thatonegenshinsimp - Lauren’t

| Not Lauren| An ADHD bitch who obsesses over fictional men | Currently: Tired |

80 posts

Siblings (Alhaitham X Diluc And Kaeyas Sibling! Reader

Siblings (Alhaitham x Diluc and Kaeya’s sibling! Reader

Notes: I felt like I had to write a scenario for this because it was too good of an opportunity to do so. Kept it gn since that’s what I had for the original post of this idea but I hope you all enjoy!


Alhaitham scowled as you spoke, not at you, never at you. He was scowling at the counter as you spoke to him. His attention was diverted back to you as you gently took his hands into yours. “We only have to be in Mondstadt for a week. It’s for the Windblume Festival and I never miss a single one, and… are you mad at me? You seem angry.” You asked, looking up at him as his gaze softened and he shook his head. “No, I’m just slightly annoyed is all.” He replied. “Annoyed about what?” You asked. “There’s going to be a lot of people, and I don’t exactly know your family all that well outside of the things you yourself have told me. I’m annoyed about the fact that, of all occasions, this is the one thing I genuinely don’t know how to properly prepare for.” He answered, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the counter with a sigh. “Oh, I didn’t know you were nervous. I would have reassured you if I’d known sooner, Haitham.” You said, gently placing a hand against his cheek. He reached up and put his own hand over yours, leaning into your touch. “I promise you that whatever happens, I won’t just stop dating you for their sake.” You reassured him, using your other hand to guide him to lean down as you pressed your lips against his. “Now then, we need to pack tonight, because we have to leave early tomorrow morning in order to get to the Dawn Winery in time for the start of the festival.” You said, slowly withdrawing your hands from his face and turning on your heel to go to your room. He sighed as he looked at where you’d disappeared off to, looking up at the ceiling. “Lesser Lord Kusanali, give me the patience to deal with this one’s family, please.” He muttered to himself. He knew that today would be a long one full of preparation for when the two of you left.

You walked hand in hand with Alhaitham almost the entire way to Mondstadt, a soft smile on your face as you hummed a tune he’d never heard before. You’d donned regular Mondstadter attire, which he noticed immediately. However, he also noticed that you were more anxious than before as the two of you got closer to Mondstadt, but kept brushing off his attempts to find out why with a small “I’m fine, really” but he knew that wasn’t even close to the truth. He decided to ask one last time before giving it a rest. “Please tell me what’s plaguing your mind. I want to help you if I can.” he said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. You knew that this softer side of him was for you and you only, and that brought you comfort. “I just don’t know how they’ll react to you, since it’s been so long since I last saw the two of them. I know they still care about me, but the reason I left was because the constant arguing and bickering was a bit too much for me. I don’t want to get you dragged into that as well.” you admitted, looking at the entrance to Stone Gate. Alhaitham slowed down to a stop at the pier just before the entrance. He led you to a table and sat beside you, taking your hands into his and looking at you. “I will try my best not to be argumentative with the two of them for your sake if I recognize them, I promise.” He reassured you, watching as you nodded hesitantly after a minute or two. “Thank you, I know it kind of cramps your style, but I really need this.” you said, hugging him. Alhaitham wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back, before slowly lowering his arms as he spoke. “Now then, let’s get going, they’re probably waiting for us at your place.” he advised, holding his hand out for you to take. Without further delay, you both finally crossed the threshold to Stone Gate, and made your way a little further to the Dawn Winery.

Not much had changed about your old home since you last saw it. The only real difference was the fact that there were some decorations for Windblume hung on the lamp posts and the windowsills of the winery. You reached into your shirt and fished out a key on your necklace chain, fitting it into the lock and turning it until a soft click reached your ears. You then gently pushed open the doors and walked into the place. The smell of mahogany and fire reached your nose as you took a deep breath and sighed. “Well, welcome to my abode, we can set our stuff upstairs in my room if you want to.” you proposed. “No, you can’t, but I’ll be happy to take it upstairs for you, dear.” a familiar voice said behind you. You smiled softly and turned around, only to be greeted by the face of Adelinde. “Addie, you know I don’t like to trouble you.” you tried, but she shook her head. “Now, now, Master Kaeya already tried that excuse, and he got an earful during Weinlesefest because he tried not to “be a bother” to me. I haven’t seen you in almost a year, and I’m not about to be told by anyone that I can’t spoil you now. You’ve been gone for far too long, and me and Elzer have missed your lively chatter. Not to mention that you haven’t introduced me to this gentleman behind you yet, either.” she scolded, before taking your bags from your hands and carrying them up to your room. She then came back down and took Alhaitham’s bags from his hands, carrying them upstairs to your room as well. Once she got back downstairs, she dusted herself off a little and clasped her hands together. “Now then, tell me everything. I want to know who this is.” she said, gesturing to Alhaitham. “Well, about that...” you started, and kept going from there, telling her everything that had happened during the time you were in Sumeru.

“And that’s when he finally asked me on a date. But enough about me, how have Diluc and Kaeya been?” you asked, looking at her. Adelinde sighed deeply, before gesturing for you to follow her to the sitting area. “As you know, your brothers haven’t been on very good terms for a while now, but they have recently started talking more to one another. It turns out that Miss Lisa is the one to blame for that because, from what Master Diluc tells me, she saw the two of you on a date together in Sumeru City when she was there for her vacation days.” she explained, watching as you sighed deeply. “Wonderful, she saw us.” you grumbled, causing her to laugh. “Anyways, you two ought to head to the city, the festival is about to start soon.” she advised, watching as you nodded. Alhaitham got up first and gently took your hand into his, helping you up from your seat and holding the door for you as you bid Adelinde farewell until that evening.

You walked to the city and greeted Swan and Lawrence at the gates, waving to the two of them and then walking alongside Alhaitham as you gave him a tour of the place you grew up in. He followed you to the cathedral, and looked around the place before his eyes landed on a Fatuus near the doors. He brushed it off and then followed you out the doors as he spoke. “Things here are very different from Sumeru City. For one, this city is much smaller in comparison, but there are no altars or cathedrals to celebrate our god as you do yours. Rani Kusanali has no statue save for her Statues of the Seven around Sumeru. Furthermore, the weather here is colder than it is in Sumeru, not that I’m complaining, we don’t have snow capped mountains like you do.” he said, pointing to Dragonspine. “Do you want to see it if we have the time? It’s very beautiful this time of year.” you offered, causing him to shake his head. “I’d rather stay down here where it’s warm, but if you insist, I suppose we could go for a little bit.” he replied, watching as your face lit up with joy. “Wonderful, we’ll go tomorrow then, since we’ll be spending today in the city, if that’s alright with you.” you said, causing him to nod his agreement.

Your next stop was the Knights of Favonius headquarters, and you immediately dragged him to the library. “She better be here.” you mumbled under your breath. You pushed open the door and were greeted by the sight of Lisa’s empty desk and several stacks of unorganized books, with a note sitting on the desk that read: out for afternoon tea, be back in an hour. -Lisa. You sighed before looking around the library, and then back at Alhaitham. “It would seem that Lisa learned of our arrival and planned to avoid us today.” you huffed, before smiling. “However, I might as well welcome you to the Knights of Favonius library. I know it’s not nearly as grand as the House of Daena, but it’s got plenty of good novels and linguistics books. If you’d like, we can read for a bit.” you proposed, causing him to shake his head. “It’s alright, I know you want to make sure that my social battery doesn’t run out before this evening, but I’m fine. Besides, it doesn’t run out as fast as you’d think.” Alhaitham said, causing you to nod. “Thank you.” you muttered, burying your face in your hands. “Now then, it’s almost lunch time, and you said that you knew about this place you liked that’s here in the city. You can tell me the rest of our plans for the day over something to eat.” he said, causing you to nod. “Ok, then next stop, Good Hunter.” you replied.

