Radiant - Tumblr Posts

Just lemme leave this here-

Radiant chapter 110.
Well, that was unexpected.
Spoilers ahead. Don’t read if you don’t want any.
New chapters of Radiant.
The end of the last one

Torque, you fuckin’ bastard. I’ll kill you if you do something to him!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, don’t kil Dart. Pleaseeeeee
And poor Seth

He’s going to be judged even for the crimes he didn’t commit.

Radiant is finally available in my Country.
I am so happy. Because earlier I could only order it through the internet and that would be twice the price I paid in the shop.
And I was like, ok if it won’t be available here then I’ll print it or sth (i mean manga scans). But I didn’t.
And then one day I went to the only shop with manga near me, just for a minute because I had to catch the train and then… I saw it.
Yay!! 😍
Can’t wait for 2nd volume.
Every year when me and my family prepare easter-eggs I add something from fandoms I like. This time:
Part 1

I just did Crystal Guardian and Hornet Protector on Radiant difficulty :D
People who are under the otherkin umbrella please rb this and describe yourself as you'd wanna be described in a nature documentary
I fractured at 9.
The fault lines had been there for years;
Etching their way through my mind
Laying the foundation as it were
For my future instabilities.
A broken home
Emotional abuse
Neuordivergent in all directions.
I wasn't all that functional as a child
But I was 9 when it finally cracked.
Throw in religious iconography
Delusional obsession fueled by ADHD
And you get an inflamed consciousness too active for its own good.
I existed inside a mindscape where God abused me daily
And only my own fractured psyche kept me company.
Came back together at 11
Dissociating was becoming the norm.
Newer iterations
Divergent personalities.
I broke again at 17.
Back together and thriving at 21.
24 and being on the cusp of being whole.
And fracturing once more.
Patterns eating patterns.
Reality something I could rarely hold.
Months were lost
Unable to tell what was real
Who I was
Or what I was doing.
Inflamed beyond my own comprehension.
That was when we all made contact.
The various personalities and myself
Broken up through time
Different incarnations of a present theme.
A host
A fixation
A central gravity well
Drawing in the parts.
Put back together again
Another identity
That gave rise to me.
Myself birthing myself
Breaking chains and loving me.
For the first time in life
Existing without a mask.
Decades of hiding done away with
And for the first time
An honest stability.
I have really bad days still,
And I can't say if I personally will still be around in a year.
I've been trapped in cycle of reincarnation within my own body for so long.
2-3 years is all we usually ever get
But becoming who we are today
Has been in the works far longer than my own current awareness.
Had a rough weekend.
Felt those disassociative tendrils feeling for something to hold.
It can be easy to give in
Especially when my sense of what is real
Is so often warped.
Still here
But still breathing.
Head is spinning
Thoughts racing
But able to find strength
In the knowledge of being myself.
Overcoming a lot of adversity right now.
Change on every front
With no clear path forward in every facet.
Because that is all I known to do.
Reaching out
Trying to find touch.
Imagine Your OTP
Person A: “I don’t know how you are always so gentle and loving to me.”
Person B: “Well you do call me your Prince/Princess of the moon, it seems fitting that you my radiant light, would be my Princess/Prince of the stars~”
Person A: (With a blush blooming on their cheeks) “Oh Person B~” (then gives them a sweet kiss)
Imagine Your OTP
Random Person: “Why don’t you forget about your partner and hang around with me-”
Person A: “Excuse me, *Ahaha* that is easier said then done! I mean have you even seen them.”
Person A gestures to them as they both look over at Person B looking stunning.
Person A: “I mean just look at them, they’re absolutely radiant~”
Random Person: (Stilled, stunned by Person B) “Ya, I beginning to see your point!”
The Nymph of the Sea
The sea of timelessness beckons us, and the gentle whisper of the waves is as pure as the awakening of the deepest forests. Nausikaa, the radiant nymph, emerges on the infinite horizon as the sea princess, and her unearthly beauty, unbearable for mortals, shines through all reality. She is surrounded by a dazzling eternity, like the seven rays of the sun that penetrate the clouds and the earth from the immeasurable heights of the sky.
She carries the gems of millennia, like pebbles on the seashore, guarded by the eyes of the hourglass of time. Her evocation brings forth all innocence and freedom, arriving with the scent of fresh earth after rain, dancing with the breeze, and awakening with the flowers of the fields. Then, gently taking your hand, she starts running with you at the first rays of sunrise, promising a new beginning that brings the crown of eternity.
Nausikaa, the sea nymph, brings the quiet reign of girls' laughter and dance to the world, destined for eternal life beyond the cycle of events.

The Nymph of the Sea
The Nymph of the Sea
The sea of timelessness beckons us, and the gentle whisper of the waves is as pure as the awakening of the deepest forests. Nausikaa, the radiant nymph, emerges on the infinite horizon as the sea princess, and her unearthly beauty, unbearable for mortals, shines through all reality. She is surrounded by a dazzling eternity, like the seven rays of the sun that penetrate the clouds and the earth from the immeasurable heights of the sky.
She carries the gems of millennia, like pebbles on the seashore, guarded by the eyes of the hourglass of time. Her evocation brings forth all innocence and freedom, arriving with the scent of fresh earth after rain, dancing with the breeze, and awakening with the flowers of the fields. Then, gently taking your hand, she starts running with you at the first rays of sunrise, promising a new beginning that brings the crown of eternity.
Nausikaa, the sea nymph, brings the quiet reign of girls' laughter and dance to the world, destined for eternal life beyond the cycle of events.

Mudroom - Mudroom Mid-sized trendy concrete floor and gray floor entryway photo with white walls and a light wood front door
just finished ‘radiant’ on Viki and honestly, I have never cried watching a drama as much as I did watching this one. I’ve been crying for the past half hour somebody help
Sometimes a family is a mom, a dad, their kids and the kid's spouses
Sometimes a family is a dad, the dad's god-like personal half spirit, his wife who is his kid's aunt, the wife's personal god-like half spirit, her daughter who is also the dad's neice, the daughter's personal half spirit, the daughter's immortal jester, the dad's eldest child, the eldest child's half-catatonic/dead but not really sword half spirit, his wife, her alter, her half-catatonic/dead but not really personal half spirit, her alive personal half spirit, the dad's younger child, his odd personal half spirit, his non-human boyfriend, the boyfriend's odd personal half spirit, and kaladin
I completely adore @buggachat 's be au and I am so happy with the latest part but this is my favorite

Part 51 of my bakery “enemies” au!
and we’re finally done with the wine tasting. By the time this is posted I’ll be on a trip, so cue hiatus!
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