strawberryshortcake143 - Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Shortcake

I love Shortcakes and strawberries

79 posts



☆ — earth 42 miles x f! reader | lipstick

 Earth 42 Miles X F! Reader | Lipstick
 Earth 42 Miles X F! Reader | Lipstick
 Earth 42 Miles X F! Reader | Lipstick

summary: miles had sneaked in y/n into his room, and she comes up with an idea to leave kiss imprints all over his face. it was all sweet till two people came into the room

pairing: earth 42 miles morales x f! reader

warning: makeout sesh

dd speaks: please correct me if the Spanish is wrong since I’m getting everything from spanishdict, and earth 42 miles is so fine. i’m also in nyc

★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★

“watch your step pretty”

miles told her, his hand guiding her every move to climb into his bedroom. “no one home right” she asked, “yes ma no one home just will be the two of us”

he opened up the window letting y/n get inside first before following behind, closing the window. “your room nice miles”

she said walking around the room. “ooo what’s this” she asked grabbing a sketchbook. “you know i love you baby, but let’s not go through that” he said getting very defensive and flustered

“your flustered, did you draw me miles”

miles rolled his eyes at his girlfriend teasing. “mi vida come here”, she put down a book before walking over to where miles was sitting on the bed. “i have an fun idea to do” (transl: my life)

she smirked playing with his braids, straddling his lap. miles hands wrapped around her waist giving it a little squeeze “what’s that ma”

“kisses! how do you say again in spanish”

“besos mama” he said a smile on his lips. “besos! i’ll leave a bunch on your face, maybe i’ll take a picture and put as my wallpaper”

miles smiled at his girlfriend's enthusiasm. he was happy that she was trying to learn some spanish, he knew she only was doing this to make him feel better about his dad's death but he was grateful

“only if you want too”

“whatever makes you happy mama”

she smiles getting up from his lap to grab her lipstick out of her bag, before coming back to straddle his lap again

“hold still…”

miles felt y/n lips pressed on his skin, some giggles leaving her lips as she leaves kisses all over his face

“i love you so much” she muttered into his skin as he leaves a kiss on his lips. “baby that’s tickles” he laughed as she kisses all over his cheek

“baby stay still, some of the kisses are coming off crooked”

he chuckled, giving her waist a gentle squeeze. “usted mirar muy guapo” she said leaving one more kiss on his lips (transl: you look very handsome)

“not as beautiful as you,” he said leaving a kiss on her lips, “mhm… miles wait let me take a picture and then you kiss me as much as you want”

“smile handsome”

miles sent a cheeky smile towards the camera, before grabbing his own phone. “i’m going to need my own photo too” he told her. “of course” she said setting the picture as her wallpaper

she grabbed his cheek bringing her lips towards his cheek looking at the camera as she took the picture. “your beautiful”

“you tell me everyday” she smiled, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “just have to remind you” he explained, before going in for a kiss

the kiss was slow but passionate, not one of them wanting to breakaway, “you taste so good…” miles muttered on y/n lips. “thank you”

she moaned out, as he bite her bottom lip softly

“¿mijo qué es la partida en aqui?” (transl: son what’s going on here)

both y/n and miles separate quickly to see his mom and uncle aaron looking at them. “mami let me explain”

“oh i see what happened lover boy, this is your girlfriend, that’s why you’ve been so happy” rio said looking at him sternly

“i’m sorry for intruding” y/n apologized, grabbing her stuff about to leave. “no, no, you can stay i’m just disappointed that he decided to keep it a secret” she explained

“i was going to”

“no excuses, you hid me from such and cute woman” she said. y/n giggled a bit while she watch the two talk back in fourth

“mija want to stay for dinner” she asked, “oh sure i have no plans” y/n agreed. “good i love to get to know you”

“get washed up both of you, dinner is almost finished” she told them pointing at the kiss imprints on miles face

“yes ma’am”


“miles you still got a kiss mark on you”

his uncle told him, as he was about to put on his prowler mask. “thanks for telling me” he said going to wash it off

“i didn’t know you were such a simp” uncle aaron teased

“can you just let it go

 Earth 42 Miles X F! Reader | Lipstick

©mxn8y31 2023

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More Posts from Strawberryshortcake143


i’ll keep your brittle heart warm.

Ill Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm.
Ill Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm.
Ill Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm.
Ill Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm.

synopsis : peter was always on your mind, you were always on his, perhaps that would make him a little bit of a distraction.

pairing : frat!peter parker x reader

wc : 1k

warnings : FLUFF FLUFF FLUFFF, uhmmm soft making out !!! other than that… i guess peter being an absolute idiot (a down bad idiot), but even if this is cliché as hell, it’s super cute and fluffy :)

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a/n : hi ! sorry the fic is a little late this week, but frat!peter has been on my mind constantly shehhsjsns <3 he’s leaning more towards the peter more than the frat butttt i wanted him to be a little softer for this one :) big big thank you to @strawberrystarcake for the help on the editing, and @toms-gf for giving me the idea (this one is for u hehe)

Ill Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm.