“Welcome to Good Hunter, what would you- Oh, (Y/N), it’s been a while. How have you been?” Sara asked. “Hey, Sara, I’ve been good. Um, could we get a table for two please?” you asked, causing her to nod. “Sure, I’ll have your menus out in a moment, you can choose any table to sit at if you’d like.” she replied, turning to get them. You took Alhaitham to a table and sat down in the chair across from him, before hearing someone clear their throat behind you. You turned around and saw Amber and Eula, the ladder slightly glaring at you. “(Y/N), it’s been forever since I last saw you. Me and Eula were just about to get some lunch from here, do you mind if we join you and whoever this is?” she asked, causing you to nod in response. Alhaitham watched as Eula sat down beside you, while Amber sat beside him. “So, how has your time in Sumeru been? Have you met Collei yet?” Amber asked, smiling brightly at you. “Well, I did briefly see her, but when I did, she talked almost nonstop about you when she found out I was a Mondstadter.” you replied, before listening to her ramble on about her time with Collei. “Ahem, if I may, who exactly is this?” Eula asked, gesturing to Alhaitham. “Ah, yes, this is Alhaitham, we’ve been dating for almost three years now.” you replied, causing Eula to sigh deeply. “Not telling us about your relationship, such a transgression shan’t go unnoticed. Mark my words, (Y/N), vengeance will be-” “Hold on a sec, I had reason not to tell the Knights of Favonius, just please hear me out before you swear to get back at me.” you tried, causing her to slouch back slightly in her chair and relax. “Go on then, plead your case.” she said. “You two work with Kaeya on a daily basis, I couldn’t risk a slip of the tongue to him or Diluc when neither of us were ready to tell them.” you explained, causing Amber to nod. “They do have a point, I mainly report to Captain Kaeya or Jean, both of whom are close to Diluc, and I often just talk about my day and what I’ve heard around the city when I’m not on patrol. You mainly go to the Angels’ Share during your break, which is where both Master Diluc and the Cavalry Captain usually are at that hour. We often talk to them, so I can see where you’re coming from.” Amber said, looking at you. You and Alhaitham kept talking and eating with the two Knights until lunch hour was over and they had to return to work.

You and Alhaitham spent the rest of the day walking around Mondstadt and seeing everything before the sun had finally started to set over the horizon. Just as you were about to enter the tavern, you realized something. “I forgot to get my bag at the Winery.” You said, before turning around and then looking at Alhaitham. “You can head in if you’d like. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” You called, running off to get to the winery. Alhaitham was about to follow you, but decided against it at the last minute, and turned the handle of the door to the Angels’ Share.

Diluc was cleaning a wine glass when someone sat at the bar, taking out a book as he started to read. Kaeya was in his usual spot at the bar, leaning against the counter when the man sat down. “Oh, a new face? What’s your name, good sir?” Kaeya asked, watching him closely. The stranger lowered the book and looked over at him. “Alhaitham.” He replied curtly. “Sounds like a Sumeru name? Is that where you’re from?” Kaeya asked. “Yes, I’m the Akademiya’s Scribe.” He replied, watching as Diluc set down the glass and started to listen. “Well now, what is someone from Sumeru doing all the way in Mondstadt?” He asked, watching as his facial expression softened slightly. “My significant other and I have been dating for almost three years now. They wanted to introduce me to their family during the Windblume Festival.” He explained, noting how Kaeya’s smirk grew wider. “If you’re anything like the rest of those sensitive scholars from the Akademiya, then there aren’t exactly that many people who want to meet you, Scribe Alhaitham.” Diluc commented. Alhaitham smirked at him. “Unlike them, you’ll find that I don’t particularly care what my superiors think of me, nor do I have such hopelessly little street smarts like they do. They may have a degree, but that means nothing if you’re getting mugged in the streets of Port Ormos by Eremites.” He said, before hearing Kaeya chuckle. “What about your significant other’s family? Do they also apply to your disregard for the opinions of others?” He asked. Alhaitham shook his head. “There are certain cases where that doesn’t apply, and to answer your question, yes and no. I would respect their family members to an extent. From what they’ve told me, their siblings didn’t exactly regard their feelings very much while they lived here after a tragedy that happened a few years ago. I am a bit torn on what to do as far as that goes. However, the only thing that I really wish I got to do was meet their father before he passed.” He said, startling them both. “What was their father’s name?” Diluc asked, both he and Kaeya waiting with baited breath.

“Their father’s name was Crepus. I heard that he was a very kind man.” He said, looking at the two of them. Diluc spoke first. “There’s no way you’re dating (Y/N). Someone as cold and stoic as you, dating them? That’s the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard. They’re so lively and bright and you’re… not.” Diluc said. “Are you implying that that’s the type of person someone as closed off and cold as yourself would like?” He challenged. Diluc leveled a glare on him as the two started an unspoken staring contest. Diluc looked away and grumbled to himself. However, before he could get another word in, the door to the Tavern swung open to reveal you. “Sorry, I got to the Winery and found my bag but Elzer stopped me to talk to me.” You admitted. “Ah, (Y/N), it’s wonderful to see you again. How have you been lately?” Kaeya asked. “I’ve been good, things in Sumeru are very different compared to Mondstadt, but it’s so beautiful, and it’s very warm there, too. Plus, from what I’ve heard,” you started, looking at Diluc, “there are very good spiced cocktails in Sumeru, and the food there is delicious. Plus, there’s a lot more old technology from Khaenri’ah in the desert that you don’t find in Mond. Here, hold on, I have photos.” You said, grabbing a photo album out of your bag. You handed it to Kaeya, who looked through the photos. After a minute or two, he smirked. “So, Collei lives in Sumeru then? You ought to show Amber these photos, she’s often worried about her, you know.” He said, handing the album to Diluc. “I didn’t know you had so many friends in Sumeru.” He remarked. “Ah, I forgot to introduce you to them, sorry.” You apologized, turning to Alhaitham and taking the barstool beside him. “This is Alhaitham, my boyfriend of three years. He’s the Akademiya’s Scribe.” You said, as Alhaitham took a mental note of the fact that you introduced him as your boyfriend first. “We know. May I ask how much he paid you to pretend to be his lover?” Diluc asked, narrowing his eyes at you. You leveled a glare at him as you spoke. “He didn’t pay me, and you have no right to judge something you yourself don’t have.” You mocked, causing him to give a confused look. “What are you implying?” He asked, a challenge of sorts hidden in his words. “I’m implying, you reckless recluse, that you yourself don’t have a lover, so you have no right to judge mine.” You replied, wrapping your arms around Alhaitham’s bicep as you spoke. “Besides, I’m happy with him, that’s much more important. I will not argue with you about this during the Windblume Festival or ever after about this, it would be a waste of both of our time.” You said. “Personally, if I may, you’re not that bad of a person. Yes, you do tend to be blunt, but I feel as though you genuinely care about how (Y/N) feels and about their opinion, so as far as things go for me, I have no qualms with you dating them.” Kaeya said, watching with a smirk on his face as Diluc scowled at him. He then looked back at you, who was still staring at him. “You seriously like him?” He asked, causing you to nod. “Is there any way I can convince you to leave him?” He asked, watching as you shook your head no. With a deep sigh, Diluc finally gave in and spoke. “Very well, I suppose I can tolerate hosting you at my place then.” He said, putting away the last glass of the evening and grabbing his coat from the coat rack.

