The name's Sam, he/him × kinda a writer, kinda an artist × european, my age will remain a mystery × the god of procrastination × language enthusiast × assholes and mosquitoes DNI
483 posts
Children Of The Prophecy - Pt. 8
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 8
Tw: graphic description of murder aftermatch, blood, some swearing, freaky shit (ghosts) killing (but not actually killing) people, blood from eyes, sleep deprivation (kInDa)
Summary: murder
Next Masterlist
A/N: I'll format it tomorrow since now I'm practically falling aslesp
"What the hell?" said Jesse, shooting upward from the position she was crouched in. It was dark around her, she couldn't even see her own hands. She turned around, and thinking she had her eyes still closed, blinked rapidly.
This however, didn't seem to be the issue, the room—or whatever she was in—being still completely invisible.
"Kat?" she called out. No reply.
Jesse started to blindly walk forward, trying not to collide with anything. She turned abruptly, seeing a glimpse of something in her peripheral vision. It disappeared as fast as it showed, and for a second, she could've sworn that it looked human-like.
"Where the hell am I?" she asked herself
She kept on walking, almost tripping a few times and once actually tripping.
Something moved, in what she assumed was the corner of the room, and she heard creaking. She hadn't noticed it at first, but the floor was made of old, dirty wood. Her eyes were starting to hurt from the darkness, or maybe the dust? She didn't know anymore.
Jesse closed her eyes, and slowly wandered in another direction. At this point, everything was eerily quiet, making her feel even more uncomfortable. The dust was getting thicker, and it was harder to breathe with every second.
When the amount of whatever-was-in-the-air was getting unbearable, Jesse's hands touched something solid, which after further investigation turned out to be a door. She slid her fingers across it, and feeling the cold metal of a handle, opened the door.
------------gore tw-------------
-Seriously, consider yourself warned-
The smell that hit her was…well, disgusting to say at least. She opened her eyes, and immediately wished she hadn't. The room, which supposedly was once Cindy's bedroom, now had its walls freshly painted. In red.
The floor looked even worse, littered with parts of something as bloody as the walls. The sensations combined made her gag, so she clenched her fists, and tried to block out the smell.
She kept walking forward, careful not to touch any of the remains. She wanted to scream. What the hell had happened, she kept asking herself.
Strange thing was, the room no longer even looked like a room. It was endless, like a flat world in minecraft.
Jesse heard something scraping behind her, so she abruptly turned around. There was someone standing at the end of the room. Oh, so it had an end after all. The person turned around, and she could see who it was.
"Oh for hell's sake" squeaked Jesse "Kat, why did you have to do this?!"
But Kat didn't answer, she was just standing there, staring at her creepily.
She felt there was something wrong. Well, maybe besides the corpses around her "Kat?"she asked
Something dark was slowly dripping on Kat's face, just under her eyes, making it look like she wore smeared make-up. Strange kid, she was. About ten, though she mostly acted like an adult. In some things, she was way smarter than her older sister.
Now however, she looked like the woman from The Ring. Her white onesie's hood was down, making her raven black hair contrast with it, and with her face, which was super pale.
Jesse mentally slapped herself on her face and reached into her pocket to take out her phone. She turned on the flashlight, and wished she hadn't.
Behind Kat, there was a dark, shadowy thing. And it wasn't the nice kind of thing. It kinda looked like a silhouette, but translucent.
The kid looked even worse. Frozen in place, with blood pouring from her eyes, and another dark stain on stomach. It was dark red, and looked dried. Which meant that it was made when they were still outside the house.
---Safe to read for the sensitive---
This was all Jesse needed to know
"Oh fuck" she screamed and started blindly running across the room. She didn't see the kid, nor the shadow, but sensing their presence made her skin crawl enough. She kept glancing behind her, so the other side of the room surprised her. She slammed on the door, making it open and after getting herself up, kept sprinting across the lawn.
She didn't see the shadow of a girl in a window behind her, or how the house looked untouched. Her feet led her to the place where she left her siblings, though now, the lamp was on. It was unusual, the lamps were never on. She was almost there, when she accidently stepped on the edge of her nightgown, tripping.
Her knees flared up in pain and for a second, she closed her eyes.
When Jesse opened her eyes, she was still standing with her siblings under the lamp. They were discussing something, and it took her a second to focus enough to understand what they were talking about.
"…Jesse?" Will finally asked "What do you think?"
"About what" she said, careful not to let her voice betray how shaken she actually felt "Sorry, I wasn't listening"
"Are you okay?" Allie tried, taking a close look at her sister's pale face
"Yeah, why?"
