sweatyracoon - Granite Countertop
Granite Countertop

18+ . Granite . Writer. Seungmin biased. Skz Stan.

16 posts

Kiss Cam

Kiss Cam

Kiss Cam

Notes: if anyone has any ideas on things for me to write, feel free to let me know. I need fresh ideas~

Summary: You were at a hockey game, and when the kiss Cam laned on you and the random but cute guy at your side, you didn't know what to do.

Warnings: none? Just cute Seungmin and some fluff. Possible language

You shivered as you felt the chill coming from the ice in front of you.

The game was about to start, and after finding your spot in the audience, you sat for what felt like forever.

You were supposed to be here with your friends,but they cancelled last minute, only allowing you to attend the sports game.

You didn't know much about hockey; it was mostly your friends. You enjoyed the fights that broke out occasionally, but that was about it.

Still, you came anyway, not wanting to waste the ticket.

You put on your sweater as another chill brushed against your skin, feeling the goosebumps rise on your flesh.

A loud buzzer went off before an announcer started to speak, letting us know what teams were playing, and their previous scores.

The lights dimmed lightly, a spotlight shining on the floor of ice, the men slowly skating their way out individually.

You watched, delighted, before hearing a group of boys to your left. They were quiet and respectful of those around them, but you felt a nudge in your shoulder, and then another. You turned.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. Are you alright?"

The voice itself was beautiful. When your eyes met his, the slant in his lids hid most of his iris, but his expression almost made his eyes look larger than they really were. His face was long but puffy, giving him the look of a worried puppy.

"I'm okay, thank you," You respond back, thankful for the dim lighting. You could feel the heat reaching your ears, hinting that you were blushing.

He smiled and then nodded before turning to the game that was beginning. You stared a bit longer.

He was wearing a snapback cap with a logo on it. You were sure it was in support of one of the teams, but it was too dark for you to see.

He wore a baggy jersey with a white sleeve underneath, and baggy pale jeans. When he sat, his pants outlined his thin long, legs. His hands were wrapped around a styrofoam cup, filled with some sort of beverage.

The buzzer went off again, snapping your from your thoughts.

One of the teams scored. As the boys jumped up from their spots to cheer, you did as well, suddenly choosing a side. What side? You had no clue.

It was nice seeing the boy next to you smile. It was contagious. It was also then that you caught a glimpse of his braces.

The light refracted from them, letting you see that he opted for no rubber bands. Just the natural silver.

They looked beautiful on him.

"Want some popcorn? I can't have any," He asked you suddenly when you all sat down.

You looked at him with surprise, looking down to see him holding a half empty bag of orange kernals.

"Oh! No thank you, that's very sweet. I don't eat popcorn," That was a lie, but it felt wrong to enjoy something if he couldn't. Not Infront of him at least.

"Me neither. Braces," He pointed out. He didn't physically show you, but you knew anyway.

"Ah...That must suck," You said, turning your full attention to him.

"It really does. I'm Seungmin by the way,"


His eyes sparkle a bit, a smile flooding his face. "That's pretty," He muttered more to himself than you, but you heard it anyway.

Break time came up quicker than you expected, meaning there would be games and raffles going on on the ice.

Most of the guys from his side went off to get more food or go to the restroom, but Seungmin stayed and chatted with you.

"What is your job?" He asked you, bringing the straw to his lips.

"I'm an artist. I do paintings and stuff for people. I also sculpt and do interior design. It just depends on what the customer needs," You say quietly, not wanting judgement.

You parents weren't too happy about your occupation, but it made you happy.

Despite thinking that way, you saw his face brighten.

"That's awesome! Maybe you could do one for me? I have so much empty space!" He exclaimed, pulling out his phone.

"Your just trying to make me feel better," you laugh, fisting the material of your pants.

This guy was making your heart flutter, and it made you anxious.

"No, no! I mean it-" He looks up at you. "Hyunjin would think this is awesome too! One of my friends, who happens to be with me tonight, actually," He says, smiling.

"Oh really? Does he do art?"

After you asked, Seungmin pulled up numerous pictures of Hyunjins art, and all you could do was gape at them.

They were beautiful, and all had meaning and expression. Your stuff came from other people's minds while his was from his own.

"Hey Seungmin, I got you another soda," A man with a deep voice said suddenly, making your conversation partner turn.

"Thanks Felix,"

Most of the guys from his side were back, all chatting amongst themselves. They almost seemed like brothers.

Another loose announcement blared overhead, but you barely payed it any mind.

Your conversation with Seungmin was more important to you.

For another seven minutes, the two of you talked without interruption. You found that his favorite color was purple, that he had only had his braces for a year, and that his friends calls him puppy.

You were shocked since you thought he looked like one. Maybe it wasn't just you imagining things.

Before you could continue, Felix nudged Seungmin, making him nearly bump into you.

"Felix, what the hell? Watch what your doing," Seungmin gasped, glaring at his friend.

Felix didn't even apologize. All he could do was giggle and point towards the four screened monster above everyone's heads.

