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Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 8
Tw: graphic description of murder aftermatch, blood, some swearing, freaky shit (ghosts) killing (but not actually killing) people, blood from eyes, sleep deprivation (kInDa)
Summary: murder
Next Masterlist
A/N: I'll format it tomorrow since now I'm practically falling aslesp
"What the hell?" said Jesse, shooting upward from the position she was crouched in. It was dark around her, she couldn't even see her own hands. She turned around, and thinking she had her eyes still closed, blinked rapidly.
This however, didn't seem to be the issue, the room—or whatever she was in—being still completely invisible.
"Kat?" she called out. No reply.
Jesse started to blindly walk forward, trying not to collide with anything. She turned abruptly, seeing a glimpse of something in her peripheral vision. It disappeared as fast as it showed, and for a second, she could've sworn that it looked human-like.
"Where the hell am I?" she asked herself
She kept on walking, almost tripping a few times and once actually tripping.
Something moved, in what she assumed was the corner of the room, and she heard creaking. She hadn't noticed it at first, but the floor was made of old, dirty wood. Her eyes were starting to hurt from the darkness, or maybe the dust? She didn't know anymore.
Jesse closed her eyes, and slowly wandered in another direction. At this point, everything was eerily quiet, making her feel even more uncomfortable. The dust was getting thicker, and it was harder to breathe with every second.
When the amount of whatever-was-in-the-air was getting unbearable, Jesse's hands touched something solid, which after further investigation turned out to be a door. She slid her fingers across it, and feeling the cold metal of a handle, opened the door.
------------gore tw-------------
-Seriously, consider yourself warned-
The smell that hit her was…well, disgusting to say at least. She opened her eyes, and immediately wished she hadn't. The room, which supposedly was once Cindy's bedroom, now had its walls freshly painted. In red.
The floor looked even worse, littered with parts of something as bloody as the walls. The sensations combined made her gag, so she clenched her fists, and tried to block out the smell.
She kept walking forward, careful not to touch any of the remains. She wanted to scream. What the hell had happened, she kept asking herself.
Strange thing was, the room no longer even looked like a room. It was endless, like a flat world in minecraft.
Jesse heard something scraping behind her, so she abruptly turned around. There was someone standing at the end of the room. Oh, so it had an end after all. The person turned around, and she could see who it was.
"Oh for hell's sake" squeaked Jesse "Kat, why did you have to do this?!"
But Kat didn't answer, she was just standing there, staring at her creepily.
She felt there was something wrong. Well, maybe besides the corpses around her "Kat?"she asked
Something dark was slowly dripping on Kat's face, just under her eyes, making it look like she wore smeared make-up. Strange kid, she was. About ten, though she mostly acted like an adult. In some things, she was way smarter than her older sister.
Now however, she looked like the woman from The Ring. Her white onesie's hood was down, making her raven black hair contrast with it, and with her face, which was super pale.
Jesse mentally slapped herself on her face and reached into her pocket to take out her phone. She turned on the flashlight, and wished she hadn't.
Behind Kat, there was a dark, shadowy thing. And it wasn't the nice kind of thing. It kinda looked like a silhouette, but translucent.
The kid looked even worse. Frozen in place, with blood pouring from her eyes, and another dark stain on stomach. It was dark red, and looked dried. Which meant that it was made when they were still outside the house.
---Safe to read for the sensitive---
This was all Jesse needed to know
"Oh fuck" she screamed and started blindly running across the room. She didn't see the kid, nor the shadow, but sensing their presence made her skin crawl enough. She kept glancing behind her, so the other side of the room surprised her. She slammed on the door, making it open and after getting herself up, kept sprinting across the lawn.
She didn't see the shadow of a girl in a window behind her, or how the house looked untouched. Her feet led her to the place where she left her siblings, though now, the lamp was on. It was unusual, the lamps were never on. She was almost there, when she accidently stepped on the edge of her nightgown, tripping.
Her knees flared up in pain and for a second, she closed her eyes.
When Jesse opened her eyes, she was still standing with her siblings under the lamp. They were discussing something, and it took her a second to focus enough to understand what they were talking about.
"…Jesse?" Will finally asked "What do you think?"
"About what" she said, careful not to let her voice betray how shaken she actually felt "Sorry, I wasn't listening"
"Are you okay?" Allie tried, taking a close look at her sister's pale face
"Yeah, why?"
"What did you do?"
"You never apologize."
Jesse stared at them in confusion. The suddenly-working-lamp didn't give enough light for her to actually see their faces clearly, but she was sure they were unfazed by the whole ordeal. How in the hell did they not panic. Their whole friend group was just murdered and they're like 'ok'.
"How are you so calm?" she asked instead
Will and Allie shot each other a knowing glance "How long did you sleep today?"
Jesse glanced at the house. It looked just like it had before the fire. Strange. "Uhh, I didn't" she quickly dropped the previous topic. She'll find answers later.
After a slow walk back to their house, Jesse threw herself on her bed. She didn't want to sleep, but after not even five minutes she was dead asleep
*Crawls out from the fiery pits of hell*
Yo guys, I did the murder.
It has nothing to do with it but my dog's currently rolling on my carpet and making hella weird noises
Taglist: @heathenwhump @lavmars
Me: *walking into the store dressed up as Dr. Bright*
The żabka cashier: ...
Bart Allen’s Characterization, as per his CREATOR. | Dare I say, the Bart Allen post, to end all Bart Allen posts? |

Bart Allen is a character that is so often badly characterized that most people out there have no idea what he’s like. He’s constantly characterized as essentially a 7-year-old, and was even believed by some fans to be only 10-years-old to 12-years-old when his solo started. This is not the case, as while he arrived as a 12-year-old at the very beginning of his first appearance, his struggle was that he aged rapidly, meaning that by the end of that fiasco, his age settled at the age of 15-years-old.

This isn’t even close to the only misconception about Mister Bartholomew Henry Allen the second. As due to later writers consistently infantilizing this once magnificent representation of a teenager with ADHD, that had fun dynamics as a fish out of water, his original personality is something that many Bart Allen fans wish would come back from the war once again. It was what allowed Bart to be an initially popular character, that had a decently lasting solo series, that was eventually slowly killed by bad characterization and infantilization.
Heck, it’s hard to begin to know where to start since there’s so many misconceptions about what was intended by his creator. I’m going to do my best, though, as I am one of those many that wish for Bart’s original characterization to come back. He’s not a hyper little boy as people think (Again, he was never 10-years-old. They just didn’t care to draw him properly when he returned. And his return panel is so widely shared these days). He’s actually the most teenagery teenager that’s ever existed.
So I’m going to start with the first issue of his solo series and go from there. I’m using the first ten issues of his solo as my line of research, since by then his characterization is readily fleshed out, and you can understand a lot of his true depth.
Also, this is going to be super long, but if you want to know Bart’s character like a pro-Bart-Allen-Er (?) this is the post for you.
What makes Bart unique, and what’s Bart like at school?
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