She/Her • Writer • Autistic • Bi Pride • AO3: SummerBummin • Currently Obsessed with Batfam, ATLA, Pokemon, & Mythology
321 posts
Chendy: Wings Of Feathers And Leather - Chapter 4
Chendy: Wings of Feathers and Leather - Chapter 4
Word count: 2k
Chapter: 4/?
Fandom Fairy Tail
Rating: T
Relationships: Wendy Marvell x Chelia Blendy
Characters: Wendy Marvell, Chelia Blendy, Yuka Suzuki, Toby Horhorta, mentioned Jellal Fernandes/Mystogan, Sherry Blendy, and Lyon Vastia
Story Summary: Angel! Wendy goes on a search for her mentor Grandeeney who fell from grace and makes an alliance with a quirky demon known as Chelia.
Chapter Summary: Wendy and Chelia head out on the road to find Jellal and they run into some of Chelia’s old demon pals
"Wendyyy~ I'm booored!"
Wendy continued walking down the road, ignoring her new companion's whining. They were on their way to find Jellal, the fallen one, and all they had done so far was walk down miles of dirt backroads. The scenery had been nothing but a bunch of ranch houses and pastures, that were no where near interesting enough for the demon's liking.
"SoOo booorred-"
"You're the one who insisted on coming with me!" Wendy snapped, spinning her feet around in the dirt.
"Yeah because I thought it would be interesting, but now I'm bored and my feet hurt." Chelia complained.
The angel tried to gather some patience, silently praying to the virtue. "You can fly Chelia."
"Ugh," The demon groaned and tipped her head back to look up at the sky. "I don't feel like it."
Wendy turned back around, huffing as she walked on. "Then looks like you're gonna have to walk." Chelia groaned again. Because walking was so hard.
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Sabertooth- Bubble Bath
For Day 3 of Stingue Week 2018
Prompt: Gamble
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Rating: T
Relationships: this is mainly a Sabertooth fanfic but there is also references to Sting x Rogue, and hints of Yukino x Minerva, and Rufus x Orga
Characters: Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Yukino Aguria, Minerva Orland, Orga Nanagear, Rufus Lore, Dobengal, mention of Cobra
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: saber dorks on a group chat, Sting does smth stupid and possibly life threatening, Orga should stop encouraging him
Sting [7:03 PM]
My cat tried to jump into my bubble bath
Minerva [7:03 PM]
Rogue [7:04 PM]
Let the cat take a bath
Sting [7:06 PM]
My bath
*insert image of bubble bath with sink faucet and candles*
Yukino [7:07 PM]
ohhh, there are candles and all!
Sting [7:07 PM]
Yup candles
Rufus [7:09 PM]
Delightful, I enjoy candles.
Sting [7:11 PM]
There's also an octopus candle
fabulous as fuck
Yukino [7:11 PM]
So extra
Sting [7:11 PM]
You know it ;)
Sting: [7:14 PM]
Ugh I'm holding the bubble bath between my knees, unscrewing the cap with my left hand and texting yall with the right
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Fairy Tail Events is a new blog created to be a central place to announce, hype, and signal boost all events in the Fairy Tail Fandom.
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Some more headcanons bc my icy spicy has gotten me hooked
- Sting and Lyon are vain af
- Their solution to everything is to hold some kind of performance for the people
- Kagura just wants to chop everyone up, you disagree with her you lose a hand
- Erza's always go for apology cake but she eats half of it before it can even be sent to the person they're apologizing to so it's a bit counter productive
- And Bacchus is passed out under the table
- Jellal and Hibiki are the only ones who pose actual solutions but usually jellal isn't taken as seriously bc "OH ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY THE MAGIC COUNIL? AGAIN??"
- Hibiki just puts his head in his hands and sighs
- "who destroyed this (insert important building)? Was it Natsu again?"