"What did you do?"
"You never apologize."
Jesse stared at them in confusion. The suddenly-working-lamp didn't give enough light for her to actually see their faces clearly, but she was sure they were unfazed by the whole ordeal. How in the hell did they not panic. Their whole friend group was just murdered and they're like 'ok'.
"How are you so calm?" she asked instead
Will and Allie shot each other a knowing glance "How long did you sleep today?"
Jesse glanced at the house. It looked just like it had before the fire. Strange. "Uhh, I didn't" she quickly dropped the previous topic. She'll find answers later.
After a slow walk back to their house, Jesse threw herself on her bed. She didn't want to sleep, but after not even five minutes she was dead asleep
*Crawls out from the fiery pits of hell*
Yo guys, I did the murder.
It has nothing to do with it but my dog's currently rolling on my carpet and making hella weird noises
Taglist: @heathenwhump @lavmars
More Posts from Stuck-in-this-mortal-form
Thx, @heathenwhump!
1. I always wear black in the winter & autumn and pastel colors in the summer & spring, like Persephone
2. I have a dog that has each eye different color. Her name's Blondie and she's an English cocker spaniel
3. My last name is a big joke because someone misspelled it on the documents
And I don't have anyone to pass it on lol
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1. I’m currently in college getting a degree in English and Theatre with a minor in Classical Studies. I have been in a theatre production every semester of school since Freshman year of High School.
2. I got a Kindle Unlimited subscription in March to find a new escapism method and read thirty books while actively in four college classes.
3. My favorite flavor of things in Cotton Candy, and I will try anything that says it is cotton Candy flavored. My favorite is Cotton Candy fudge!!
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(because I'm too lazy to actually search for the masterlist(s) every time I post (which is not too often, but still))
Children Of The Prophecy (under construction, please bear with me)
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#sam does art / #sam draws - journals, sketches & drawings
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Children Of The Prophecy - pt 9
Tw: Mention of Hell (as in a place), a cult & cultists
Summary: Jesse and Vi go where they shouldn't; attempt #2 at summoning the demon
Next masterlist
Soooo" said Vi over the phone "You want to summon your father?"
"Exactly" was Jesse's reply and the sound of a pen scribing "I have to ask him something"
Vi was quiet for a second. "Maybe I know the answer?" she suggested
"Believe me, you don't. You wouldn't even believe me. Will and Allie didn't"
"'Kay. Ya have the candles?"
Jesse nodded, but of course her friend couldn't see her now. "They're probably under the couch"
"What about something that belonged to him?"
"A scroll from his altar will suffice?"
"Yeah. You sure that's his, tho?"
"Then I hope you're not wrong"
They met up in an abandoned factory nearby. The entry should've been restricted—the building was standing only 'cause it didn't know on which side to collapse. It was big, made of bricks and its roof collapsed a long time ago.
They had snuck there through a hole in the metal fence, following the path paved by many who went there before. The factory had a reputation for being an attractor to anything paranormal and cultists.
Basically, according to the legend, there's a portal to Hell in here, and that's where all those creepy things come from.
Vi and Jesse were both wearing dark hoodies, with the hoods on 'not to draw attention'. (Because people wearing all black and sneaking to cultists' place with backpacks filled with candles weren't suspicious at all)
Jesse walked up to the factory's rusty door and grabbed the handle. It won't just open, will it? She thought. That only happens in movies
And—as usually when it came to those kinds of things—she was right. The door was rusted shut.
"Dammit!" she said, returning to her friend "Now what?"
Vi pointed at a fire escape "Here"
They climbed up the metal ladder, at some point almost dropping their things, and found another door. Or rather an empty door frame.
The door laid inside, half eaten by the rust and looked as if it was kicked in.
"Is that where the cultists enter?" whispered Jesse
They snuck inside, and standing on some sort of a platform, glanced down. There was no-one there, or at least they weren't visible.
"It's clear" murmured Vi, getting up from her crouched down position and quietly heading in the direction of a staircase.
"Don't leave me here!" hissed Jesse, following her friend
They slowly got down, paying attention not to step on any of the weaker, rusty steps.
Once they stood in the center of the room, Vi unceremoniously dropped her things on the ground. Jesse was more careful.
"Why are we here?" she asked
"The 'Portal To Hell'" the other girl replied
"What about it?"