“parker, you joining us?” the familiar voice echoes from the other side of the room. peter winces, not at all because he was opposed to the idea, but he’d made plans with you.

“uh- i’ll catch up later? i have somewhere to be.” the boys, all spread out in various positions on the couch, smirked and ‘ooo’ed at the implications of that.

liam speaks first. “right, got plans with your girl?” peter nods.

“ooh, you’re so down bad, parker, it’s not even a joke anymore.” james, another one of his friends, gives him a soft shove.

maybe he was right.

peter had never planned for your arrangement to escalate into anything further than a fling, and though he had never been an expert when it came to matters of the heart, he knew that he was too far gone.

it wasn’t uncommon for him to find himself smiling at the thought of you. he was constantly lost in thought, and sometimes, it became difficult to snap him out of his dream-like state.

even when his mind wasn’t completely occupied by the thought of you, he found that you had been living rent free in a certain corner of his mind. he’d catch himself wondering about you or associating little things around him with you. 

he wasn’t all too familiar with this feeling, but it wasn’t unpleasant, just confusing to navigate.

he’s never felt this way before. his heart never fluttered at a subtle touch, he never felt like he was melting whenever someone walked into the room, he never felt his heartbeat race at mere eye contact.

but with you? you had him feeling everything all at once.

but, of course, he hasn’t told you this, any of this. but he had a gut feeling that you might feel the same way, and that was enough for him to allow himself to fall deeper, as irrational as it may be.

it was no longer ‘maybe he was right’, and peter knew. to put it simply, he was right.

“better get going, you don’t want your girl waiting on you,” trent blurts, interrupting peter’s train of thought.

“right. i’ll see you guys later?” peter says, the boys nod and wave him goodbye as he walks out the door.

“oh, love.” liam sighs dreamily as the rest of the boys snicker.

Ill Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm.

as soon as peter enters the library, he’s met with a sense of comforting familiarity. before anything had begun happening between the both of you, you two had spent a lot of your time in the halls of this library. whether it were nights filled with endless work, or simply wandering around in attempt to find books you could read together.

he knew exactly where to find you: a certain corner of the library that you claimed to be ‘warmer and cozier’ than anywhere else.

he spots you browsing the history section, your face scrunched up, clearly focused. he sees all your things, messily laid on top of a wooden table, the one you always use.

he smiles to himself before sneaking behind the bookshelf you were browsing, and just as you pull a book from the shelf, you catch a glint of brown eyes from the other side. you stay silent for a moment, before smiling at one another.

then you shove the book between you two, and the next thing peter hears are quick footsteps.

peter’s utterly confused, he didn’t notice the look of mischief written all over his face.

“baby?” he whisper shouts, scrambling around the area before catching a glimpse of your figure, running from one shelf to another.

then it hits him, you were messing with him.

his look of mischief matches yours once he realizes, he follows quickly behind you, and before you know it, you’re up against a bookshelf, inches away from peter.

“hi.” you send him a cheeky grin, one that he sends right back to you.

“you’re going to drive me crazy.” his eyes gaze softly at yours, before trailing down to your lips.

“i know.” you quip, before moving as fast as you can to try and run away once more.

“ab-up-up.” he tuts, catching you once more. his lips brush softly over yours, lingering for a moment, before he presses his lips against yours. one hand finds its way to your waist, he uses it to pull you closer towards him.

but you find yourself shoving him aside, “peter! this is why i came early!” you slowly make your way back to the table, peter trailing after you like a puppy.

“what do you mean?” it was as if you could hear the pout in his voice, so you don’t allow yourself to look back.

“you’re… very distracting.” you make sure your tone is soft, you didn’t mean it in a negative way and you wanted peter to know that.

“am not!” he takes your hand, turns you around, and suddenly, you’re inches away from him again.

“seriously!? look at what you’re doing!” this time, you couldn’t help but giggle.

“there it is.” he smiles softly, appearing pleased.

“there’s what?”

“that laugh i’ve been waiting to hear all day.” you’re pressed against one another, his warmth surrounded you. “permission to lean in, m’lady?” dork.

“permission granted.”

he leans in, your chest feels warm as your lips make contact. 

he cups your cheeks to pull you even closer, if possible, as if letting you go would be the end of him. your hands curl into his hair, you begin to feel goosebumps wherever his hands traveled; down your waist, approaching your thighs as he drew lazy patterns with his fingers.

you could never truly get over the way your lips pieced together perfectly, how it felt like his were caressing yours ever so softly.

whenever your lips part, he whispers soft words you can barely understand, like he’s taking it all in. he finds himself grinning into the kiss, which was apparently infectious, because so were you.

“told you! distraction.” 

“oh, shut up.” he says, before pulling you in once more.

Ill Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm.

taglist : (send me an ask to be added hehe !) @live-laugh-lovejoy @tomsholland2412 @parkerpeter24 @herpeanutzombie

a/n : tysm for reading :) pls reblog to support your writers !!! requests are open !

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Yes just yes

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes
Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes


Don't leave me here, I'm scared!