There was a frame around the exterior of the screen labeled, kiss cam, and on that screen was both Seungmin and you.

Your breath caught in your throat, almost choking you. You could hear Seungmin besides you, his breathing not like it was.

"Wait, what?" He whispered, looking at the moniters with confusion.

"Kiss her, man!" One of the boys said besides Seungmin. Blush rised to your cheeks.

"Just do it," another said.

People around you started cheering, including the announcers. Claps could be heard, occasional whistles, and feet stomping on the steel panels below the chairs.

"Kiss cam? Why me?" You screech, looking to Seungmin slowly.

He did the same, his Adams apple twitching as he swallows...hard.

"Come on you two! Just give us a kiss for luck before the game!" One of the announcers say, causing the surrounding people to agree. They started a chant.

The pressure was on.

"Should we just...do it? I don't know if they'll leave us alone until we do," Seungmin whispered to you, making you nod quickly.

There was nothing you could do except follow his words. Your brain was no longer working because of the noise and sudden attention.

It was too much for you.

But you wouldn't deny this beautiful boy a kiss, even if it were under different circumstances.

"Ready?" He asked, his breath against your face.

You didn't realize how close he got. You nod.

"Words, pup," He says again, not moving until your permission is voiced.

"Yes, Seungmin," The pet name he gave you sent a shiver down your spine.

Leaning in, you both finally met in the middle, both of your lips coming together in a gentle twist.

His lips were insanely soft, and his breathing was mixing with yours as your head tilted to the side.

He did the same, allowing the kiss to deepen.

You didn't even hear the cheers or the mocking of his friends anymore. All you could feel was him. All you could comprehend was him.

He was filling your senses to the brim, your hands finding purchase on his broad shoulders.

You smiled against him, pulling away even thought you didn't want to.

He didn't either, because when you pulled away, his lips chased your own, trying to find one another again.

"Well done! A kiss like that will make mighty fine luck!" The announcer yelled, bringing you back to reality.

Your eyes widen as your hand moves to your mouth, covering it in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry, Seungmin. I got a bit carried away..." You look back at the ice, seeing the game has started yet again.

"No it's alright, I don't mind," He giggles lightly, also turning back to the game.

"I've never kissed someone with braces," You say after a while, not liking the silence between the two of you.

He looked at you with a smirk. "Was it bad?"

"No! Not at all. Quite the opposite, actually..."

His smirk turned into a look of relief. "Thank God," His words made you laugh.

"Could I maybe, get your number, or something?" He asks you. You pull out your phone, handing it to him.


Before the game ended, you both named each other in the others contact, and provided each other a profile picture.

He was your MinnieđŸ¶ and you were his_____.

"I'll message you when we get back to the hotel, okay? Maybe we can hang out or something?" He tells you before you all stood, getting ready to leave.

"I would like that,"

"Me too,"

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More Posts from Sweatyracoon

6 months ago

How Skz Reacts to your Anxious Ticks

How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

A/n: I have a lot of anxious energy, and many ticks, so why not do a Skz react? Should I do more Skz reacts?

Warnings: Lots of anxiety, blood (not a lot), pet names(baby), talk about getting sick, stress eating, implied panic attacks

How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

Bangchan: Foot tapping

You would be sitting with the guys in the changing room before a concert. Even though you wouldn't be going anywhere near the stage, you were a nervous reck.

Your worries started when Chan slipped on stage, faceplanting right before his verse, triggering something in you. Ever since then, you always worried.

There was a small ambiance, the staff and group members talking, offering a noise buffer, but it wasn't enough.

You didn't realize your foot was tapping until you caught Chan's stare. He looked between you and your foot, motioning for you to calm down.

All you could do was pause your movements until his attention drifted to Hyunjin.

You kept tapping.

It wasn't long before Chan made his way to you, ten minutes before the show.

"Y/n. You're doing it again," He told you with a smile.

"I can't help it, Channie," you responded, looking at him. "What if you fall again?"

He looked surprised. "Y/n, that was two years ago," he said softly, sitting next to you.

"So? It could happen again," You were being stubborn. It wasn't like you.

"How about I promise you that I won't fall," he reached out with his pinky, waiting for you to take it in your own.

"But you don't know that," you whined, making him smile.

"Okay, okay. Fine. How about...I promise to be careful?" Now he was just trying to make you happy.

And it worked.

You nodded, slotting your pinky into his, sealing the deal. He ruffled you hair before saying a quick good luck, and left to the stage.

How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

Lee Know: Finger nail biting

You hadn't known the boys long, but you all were incredibly close. Bangchan being your brother, he invited you with him everywhere.

You were particularly fond of Lee know, but he seemed indifferent. He cared about you, but he was expressionless all the same.

He had started picking up on random habits you began to aquire, one of them bring fingernail biting.

It wasn't safe, nor was it healthy, so anytime be caught you biting a nail, he was there, a scolding ready.

Or at least, that was his plan. But when he came up next to you, ready to interfere, you would look up at him, pausing your mission, your finger still in your mouth. His heart nearly stopped.

