She/Her • Writer • Autistic • Bi Pride • AO3: SummerBummin • Currently Obsessed with Batfam, ATLA, Pokemon, & Mythology
321 posts
Erik Is Very Protective And Whenever His Gf Talks To Another Boy Hes Like This Behind Her, And Kinana

Erik is very protective and whenever his gf talks to another boy he’s like this behind her, and Kinana of course is clueless to what’s going on
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Okay, okay, I had to add to this xd
Poor Erik, he doesn't want to over hear this! #savehim


Are you thinking of Freed or his hair? Eh Laxus? *nudge nudge wink wink*
Inktober Day 5: long~ for freed’s pretty long hair

Sweet dreams~
This is dedicated to @blamedorange because you dragged me into Lyredy shipper hell, thanks a lot ;)
Crime Sorciere Head Canons
Yeah dragon slayers and now crime sorciere! Erik is my spirit animal. He's my favorite shhh don't tell
-Jellal is the "mom"of sorciere -the others make fun of him for it, he'll make dinner or tell them to fold their collar over and they'll roll their eyes and say thanks mom -Jellal is the resident cook -Erik isn't allowed to make lunches because he leaves notes teasing them about highly personal information -Jellal's said "quit thinking about Erza's boobs" -Meredy and Sorano have girls nights and they come back giggly and looking like they'd survived a tornado and won't tell anyone what happened -Macbeth always falls asleep at the most random times/places and the guys draw lots on who wants to carry him because you don't want to have to wake him up unless absolutely necessary -Meredy got Erik headphones once as a gag gift and he actually likes them because it's better to listen to music then and I quote "Sorano's bitching" -Richard can't tame his hair, no matter how hard he tries, several brushes have been broken in the attempts -once meredy braided his hair an Richard loved it -the others were creeped out -he looked like rapunzel -pizza is a constant -they always fight on what to put on the pizza -One time Jellal was tired and let them order the pizza so then the pizza came with every topping known to man piled onto it -they couldn't decide so they chose all -they called it the infinity pizza -the infinity pizza holds a special place in their hearts since Jellal didn't let them order the pizza after that -Sawyer and Meredy like playing card games together -Erik is forbidden from go-fish because he "cheats" with his hearing -Erik: it's not cheating, I'm just using my advantages -Sorano: Advantages my ass! -Richard can see what cards people are holding with his eye magic so he's with Erik in the "advantages" club and isn't allowed to play card games either -Sawyer loves the card game speed and could beat everyone in the Oración Seis at it, but then Meredy came into the picture -she beat him -but it was pretty close -so he had to challenge her again and again until he won because he will not let his speed be questioned over a mother fucking card game -he eventually won but they're pretty sure Meredy let him -uno is downright forbidden -they get "competitive"
A/N: make sure to comment or drop an ask in the request box for other headcanons you want me to make! It can be a brotp, an otp, a group like these dorks, anything!