After Diluc closed up the Angels’ Share for the night and said goodbye to Kaeya, he walked with you and Alhaitham to the Dawn Winery, looking over at you as you held Alhaitham’s hand. He was surprised when you’d said that you had a lover, let alone someone from Sumeru, but he started to see why you started dating him in the first place. The moment you shivered from the cold night air, Diluc watched as the man beside you took off his cape and gently draped it over your shoulders. “I’ll be fine.” Was all he said when you turned to look at him. The three of you walked in relative silence, with you talking to either Alhaitham or Diluc along the way.

The moment you got to the Dawn Winery, you pushed open the doors and stepped inside, looking around and fully taking in the look of the manor this time. “You’ve changed a few things.” You observed, taking Alhaitham’s cloak off and handing it back to him. He took it with a nod of thanks, hanging it on the coat rack by the door. He then looked around and saw that there was a meal on the table. “It’s still warm if you’d all like to take a seat.” Adelinde offered, looking over at them from the doorway. “Thank you, Adelinde.” Diluc said, taking his seat at the table as you took yours and Alhaitham took his next to you. He nodded to Adelinde as he spoke. “Thank you for the meal.” He said, watching Diluc with a slightly cautious look in his eyes as he ate. When the three of you were done eating, Adelinde took the dishes away and you all went upstairs to get ready for bed.

Once you and Alhaitham were alone, you turned around and gently cupped his face in your hands as you spoke. “Are you alright? I know that was a bit… tense.” You asked, watching as he nodded softly. “I’ll be fine, but what I really need is sleep, I’m exhausted.” He muttered, looking up at you as he sat down on the bed. You nodded softly and grabbed your nightclothes from your suitcase, changing into them quickly before getting in the bed next to him. You felt his arms around your waist and looked back at him, smiling softly. You rolled over to face him and pressed yourself closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you, Haitham.” You whispered, watching as he looked down at you and smiled. “I… I love you too.” He replied, hiding his face in your hair as he spoke. “Aww, are you getting all blushy on me now?” You teased, causing him to huff softly before pulling back and pressing his lips against yours. Your eyes widened before you closed them and melted into his touch, kissing him back. “Go to sleep.” He muttered, holding you close as he closed his eyes. You drifted off with him, enjoying the blissful quiet shared between the two of you in this moment.

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More Posts from Thatonegenshinsimp

1 year ago

Cold Mornings with a Warm Lover (fem!reader NSFW)

Notes: I knew I’d eventually go down this rabbit hole at some point, and now you all finally get to see who (some of) my favorite men are. I feel like it got a bit redundant but I hope you enjoy~


Characters: Capitano, Thoma, Diluc, Childe, Alhaitham, Itto

Warnings: NSFW, fem!reader, badly translated Russian (sorry for any mistakes), unprotected sex, missionary, riding, squirting, marking, size kink, belly bulge, creampie

NSFW content below, Minors DNI! By scrolling down past this point, you have decided to read the content below of your own accord!


You woke up slowly on mornings when there was no work to be done for Her Majesty at Zapolyarny Palace. This was one of those mornings, and you enjoyed them even more with your husband, Capitano. He was a very closed off individual, but not to you. He confided in you often, trusting you with the things that bothered him. He, regardless of how strong he was, was still merely human, and had needs of his own. You were the one who fulfilled those needs whenever he went to you. He couldn’t have been more grateful, and he showed you how grateful he was to you last night. You were waking up slowly now, and leaned against him for warmth when you felt the freezing air outside of the sheets. He stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up just yet. You smiled softly, snuggling up to him to get more body heat from him. After a few minutes, you heard him speak. “You’re freezing, come here.” He said, his deep morning voice serving to make you squeeze your thighs together as he pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around your waist and upper back. “Good morning, dearest.” He whispered, looking down at you as you leaned against him. His deep blue eyes peered down at you through barely opened lids, but he still smiled softly. “Good morning to you, too.” You replied, leaning into his touch as his hands gently caressed your skin.

He pulled back from you and looked you up and down, taking immediate notice of the slight bruises on your hips. “Apologies.” He whispered, leaning down to capture your lips in a gentle kiss as he pulled you up to where you were at his eye level. “Are you alright? I know I wasn’t very gentle with you last night.” He asked, reaching up to cup your face in one of his large hands. “I’m ok, please don’t worry about me. Last night was wonderful.” You reassured him, leaning into his touch as you pulled his face closer to yours and kissed him again. He balanced on his forearms and then sat up, exposing your bare body to the cold air and making you shiver. You curled in on yourself and wrapped your arms around your body, trembling from the cold. He immediately laid back down and was about to hold you again when he saw the red tint on your face and the way your thighs rubbed against each other. You looked to the side, embarrassed that he’d found you out, but immediately looked back at him when he put his hands on either side of your head and looked down at you, looming over you. His gaze was always gentle whenever it rested on you, and the same was still true now. You looked up at him as your face got even hotter. “Look at you, so needy.” He mused, before he spoke again. "May I?" He asked, causing you to nod softly. He pumped himself a few times before lining up his tip with your slit, dragging it over before he slowly pushed the blunt head past your entrance. Your eyes screwed shut as you took him in slowly, feeling him gently roll his hips against yours. You wrapped your arms around his middle, digging your nails into his back and leaving tiny red crescent moons in their wake. The moment he bottomed out, he stayed still, keeping his hips pressed against yours as he held your thighs down against the bed. “Good girl, taking me in one go like this. You deserve a reward for being so good for me last night.” You heard him say. “Do you think you deserve a reward?” He asked, causing you to look up at him with half lidded doe eyes as you spoke. “Y-yes, please- mmh~ I promise I’ll be good.” You moaned, looking down as you saw the outline of his cock almost going up to your bellybutton. “Ngh~ s-so full- ahh~!” You moaned, putting your hand over your mouth to muffle your noises, only for him to gently grab it and pin it beside your head. “You’re always so- shit- so good to me. Always taking care of me- Ngh~ Let me take care of you now.” He mumbled, his lips pressed against your neck as he spoke. You whined and clenched around him as you wrapped your legs loosely around his waist. Capitano gently traced your jaw with his hand, causing you to desperately lean into his touch as he kept going. You felt him, thick and heavy, dragging against your walls as red tinted his beautiful face. He pressed his forehead against yours as he started going faster, keeping a tight grip on your hips with one hand as he grunted softly. The other hand was busy drawing circles against your clit. The knot in your lower abdomen tightened as he kept hitting that one spot that made you see stars, chuckling as your eyes rolled back and you squeezed around him. “Mmngh~ m’ g-gonna cum- Ahhn~!” Your walls clenched around him tightly as his hips stuttered against yours. “That’s it, just let go, sweet thing. I’ll take care of you.” He groaned, his breath hitching as he twitched inside of you. With one last deep thrust, he buried himself deep inside of you and came, letting your gummy inner walls milk him for all he was worth.

You had tears in your eyes as you came down from your high slowly, relaxing in Capitano’s arms. “Th-thank you, mmm~ thank you s’much.” You mumbled, feeling him press his hips taut against yours. You jolted against him as he slowly pulled out, hissing softly from the sudden emptiness you felt. “Shh, stay still, I’ll clean you up.” He said, getting up and grabbing a warm washcloth from the bathroom. You laid there and let him clean you up, before relaxing against the mattress as he got back in the bed with you. “Rest, we’ll get up later.” He muttered, pulling you close to his chest and letting you lay against him as you sleepily nodded and closed your eyes, falling asleep in his warm embrace.


