Chendy Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts
Chendy: Dance
Title: Dance Series: Fairy Tail Characters/Pairings: Chendy, brotp or otp, you choose A:N: This is for Day 2 of Chendy week, for the prompt dance! I hope you guys like it! ---------------------------------------------- Fairy Tail Intermediate was practically buzzing. The 8th grade dance was in a month. Loads of girls had been asked, and not to mention in really cute ways. With a big sign, given balloons, One girl, even had gotten asked by a guy who had given her a basket ball with "don't shoot me down" in silver sharpie. Wendy huffed, her chin propped up on her hand. It's not that she wanted to be asked, well maybe a small part of her dreamed about it. She could always go with a group of friends. Less drama that way, and it would be more fun. Or she could stay home and eat ice cream while watching a rom com. "Wendy!" Fingers snapped in front of her face. Wendy startled back looking up at her best friend, Chelia. Chelia was always cheerful and sweet. She had her dark pink hair tied in pigtails with ribbons. During middle school Chelia had grown some more lady like chest features. Wendy wished she had. She was as flat as a board. One guy had told her that. Wendy had to hold back both Romeo and Chelia when they tried to use violence. Chelia had gotten a detention for screaming profanities at the him when the boy ran away. "Why you looking so glooming?" Chelia asked hands on her hips. "Nothing." Wendy said, ignoring Chelia's unimpressed look. "Oh my god guys!" Kinana squealed sitting down at the lunch table. She was practically bouncing. Kinana was usually a pretty quite girl, Chelia was the one with energy. Kinana had close cropped purple hair with a green bow clipped to the back of her head. She was in choir with Chelia and on the cheer squad. "Did you drink happy juice again?" Meredy's voice dripping sarcasm, headphones over her ears, the attack on titan symbol stood stark on her hoodie that she had over her school uniform. Meredy had short pink hair and was never seen without some kind of headphones. She'd had plenty of emo slurs thrown at her but Meredy didn't seem to care, she would just flip them off.
Kinana scowled. "No!" "What happened?" Wendy asked curiously, leaning forward in her seat. "I got asked to the dance by you know who." Kinana whispered excitedly. "WHAT! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Chelia flailed her arms around. "Really?" Coco asked eyes wide. Coco was really nice. She had brown hair in a braid with a sports headband over it. She was the fastest runner on the track team. Wendy couldn't believe how she could move like that. Coco could probably be sitting at the popular girl table but she chose to sit at the their table instead. "Why would Voldemort ask you to the dance? Ow!" Meredy was elbowed by Chelia. Wendy eyes were wide as saucers. "Erik asked you to the dance?" "Yeah he did!" Kinana beamed. Erik was the local trouble maker. Always in detention. He did have that bad boy appeal. But he seemed nice, so Wendy didn't know why he got in trouble. (Chill Erik's same age) "I don't know Kinana, he seems kinda edgy." Beth said uncertainty, she had her light brown hair in pigtails, braided to the back of her head. Beth has a bit of a country accent when she talked. She moved here from the south a year or so ago. Beth was always nice but could be a bit of a worry wort. "He's not really, he just talks back to the teachers and is late a lot." Kinana protested. "Yeah he seems nice. You must be excited." Wendy said trying not to let her wistful longing into her tone. "I am!" Kinana exclaimed. "Wait how did he ask you?" Coco asked. "He asked me in the hall just now!" Kinana smiled as if reliving the memory. Kinana had been crushing on him for the past couple of months now. They lived on the same street so they walk home from the bus stop together. It's was sooo romantic. "Has anyone asked you guys?" Kinana asked them. "Well one guy asked me." Meredy said. "WHAT!" Chelia's eyes almost popped out their sockets. "And you didn't tell us!" "Well I went to Kinana's advisory because we were working on finishing our science homework together, and you know that kid jackal? Well he yelled do you wanna go to the dance across the room. I just said no. He and his friends where laughing so it was probably Oreo or something." Meredy shrugged. "What if he actually liked you? You could've broken his heart." Kinana said. Meredy snorted then brought out her phone tapping at the screens "I'm listening to the Pink Floyd album now so I can't hear you." That was Meredy speak for your stupid and I don't wanna talk to you anymore. Chelia shrugged. "I haven't been asked yet." "No ones asked me either." Wendy said voice small. "Then you can be my date." Chelia slung an arm over her shoulder. Wendy looked at her wide eyed. "Besides its more fun to go with friends. Boys are over rated. Besties before testes, am I right?" "Chelia!" Wendy hissed. "You guys wanna go as a group?" Beth asked. "I'm down. Better than staying at home and basking in my loneliness." Meredy said. "I'll go too." Coco exclaimed. "Ooh my sister can probably get me some jewelry, she works at Lamia Gems." Chelia said excitedly. "Aww Lucky." Coco whined. Chelia laughed. "Perks of having an older sister! But I can't wait to go dress shopping!"