Instead of saying anything, he would gently remove your fingers by grasping your wrist slightly, moving it your side.

He would do this whenever he had to.

Cooking? He would stop everything, washing his hands before and after touching you. Who care about the food?

If he's doing an interview and sees you chewing behind the camera? He'll find a moment he isn't needed just to halt your habit.

If he isn't anywhere near you, but Felix snitched through text? He would call you just to make sure you weren't really biting your nails.

"Are you biting, y/n?"


"I'm checking your nails tomorrow. You better not be lying, jagi,"

Instead of punishing you, however, when he sees your shortened nails, all he does is look at you, your hand still in his.

"You got to stop, jagi," he whispers, massaging your hand.

"I'm sorry, Lee know. It's just hard,"

"I know, baby,"

How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

Changbin: Stress eating

You were a known eater in the group along side Changbin and Bangchan. The three of you? Eatracha(lol).

But when Changbin noticed you eating twice as much, he assumed it was stress. You looked sad while you ate, which was new.

He took it upon himself to eat with you, the same amount, and he felt sick. But he didn't want you to feel alone.

It was when you started to physically get sick that he decided to intervene.

"Y/n? Maybe you should stop..." he told you, rubbing your shoulders.

In tears, you said, "But I can't, Bin. I've tried. It's like my body needs me to eat, but it can't take that much," you sniffled, leaning into his touch.

"Oh, honey. It's okay. We can just lower your portion slowly. That way, you can get used to eating less, but at a healthy pace, okay? Sound good?" He asked, moving up to your neck.

Feeling the pleasure from his rubs made your head loll back.


How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

Hyunjin: Finger tapping

He thought it was cute at first. You tapping the table gently, hearing the soft thuds of your dull fingers. You had just cut your nails, so it didn’t seem so bad. In fact, it gave him ideas for music, not that you would notice. Hearing the same beat you had recently tapped yourself, you weren’t focused on it.

A few days went by, and you were still doing it. If your hands weren’t busy, tap. Tap. Tap. Hyunjin wasn’t the only one that noticed. Bangchan and Changbin both noticed as well, and Jeonjin later. They all told you what was going on, but you just played it off as a habit from childhood, despite them knowing you for years and not once had you had this issue.

As your nails grew, so did the tune of the taps. They seemed more aggressive, more painful. You hit the table harder.

One of your nails broke, causing your finger to bleed. You didn’t notice. You kept tapping.

It was just you and Han in the room. He was on his phone, distracted. He became used to the tapping. It didn’t bother him. You stared at the wall, still moving your fingers through the bloody table, while Hyunjin walked in.

A small gasp, and rushed footsteps caught your attention.

“Hyunjin? What’s wrong?” You asked, oblivious.

“Y/n! Your hands!” He was struggling to sit still at the sight of your blood smeared on the table. You finally stopped tapping, at least.

” Was all you could say before you heard a scuttling in one of the drawers. It was Han. He had finally noticed, grabbing some bandages. “I didn’t..I wasn’t

“What the hell, y/n? Do you not notice what you’re doing?” Hyunjin muttered, grabbing the bandages from Han, moving towards your hand. He gently pulled your hands towards his own, quickly wrapping it to stop the bleeding.

“Han?” Hyunjin said, but Han only nodded. You watched as we went to go get disinfectant and towels to clean up the table. “Y/n? Look at me,”

You did, embarrassed that this happened in front of him. “I’m sorry,” you started tearing up, your shoulders shaking. You were so anxious, but you had no idea why.

His gaze softened, pulling you into a hug.

“I’m here,”

How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

Han: Hair twirling

You hair want too long, so it didn’t really get in the way. But you liked hair, even your own. After touching Hans for the first time a few months ago, you were hooked. But you knew you couldn’t bother him all the time just to mess with his hair, so you started playing with your own. It wasn’t the same, but it was different, in a good way.

Every day, the boys would eye your hands in your hair, and they never questioned it. They thought it was a girl thing. Right?

Three months later, you were anxious. Immediately, your hands went to your hair. Whenever you were upset? Hair. It was so comforting. Even when you were angry. Scared? Cover your face with your hair, and mess with the dead ends. It cured everything.

Han tripped and fell one day right in front of you, and it scared you. It was so sudden. You knew he was clumsy, but the way he squealed reached your ears at full volume. It was too much.

You jumped back a little, bringing both of your hands to pull your hair in front of your eyes, using your thumb to mess with the tips.

“Jisung? You okay?” You asked from behind your makeshift shield.

? Are you?” You heard him giggle, patting himself down. He shouldn’t be too dirty, we were only in the kitchen, after all.

” you responded. You dropped your curtain, but kept your hand in your hair, twirling it quickly.

Han noticed this and his smile slowly dropped, replaying every moment similar to this one. And one thing was the same in each. Your hair. He was always confused on what started it, but it didn’t seem to harm you, so he was fine with it. But now, he wanted to know.