There were few mornings when Thoma didn't have to head over to the Kamisato Estate early to tend to Ayato and Ayaka. He often left you to wake up alone, waiting for him to get back after doing your daily commissions for the Guild. Today, however, you woke up to his lovely green eyes looking at you as he held you close. "Good morning, my love. How are you?" he asked, watching as a soft smile appeared on your face at the sight of him. "What are you doing still here? shouldn't you be at the Estate by now?" you asked, suddenly concerned. "Nah, My Lord called off work for me today, and told me to enjoy the two week period of the Irodori Festival as I wished. I saw it fitting to spend at least the first day with my lovely wife." he said, leaning in and pressing his lips against your neck. "Thoma, stop, haha, your hair tickles." you laughed, causing him to smile against your neck as he kept kissing the soft skin. You threaded your fingers through his hair and gently pulled him back away from your neck. You then fell back against the mattress, panting as red tinted your cheeks.

You were about to say something, but your words caught in your throat as you looked up and saw the look he was giving you. His eyes were slightly wide, and had a sort of needy look in them, but he spoke again, anyway. "I was wondering what you wanted to do for the first day of the festival?" he asked, causing you to smile up at him. "I want you to keep me warm in this comfortable bed of ours." you said, starting to undress. You slipped off the pajamas you had on and sighed, before speaking again. "Because this bed has been very cold," you took off your underwear as you spoke, throwing them on the floor beside the bed, "without you here warming me up." you finished, watching as he scrambled to take off his nightclothes. He leaned in and kissed you gently, pouring his emotions into that kiss as his face went red. "Do you want this, though? I don't want to force you." he asked, his tone returning to gentle. You nodded softly. "Of course I do. It's you, and regardless of how many times you ask, I will almost always say yes." you replied, reaching up and cupping his face in your hands. "I love you, Thoma." you whispered, bringing him closer to where his tip was pressed against your entrance. You gasped softly when he slid in quickly, eyes going wide as he lifted your body before settling you on his lap. "That's it, jus' stay still, please. M'gonna cum if you keep sucking me in like this- hah~ s'good." he moaned, rocking into you to further stretch you out. He always kept you in mind whenever he made love to you in the morning like this. "Mmhng~ Thoma- hnn~ s'big- ah~!" you squealed when he reached down and rolled his thumb against your clit, drawing out those pretty noises he loved hearing you make. "Look at you. Have I ever told you how pretty you look under me like this?" he asked, pressing his lips against yours as he bottomed out with a groan. You moaned into his mouth, relaxing against his chest as you started to adjust to him. "You look so good taking me like this. I just wanna keep going and- ngh~ never stop." he grunted, bouncing you on his lap as you held onto his shoulders tightly. "Thoma, f-feel- mmnh~ feel you s-so deep. So deep inside- ahn~ me!" you yelped, noticing how his hips were stuttering against yours as he kept moving. "Yeah? It feels good? Do I make you feel good?" he asked, causing you to nod softly. After a few more minutes, you felt your orgasm hit you full force, making you tremble against his chest as you came. "Thoma, m'cumming, cumming- anhmm~!" you moaned loudly, hiding your face in his neck when he came with you. "There we go, nice and warm, just like you wanted, right?" he asked, watching as you nodded mindlessly. He felt you clenching around him and grinding your hips back into his, milking his cock for all it was worth, and he gladly held you against him, keeping your hips against his. He was always so gentle whenever he had to pull out, but instead, he stayed inside of you, hiding his face in your neck and kissing your soft skin. "Did I do good?" he asked, watching as you looked up at him and nodded. "Mhmm~ it felt s'good, still feels s'good. Don't pull out yet, please." you begged, looking up at him with pleading eyes as he looked back down at you. Thoma's face reddened as he buried his face in your hair and sighed.

"If you insist, my love."


You woke up slowly next to your husband, watching as he stirred slightly in his sleep and pulled you close to him as he continued to sleep. Diluc mumbled your name sometimes in his sleep, which you adored very much. His hair tended to stick to his face, and got messy from him moving around a lot when he slept. However, he also had a tendency to sleep with almost nothing on, sometimes going to bed completely undressed, because his Vision made his body run warmer than most. You didn't complain about it though, you loved it whenever he held you close and warmed you up.

Diluc had gotten back late last night, and only had time to shower and dry himself off, before all but dragging himself to the bed and falling asleep next to you. He didn't have any work to do today or for the next two weeks, since it was the time for the Windblume Festival to arrive again. You had made a new pair of gloves for him after he wore out and tore his old ones, and planned to give them to him today, but after seeing him look so peaceful, you decided against waking him up. Unfortunately, he was a light sleeper, and soon peeked his red eyes open before catching sight of you awake in his arms. He often worked himself to the brink of collapse, but he always worked very hard, and you respected that very much. You loved that he wanted to help people, but sometimes, he put too much on the line for people you didn't think deserved his kindness, help, or his time. You were willing to admit that you were selfish in this regard, because if there was one thing you were always lacking, it was time with him.

"Good morning, my love, did you sleep well last night?" he asked, reaching for your hand and gently bringing it up to his lips. He gently kissed your knuckles, pulling you close to him as you giggled softly, a heartwarming sound to his ears. "I did, and you?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck and snuggling up to him as you shivered from the cold. "Are you cold? I'm sorry I didn't notice before now." he apologized, causing you to shake your head. "You can make it up to me by warming me up now." you proposed, intertwining your leg with his as you brought your hand up to gently cup his face. His cheeks burned red as he looked at you. You undressed and threw your nightclothes on the floor, pushing him onto his back as you spoke. "You've been working so hard, always attending to the needs of others, but what about yourself? You need to take care of yourself as well, Diluc. So, this morning is about you, since it is customary to give your lover something during the Windblume Festival. And I think that this is far better than any other gift you can give me." you said, leaning down and kissing him again. You pulled away and saw the way he was looking at you, his red eyes filled with pure love and adoration you knew he only ever held for you. "Please." he whispered, gently grabbing at your thighs as he spoke. "I could spend more time teasing you, but you've been through enough lately, haven't you?" you asked, causing him to nod. Diluc's grasp on your hip was firm when he slowly slid into you, his fingers reflexively digging into the skin slightly as he kept pressing into you. His grip only loosened when he was fully sheathed inside of your tight cunt, holding you close to him as you slowly adjusted to the stretch. "Mmh~ sorry if it hurts." he groaned, rolling his hips against yours as he dragged against your velvety walls. "Hah~ s-stay still. I'm the one- ah~ taking care of you here, remember- hnng~!" you moaned softly, balancing on your forearms as he looked at you. You slowly sat up and gently pressed your palms against his chest as you started bouncing on him. You rocked against him, feeling his tip hit your cervix and his shaft drag against your sweet spots. "Please let me- ngh~ let me help, I wanna make you feel good, too." he whispered, threading his fingers with yours as he thrusted his hips up to meet your bounces. You tightened around him, before nodding softly. He slowly sat up and pulled you close to his chest, his hands smoothing down your hips before he started moving them for you. He felt you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips against his as he twitched inside of you. "F-feels s'good, 'Luc, wanna stay like this with you forever. Feels s'deep- ahn~!" you cried out as he sped up, leaning in close and pressing his lips against your neck before biting down on the spot where your neck and shoulder met. He could feel you clamping down on him as his eyes rolled back slightly, but he refused to lose himself to pleasure just yet. He wanted you to cum first, and only then would he think of his own needs. Well, he did, until you spoke again. "Please stay in, lemme feel you inside, wanna feel you in my tummy- ahhng~!" you whined softly, before feeling him roll you over to where you were beneath him. He couldn't help the swell of satisfaction in his chest when the first few tears in your eyes fell, catching them with his thumbs as he kissed you. "As you wish, dearest." he whispered, watching as you shivered and sobbed his name when you came, trembling beneath him and squirting all over him. He came not too long after, pressing his hips as close as he possibly could to make sure none of his cum could slip out. "Shh, you did so good for me, dearest." he felt you start clenching around him, squeezing him tightly as your gooey walls milked him. "Hnn~ fuck you're always so good to me." he whispered, holding you close as you clung onto him. "Sweetest thing on the face of Teyvat is you, and nothing else." he whispered, a love-drunk smile on his face as he rolled over onto his back and kissed your lips.