Had Chelia technically asked her out? Wendy's cheeks felt warm at the thought and her stomach swirled. Her friends chatted excitedly about the possibilities. Kinana being the only one with an actual date was the most brought up topic. Kinana was a blushing mess when they suggested Erik kissing her. The bell rang and they all hurried of to their next class. Excitedly and nervously anticipating the dance. Wendy walked out of her room to be met with the cheering of her older brothers. "Ooh." Mystogan said and waggled his eye brows. Wendy blushed looking down at her feet. Mystogan held up Wendy's cat Carla. "Carla thinks you look purrfect." Wendy hid her face in her hand. "That was bad." "What do you mean?" He asked, Carla withered in his grip hissing at him. Mystogan hissed back at her. "You look nice Wendy." Jellal smiled setting a hand on her shoulder. Mystogan and Jellal where twins so sometimes their parents even got them mixed up. Wendy was the only one who could always tell them apart. Wendy looked at herself in the full length mirror. She was wearing a halter top green dress with a criss crossing pattern on it and her hair was down to cover the open back. Wendy had been a little uncomfortable about it at first but she really liked the way it looked so she had gotten it. On her arms were two thick gold bands, she was wearing sandals/wedges like things on her feet. Wendy felt awkward walking in them. "Ready to go?" Jellal asked opening the front door. Wendy took a deep breath before nodding. "Yes, let's go." She hoped out the door, Jellal even let her sit shot gun, Mystogan had to sit in the back. He grumbled something but didn't protest. "So Wendy what do you do if a guy does something you don't like?" Mystogan asked, quizzing her. "Punch 'em hard and kick 'em low." Wendy replied automatically, Mystogan had drilled this into her head when she started middle school. Jellal snorted. "But try to avoid violence if possible, I'll punch him for you." "Guys." Wendy whined embarrassed. Jellal pulled up into the school where lots of other cars were already moving through the line. The car pulled to a stop and Wendy went to open the door but Jellal smacked her hand. He gave her a pointed look then got out of the car coming around to her side and opening the door for her. Wendy giggled and took his hand as he helped her out. "Have fun." He smiled. "I will." Wendy waved, walking away, and into the school.