“Why are your hands always in your hair?” He finally asked, not really meaning to.

“Oh? I just like the way it feels. It’s soothing, I guess,” you responded, shrugging your shoulders.

He got an idea, one that will hopefully change your habit. “Wanna feel mine?” He raised a brow, sending a smile to you.

Your eyes brightened, making his heart flutter. “Really?” You asked, both of your hands now free from the prison that is your hair.

Han nodded.

You both ended up on the couch, his head in your lap as you played with his hair, massaging his scalp.

“I need this to last forever,” Han whispered as you rubbed a sore spot on his lower neck.

“Isn’t forever a long time?” You giggled. However, your heart dropped at his next words.

“Perhaps it isn’t long enough,”

How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

Felix: Lip biting

It started really quick into the friendship. They wanted you with them for every show, and every event. That’s how close you were. But the random photos from strangers and invading fans were just too much. Your privacy was no longer private, and it worried you. It started to affect your sleeping, your eating, and your patience.

You became extremely anxious, which didn’t go unnoticed by the guys. They were always trying to comfort you with something, but it never seemed to last. But you smiled, not wanting to worry them.

The lip biting started at night. You couldn’t sleep, and was bored. You didn’t touch your phone, not wanting to see what people say about you and your friends. It was an accident at first. You bit your lip, wincing at the sudden pain. But then your teeth grazed them again, catching on dry skin. It was annoying you, so you just bit it. And kept going.

You stopped drinking as much water just so your lips could dry out, wanting to bite them again.

While in the dance room with the boys, you were biting, starting off gently. You didn’t want to bleed in front of the boys. They weren’t dancing, but just hanging out. They had to shoot an m/v later in the day, so they wanted to relax.

Bite. Seungmin was messing with Jeonjin, making him form a fist. Bite. Chan was talking to Lee know about the choreo. Bite. Han, Changbin and Hyunjin were sitting in a circle, playing a game. Bite. Wait

You felt something warm slide down your chin. Then you smelt it. Blood.

“Y/n? Oh my god!” You were grateful Felix whispered, not catching anyone’s attention.

He stood quickly, grabbing your hand and taking you to the restroom. He walked into the girls bathroom without a care in the world, which would have made you giggle if it weren’t for this situation.

“Are you okay? Is the cut deep? What happened?” He ran the water, grabbed a paper towel, wet it, and brought it to your lip.

“Mm ‘Kay,” you muffled, the towel hindering your speech. You saw the ghost of a smile form on his own, making you feel better.

When he moved the now red towel, the bleeding had slowed, making you lick them every so often. You looked at Felix and his sad expression.

“It was an accident. I promise. It won’t happen again,” you promised.

“You sure?”you nodded.

After seeing his worry, and how he took care of you, you knew you would never bite your lip again.

How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

Seungmin: Finger popping

Seungmin popped his knuckles, so why did he feel yours was unnecessary and annoying? Were you copying him? Or mocking him? He didn’t know. But when he walked into Hans room, he didn’t expect to see you on the floor, desperately trying to pop your back.

When you felt the need to pop a bone, doesn’t matter which one, you must pop it quickly, or else you start to get anxious. This was one of those moments. You had popped your elbows, your knees, fingers and neck. Lastly was your back, but you couldn’t get this part. It was too low, so turning on the ground wouldn’t work. And neither was pushing your weight down from a higher surface. You were starting to panic.

“Y/n? What are you doing?” You ignored his words, desperately trying to relieve your growing stress.

“Y/n?” He said a bit louder, seeing you glance at him as you started breathing heavier. “Hey! Hey? What the matter?” Now he was starting to worry.

“My back..”

He looked you up and down before asking, “Does it hurt?” He went to place his hand where you were holding, applying soft pressure.

“No. Needs to pop,” You whimpered, making his eyes widen.

“What?” He went to remove his hand, but you stopped him.

“Could you pop it please? I don’t like it,” You pleaded with him.

You two weren’t close, so seeing this side from you shocked him. Still, the sound of your uncomfortable plead was enough to break him.

“Okay. Show me where,” you did, waiting for him to apply pressure. “Ready?” You nodded, and gasped when he pushed down. The loud pop echoed through the room, making him flinch, pulling his arm from you.

Sitting for a moment to feel the relief, you then turned to him. Your eyes shined and you had a soft smile.

“Thanks, Seungmin. I really appreciate it,”

His heart felt like it would burst. He didn’t know what exactly he was feeling, but he knew that if you ever needed him to pop something, he’d be there. So that’s exactly what he said, making you feel the same way.

“Thank you, Minnie,”

“Your welcome, y/n,”

How Skz Reacts To Your Anxious Ticks

Jeonjin: Rapid blinking

You were a fan in the audience, not jumping like the rest, but paying the same amount of attention. You were an introvert, no doubt, and didn’t show excitement despite feeling it very much. You had a front row ticket, and was right in front of the eight boys you came to love. Your bias, Jeonjin, was right in front of you, singing his part for ‘I Lose my Breath’, literally making you lose yours.