This truly was the perfect morning.


Childe's eyes opened slowly as pale sunlight peeked through a crack in the curtains where they met, hitting his face directly as you slept soundly in his arms. Last night was a long one, and filled with his whispered declarations of love for you, and the noises of your lovemaking. Although he occasionally liked to play it rough, he hadn't been back in Snezhnaya for quite some time, and you'd missed him dearly while he was away. The only reason he was back was because of the preparations that had to be made for Signora's funeral, but he'd arrived back a few days earlier than anticipated, and that was fine by him. He was grateful for the extra time he got to spend with you now, and he was very willing to show it.

Childe was broken from his trance when he felt your body stir against his, looking down and seeing you open your eyes slowly to gaze up at him. "Ajax, you're still here." you breathed, pulling him close to kiss him. His lips slotted perfectly against yours, and you used the opportunity to push him onto his back and start streddling him. "What's the matter? Couldn't get enough of me last night?" he asked teasingly. You tangled your fingers in his ginger hair and tugged on it lightly as you kept kissing him. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of you." you whispered, causing him to smirk at you. "Careful, those are some dangerous words you're saying. I don't know if I'll be able to keep my hands off of you if you keep talking like that." he said, causing you to giggle softly. You leaned in and nibbled on his earlobe. "What if I don't want you to, hm?" you asked.

Your words flipped a switch in his brain that told him to pin you down and make you eat those words. "If you insist, lyubov'." he said. In an instant, he had flipped you over to where he was on top of you and you were on your stomach. "Tell me if it hurts, ok?" he asked, his voice suddenly much softer than it had been mere seconds ago. "Mhm." you hummed softly, before gasping when he slid two fingers into your wet cunt, scissoring them to stretch you out. "Ajax- ngh~!" you jolted slightly, your hips pushing back against his hand as you grinded your hips against his fingers. "That's it, just like that. I promise, I'll take good care of you, girlie, just leave it all to me." he said, adding another finger and curling them to hit your sweet spot as he leaned down and kissed your neck. "HAh~ please- nmm~ please lemme cum- ahH~!" you gripped the sheets and pleaded softly, causing him to huff in fake annoyance before he spoke. "Alright, I guess I'll let you." he said, moving his hand much faster now. Your grip on the sheets tightened as you got closer to your orgasm, a loud whine escaping your lips as you tightened around his fingers and came.

You were about to relax when you felt him pressed up against your entrance, and looked back at him to see that he was smirking. "Don't tell me you're tuckered out from just that. I still have to cum, and you did say that you didn't think you'd ever get enough of me. How about we test that, yeah?" he asked, causing you to nod softly as your face reddened. He slid in slowly, not wanting to cause you any unnecessary pain, and let himself rest against you as you adjusted to his size. "Tell me when I can- shit- when I can move, ok?" he asked, his deep cerulean eyes trained on you as you nodded, signifying that you'd heard him. You waited a few minutes before pushing your hips back against his, gasping softly as you clenched around him tightly. “Mnh~ Ajax, move please.” You begged, feeling him start to slowly move. He got back on his knees and rocked his hips against yours, his tip knocking up against your cervix as you whined and moaned softly. He leaned down and gently grabbed your hands, biting his lip as you melted into his touch. He reached down and grabbed one of your legs, tugging you against him as he grunted softly. You rolled your hips against his slowly, but he refused to let you move as he pinned you down and started moving. "I wanna take care of you, girlie, so don't move too much, ok?" he asked. You mindlessly nodded as he started fucking into you slowly, not wanting to ruin the peaceful atmosphere that the morning had given the two of you. "Mmm~ Such a good girl, yeah? Take it all, pretty thing." he whispered, his voice, deep and demanding, caused your sensitive body to shiver slightly. "Aww, is my pretty girlie still cold? Don't worry, I'll warm you up and make you feel nice and f-fuck- full." he groaned, his eyes rolling back as his spongy tip hit your cervix and caused you to clench around him. "I love it when you're like this, so- ngh~ soft and warm and- hnn~ tight. I just wanna stay inside of you forever- ah~!" he moaned, hitting the spots that made you see stars. "Ajax, m'gonna- ahhn~ m'gonna cum again- ahHNg~!" you buried your face in the sheets and wailed his name as you came. Ajax groaned loudly as he grabbed your hips and harshly tugged them against his, fucking you through your orgasm as you wrapped your legs around his waist. "Hnng~ You sure you want it inside- hAHn~?" he asked, causing you to look back at him and nod through teary eyes. "Mhmm~ Wanna be so full. Wan' you to fuck me f-full- nghaa~!" You were cut off by him shoving his cock deep inside of your fluttering cunt and cumming, rocking his hips against yours as he reached for your hands and held them in his own. "ahhnm~ Good girl, just like that. I can feel you milking me dry. Do you feel warm now?" he asked, his voice teasing as you huffed softly and buried your face in the sheets again. After a few more minutes, he rolled you over to face him and sat up with you in his arms. "Do you wanna get in the bath together?" he asked, causing you to nod softly. "Mhmm, stay with me, please?" you asked, causing him to nod. "Of course, lyubov', do you want me to clean you up?" he asked, receiving a soft nod from you in response. You watched as he sighed, nodding softly before he pulled out slowly. You sighed softly, hiding your face in his shoulder. "Ok, come on, you look exhausted." he said, picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. He always took care of you, and you were oh so grateful for it this morning. "Perhaps we can have another round when you're up for it." he whispered, causing you to tense up against him as he dried you off. "Your choice, lyubov'." he whispered, laughing when you swatted at his chest as he laid down in bed with you once more. You relaxed in his arms and dozed lightly while he held you close to him, his head on top of yours as he dozed off with you.