- Erza, with a totally impassive face: I'll make sure to get him under control (she was the one who destroyed it lmao)
- The first few months any time Jellal voiced his opinion on anything Kagura would take out her sword and starts "polishing" it
- She's still a bit passive aggressive and watching him squirm is amusing to her SQUIRM BITCH SQUIRM
- If anyone disagrees with Sting he just sticks his tongue out at them, he is a literal child
- And no one can read Erza's handwriting
- But don't mention it
- just don't (Lyon still has the scars)
- The girls scare the shit out of the guys. Kagura and Erza made sure of it lol. If you are sexist at the meeting you will get your ass handed to you by two very pissed off females with katanas
- Jellal being a mass murderer is now a meme
- "Lamia scale did this blah blah blah", "Well at least the people in my guild didn't try to commit genocide, JELLAL"
- Bacchus has asked each and everyone of them out when he was drunk
- He got R E J E C T E D
- Kagura threatened to casturate him
- but Sting kind of said yes, "Like I would let you blow me, but actually dating you... no."
- Bacchus, raising his bottle: "fair enough."
- Sting says "like" a lot
- It's a problem
- Also there's sorcerer weekly who is loving these new guildmasters
- Sting and Lyon and Hibiki are attention whores
- "What do you mean Gray beat me in top 10 wizards you want to be your boyfriend? UNACCEPTABLE!"
- All of them are kinky as fuck
- Sting could be talking about his sex life with Rogue and Hibiki will fucking give him advice in the middle of the meeting
- You'd expect everyone to be appalled but the rest just nod along, maybe even saying, "nice", or "good idea, I need to try that"
- One time a council man sat in on their meeting and they forgot he was there and they get into a debate on whether anal or oral sex is better (anal wins)
- They're all so dramatic and I love them
THANK YOU FOR STARTING THIS MOLLIE!! (I'm never gonna give up on it lol) I hope you like my additions!
*cracks knuckles* right kids here we go
so I always headcanon the next gen guild masters as Erza, Sting, Jellal, Hibiki, Lyon, Kagura, and Bacchus. I’ll do a quick explanation as to why now:
Sting and Erza are pretty much canon and since we never see the master of Mermaid Heel I’ve just assumed that post GMG Kagura takes over (because masters can’t participate)
I thought about Lamia Scale for the longest, because I couldn’t quite decide on it. Jura is quite obvious but doesn’t spend much time at the guild because of his role at the council, and Chelia, to me, becomes more of a Mirajane figure. So like everyone respects her and she’s still a major part of the guild, but I thought the responsibility showed Lyon’s development well, as he’s gone from a criminal to the master of one of the most influential guilds in Fiore
Bacchus seemed like a natural assumption to me, like Kagura, as we don’t see their master Goldmine that much, and we know that he’s the same age as Makarov so presumably they retire at roughly the same time. Oba is also elderly, so this goes for her too
When Bob resigns I reckon Ichiya takes over, but delegates roles to the Trimen, in particular Hibiki, who starts to do more and more. Jenny and the other start to joke that maybe he’s the master after all and one day him and Ichiya have that talk. Ichiya took over out of a sense of responsibility, but the role suits Hibiki’s magic, allows him to stay around the guild, and he’s already a trusted guild member. He takes over soon after as the official guild master, and honestly Bob is delighted
Even though in canon Crime Sorciere kind of disbanded (like Sorano joins Sabertooth I think?), I think Jellal keeps travelling and adopts people who have lost their path, or want to be better. Crime Sorciere is seen as an official guild and as the master he, too, is expected to go to meetings.