They had set up a curtain thing to walk through at the door. Wendy walked through and saw people under a tent like thing, dancing to the music. Some tables were scattered around. To the side there was a snack table, and even a photo booth in front of the library. "Wendy!" Chelia broke through the crowd of people waving hurrying towards her. Wendy couldn't help but smile. "Chelia!" She waved and hurried over to her. Then almost in sync there foot caught on the tile and they both fell forwards. "Ow." Wendy muttered rubbing her head and sitting up. "You okay?" Chelia asked. "Yeah, you?" Wendy replied. They both looked at each other and suddenly laughed. Chelia stood first and helped Wendy up. They were both a giggling mess. Wendy remembered how they first met in a similar situation to this. Wendy walked nervously down the unfamiliar hall, it was the first day of 6th grade and she was so confused on where to go. People passed and bumbled shoulders very rudely. As Wendy was walking a girl tripped and pitched forwards the paper in her folder going everywhere as she hit the ground. Wendy ran over to her. "Are you okay-" her foot caught on the tile and she fell forwards hitting the floor with a smack, her binder flying out of her hands. "Ow." Wendy muttered and sat up rubbing her head. The girl pushed up on her forarms. "Are you alright?" She asked. Wendy nodded. "I'm okay, you?" "I'm fine- oh come on!" The girl looked at her scattered papers in dismay, and people just walked past, parting like the Red Sea and leaving them in between. No one stopping to help. Wendy helped her pick them up and grabbed her binder as well. Wendy rose to her feet and handed the girl her papers. "Here you go." " "Thanks for the help. My name is Chelia by the way, nice to meet you!" "Yeah you too." She smiled. "I'm Wendy." Then the school bell went off. They're heads both snapped down the halls, then they looked back at each other. "I gotta go." Chelia said. "But let's be friends okay." Wendy nodded. "Okay. Promise." "Promise." Chelia agreed They both took of in different directions towards their class. And the rest was history. Chelia giggled. "This reminds me of-" "The first time we met." They said in sync. They giggled. Wendy didn't even realize they'd been holding each other's hands until now. Wendy felt a blush creep up her face. "The others are saving a spot for us in the photo booth line, let's go." Chelia pulled her along. "Chelia slow down I'm gonna fall again!" Wendy exclaimed trying not to laugh. Chelia giggled. "Come on slow poke!" ---------------------------------------------- A/N: btw coco is earthland coco, I took all the girls who are or who had once been around Wendy's age, like Meredy and Kinana are both as there younger selves before the time skip. Thanks for reading!
Chendy- Cookie Trouble
For day 3 of @ftlgbtales "when we take different paths" w/w week!
Prompt: hands
Word count: 1.2 k
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Rating: General audiences, Chelia says shit like once
Relationships: Wendy x Chelia
Characters: Wendy Marvell, Chelia Blendy, Carla
Series: Summer's Stories- When We Take Different Paths
Prompt: hands
Summary: the sky sisters bake float cookies together and things get out of hand ;)
"Ugh, I'm so messy." Wendy wrinkled her nose as she pouted down at her flour coated hands. She side eyed her partner. "And you're even messier."
Chelia grinned in response. Not only had she gotten cookie ingredients all up her arms and front but she had somehow gotten it on her nose as well. If Carla had been here she would've had a heart attack, luckily the Exceed was out running an errand.
"We gotta get down and dirty, Wendy!" She gestured to her flour covered self. "Yukino's float cookies aren't gonna make themselves!"
The dragon slayer simply huffed and went back to whisking the cookie batter. Chelia was right. They needed to make these float cookies or Wendy and the other dragons slayers would be horking up their lunch.
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Chendy: Wings of Feathers and Leather - Chapter 4
Word count: 2k
Chapter: 4/?
Fandom Fairy Tail
Rating: T
Relationships: Wendy Marvell x Chelia Blendy
Characters: Wendy Marvell, Chelia Blendy, Yuka Suzuki, Toby Horhorta, mentioned Jellal Fernandes/Mystogan, Sherry Blendy, and Lyon Vastia
Story Summary: Angel! Wendy goes on a search for her mentor Grandeeney who fell from grace and makes an alliance with a quirky demon known as Chelia.
Chapter Summary: Wendy and Chelia head out on the road to find Jellal and they run into some of Chelia’s old demon pals
"Wendyyy~ I'm booored!"
Wendy continued walking down the road, ignoring her new companion's whining. They were on their way to find Jellal, the fallen one, and all they had done so far was walk down miles of dirt backroads. The scenery had been nothing but a bunch of ranch houses and pastures, that were no where near interesting enough for the demon's liking.
"SoOo booorred-"
"You're the one who insisted on coming with me!" Wendy snapped, spinning her feet around in the dirt.
"Yeah because I thought it would be interesting, but now I'm bored and my feet hurt." Chelia complained.
The angel tried to gather some patience, silently praying to the virtue. "You can fly Chelia."
"Ugh," The demon groaned and tipped her head back to look up at the sky. "I don't feel like it."
Wendy turned back around, huffing as she walked on. "Then looks like you're gonna have to walk." Chelia groaned again. Because walking was so hard.
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