Alhaitham is a lazy individual in the morning, especially when said mornings consist of you. He didn't know he could fall so deeply in love with a person like you, but here he was, the morning after his one year wedding anniversary with you, laying beside you and blissfully naked. He reached out and brought you closer, wrapping you up in his arms and burying his face in your neck as you slept. This caused you to stir in your sleep, before opening your eyes as he kissed your neck repeatedly. "Careful, we might just have to continue last night if you keep doing that." you muttered, causing him to chuckle softly. He then pulled away from your neck and gazed down at your flushed face as he spoke, looking into your (E/C) eyes with all the love and adoration you think you've ever seen in anyone's gaze. "I love you." he whispered, caressing your cheek as you leaned into his touch. "Shouldn't you be getting up? I thought you had work today." you said. "I think the Akademiya can survive without me for a day." he muttered, hiding his face in your neck. "Mmh, but I thought that you had work." you observed, causing him to shake his head as you stretched. "Are you sure you want to get up? It's pretty cold this morning, you know." he looked at you as you huffed a laugh. "No it's not, this is Sumeru, and there's no way that it can get worse than the winters I've been through in the north. Here, I'll- shit- it's freezing!" you had thrown the covers off of yourself, but immediately bundled up under them again when you felt how cold it was. "Why is it so cold this morning? We're in a tropical climate, we should be sweating." you muttered, snuggling up against him. "Sweating from the heat or sweating from sex?" he asked, causing your face to redden as you glared at him. "Only kidding, unless that's an invitation to ravage you more than I did last night.” He said, bringing you closer to him and pressing his lips against yours. “Mmn~ only if you go slow this time. You were very rough last night.” you said, watching as Alhaitham’s eyes widened slightly. “Apologies, I didn’t know you didn’t like it.” He said, suddenly much quieter than before. “Oh, no, that’s not why I’m saying that. Last night was wonderful, I’m just saying that I’m still a bit sensitive is all.” you explained, causing him to nod. "Well, seeing as you're up for it." he said, gently pinning you down against the bed as he spoke. "We can stop if it gets to be too much for you, alright?" he asked, causing you to nod softly. "Ok." you mumbled.

His hips rolled against yours slowly as he lavished your neck with gentle kisses. You never thought him to be such a romantic before getting into a relationship with him, but then again, he was a man full of surprises. Alhaitham had his hands on your hips as he groaned softly, feeling your legs wrap around his waist as he rocked you against him. "HAh~ Mng~ right there- aHhn~ please, 'Haitham~" you whimpered softly, hiding your face in his shoulder. He looked down at you and linked his hands with yours, watching as you sighed softly against his neck and melted into his touch. You thrust your hips upwards against his, meeting his thrusts with the same force as he grunted softly. "You're making it really hard to- ngh~ to hold back, y'know." he murmured, sighing softly. "Nnh~ 'Haitham, s'big- ahhn~!" you were babbling praises at this point, unable to think straight from the overwhelming stimulation your body was receiving. "M'gonna- hnng~ AHhn~!" you locked your legs around his waist as he brought you closer to the edge. "Go ahead, let go, I've got you." he whispered, holding you close as you reached up and tangled your fingers in a mess of silver hair, dragging him down to press your lips against his as you came. He kept going, half lidded teal eyes gazing down into your own as he pressed his hips against yours. "Shh, s'alright, I've got you." he groaned softly as he came tumbling over the edge into bliss with you, holding you close as the two of you rode out your highs together. Alhaitham kept you close as he slowly came down, looking down at you as he spoke. "I'd say, personally, that I'm pretty warm now, what about you?" he asked, chuckling when you laughed softly. "You're the worst." you murmured, looking up at him. You put a hand against his chest and laid down on his chest, your breathing slowing slightly as you relaxed in his arms. "Yes, I'm much warmer than before." you mumbled sleepily. Just as you were about to fall asleep, you and Alhaitham heard someone banging on the door. He scowled as your face reddened from embarrassment, hiding your burning cheeks against the warmth of his chest as you both heard a voice on the other side of the door. "Hey, keep it down! I pulled an all-nighter last night, and I can't get a proper rest when all I can hear is the two of you going at it like rabbits! Keep it down next time!" Kaveh shouted. "If you don't like the noise, the streets are another option you could consider!" Alhaitham shot back, smirking when he heard his roommate's frustrated grumbles on the other side of the door. He settled down under the covers with you once again, looking at you and slowly falling back into the clutches of sleep as he pulled you close to his chest once again. After all, this all started because you were cold, right?

Arataki Itto

It usually got cold during Inazuma’s winters. You were very thankful for your lover for this reason. Itto was like a heater, warming you up quickly and keeping you warm to the point of overheating sometimes. At present, you were waking up after a long night of hanging out with him and the rest of the Arataki Gang. You were considered an honorary member, and the gang’s medic of sorts. Your Vision allowed you to heal people, which came as a great surprise to Genta and Mamoru. Akira and Shinobu and, of course, Itto, already knew. Regardless, you were sometimes left behind whenever they went into town, but Shinobu always promised that she’d make sure everyone was safe at the end of the day.

You slowly opened your eyes and rolled over, coming face to face with your sleeping boyfriend. He had an arm over your waist, his other arm serving as a sort of pillow for you. You knew it was numb from lack of circulation by now with how long you've probably been laying down on his arm, but he probably didn't care all that much. You slowly traced the red Oni markings on his chest, a habit you'd picked up after the many times he'd fallen asleep shirtless next to you, which still happened quite often. You pushed yourself up onto your forearms and sat up, shivering and immediately getting back under the covers when the cold hit your skin. Your movements woke up your boyfriend, whose eyes cracked open and caught sight of you shivering. "Hey, what's goin' on? Are you cold?" he asked, his raspy morning voice hitting your ears and causing you to laugh. "C'mere, I'll warm you up." he offered, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around you as you spoke. "With how warm you are, I should tell everyone to call you Arataki Heat-o, since you're so warm." you mumbled, giggling as you rested your head on his chest. He huffed, poking your cheek before rolling over and pinning you down against the bed as he spoke. "You makin' fun of me? Huh?" he asked, staring you down. He had yet to notice his knee between your legs, or the fact that in this position, you were completely at his mercy with your wrists pinned over your head. It was only when your face reddened and you shuddered under his gaze that he noticed what was going through your mind. "Ohoho, so that's what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, is it, sweetheart? Is that how you wanna be warmed up?" he asked, causing you to look to the side to try and hide your embarrassment. "Hey, what's got you lookin' away all of a sudden? Look at me." he coaxed, smiling down at you when you nervously looked back up at him. You could tell he wanted you just by looking at him, his gaze almost carnal as he stared you down like a feast for a man starved. "Say it, sweetheart, just say the word, and I'll make you feel so good, I promise. You can even nod if you want to." he whispered, pressing his lips hotly against your neck. Your face heated up as he spoke, his gaze intense as he stared at you, but you nodded wordlessly, telling him what he needed to know.