You started blinking, thinking it was the fog machines effecting you, but it was something else. You didn’t know what until it was too late. The crowd pushing behind you, you felt pressure building inside your chest. No one was touching you, thank god, but you felt the presence of the fans. It was suffocating.

You fell into a blinking fit, unable to keep them open, and unable to keep them closed. This had never happened before, but you weren’t surprised. It was a tic. It would take a while to stop it. So, as to not disturb anyone next to you, you tilted your head, looking at your shoes, or at least, trying to.

You kept blinking, not fighting it, knowing it will make it worse. It started to slow when you felt a tap on your shoulder. It came from in front of you. A security guard? You slowly looked back up, your vision fighting the bright lights. Then you stopped breathing.


He was standing in front of you with a worried expression. On stage, it was now dance break, meaning he didn’t need to sing. He was making sure you were okay.

Since he saw you, he felt a pull from that stage, making him linger near your area. He saw that you didn’t even have your phone out like the rest, not jumping or anything. Just swaying lightly on your feet while smiling every time he looked at you. You were a calm in the storm. He liked that. And when he saw you staring at the floor for fifteen minutes, he got worried. Did you not like the show? Did he do something wrong? Did his pants rip?

But when he got to you, he noticed your eyes were watery. He didn’t know why, and didn’t need to either. He motioned for your phone from your front pocket, and you slowly gave it to him, thinking he was going to take a selfie, instead, he was typing. Why? You didn’t know. He came close to your ear after giving it back, and said,

“After the show. Don’t look until then,” was all he said before winking, and walking back to his members.

You stood there confused, but focused on the rest of the show.

After you made it to your hotel after thee show, you checked your phone, wondering what he could have possibly left you. Everything looked normal. You were confused. But when you opened your messages, you saw his name as one of the contacts. What?

You opened it, seeing he already texted himself. You gasped, not sure what to make of it. You slowly typed out something, but didn’t send it, unsure if this was real. Thirty minutes later, you saw his bubbles. He’s texting you?!

“You going to send it or just let it sit?”

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6 months ago

Loser, Boy - k.sm. L.K

Loser, Boy - K.sm. L.K

A/n: I love the whole, nerd! Seungmin so here is my version. Its been on my mind for a while.

Warnings: oral, mxm, language, suggestive


Summary: Lee know was the cool kid, and Seungmin was the nerd. Two different worlds. What happens when they come together?

High school for Seungmin was simple. Or at least, that was the plan.

He would focus all his time into studying, getting good grades to accomplish all that he wanted.

It was important to him to stay focused an maintain a routine.

Simple enough.

But the bullying started. It wasn't his first time dealing with this stuff, but college kids were much more menacing than grade schoolers.

They packed more of a punch.

Not that they ever hit him. A few shoves here and there, as well as a few other pranks or comments. It was enough to exhaust him.

He didn't really have friends. He saw them as a distraction. An obstacle. But there was one guy that he spoke to on occasion for feedback.

Bangchan was someone that forced himself into Seungmins life, proving to be persistently annoying.

"Could you help me with this?" He would ask, not even trying.

"Is this all you use me for?" Seungmin scoffed, pushing his paper towards the older boy, cheating.

"Maybe," He grinned, his dimples showing.

They both shared a light laugh, continuing the work.

One day, a group project was assigned, and, normally, the professor would let you choose the team, but now, he decided to pick.

"Get out of your comfort zone, meet new people, someone from another clique," He explained, causing Seungmin to inhale a bit too quick.

Bangchan noticed immediately, placing his hand onto Seungmins thigh, giving it a squeeze.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay. We can still work together, you know?"

Seungmin nodded, waiting for the reveal. Seungmin wasn't good with people, nor were people good to him. He was nervous.

Bangchan was the third person to be paired, sharing a team with a boy named Han. Han shared the features of a hamster, his large cheeks and big eyes, making him look soft. But his body told Seungmin that he could pull his weight.

Han walked over to Seungmins and Bangchans desk, smiling.

"Hey, Chan! You ready?"

"Always," Chan grinned. Seungmin felt out of place.

"Hey, man. What's your name?" Han asked, looking directly at him, making him freeze.

"Oh! This is my good friend, Seungmin. He's really smart," Bangchan said, giving him a light pat on the back.

Han giggled, his gaze moving up and down Seungmins body. Seungmin still sat still.

"He's adorable," Han whispered to Chan.

"Kim Seungmin, and Lee Minho," The professor yelled, making Seungmins head snap that direction.

Lee know wasn't necessarily his bully, but he hung out with those that did. He would glare at him in the halls or roll his eyes when Seungmin tripped.

He felt his gaze on the back of his neck, making him turn to meet his eyes.

His newly dyed purple hair sat still above his brow, his hooded eyes focused on Seungmin, making him shudder. His taught white button up shirt hugged him tightly, displaying a handsome body.

He slowly raised his right hand, making a beckoning motion, commanding Seungmin to go to him.

He couldn't help but listen. Grabbing his things, he slowly made his way to the older boy, fixing the position of his glasses.

