Ot3 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Alright guys, guys, hear me out.


Like, Stephen, before his accident, was a royal doctor and best of the best. Stephen’s most frequent patients were Tony and Pepper because Tony was (is) a reckless doufus and Pepper all the time had to drag him somewhere to patch him up. The couple (yeah they were already a couple before meeting Stephen) were visiting so often that they both started to have a crush on a certain badass, handsome, snarky royal doctor (who wouldn't?).

(Tony and Pepper, like 100%, had nights where they were squealing into pillows, babbling about how perfect Stephen was, and telling Rhodey how badass and cool Stephen was. And yea, Rhodey is their therapist and adviser on how to woo Stephen into a relationship and, hopefully, their bed.)

But then Stephen’s accident happened, he left, became a sorcerer, and started to travel and sail across the world. After Stephen left, “civil war” happened, Tony and Pepper left and became pirates.

And so, many years later, Pepper and Tony hear about some wizard who tried, with his “evil” tricks, to get his place as a royal doctor back but failed. Rumors say that the wizard is sailing across the sea and the couple decides that they would like to pay a “visit” (kidnap him *cough*) to their doctor, especially since their crew needs a doctor.

In Stephen’s doctor days, he didn't really remember them, all he remembered was a very annoying couple that visited him too often. But when the said pair kidnapped him, well, it's not like he has a chance to say no because 1. They'll just put him in a cage or something and he would rather prefer to patch up a couple of people and a normal room than to sit in a cage and rot. 2. His past crew was boring and he wanted some adventures because in his doctor days, the pair was known for their tendency to attract trouble. 3. From what he remembered, they weren't bad people and they didn't like violence (if there was a peaceful way). Also, the fact that Tony was the captain of this ship and Pepper was his right hand, he would be relatively fine. 4. Tony and Pepper (from his previous interaction where they attacked his previous crew) became absolutely different people, that were worth his time. The pair was absolutely in their element, from being awkward and awestruck, they became badass and snarky, commanding and snarking at everyone on this ship.

So Stephen decided to hang around for some time, but before, he made sure that everyone treated him respectfully by leaving the captain and his right hand awestruck. (the truth is, the couple didn't really change, they were always like this. On people they were in their “persona”, with someone who they could trust they were adorable gremlins. Stephen never really bothered to look at them when they were working, not sitting in his workroom and awkwardly joking.) Tony and Pepper remembered their days before becoming pirates and Rhodey started to suffer again ( yes Rhodey is with them whenever he can go sailing with them).

(after such a long time of simping, Stephen was devoured ;) ).

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7 months ago

„Forgetting who you are, to become what someone needs you to be, maybe that's what it means to be alive”

Forgetting Who You Are, To Become What Someone Needs You To Be, Maybe That's What It Means To Be Alive
Forgetting Who You Are, To Become What Someone Needs You To Be, Maybe That's What It Means To Be Alive
Forgetting Who You Are, To Become What Someone Needs You To Be, Maybe That's What It Means To Be Alive
Forgetting Who You Are, To Become What Someone Needs You To Be, Maybe That's What It Means To Be Alive

Hey, so, I just edited these posters of the 3 main characters in Detroit: Become Human. I hope you like them :)

Please don't repost on other platforms without credit!

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6 months ago

my first OT3!!! I never really shipped anything poly, but i REALLY LIKE BOW X APPLE X MARSHMALLOW 😁😁😁😁

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9 years ago

The real question is which member of your OT3 has to sit in the backseat of the car on trips.

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9 years ago

In your OT3 

Who doesn’t know that aluminum foil shouldn’t go in the microwave. 

Who’s the little shit that doesn’t say anything cause they think it can’t go that badly 

And who comes home to a crispy microwave and the other two rubbing burn cream on each other

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9 years ago

imagine your ot3 figuring out which of them is which powerpuff girl

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9 years ago

zepysgirl submitted:

(i tried my best at an ask-meme thing!)

In your OT3+, who…

Shops for presents waaaay ahead of time?

Shops for presents at the very last minute?

Forgets to get presents at all?

Tells their partners everything?

Could listen to their partners talk all day about everything?

Wants some goddamn peace and quite for once, go to sleep already, guys?

Makes the worst jokes?