"You wanna take it slow this morning?" he asked, causing you to nod again. "Alright, we can do that." he reassured you, cupping your face with one of his hands. "I wanna make sure you feel good." he muttered. Usually, outside of the bedroom, he was the center of attention, with all eyes on him and all heads turned in his direction. That all changed when it came to you. He wanted to please and praise you, and he would make everything about you if he could. This was one of the things he usually made about you, and you were happy to oblige his wishes so long as his requests of you in return weren't too outlandish. Itto pulled back and slid his sweatpants off, throwing them on the floor before moving on to help you undress. He threw your nightclothes and undergarments on the floor before leaning down and kissing you, sliding his warm palms up the expanse of your thighs. He lightly dug his nails into your skin, kissing from your lips to the curve of your jaw and down your neck. Your breath hitched and a quiet gasp fell from your lips at the sensation of his sharp fangs digging into the skin of your shoulder as he bit down. He sucked at the skin and left several more bite marks all over your chest. He spread your legs and dragged himself over your slit, causing you to shiver. “You ready, pretty girl?” He asked, receiving a nod in response as you reached up and grabbed his shoulders. “Mhmm~” you hummed, tensing up as he slowly pushed the tip in. He kept you pinned down against the bed as he rocked his hips against yours, panting softly. “Hnn~ it h-hurts.” You whined, reaching up and tangling your fingers in his hair. You tugged at the white strands when he went deeper, yelping softly as his tip grazed against your cervix. He bottomed out after a few minutes, groaning softly as he kept himself still. You pulled him down and pressed your lips against his, tilting your head to the side slightly. He waited for you to adjust, slowly rolling his hips against yours once he was sure you would be alright. “Look at you, pretty girl, you’re s’good for me. Jus’ keep takin’ me like this, please.” He whispered, his sharp nails digging into your hips as he started to slowly thrust into you. He let go of your hips as he pressed his forehead against yours, sliding his hands up to hold yours. “Ahh~ mngh~ Itto, please- nnm~!” He grabbed one of your legs and lifted it over his shoulder, giving him access to a deeper angle. His tip bumped up against your cervix as your back arched and you pressed your body against his. Itto held you still by keeping a firm grip on your leg, reaching down with his now free hand to pinch and roll your nipples between his fingers. “Does it feel good? I wanna make sure you feel good, because you make me feel s’good all the time.” He slurred, chuckling softly as you wrapped your other leg around his waist. “You gettin’ close?” He asked, twitching inside of you as you slowly lifted your hips to meet his thrusts. “Mhmm~ please, in, I wanna feel you inside, please.” You whimpered. He looked down at you and noticed the desperate look in your eyes, before gently cupping your face in his hand. “You want me to fill you up? Want me to fuck you full, sweetheart?” He asked, smiling softly as you nodded. He bit his lip and picked up the pace of his thrusts, holding you down as he got closer to his orgasm. “Th-thank you, mmm~ love you s’much- AHhng~ Itto- Hnn~!” You wailed his name as your orgasm hit you full force, shaking against his bed as you came. “Shh, shh, take it jus’ like that, you did so good for me.” He muttered, pressing his hips tightly against yours. You wrapped your leg around his waist and your arms around his neck, kissing him again as he fucked you through your high. He groaned loudly against your mouth as he jerked his hips against yours, pulling away and hiding his face in your neck as he sank his teeth into your skin again. “Mmnh~ good girl, squeezin’ me so- fuck- s’good. You did s’good for me.” He mumbled, wrapping your arms around you as he held you close.

Itto rolled over onto his back, sighing softly as he relaxed. You all but collapsed onto him, leaning against him for support. After a few minutes, he spoke. “Are you alright? Sorry, I kinda got carried away.” He chuckled softly, resting his hand on your upper back. “I’m alright.” You whispered, looking up at him. “You want me to clean you up?” He asked, bracing himself on his forearms. You nodded, whining softly as he slowly pulled out. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” He said, getting up and going to the bathroom to grab a warm damp washcloth to wipe you down with. He cleaned you up slowly, making sure to be as gentle as he could, before putting the washcloth in the bathroom and joining you back in bed. “Lemme hold you for a bit, then we can get up in a little while, ok?” He asked. “Ok, I love you.” You whispered. “Love you, too, sweetheart.” He replied, closing his eyes as he fell asleep.

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2 years ago

Pantalone x Shy! Reader

Notes: After this was wasting away in my drafts for over a month, I finally got to post this. Enjoy, everyone!


Out of all the treasures in Teyvat that the Tsaritsa could have gifted him, Pantalone truly meant it when he said that he struck gold with you. You were a very polite lady in Her Majesty’s court, if not a little shy at first. In fact, you were very distant during the first few months of your marriage. However, he knew that would change with time the longer you spent around him. Since he was so generous in deciding to help coax you out of your shell, he took the initiative and invited you to work with him one day.

You were in the bedroom when he approached you, setting his glasses on the nightstand and joining you under the covers. You kept to your side of the bed, so as not to infringe upon his personal space. However, he gently wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. “If you don’t mind, I would like to bring you with me to Zapolyarny Palace tomorrow while I work. Of course, only if you wish to join me.” He offered, his voice now lacking the condescending tone you heard him use with his subordinates. Not wanting to possibly anger him, you answered him. “Of course, husband.” You replied. He rolled you over to face him and gently tilted your chin up to where you were looking at him. Pantalone then hummed softly to himself before he spoke. “Why is it that you shy away from my touch whenever I give it? You’re always so apprehensive when you’re around me.” He asked. Your eyes widened slightly, before you looked to the side in embarrassment. “It’s because you’re very intimidating. You scare me a little, and I don’t know why you would want to be around me, anyway. I’m not the most social person, and I know that you tend to take advantage of any opportunity to benefit off of most others, so I’m worried about what you might do to me if I don’t do everything you say.” You confessed, causing him to frown slightly. “Know this, I will never take advantage of you in any way, shape, or form. The Tsaritsa trusted me enough to let me marry you, and she has never made a bad decision in terms of marriages. I will never do anything to you that would hurt you or make you lose trust in me, I promise you that.” He reassured you, leaning closer to you and pressing his lips against your forehead. “However, we’ll take things slow, and I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” He paused. “Which brings me back to the whole work thing. I still would like it if you could accompany me to the Palace tomorrow. It would certainly make work much less dull. But if not tomorrow, then perhaps next week?” He offered. You took a deep breath, looking up at your husband as you spoke. “I’ll go with you tomorrow. Besides, it’s been a while since I last saw the Palace.” You replied, pulling away from him and looking at him. “Then I suppose we should get some sleep. We’ll be getting up early tomorrow.” He mumbled, watching as you rolled over again and closed your eyes. Pantalone stayed awake for a few more minutes until your breathing had slowed and you were peacefully asleep, before closing his eyes and allowing himself to drift off to sleep.

The next day, Pantalone gently shook you awake, telling you to get up. You sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, looking at him as you nodded. “Come on, I’ll help you pick something out to wear if you’d like.” He offered. You looked at him hesitantly, before nodding softly. He looked at the dresses you’d picked out, choosing the one that was your favorite color. He then walked to the vanity and picked out the necklace that he saw you wear the most, before picking out a matching pair of shoes and gloves. “Alright, do you like the things I chose?” He asked, receiving a nod from you in response. “I’ll leave you to change then. I’ll be waiting outside, so call me if you need me.” He said, leaving and shutting the door behind him. You quickly put on the dress and shoes, before picking up the necklace and trying to clasp it. You struggled with the clasp for a few minutes before giving up and calling for your husband. “Pantalone, would you come in here for a minute?” You called, watching as the door opened and he stepped into the room. “What is it?” He asked, before seeing that you were struggling to clasp the necklace. He walked behind you and fastened the chain around your neck, pulling away from you after he had done so. Pantalone then took one of your gloved hands into his own and led you down the stairs and out the door to the mansion.

When the two of you arrived at Zapolyarny Palace, Pantalone wrapped an arm around your waist, guiding you down the maze of corridors that led to his office. As the two of you walked, you looked around you at the ornate designs on the walls and windows. You and Pantalone stopped at an office door and you watched as he fished a key out of the confines of his shirt, unlocking the door. He led you inside and sat at his desk, watching as you walked to the chair that was closest to him, right beside his desk. “If you get bored at any point, please do tell me.” He said, taking one of the papers from the pile on his desk and looking over it. He eventually got his pen and signed it with his signature, setting it to the side and grabbing another. You had brought a few books with you, and grabbed one of them, knowing that this would be a long day.

