my ass up WIDE with his dick that night lol. So while I was sucking him his partner was playing with his nips till he needed to get off and he flipped me on my back and jacked this HUGE load all over my chest while I massaged his chest hehehe. After that we all cuddled till we fell alseep. Saturday we slept in really late and lounged in the bed all morning. Fooled around a bit. Got Sir off and his partner excited hehehe but we finally got up and his partner made some pizzas for lunch while Sir and I went to the grocery store to pick up food for a role playing gamw we were going to later in the evening. After we got back Sir and I got to take a nap while his partner made dinner for the game. It was Indian food. Mmmmm cauliflower, peas, and potatos spiced really really well. It was such a great side dish to the pizzas we were going to have at game. It is toi bad that the cooking took too long and Sirs partner didn’t get to join us in our nap. He is soo much fun to nap with and funny enough he was one one who was getting me started both Sat and Sun mornings. He would hump my ass and then play with my nip at the same time grrrrrrrrr. He was enjoying how horny I got from that lol. We went to game which I got to be an observer at which was fun. I had never seen a game like that so it was nice to see what it was all about :) we made it home pretty late and hit the sack. It seems that every time Sir lays down little Sir wakes up and wants to play hehehe. So I got to suck him down again till he came in my mouth hehehe. The next morning it was Sirs partners turn to feel my mouth on his cock grrrrrr. He is a one and done kind of guy so got to be careful when to get him off so he’ll still want to play with us later. So the three of us were play together in the morning. I was moving between Sir and his partner. Working nips and cocks till Sir had to get off. So I hopped on his cock and sucked that shaft till he blew. Then I hopped on his partner’s nips till he was very happy and then moved to his cock. He has a very thick cock which can be hard to swallow but hey I like a challenge hehehe. I sucked him and then we did a 69 for a bit until I was able to jack the cum right out of him hehehe. Slurped that cum up real good hehehe. I can’t wait to suck them both off together again hehehe. It is SOOOOO much fun :) after that fun we cleaned up the dinning room for our own game next week and to get ready for thanksgiving at the end of the month. The niece and kids came home during our cleaning so sadly no more play during the rest of th e day but I did get to have a nice nap with Sir before I had to go to work :) it was a very awesome weekend. I can’t wait to go hang with them again :)
Hope you boys enjoyed my weekend of fun and stay tuned since Sir and I have another play day tomorrow hehehe BYES