Summary: You meet Isagi's parent and the lights go out by a thunderstorm. Boyfriend Isagi reacts to you being scared of the dark


Pairing: Isagi x Fem!Reader

Don't Leave Me Here, I'm Scared!

You were invited to Isagi's house so you can meet his parents, though you were nervous Isagi reassured you that there's nothing to worry about.

Once you and Isagi reach the door he unlocked it.

"I'm home!"

The sweet smell of lavender scented flowers reaches your nostrils, his house is as refreshing as laying down in a field of flowers.

"Oh Yoichi, Welcome home Darling!" His mom walks toward him and gives him a kiss on his cheek causing him to blush of embarrassment because of your presence.

"Oh? Who's this?". "Mom, dad. This is my girlfriend, Y/N..". You get from behind Isagi and bow deeply.

"Hello, my name is Y/N L/N and I'm happy to be with Isagi. I promise to treat him so well that he'll get tired of it." You smile at them

You walk up to Isagi's mom and take her hand with both of your hands and ask:

"You're so beautiful, it's like an Angel giving birth to another Angel. Will you please allow me to date your son?".

She looks stunned and smiles from ear to ear,

"Thank you so much, you're so adorable! I'll go wash the dishes so we can have a celebration for my son getting a beautiful lady! And you can call me Iyo if you'd like!"

"let me help you".

You walk with Isagi's mom and start talking about something.

Isagi's smiling at how beautiful you look and how well you get along with his mother.

Once dinner is you sit next to Isagi, you guys start eating at the table and talking about Isagi when he was younger.

It's a thunderstorm so Iyo is going to give you some of her clothes to borrow, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

As you guys are eating a random strike of lighting hits the electricity causing the lights to go out.

"Oh? Has there been a power outage?"

Once the lights turn off your heart beats faster, your breaths are getting heavier, and your body is trembling

"Yoichi, I'm scared..".


"I'm scared..I'm scared of the dark."

Isagi is surprised to hear that but he grabs his phone and uses his flashlight to find your hand.

he puts his arm around your waist and his hand on your head causing you to put your head on his shoulder.

You put your arms around his torso and hold it tightly, tears forming in your eyes.

Isagi feels his shirt getting wet where your eyes are and he hears you whimpering.

"Shh, it's okay..I'm here, you're safe with me..I'll protect you..".

You start taking deep breaths to calm yourself down but it isn't working. Isagi doesn't like seeing, feeling, or hearing you cry.

Out of nowhere Isagi starts singing you a lullaby calming your nerves.


"Aww, so kawaii!!" Isagi points his phone screen using it as a light to see what his mom is gushing about.

"I took a video and a picture of you lovebirds!"

"Not the time!" Isagi and his dad say in sync.

Don't Leave Me Here, I'm Scared!

Moral of the story: Isagi is the best boy ever <3 💚

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dear non-spanish speakers writing spiderverse fanfiction (or anything with spanglish),

Dear Non-spanish Speakers Writing Spiderverse Fanfiction (or Anything With Spanglish),

in spanglish you don’t switch by word, you switch by phrase.

it’s not:

“[first part of the sentence in english], [second part of the sentence in english], mi amor.”

“[full english sentence], querida.”


“[first part of the sentence in english], [segunda parte de la frase en español], mi amor.”


also miles is boricua, miguel is mexican. they have two different accents and use different vocabulary for certain words.

also miles is “nyourican” - a puerto rican native to new york - while his mom is directly from the island, so there are differences there, too, because his spanish is more influence by new york english. 

here’s some good references that aren’t google translate (which usually pulls from spain, a country that speaks vastly differently from latin america)



here have some random videos on different slang/spanish accents:

Puerto Rico

Mexico (1) (2)


in spanish most words are gendered, so most feminine words end in a and masculine/gender neutral words end in o. adding ito/ita makes something cuter, smaller and more affectionate.

spanish nicknames that aren’t “mi amor”

“querido/a” - darling

“cariño” - dear (always masculine regardless, of who its being said to)

“mi princesa/príncipe” - my prince/princess

“mi rey/reina” - my king/queen

“papí/mamí” - can be used in any way; romantic, sexual, familial for one’s parent or child, or just platonically

“tesoro” - treasure

also spanish is a language that uses adjectives as terms of affection both cute ones and ones that might sound insensitive in english

gordo (fat), flaco (skinny), negro (black), blanco (white), linda (pretty), bella (beautiful), morena (brown skin), etc.

and like most languages that are not english, spanish has multiple ways of saying i love you.

“te amo” - romantic

“te quiero” - familial, platonic (although there’s nothing wrong with using it romantically)

see also:

te adoro - i adore you

te deseo - i want you

te necesito - i need you

 and, of course, they can vary regionally too.

please use this because i have read a lot of really well written things that take me out of it because the use of spanglish is terrible. don’t just go on your presumptions that spanish/spanglish works in the same way that english does.

buena suerte, gringos.

- signed your friendly neighborhood afro-latina

Dear Non-spanish Speakers Writing Spiderverse Fanfiction (or Anything With Spanglish),

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