So that’s where I stand on guild masters, here are some tasty headcanons I have for these chaotic losers:
Erza and Sting are the absolute worst for proposing the most bizarre and outlandish reactions to things, and they’re so charismatic that Kagura and Lyon buy into it most of the time. Jellal and Hibiki try and talk logic into them but Bacchus just finds the whole thing hilarious
It’s kinda awkward at first between Kagura and Jellal, but after they both open up a little (with Erza’s encouragement), they’re able to share fond memories about Simon. They’re not friends, but it’s a starting point for them all
Bacchus is late for literally everything. He is just not on time. Ever. And when he does turn up he’s drunk… Erza and Kagura get pretty mad about this, and when he tries to hit on them they hit on him back. Like they kick his ass into the next meeting. Bless
At first Hibiki felt that he did not belong, because he’s the least powerful out of all of the masters, but his magic type is so unique that he turned out to be one of the most valued members. Erza and Kagura also taught him respect for women (or rather beat it into him), and he took that back to his guild which improved the whole atmosphere
Sting and Lyon make the worst jokes about Jellal, like when he gets annoyed at them they’ll just sit there and be like “What are you gonna do? Destroy the council? Oh, wait…” And he just gets more and more frustrated with their bullshit
Meetings take way longer than they should because of this. They all know each other pretty well and the banter is surreal. You’d think they all hated each other but they become even better friends, thus strengthening the guild relationships of Fiore as a whole
Sting quits at least once every meeting. Bacchus will say something dumb and he’ll just be like “That’s it. I quit. Minerva, take the wheel.” “Sting… Minerva hasn’t been here for weeks.”
Actually Sting is a little shit, and whenever he’s asked to do anything he’s like “I can’t I’m gay.” and everyone just… sighs
Bacchus really is just there to laugh at everyone, and his solution to everything is just to get drunk. Some meetings are so bad that starts to seem like a very viable option
Despite how stoic she appears, Kagura is actually quite shy to start with, and Erza had to help her along with getting to know the others. Obviously Sting and Lyon were making jokes about how serious she can be so when she started biting back it was like a monumental event for everyone
Fairy Tail gets blamed for everything. Every. Fucking. Thing. There can be literal evidence of someone doing it and they will still be like “Dammit Fairy Tail!” “Keep Natsu in check!” “Strongest guild in Fiore can’t do shit properly.” “Lamia Scale would never.” Erza used to fight it but she got proven wrong so many times that now she just takes it. It probably was Natsu’s fault after all
Whenever Jellal gets all antsy about the law, Lyon and Baccus are always like “What happened? You used to be fun.” “He used to kill people!” “Yeah well at least he looked happy doing it!”
If Bacchus actually stays awake throughout the entire meeting, he turns into an old man. “Back in my day…” Is such a him thing, because he feels like a grandfather compared to all of these young masters. His experience is appreciated though, even if his drinking isn’t
Hibiki is the worst person to argue with, because he has dirt on everyone, and is not at all afraid to use it. He will leak the most embarrassing things that you have ever done to Fiore, and he will do it whilst looking hot as hell
“No I have to say that I agree with Erza.” “Oh, I bet you do, Jellal.”
Same ^^ can be used for Kagura. Everyone being in love with Erza is kind of a meme at this point
They’re all just tired and doing their best, but it’s hard when you’re the glorified babysitter of adult sized toddlers who can’t function without hurting themselves and/or others

I’m back! And with a draw the squad meme.
You can’t tell me this doesn’t perfectly fit these three. Erza is so done lol. (Click on image for better quality)
Stingue- Tender in the Dark
For Day 6 of Stingue Week 2018
Prompt: Dream
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Rating: T
Relationships: Sting x Rogue
Characters: Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, mentions of Weisslogia, Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox, and Jiemma
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Sting has a dream about the bad moments in his past and wakes up feeling sick, Rogue is there for him. Angst at first, but then it goes into comfort floof
That's what they were. Two little boys with dreams too big for their own heads. How they'd dreamed of being like their mentors. Natsu. Gajeel. Both dragon slayers like them, but also unlike them.
Natsu and Gajeel did not have dragon lacrimas. That's why Acnologia had defeated them. Sting and Rogue would never be defeated by a dragon, for they had dragon lacrimas. They had obtained those magic lacrimas from the the dragons they had slain, Weisslogia and Skiadrum. The weight of that sin heavy on their shoulders.
"They were your parents." Natsu had snarled at them.
Parents or not they were dragons, and it was a dragon slayers job to kill dragons. It was their strength. Even if those lacrimas, that strength, had come with a terrible price.
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