"It's an actual portal to Hell." Vi started sketching something on the ground with a chalk "Or rather to Cræyan, but it's basically the same thing— place. Whatever"
They both went silent, the only thing making noise being the chalk
"What about the Otherworld?" Jesse finally said
"A minor dimension, I think. Not sure tho, since one of the six Greater Demons practically owns it"
Vi finished the drawing, which turned out to be a five-arm star in a circle. A pentacle.
"Wait, so you really use those for summonings?"
"No, you dumbass" Vi took out the candles "It's for protection"
"And the candles?"
After placing the candles around them, in random places, Vi stood in the center and murmured something.
Nothing happened
"And?" whispered Jesse, after a while
"You could've just called, you know?" A'graeth said, walking up to them from a dark corner
"Oh shit" murmured Vi, slowly backing away. The protective circle was gone
"I know I don't look like it, but I do own a goddamn phone" he took out a small device out of his pocket "Anyway, what's up, kid?"
"Are there any demons that can Uhhh, change time, I guess?" Jesse said quickly
If A'graeth was surprised by the question, he didn't show it "Llixovins. The time changers. There are also Malleas,—they move between realities—and Gravese—the tricksters of the demon aristocracy. Basically a combination of the two former. Though there are very little of those"
"Hey, Jesse?" Vi asked
"Who are you talking to?"
Jesse glanced at her father "Why can't she see you?"
"She's just a mortal and I'm cloaking myself." he replied "I technically could let her see me, but why would I?" he glanced at the scroll lying where the protection circle was "I believe this belongs to me"
Vi glanced at her, confused. Then, as if understanding what's going on she climbed up the stairs to guard the entrance.
"You can read that?" Jesse asked, pointing at the scroll
"'Course I can. It's in Imüni, a demonic dialect.
" Since you wanted me to teach you, here's the first lesson" he said, putting his hand into a pocket of his black trenchcoat
A'graeth took something from his pocket. It was hidden in a dark red silk, yet he didn't unfold the cloth.
"Take off your necklace"
She gripped the little pendant on a silver chain she always wore. She got it from Élaine, when she was ten. It was in the shape of a propeller— A triquetra, she corrected herself, remembering what her mom told her. She took it off, careful not to rip the fragile chain and put it in the pocket of her hoodie.
"Put your hand on it" he reached out with the thing he was holding
She did so. Nothing happened.
"I doesn't wor—" she started "Ohhh shit—" she glanced around, surprised "Why are there shadows everywhere?"
"Ghosts" her father put the thing back in his pocket "Don't act so surprised—you've seen them plenty. You just don't remember"
She stood frozen in place, watching the shadows appear at the south wall and wander in every direction, only to disappear when they got too close to them.
"Why can't they reach us?" Jesse asked
"I'm currently shielding us, since the lost souls are usually pretty violent" he grabbed the scroll "Try now"
She glanced at it. The previously unreadable scribbles were now words.
"'Shadowland Cemetery'" she read "What does it even mean?"
A'graeth just shrugged "It's the first riddle. Find Shadowland Cemetery and find Glenn"
And with that, he disappeared.
Jesse stood there, dumbfounded. Who in the hell is Glenn?
She heard quick footsteps, a loud crash and saw Vi grab her by her arm.
"What's going on?" the former asked
"Come on, no time to explain"
They ducked behind the staircase, and soon enough, there were people climbing down.
They were wearing black cloaks, with pentacles drawn on them in something red.
They stood in a circle, chanting quietly, while one of them drew a giant pentacle on the floor using a brush and whatever was in the bucket next to them.
They didn't have their hood up, like others did. Their head was completely bald, with scars littering it. They were light pink, cutting through the shining skin. The person had some sort of a sigil on their forehead, drawn in blood.
Goddammit bodily fluids again, Jesse thought. That surely is going to be an interesting evening.
Look, guys, I'm productive. I'm actually writing a second chapter this week. And it's long.
"Yeah, but why is she frozen?" she grabbed Vi's hand
Taglist: @heathenwhump @lavmars
Children Of The Prophecy - Pt. 2
Next Masterlist
A/N: that moment when you want to describe a building but you have no idea how those things are called in your native language (left alone English)
“Hey, Allie!” Will’s voice echoed through the house “We’re gonna be late!”
He was dressed in all black, a big hood covering his unruly chocolate brown hair and half his face.
He was putting his shoes on when he heard footsteps on the stairs. He immediately recognized the pattern as his sister’s and turned around to face her.
Alyssa Blackwood, also known as the twin with common sense (or at least to some extent), stood before him. She was dressed similarly, the only difference being her thin-rimmed glasses.