"Seungmin? That's your name, right?" He asked, scooting over to make room.

"Y-yes," Seungmin cursed himself for stuttering, not noticing the grin that appeared on the others face.

"So," Minho shrugged. "What's the plan, Seungmin?"

After half an hour of brief discussion, they both decided to meet at Seungmin dorm later that night to start working.

Lee know was very busy, being a part of the dance team and vocal club treasurer, but this was one of his free nights.

Seungmin sat alone in his room, not needing to clean since he did that as he went by. He was very tidy and liked a germ free environment.

He grabbed a few bowls of heat and eat ramen, just in case Lee know got hungry.

He still was uncomfortable around him, but didn't dislike him as he did his friends. Despite his cold appearance, his eyes were soft and watchful, making Seungmin shrink at the thought of being stared at by those beautiful eyes.

How his nose twitched when he smiled, or how his thin lips displayed his cute bunny teeth when he was annoyed.

How the veins in his neck pop out when he yells, or how his Adams apple twitches when he speaks.

How his chest looked soft yet firm at the same time. And don't get Seungmin started on those thighs! How he-wait what?

Seungmin stopped his thoughts before they could go any further, his face turning red at the sudden reaction he had to someone he had spoken to for the first time.

He went to go splash water on his face, but before he made it to the sink, a knock sounded from the door.

"One second!" Seungmin yelled, splashing cold water on his flaming face.

He hoped the red went away.

Opening the door, he saw Lee know standing, his phone in one hand, and a grocery bag in the other.

"I got some drinks. You like coffee?" He asked, looking up from his phone. His face was stoic, but when he caught sight of Seungmins face, he slowly started to grin.

"Oh...Did I interrupt something?" He teased, wiggling his brows, his teeth flashing Seungmin.

Seungmins eyes widened, "What? No! No. You didn't, please just, come in," once again, he scolded himself internally.

Giggling, Lee know walked in, shoving his phone in his pocket, and placing the two canned coffees on the counter.

"Take your pick,"

"Thank you,"

About an hour later, they were both sitting on the floor, books open and notebooks filled, trying their best.

But Seungmin was distracted.

He kept on having dirty thoughts about Lee know, despite his best efforts.

Ugh! Why did Lee know have to show up in his leg hugging jeans! And his damn white tee with a jean jacket.

It's almost like he did it on purpose.

"Seungmin? Did you hear me?"

What? When did he say something? Seungmin blinked a few times before clearing his throat.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Lee know raised a brow, "Are you feeling okay? You've barely written anything, and your beet red," he explained.

"Again?" He muttered to himself, not meaning to say it out loud. "Uh, no. I'm not sick, I'm okay. Just hard to focus," Seungmin replied, brushing off his worry.

"Ah, I see. I did interrupt you, then," Lee know winked, making Seungmin freeze yet again.

"No, no you didn't, I swear!" Seungmin could never do such a thing. It never crossed his mind, even. He had never felt this way.

"uh huh," Lee know smirked at the boy, giving him a cat like grin that made Seungmins heart flutter.

A few moments of silence passed before Seungmin decided to show his random spurr of confidence, saying, "I've never done that before anyway."

This made Lee know jolt up from his book, looking at Seungmin confused.


"I've never done it,"

Lee know tilted his head, a blank expression on his face.


The word itself shook Seungmin. He wasn't one to talk about things like this.

He nodded.

"Why?" Lee know asked, slowly closing his book, but kept it in his lap.

Seungmin pondered the question before answering.

"No one has ever made me want to," His face must be a tomato by now. He was so embarrassed.

"But now?" Lee know asked, his tone cutely quizzical, making Seungmins heart heart.

"Uhh," He paused, unsure of what to say. He honestly didn't even know.

Noticing the hesitation, Lee know let his eyes drift downward, and noticed a slight bulge in the boys pants.

"Who's that for, Seungmin?" A hint of jealousy could be heard from him, but Seungmin didn't notice it.

"Well...This has never happened to me before," He was trying his best to avoid it.

"Seungmin. Who's on your mind?" Lee know asked softly, putting his hand on the boys knee, rubbing it gently.

Minho would be lying if he said this whole interaction didn't turn him on. The poor boy was a virgin, after all, and he had no idea what to do.

"Just you, honestly," And that answer nearly knocked the wind out of Minho. The brutal honesty.

Seungmin shifted and fidgeted, trying to understand these feelings.

All Lee Know could do was stare, which was the one thing Seungmin didn't want. He felt like some experiment under his gaze.

He turned his head, avoiding eye contact.

Lee know shoved his book to the side, leaning forward onto his knees to capture Seungmins face with his hand, forcing him to look at him.

Seungmin still didn't look at him, so Lee know decided to play his way.

He slowly leaned it, locking his lips with Seungmins. He moved slowly, giving him time to pull away, but he didn't. He didn't kiss back either.

Lee know was his first kiss.

"Just follow my lead," Lee know whispered when he pulled back, seeing Seungmin nod lightly, his eyes glossed over.

