zai. she/her. '00. nctzen, army. brown af. welcome to my little world of writing!
427 posts
this is so sweet, thank you so much! i’m so glad you like them, this really warms my heart <3
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10. "we're here to win not whine" + yohan
it’s done! hope you like it!!
10. we’re here to win not whine.
[9:31 a.m.] normally, you wouldn’t be awake at this time on the weekend you were off. but you were today, why? because you are a counselor at a kid’s camp, Camp Cinco, and today you were having a laser tag battle against the staff from your rival camp, Camp Oui. it sounds a little childish out loud, considering that you and your colleagues are a bunch of college kids or post-grad students, but winning this game would mean that you’ve brought pride to the camp’s name. plus, you’re quite competitive, if you don’t say so yourself. so in other words, you are going to kick some ass today.
you meet your coworkers and chat when you see the camp oui staff walk into the center. a man who seems to be a few years older than you lead the way, followed by the rest of their players. he seems to be the head counselor, you think. your camp’s head counselor, gyuhyung, goes to greet him. You hear him introduce himself as sunho. they talk for a bit, then head back over to their respective areas. gyuhyung huddles you all together and starts reciting his game plan, “ok byungchan, you and sohee will go to the far left corner. gaeun, eunsang and I will guard this perimeter. meanwhile, sihoon, donghyun, and suhyun stay on the ground and keep a sharp eye. finally, y/n and jungmo, you two stay on the top, cover both sides, okay? let’s go, fighting!”
you cheer and you look up to the opposing team to find a really cute guy looking at you, from the other team. “yohan! focus!” you hear sunho say, which captures the boy’s attention. then, they huddle and start talking, and you hear someone groan, you hear sunho say, “we’re here to win, not whine, okay? alright, everyone, keep your head in the game, alright? fighting!” they all come and line up next to you and your group. the boy from before is standing next to you. you look up at him and he grins and wishes you good luck. “you too, although I’m not really supposed to say that,” you whisper. to this, he responds with a goofy smile (you mentally note that you really wanna see him smile like that again) and shrugs, “it’s all good..?” “y/n.” he repeats your name and you feel butterflies in your stomach. he introduces himself as yohan, and you exchange small talk until the horn is heard, signaling the start of the game. you say bye to him and enter the room.
after standing by your word, you and your team kick some ass hard. you’ve beaten the team by hundreds of points and you go out to see that you’re the top shooter from your team. as your coworkers come to you and congratulate you, you see yohan approach you. “not bad, y/n.” you look to see his score too. yohan’s also the top shooter for his team. “you’re not so bad yourself.” he laughs and says thanks to you. “so, I wanted to know, now that all of this is over, would you like to go grab a coffee?” the tips of his ears are red, and you’re not sure if it’s because he’s exhausted or he’s nervous but you say yes. you just won for your camp, and you scored a cute date? can your weekend get any better than this?
wooseok: 보스
eunsang: 보기

you know what to caption
in my case, my fave didn’t make it (i was rooting for most of them but the one I rooted for the most didn’t make it and i’m so sad because he showed nothing but the best side of himself throughout this entire show). X1,,, i need to give it some time. but I sincerely hope that victon, myteen and up10tion start making music again.
My thoughts on the finale lineup for Produce X 101
Tbh I'm not satisfied. Only one of my fav passed. I'm happy for the ones who passed but I really didn't expect that, I'm quite disappointed. I will still follow them but I will definitely not stan. I'm really happy that Yohan is center and that Dongpyo is in the group. For Wooseok and Seungwoo I'm more sad that they're going to be away from their groups (UP10TION and VICTON) for 5 years. And for Minkyu, I think he deserved better. He got bashed for being in the top when he didn't ask for it and tried his best to not disappoint anyone and he got out, I really hoped for him to be the X.
And finally my other fav, Yuvin who deserved wayyyyyyyyyy better than this. He is an incredible vocalist, one of the best in this season and he is SO funny. I'm definitely going to stan MYTEEN.
So, Produce X 101. It was a good season. However, the finale lineup is so weird for me. COMPLETELY different from the past episodes. I feel like Mnet wanted more drama than anything. I'm going to follow X1 but not stan. I like all the trainees but it still feels weird. I will maybe stan at some point, I have to wait for their songs to decide.
Good luck X1, I hope you will succeed.
bro WHAT
hold up. you mean to tell me that lee hangyul, nation's d*ddy, is only 19? good lord
aHHHH i cry a little inside every time i read your writing???? you're one of the few rare gems who write quality content for pdx101 and i couldn't be more grateful. could i please request for something fluffy with seungyoun and "is that a challenge?"
my heart, I’m so touched. I’m sincerely thankful for the wonderful feedback, and I’m really glad you liked it! and the seungyoun request: I just finished that one, sweetums! check it out, https://sweetdejun.tumblr.com/post/186432782898/7-with-seungyoun-pls