She also put her shoes on, and reached for a coat, but then retracted her hand and instead looked at the weather widget on her phone.
“How the hell is it 18℃ already?” she asked, exasperated “we literally had a blizzard last week”
Will just shrugged, apparently used to the absolute mish-mash of a winter, and took out a spring jacket.
Fifteen minutes later, the twins were standing in front of Hotel Morad.
It was huge, but not really impressive in its build. It was ten stories high (not counting the ground floor, of course). It was in the corner of a busy intersection, right in the sweet sweet city of Warsaw.
It had a ton of windows, and by ‘a ton’ I mean a lot. It also had no balconies for some reason, maybe the architects thought it was safer that way.
The building itself was flint-colored, with olive details. The ground floor was painted black, with giant white Corinthian pillars supporting the first floor. There were more windows, this time reaching from the floor to the ceiling. The entrance was on the right side of the building and consisted of a revolving door with a cornice on top.
They nonchalantly waltzed inside, making sure to take in the floor plans.
The interior wasn’t much different than the outside. It was clean, pristine almost, which probably took a lot of work from the janitors.
The walls were mostly white, although some of them had a slight silvery gray tint to them. There were a lot of potted plants, from succulents to small palm trees to some unidentified green bush, or rather—as the tag said—Jerzy. Most of the flowerpots and counters were made of birch wood, with—in the case of the counters— granite countertops.
On the right from the entrance, there was a lounge area with porpoise sofas and a big TV displaying a football match.
On the left was a boring-looking reception desk, with an even more bored receptionist behind it.
They were on their phone, paying no mind to the new arrivals.
The twins strolled to the elevators, which were vis-a-vis the entrance. Luckily there was no one inside.
Will pressed the button for the fourth floor, and they started ascending. After reaching their destination, the elevator made a ‘ding’ sound and Allie pushed the button for the second floor.
Four buttons later, the lift stopped on the fifth floor.
Someone, no, a woman, entered the small space. They didn’t dare look at her.
“Do góry?” the woman asked, in a sweet, soft voice. The kind you’d use to talk to an animal or a child. They didn’t acknowledge her.
Allie looked at the small screen above the buttons, displaying the time for reaching the final floor.
Fifteen seconds.
“Ładna dziś pogoda, hm?” the woman kept questioning
Ten seconds
“Jak tam wasza mama?”
Despite not knowing what the woman was saying, the next sentence filled them with dread: “Myślicie, że ona zasługiwała na śmierć?” her voice has lost its sugary tone, and now seemed disturbing, inhuman almost
Allie had never thought she would be happy to hear that dinging sound.
She grabbed Will by his arm and half-dragged him out of the cramped space, still not looking at Her.
“Miłego dnia, dzieciaczki!” the woman cheered, her voice back to normal
And in that exact moment, everything went to shit. Allie really tried to stop it, believe me, and yet nothing could stop her brother’s impulses.
“What did she say?” asked Will, not quite aware of the consequences. Yet.
Well you see, that was a mistake, and it could cost them tremendously.
Because the woman was not human, and not to be interacted with. Nor acknowledged by the travelers.
The woman flashed them a grin, full of sharp, pointed teeth. Definitely not something that was supposed to be in a person’s mouth. Well, if they were human, at least.
Allie reacted quickly. She grabbed her brother’s arm, dragging him away from the elevator and deeper into the hallway.
Their footsteps loudly echoed through the corridor, The woman behind them was making no sound, which was only making it more terrifying.
They bolted, not turning back, yet just knowing the woman was right behind them.
The hallway slowly morphed into a pathway, with dead trees on both sides, so dense it created a wall. Eliminating any possible ways of escaping.
Despite that, they kept running.
The gravel crunched under their feet as the twins made their way through the dimension.
They ran, and ran until it felt as if there was no more air in their lungs and their legs were made of jelly.
Allie stumbled, and fell, bringing WIll down with her.
They weren’t even sure whether the woman was still following them or not, but they didn’t dare look back.
“Hey, look!” her brother whisper-shouted, pointing at something while helping her up
It was a small gap in the unbreachable wall the trees created, a simple crack leading to salvation.
They crawled through the opening, got to their feet, and glanced through the hole,
The woman made no noise, and was nowhere to be seen, although there seemed to be a strange red glow getting closer and closer.
Will ducked, signaling for Allie to do the same.
The glow seemed to approach the only crack in the barrier separating them from their unmistakable demise, and stay there for what felt like an eternity.