He looked like a puppy, Minho thought.

Leaning back in again, this time, the kiss went somewhere. Now that Seungmin was learning, it was quickly turning heated, tongues now clashing together in the mix.

He heard a low moan escape from him, making his head spin.

Pulling away, Seungmin saw a thin strand of saliva connecting them both, and he was surprised at how arousing it looked.

"Has anyone ever touched you like this, puppy?" Minho asked, lowering his hands to Seungmins shoulders.

"Wh-what?" His breath was shaky, and his pants were insanely tight.

Minho laughed. "Can I touch you?" He asked, his eyes sparkling.

Seungmin just stared at the sight in front of him.

Lee know was on his knees leaning towards Seungmin, a small smile on his lips, bruised, because of him. His eyes slightly watery, and his hair. Ruffled and messy, purple strands stuck out in every direction. It was so hot.

"Yes," Seungmin whispered.

Lee knows hands at started downwards, slowly. He wasn't trying to go too fast. He didn't want to rush him.

Seungmin leaned back against his bed, relishing in the worship Minho was giving him. He sighed as Lee know gently squeezed his sides.

As the palms of his hands reached the hem of his sweats, they shared a look.

"Yes," Seungmin repeated, this time a little stronger.

Lee know focused on freeing Seungmins cock, watching as it shot up, already leaking and curved.

Seungmin covered his face as the cold air hit his most sensitive area, not wanting Lee know to see his embarrassment.

"You okay, puppy?" He heard from behind his hands.

He whimpered at the pet name, his cock twitching. Lee know chuckled.

"Please-" Seungmin whined, his hips bucking upwards into nothing.

"I'll take care of you, okay?" Lee know said, lowering himself to Seungmins hips.

He grabbed Seungmin in his hand, wrapping his whole hand around it, making Seungmin gasp. He pumped him slowly, using his pre cum as a lubricant.

Gasps and whines were all that Lee know could hear, egging him to go further.

From the bottom to the top, Lee know licked a stripe up his shaft, hearing the strangled moan. He smiled.

He then took his tip in his mouth, wrapping his lips around it softly. Then, without warning, he bottomed all the way, taking in all of Seungmins length.

Seungmins head snapped back, his hands no longer in front of his mouth. He let out a desperate moan, his mouth open, panting.

Lee know had to hold down his hips to prevent him from rutting into his throat.

Lee know started to move his mouth, wet sounds echoing throughout the room. It turned Seungmin on even more.

He wrapped his arms around himself as he was getting blown, unsure of what to do in this situation with his hands.

As if Lee know read his mind, he grabbed one of Seungmins arms, moving his hand to the back of his head.

He stopped what he was doing, making Seungmin whine, but then he said, "Use me."

Seungmin looked at him in confusion.

"Fuck my throat, puppy," he said before placing his mouth back onto him, eliciting a moan in return.

But he didn't move.

He wanted Seungmin to learn. Eventually, Seungmin got the memo, using his hand to push Minho down on his cock, finding the pace that works for him.

He grabbed onto his hair, making Minho moan. The vibrations from the sound made Seungmin snap, releasing into the older boys throat, holding him down to take it all.

With one last groan, he released the death grip on Minhos hair, and fell limp.

"You taste so good, puppy," Lee know giggled, using his thumb to wipe his mouth.

Seungmin shivered, loving the sight in front of him.

"You okay, Seung?" Minho asked, bringing his hand to his face.

"M' okay," Seungmin whispered, making Minho smile.

"Maybe you should get some rest, yeah?" After cleaning up, he picked up Seungmin, quite easily, and placed his down on his bed.

"Will you stay?" Seungmin asked before Lee know could make it to the door. He froze.

"You really want me to stay?" He asked, turning to see the boy in the bed.



Turning of the lights and getting comfortable, he layed next to him, holding his side.

"What is this, Lee know?" Seungmin whispered, his eyes closed.

"What do you want?"

"Just don't leave me alone,"

"I promise,"

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6 months ago

Their Favorite Part of You! Skz! Reactions

A/n: They all seem so sweet when it comes to affection, and it made me want to write this. I love them so much. HYUNG LINE!

Summary: Their favorite part of your body, both in and out of bed ;)

Warnings: Fluff, compliments, pet names, suggestive, smut? Language, insecurities, silly boys

Their Favorite Part Of You! Skz! Reactions

Bangchan: Friend!Reader - Back

It’s no secret that Chan likes hugs. He hugs everyone around him, even staff. But when he hugged you, he preferred to be behind you during the embrace. He loves the way he can feel your back flex when you squirm against him. You’re a shy person, and he loves seeing your ears flush at his touch.

Everyday, he wrapped his arms around you when he was losing motivation or was annoyed, just to be picked back up again when he finally feels you relax as he tightens his grip. You were soft on his hard body, calming his nerves.

In Bed!Chan - Your wrists

He loved grabbing your wrists, either to pin them, or to place them on his body.