Laughs the loudest at said jokes?

Pretends they don’t know the other two?

Cares too much about Horoscopes?

Thinks all Horoscopes are bullshit?

Is too concerned trying to figure out 3-way Horoscope compatibilities to join in on the debate? Sexy bonus round: Who…

Thinks they have the weirdest kink?

Actually has the weirdest kink?

Is straight up Vanilla Bean?

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7 years ago

every ot3 has these very important roles:

person a, who runs headlong into crazy bullshit

person b, who acts like they’re too sensible to run headlong into crazy bullshit, but is really just as bad as person a

person c, who actually tries to avoid running headlong into crazy bullshit, but keeps getting dragged into it by the other two anyway

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5 years ago

OT3s are just like, “You know the thing where one character pushes another one up against a wall? But the wall…is Jeff.”

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4 years ago
I Felt Like There Wasnt Enough Polyam Trio Art Memes So I Decided To Make My Own
I Felt Like There Wasnt Enough Polyam Trio Art Memes So I Decided To Make My Own
I Felt Like There Wasnt Enough Polyam Trio Art Memes So I Decided To Make My Own

i felt like there wasn’t enough polyam trio art memes so i decided to make my own <3 self indulgence be damned


( feel free to share and tag me in any of the cute art you make i would love to see!!! 🥺💕)

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3 years ago

Super sweet loved ones vs. super honest loved ones

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2 years ago
The How Big Is Your English Vocabulary Test Dropped New Ship Dynamics

the ‘how big is your english vocabulary’ test dropped new ship dynamics

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9 years ago

God I miss Leverage. And this OT3. It's like...they were meaning for us to see it ;).

Oh Leverage <3s my OT3… posted because trailofdesire needs to see this vid. Also because everyone else out there who’s fond of Leverage should as well.

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9 months ago

Writing thrupples with a 'hinge', from someone who falls asleep in the middle every night.

A hinge thrupple is where two people are dating the same person, but not one another. So, not a triangle.

I don't know any thrupples with a childish Jacob-Edward rivalry over the 3rd person (annoying, overplayed)

I don't know any always lovey-dovey thrupples where the two suitors don't do anything outside constantly showering their 3rd with affection (honestly a bit creepy to me)

I'm bi/pan and nonbinary/fluid. My partners are a big burly cis dude and a tall snarky androgynous lesbian, they're not at all attracted to one another. Sexuality/gender plays a big part in dynamics and what I'm called (one calls me Wife and the other calls me Boyfriend).

Many poly peeps set out with intention to have multiple partners, my situation happened accidentally with some help from my autism. Basically I fell in love with two people like the movies but instead of drama I had an honest conversation and they both agreed to try it out. 🤷

I call both my partners 'babe' which in hindsight maybe I should've used 'hun' for one of them, but it's also so cute when I say babe and have two people turn to me. ❤️ They do have some unique, less appropriate pet names tho.

So so so much communication is needed to make sure you're on the same page as your partners. Google calendar helps, as do chore charts. I have 2 date nights a week, one for each partner. Holiday plans are discussed months ahead of time.

Relationships develop at different speeds! One partner may be ready for a milestone a month in, a different partner may be ready for the same milestone in 4 years.

So many perks! Splitting bills, splitting chores, coordinating when emergencies happen, and VOTING! With 3, the discourse for deciding anything from what to eat to what color to paint a room is SO much quicker.

I think the biggest difficulty was getting over my fear that I was doing something wrong, that I was selfishly drawing 2 people into something that would end in heartbreak. I was also afraid my partners wouldn't get along. 😵‍💫

Minor difficulties include deciding who to take for events that are +1 only, remembering who we've come out to, and getting crushed in the middle of the night when both partners roll towards the center of the bed where I sleep. 🪦

I can only be legally married to 1 partner where I live, but my other partner hates the idea of doing joint taxes so 😂 when we have a wedding one day, we're going to get legal permissions to, say, visit me in the hospital when I'm dying and call it good.

Yes, I can have another wedding and it will be just as beautiful and symbolic as the one that included legal paperwork.

Only two people can be on a marriage certificate, but three people can be on a mortgage! We've jointly owned a house for almost a year and a half and it's been so much work but so nice to have our privacy.