It felt as if it knew they were there, just a few feet from it.
And then, it just disappeared.
Allie finally felt able to take a deep breath.
She felt a hand grabbing hers, and so she gave into its gentle lead.
“Where are we going?” she asked
Her brother didn’t reply.
Something was wrong
“Will?” she repeated, louder
“Allie?” she heard, a faint voice in the distance “Where are you? I can’t see you!”
She felt her blood run cold. If that was Will’s voice, then who was dragging her through the forest?
“WI—” she screamed, trying to get her hand free, but was cut off by a cold hand pressing on her mouth
She felt herself turn rigid and paired with how pale and cold she was, she might as well have been a corpse.
“Shhhh” she heard, in a hushed voice
Allie glanced at the person, not being able to make out their features. What she was able to make out, however, was that they were shaking their head from side to side, while mouthing her brother’s name.
Despite everything, she understood the implication. Whoever was the owner of Will’s that voice was not in fact her twin.
She took a shaky breath and felt the hand lift from her mouth.
“What’s going on?” she asked, voice quiet
The person just stared at her in question, the whites of their eyes shining in the darkness.
She heard a twig snap somewhere close, and she was sure the person also heard it because their eyes widened.
Allie felt them move but wasn’t sure where. A big branch was placed in her hand.
“Allie?” she wasn’t so sure it was her brother anymore, ‘his’ voice had that strange note in it. It was cracking, as if whatever was pretending to be him was struggling to use its vocal cords. “Hey, I think she’s gone! I heard her run down the path.” ‘heard’? Huh, weird “We should get our asses out of here!”
She felt the same cold hand on her shoulder, keeping her glued to the ground.
“Hey, Will?” she heard a voice say. It took her a while to realize it was her own “What is my middle name?”
“Why would you ask me that right now?” again, his voice cracked, this time more subtle. The thing was learning.
“Just answer me, please” This was so wrong
“It’s Nadine, of course” So something was really wearing her brother’s face, huh? And a mistake like that, so easy to avoid?
She could see him it in a small patch of moonlight. She readied the bough
“No, it’s not,” she said slowly, with a strange clarity, considering what she was about to do
The thing lunged at her, and she instinctively swung the branch. It hit something, and she heard a dull thud.
Will awoke slowly.
The first thing he noticed straight away was that his head was pounding.
The second, was that he was tied up.
He opened his eyes, cringing at the bright light almost blinding him.
It took him a while to make out the silhouette of his sister, standing in front of him.
They were in a shed of some sort. He looked around.
Yep, definitely a shed.
He noted the chains hanging on the wall, the wooden floor with a weird stain in the center of it, and how the light didn't seem to reach one of the corners.
"What's going on?" He asked, trying and failing to move against the restraints
"What's the last thing you remember?" Questioned Allie, her voice weirdly devoid of emotion. Despite being of similar height, she was towering above him.
Will's memory was foggy "The uh, woman? Chasing us?" He cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably "We fell, I think?"
"Well done," she said "That's the only question you seem to know the right answer to"
He didn't know what she meant by that.
"Wh—What's that supposed to mean?"
His sister flashed him a creepy-looking grin.
“Allie, are you possessed?” he asked in a high-pitched voice “Or something?”
Allie snickered, pacing around him. “Hah, that’s rich, coming from you”
That’s when something clicked “O—okay, so you think I’m possessed, yeah?” he pronounced each word carefully, eyeing his sister “So, maybe I can prove to you I’m not?”
Allie pondered the idea for a second, and then said “Sure.”
“Really?” he asked, like a fool
His sister took out a knife.
“Hey Als?” said Will, sitting down next to his sister
There was a moment of silence, the only sound being the quiet buzzing of a light bulb.
“Yeah?” she replied, not looking at him
“I don't think we were in The Otherworld…” he started “It was different, I don’t know what went wrong, but—”
Allie shifted slightly “Do you ever shut up about that stupid realm?!” she yelled, jumping to her feet “All you do is talk about that stupid dimension, or The Lady In Red, or the fact that you don’t remember half the trip there! For two. fucking. weeks.”
He flinched at that
“Just shut the hell up, okay?!” and with that, she stormed off, leaving him on the floor, his back against the living room wall
Hello, fellow mortals, it's me again.
This part is kinda short (I had to rewrite like half of the chapter, oof) Still, I hope you'll enjoy it
By the way, Józio is a polish name and it's pronounced Yoo-zioh (or something like that)
Taglist (ask if wanna be added/deleted): @heathenwhump