sweetdejun - love letters.
love letters.

zai. she/her. '00. nctzen, army. brown af. welcome to my little world of writing!

427 posts

PDX101 Top 11 List + The Trainee That I Want To Be Saved

PDX101 Top 11 List + the trainee that I want to be saved

this was extremely hard to narrow down because I really,, felt like there were so many talented people. especially this time around. I sincerely wish the best to all of them, and to those eliminated, I wish to see them debut someday.

my list:

kim woo seok - top

kim yo han - oui

kim min kyu - jellyfish

lee jin hyuk - top

song hyung jun - starship

lee jin woo - maroo

cho seung youn - yuehua

han seung woo - plan a 

song yu vin - music works

kim hyeon bin - source music

nam do hyun - mbk

this list, in my opinion, has a good balance of visuals, vocals, rappers, and dancers. that being said, I still think it’s missing someone very important: baekjin from vine. I want to save baekjin because I think he’s extremely underrated and it’s a shame that his last stage didn’t go so well. baekjin fighting!

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More Posts from Sweetdejun

6 years ago

[7:58 p.m.] Sicheng came home after his long day spent training with the rest of the WayV members. They just debuted not too long ago, but you knew how Sicheng spent every ounce of his energy on his career, ever since he started with NCT. With tired eyes and a warm smile, he greeted you, who came out of your bedroom and approached him with a hug, asking him about his day while intertwining your fingers. Ultimately, although you may be aware of it now, you held such importance to Sicheng and he couldn’t imagine where he would be without you. he really, truly, loved you. a few years down the line, you would hear him as he told you this in his wedding vows to you.

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5 years ago

9 + seungyoun

here it is! I have to say that it took me a while to figure out how to write this one, because I wanted things to just fall into place, but it’s done, and I really hope you like it!

9. why me, of all people?

[12:48 a.m.] the waves of the ocean hit the shore and the moonlight reflected on the deep waters. the stars shined brightly as they lovingly gazed down at you and seungyoun, hands intertwined as you walked down the coast of the beach. you feel that everything is overwhelmingly perfect; you’re lucky but too lucky. seungyoun can have literally anyone, you thought, why me, of all people? you didn’t realize you were thinking aloud until seungyoun’s feet came to a halt. he turned to face you and uncoiled the link between your hands just to cup your face with both his hands. “why not you? who else can light up my world like you? hey, y/n, don’t ever think like that. you are perfect for me, and no one comes close. I love you with all my heart, okay?” sniffing, you felt yourself tear up. “I love you too, seungyoun. I’m sorry that I thought like that, I really do cherish the time we spend together. there’s never a dull moment with you, and I’m extremely fortunate to be able to have you in my life.” seungyoun, now smiling down at you, wiped your moist eyes with the pads of his thumbs and pressed his lips against your forehead. you absolutely adored everything about this moment and this will forever be your favorite memory of your relationship.

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5 years ago

lee jinhyuk and 6!

eeek I was slightly confused about how and where to end this! it’s a little long, but I hope you like it!!

6. I really wanna kiss you.

[10:39 p.m.] it’s friday and the night is still young. people like to go out on fridays; to the movies, to the club, to some frat party, but you and your best friend (now long-time crush) lee jinhyuk are in your dorm, playing a fierce game of truth or drink. here you both were, sitting cross-legged in front of each other, with two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka next to you. so far, you aren’t entirely sober, but you can still make sane choices. or so you think.

“so, y/n, truth or drink?” jinhyuk asks you, a slight twinkle in his now lidded eyes. you leaned back against your couch and stretched your arms out. exhaling you reply, “truth”. screw it, at this point, what do you have to hide? you see jinhyuk smile smugly at your choice, and he clears his throat before asking, “what do you think about when you see me?” without missing a beat, you respond “I really wanna kiss you.” you’re frozen, eyes wide and mouth agape. what the hell did you just say? what are you thinking, you’re going to mess up your relationship! how could you-

you’re taken aback suddenly when jinhyuk leans in and gathers you onto his lap, arms secured around your waist. you close your eyes and your breath hitches. “you’re unbelievably beautiful, you know that, y/n? I really wanna kiss you, too.” and with that, he leans in and you feel a jolt of electricity run through you as your lips meld perfectly with his. your hands begin making their way into his hair, and jinhyuk’s grip around you tightens when you gently pull on his sepia locks. this friday night was the best friday night you’ve spent in forever, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.

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5 years ago

[7:39 a.m.] the raindrops make small splashes into the little puddles that began to form in the cavities and dips formed on the surface of the road. a black car comes to a stop and jaehyun steps out, umbrella protecting his head from the overhead showers pouring from the cesious-tinted sky. the man walks a few yards, maneuvering his way around the ground he knows like the back of his hand. finally, he comes to a halt. in one hand he has a bouquet that contains a plethora of flowers while he clutches the umbrella tight in his other hand. he bends down slightly, leaving the flowers on the ground then retreats to his original stance. “hey, y/n. how’s it going? everything’s going well down here. we are about to go on tour in a few days, and I wanted to stop by and check on you. I picked these for you from the garden you love, and I asked the ahjumma who works there to help me wrap them up for you. I miss you terribly, my love. I know it’s been almost two years but my hands sometimes still reach for you in the mornings. I haven’t had the heart to delete your phone number yet, and I won’t. in our next life, I pray that we can make it together and that neither of us suffers from this loneliness I’m going through.” jaehyun didn’t realize when the tears began to flow from his eyes, standing in front of your tombstone that had your name engraved on it. he inhaled deeply, wiping his moist eyes and face and continued, “I love you very much, y/n and although you don’t live on in this world any longer, you will forever live as the free-spirited and beautiful soul I fell in love with, in my heart.” and with that, he bid his farewell and made his way back to the car. and miraculously by the time he got to his car, the rain had drastically died down, and a ray of sunshine began peeking from the clouds and onto his face. almost as if you were declaring your love back to him from the heavens.

a.n.: my first angst piece! hope you guys like it!!

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5 years ago

wow, I was NOT expecting my inbox to flood like this. thank you guys so much for supporting my writing!! I really appreciate it!

I will continue to keep my requests open, I would just like to let y’all know that I will be slowing down a bit on the replies, because I have an exam that I have to study for (and I really need to pass) so I apologize if there are any delays with me fulfilling your requests. thank you guys for understanding <3