My partners get jealous of one another, that's normal. They know to communicate that feeling with me so I can give them some 1 on 1 time or special attention.

If me and one of my partners are struggling in our relationship, I DONT vent to my other partner and just give a basic 'I'm working through something with X right now'. I know too many polycules that have become a drama mosh-pit. 😓

My partners can be friends, or lovers, or simple acquaintances but THEY decide that and I don't push them to do anything except communicate when needed. My partners are introverts and it's taken years for them to build up their platonic relationship lol

Yes, I do occasionally get double-teamed in sexy ways (less than you'd think). 90% of the double-teaming I get is both of them calling me short or agreeing that I'm cute when I'm angy about trivial things, though. 😾

My partners now consider each other metamores, friends, and team-mates. My lesbian partner calls my male partner their 'husband in-law' sometimes, particularly when they want something from him.

Sometimes my partners bicker and I think it's cute bc it means they've become very comfortable with each other. If they have an actual issue I just encourage them to talk about it/I don't try to fix it for them.

We generally live a comfy, laid-back life and do all the mundane things you'd expect of mid-twenties to early-thirties folk- raising two dogs, fixing the sink, caving and ordering taco bell, forgetting to make that appointment, griping about the economy, bringing home plants, watching birds fight over the bird feeder, and sleeping in on the weekends. We just do it with 3. ☘️

Extra note: Polygamy is a term used in religious and male-centric plural partner situations. We use polyamory, polyfidelity, harem (jokingly), and thrupple to describe ourselves. Maybe some use polygamy and like it, but where we live (Utah) the term is generally reserved for fundentalist mormons.

There's probably a lot more to say, so maybe this is just a part 1. Feel free to ask me questions or comment with your own hinge experience (or tell me about your thrupple ocs)!

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7 months ago

Reading Judas Wept has been the most amazing fever dream and making this moodboard for it was a lot of fun to do 🔥

I highly recommend checking out @cowboybrunch and their works, I'm gearing up to read more myself!!

Art?: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @gioiaalbanoart @quillswriting @wyked-ao3

@jev-urisk Made A Moodboard For Judas Wept And It's So Perfect!!!!

@jev-urisk made a moodboard for Judas Wept and it's so perfect!!!! <3

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10 months ago

have gotten to bad wolf in my rewatch & the s1 ot3 is so good it's absolutely fucking me up. jack winks and he flirts and he makes a thousand cheesy innuendos. jack has very very quietly dug his beating heart out of his chest and handed it on a platter to nine & rose, for all the good it will do him. my god. the doctor says jump, and jack harkness says — without uncertainty, without hesitation — how high? the doctor is in charge, and jack says yes, sir without thinking about it. there's a gun to the doctor's head, and jack screams DON'T TOUCH HIM. blon, her arm around rose's throat, tells jack to bring her the board, and he looks for nine's nod of approval before he moves. blon lets rose go and jack reaches for her, puts his arm between her and danger. jack loves them so thoroughly it will kill him and it will bring him back, again and again and again, only the doctor will never be kind to him again. he won't ever have this uncomplicated earnest love ever again. jack relaxes into the easy companionship of this tardis team, lets himself fall in love and puts himself in front of the bullet when it comes down to it, and he'll never call the tardis home again.

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12 years ago
Another WIP I Never Did Get Back To. The Prompt I Had To Do It For Was "93: All That I Have"

Another WIP I never did get back to. The prompt I had to do it for was "93: All That I Have"

I remember I used to do little obscene drabbles that tended to make some people think I'm capable of producing fics. Here's one that had been attached to it.


This is the last day...the last week...and then this'll finally be over. There's always a chance we'll be erased, so let's spend as much time together as possible. We're the only ones left, so... ...

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3 years ago
I Felt Like There Wasnt Enough Polyam Trio Art Memes So I Decided To Make My Own
I Felt Like There Wasnt Enough Polyam Trio Art Memes So I Decided To Make My Own
I Felt Like There Wasnt Enough Polyam Trio Art Memes So I Decided To Make My Own

i felt like there wasn’t enough polyam trio art memes so i decided to make my own <3 self indulgence be damned


( feel free to share and tag me in any of the cute art you make i would love to see!!! 🥺💕)

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