He would hold them, grounding himself to not be too harsh. Wrists were small and sensitive, so to be sure he couldn’t hurt you, he would put most of his focus on them, which he didn’t mind. It helped ease him knowing it would be difficult to hurt you this way.

He would bring your hands to his pecks, slowly drifting downwards until your palm rested on his bulge.

“Oh, please, babe
” He moaned, feeling your hand rock against him. “Don’t tease

Their Favorite Part Of You! Skz! Reactions

Lee know: Friend!Reader - Thighs

He loved that when you stood, your legs looked so thin. They were sharpened pencils, frail but strong. He thought it suited you. But when you sat down next to him for the first time, his eyes widened, and all he could do was stare.

The fat of your thighs pushed against the chair, causing them to widen, naturally. Lee knows did the same, but he still was shocked seeing it happen to you. Your thighs were much larger than he thought.

After that, he had often welcomed you to sit in his lap, wanting to feel the softness of your flesh against his own. Not in a dirty way. He was curious.

When you finally gave into his request, he relished in the weight that pressed against his meaty legs, feeling secure. He kneaded the fat of your thighs while talking to one of the guys next to him. It just felt natural. It didn’t even bother you.

While walking past each other, he would even pinch your thighs just to see you yelp. He loved getting those reactions from you, nd it quickly became his favorite sound.

In bed!Lee Know - Thighs

Of course, it is the same. He would love kneading your thighs during an intense make out session, swallowing your whimpers. He loved it when you squirmed away when he grabbed too hard. It didn’t hurt you, it just felt too good.

He loved seeing the way your skin moved when he undressed you. The pressure moving it in a way that water does at a sudden impact.

He loved licking up your thighs, leaving hickeys and finger imprints, kissing every freckle and beauty mark, swallowing every bit of you he could.

He loved controlling your movement from your thighs, moving them however he wanted. You never fought, knowing of his fetish.

He loved masturbating with your thighs, and loved seeing his cum glisten on them. Breathing heavily, he would look you dead in the eye, and move down, licking his mess clean with his warm tongue.

Their Favorite Part Of You! Skz! Reactions

Changbin: Friend!Reader - Hair

He loved seeing your hair bounce when you moved. It was so majestic, he couldn’t help but stare. Even when you spoke to him, he never made eye contact, looking at how your hair shined at the harsh lightning in the studio. He loved seeing it sparkle.

When you turned towards a sound, it was almost like your hair was waving at him, making him smile internally.

When you finally dyed it from your natural color, he was enamored. The peachy color clashed against your skin in the nicest way, showcasing your inner beauty. The color caught his eye always, and he could recognize you within a crowd just from it alone.

He was obsessed.

Months after realizing he was in love with your hair, he finally asked to feel it, your hair now a lavender shade.

“Sure,” You answered with a kind smile.

He was super giddy, happy to finally feel his weakness.

And it was so soft. He wrapped multiple strands around two of his digits, his eyes trained on the actions his hands were doing. He didn’t was to mistakenly pull, so he was slow.

“You look so happy, Bin,” you said, grinning. His face turned red immediately.

“Shut up,”

In bed!Changbin - Your face

He loves holding your face as he kisses you. When he’s fucking you into the mattress or the countertop. He loves seeing your expressions, the way your nose scrunches when he teases you. The way your eyes tighten when he flicks your sensitive buds. How your mouth opens in a silent scream when he finishes inside you.

He could cum from that alone, without even being touched.

But he loves touching you, especially when you’re making those faces. He sometimes even shoves his fingers into your open mouth, moaning as you close your lips, obediently sucking on them.

Their Favorite Part Of You! Skz! Reactions

Hyunjin: Friend!Reader - Eyes

It doesn’t even matter if you’re talking to him directly or not, this man will just stare deep into your soul. He loves the color of your eyes, and the gold specks that line your iris. Walking art, if you ask him.

He has tried many times to replicate it while painting, but without the real model in front of him, and no photos to copy, he was lost. Thirteen canvases later, he gave up, now looking at the many eyes that stared back at him. None of them were familiar. That’s how he knew he failed.

Minho saw these paintings and sent a few to you, hoping to tease Hyunjin. You didn’t tell the ferret resembling man, not wanting to embarrass him. Instead, you asked him,

“Hey? Do you paint people?”

He looked at you oddly, “Yeah
? Why?”

“Wanna paint me?”

He immediately got to work. You were standing in front of him, so close that he could see every freckle and blemish. He was going to paint a portrait.

In bed!Hyunjin - Hands

He loved holding your hands in bed. It reminded him that you were truly there. He saw you as a goddess/god, and relished in your presence.

You always made sure to squeeze every once in a while, seeing Hyunjin blissed out so early on. It was a system that just seemed to fall in place. It was reassuring.

Hyunjin loved it when you rose him, tilting his head back with light moans. His right hand held your waist, helping you move while the other grasped your hand, squeezing it so hard to ground himself. He didn’t want to lose himself with you. He wanted to feel you fully.

Your hands helped him do just that.

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