Don't Hate - Tumblr Posts
scribing in my diary, writing with my plumiest of quills, inking with ink the colour of sweet salmon berry. kicking my feet, twirling my hair, stifling giggles.
how funny i have became since cupid pierced mine heart with his bow. ❤️
Omg @thefairywrites thank you! You are wonderful! Oh my god I'm melting! I almost cried when I saw that you defended me. Faith in the fairy tail fandom RESTORED!!! Everyone in the fairy tail fandom needs to see this, it isn't about ship wars, and hate, but of love for fairy tail! Preach @thefairywrites

STEAMPUNK BIXANNA!!! I has a lot of fun drawing this, I put of coloring it, cuz I’m lazy, but now it’s finished! I wanna draw all the fairy tail characters as steampunk! The possibilities~
Oh, I’m sorry. My friend likes a character from a game and spent a considerable time making a costume for it. What the hell is so bad about that? She worked super hard on it, as do a lot of people who make cosplays of characters they love. I think it’s amazing she’s able to take time out of her busy schedule of working two jobs and going to school to do something she loves just for fun.

The Undertale fandom is going to dark places.
Ship and let ship
Ship and let ship, that's what I always say. Let people enjoy what they like, ship what they want and just enjoy it for the fun of it, as long as you're not hurting anyone, it shouldn't be anyone else's business but your own.
I don't understand why some people feel the need to harass others over what they like.
I never understood the need for ship wars and arguments over stuff like that, saying this is better or that's better and blah blah blah.
As a multishipper, I have several different ships in several different fandoms, I don't ship just one particular thing and I don't believe "my ship" is better than anyone else's.
Now, I know there are things people like that I personally don't agree with, do I go and tell them that they shouldn't enjoy it? Absolutely not.
Unless you support abusive, toxic, underaged or incestuous ships, I see no problem, but if you do, I still wouldn't voice my opinion, I would just politely say I feel uncomfortable with this particular ship and try to avoid causing any arguments about it.
And me, for example, I probably have a ship or two that people don't agree with, if you don't like it, just kindly ignore me and don't argue with me over what I like.
Same thing with my favorite genres, I like mpreg and omegaverse, a lot of people turn that into a fetish thing, which makes me extremely uncomfortable because that's not why I like it.
That's not what it is for me, I like it because it's cute, I like the idea of taking my favorite pairings and giving them a family, nothing sexual or anything about it.
That's how people feel about ships, certain ships can be seen as a fetish or something, for some that might be the case, but for others, they just enjoy it for the cuteness factor.
So, don't judge others for what they like, allow them to explain their point of view before you start voicing your opinion.
Or, better yet, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.