About an hour later, two people walked into the room and stood in front of Pantalone’s desk, displeased looks on their faces. “Regrator, would you mind explaining to this imbecile that I’m not allowing him to accompany me to Sumeru because he will destroy every ruin machine within a ten mile radius of us?” The older looking of the two asked. He had mint blue hair and a mask that covered his face, his body clad in the same white cloak that both your husband and the man beside him wore. “I won’t do that, and you know it. You just want me to stay out of the way because you’re hiding something.” The other man shot back. This one had ginger hair and blue eyes. A red mask sat on the side of his head as he spoke, bickering with the other man in front of your husband. After about two more minutes, Pantalone took a deep breath and sighed deeply, glancing at you apologetically before slamming his hands down on his desk as he spoke. “If you both don’t shut your mouths, I’m going to cut your funding for the next month! I don’t care what you decide, but Eleventh, it is ultimately The Doctor’s decision on whether you’re allowed to go to Sumeru with him or not.” He threatened, his voice holding a hint of malice. You jumped when he spoke, a soft squeak leaving you as you held up your book as a sort of self defense. Unfortunately, that brought their attention to you, both Harbingers staring you down. Dottore spoke first. “Who’s this lovely lady, Regrator?” He asked, striding over to you and taking your hand into his. He kissed the back of your hand and then let it fall back to your side. Suddenly, the floor was much more interesting than the man in front of you as you sat back down in your chair. Pantalone cleared his throat and glared at them before reluctantly answering them. “That is my wife, and this,” he said, gesturing to the two of them, “is a waste of my time. I have paperwork to do, and your petty argument isn’t helping me focus. Now get out and if you can’t stop, go bother The Jester, instead.” he grumbled, all but forcing them out the door and closing it behind them. He then cast a worried gaze at you. “Are you alright?” he asked, walking up to you and gently tugging you to your feet. you nodded, deciding to finally reciprocate his gestures and lean against him. “The loud noise startled me, and I was a bit surprised to see you so angry, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” you giggled softly, resting a hand against his chest as you looked up at him. Pantalone all but picked you up and carried you to his desk chair and sat down with you in his lap, your face turning red as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, his face hidden in your neck as he set his glasses on the desk. You were tense for a few seconds, but eventually relaxed in his embrace and let him hold you. “I’ll be done with this paperwork in a little while, and then we can go home.” He mumbled into your hair, before picking up his glasses and his pen. “What are the documents even about?” You asked, leaning back against his chest and kicking your legs out. “They’re mainly about the withdrawals and deposits that the Northland Bank is getting from each of us Harbingers. If you’re curious, then I’ll tell you that Dottore and Childe are the two that make withdrawals the most out of the eleven of us. They rarely pay them back in full, too.” He huffed slightly, putting his glasses back on as he started to write. “I must say, I think I prefer working in the office whenever you’re here with me. It helps me focus on my work instead of worrying about you.” He said, briefly looking down at you. You looked up and met his gaze with your own, reaching up and gently placing your hand against his cheek. Pantalone placed his hand over yours and leaned into your touch. “Then again, I suppose you can be a bit distracting, a sight for sore eyes.” he muttered. “But enough of that, I still have work to do, no matter how lovely it would be if I could only focus on you,” he continued, his embrace growing slightly more lax than before as he leaned down to where he was right beside your ear. “Do me a favor and stay here, I like being close to you like this.” he whispered, huffing in amusement when your face turned red and you nodded. Deciding to not further delay his work, Pantalone picked up his pen and started to read over the documents on his desk, occasionally explaining the purpose of some of them to you. You leaned against him and got comfortable, knowing that this day would be quite a long one, but you were ok with that. Your eyelids got heavier the more that you sat there in his lap, and you fought sleep as best you could. However, you couldn’t help gently tugging on your husband’s sleeve to get his attention. He seemed to know immediately what was going on, because he laughed softly before speaking. “You may rest easy, I’ll wake you when it’s time for us to leave.” he reassured you, smiling down at you as you spoke. “Thank you, I love you.” you mumbled drowsily. Pantalone’s hand stilled while in the middle of signing off on a document, but he set it down after a minute or two and looked down at you. “Do you mean it?” he asked, his voice lacking that sort of confident air he usually had. He was nervous. “Mhm, you’re constantly looking out for me, and you still keep me around even when I’ve been so hesitant to be around you since the start of our marriage. Of course I do.” you said, your sleepy confession being the last thing you said before looking up at him. “Anything else before I drift off?” you asked, expecting him to shake his head. Instead, he leaned forward and caught your lips in a gentle kiss, pulling away much too soon for your liking, but you weren’t about to complain. You leaned into the kiss, reciprocating it with equal tenderness before chasing his lips slightly when he pulled away. “Now then, you best take the chance to sleep while you have it, things get chaotic around lunch time.” he mused, causing you to nod. Oh, what a long day it would be, indeed.

At least you got to spend it with him.

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2 years ago

Good Morning (Diluc x reader)

Notes: You guys get soft content today because I’m feeling sappy. Kinda short but anyways, enjoy!


Warnings: Slightly suggestive.

Diluc wasn’t what others would call a soft individual. In fact, the word “soft” and the name “Diluc” were two things that clashed quite often.

But not when it came to you.

You were the only one he was like this around. His gentle words and hushed confessions of adoration and love were reserved for your ears only. It was in moments like these that you truly saw how gentle he could be.

You woke up slowly, blinking away the last remnants of sleep as you lazily gazed over and smiled softly when you saw your husband. His red hair was down and covered most of his face, and he looked peaceful in the clutches of sleep. You scooted over to him and laid back down beside him, gently brushing his hair out of his face to get a better look at him. He had dark eye bags that worried you to no end, but he’d never sleep enough to get rid of them if he kept going like this. You were about to pull away when he spoke. “It’s rude to stare, (Y/N).” Diluc said, opening one of his eyes to look at you. You were about to apologize when he gently wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close, holding you in his arms as he spoke. “Good morning, did you sleep well?” You asked him, your voice barely above a whisper when you spoke. He nodded before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours, kissing you slowly before pulling away with a smile. “I don’t have anything to do today, and Elzer is handling most of the things I would have to do, so do you mind if I spend the day with you?” He asked. “I don’t mind, I’d love to have your company.” You replied, cupping his face in your hands and running your thumbs over his cheeks. Diluc put one of his hands over yours and leaned into your touch, smiling just a little more when you giggled at the sight. “Alright, come on. We need to get up, dearest.” You said. The word falling from your lips so naturally, even now, still caught him off guard, and you watched as his face reddened slightly. He turned his face to the side to hide his red cheeks, causing you to giggle quietly as you pressed your lips against his forehead. “We don’t really have to do anything today if you don’t want to. In fact, we don’t even have to leave this bed if you don’t want to.” You mused, tracing nonsense shapes on his chest. Diluc buried his red face in the crook of your neck as he held you close, causing you to laugh softly. “Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.” He grumbled, watching with a playful smile on his face as you pulled away. “Come on, you dork, get up. We still have to do commissions.” You laughed, throwing the covers off of the two of you and getting up to get dressed. Diluc gazed over at you as you buttoned up your shirt and grabbed your pants from the dresser. “What are you staring at? Come on and get dressed.” You asked. He grabbed his shirt and vest, buttoning them up and dressing quickly before gently grabbing your hand as you got to the door. “I was staring at you. You look wonderful today, my love.” He said, lifting your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles gently. You could feel your face heating up as your cheeks turned red. You cleared your throat and then looked back at him. “Well then, shall we go, dear husband?” You asked, walking downstairs with him. Diluc nodded softly, turning the door handle and opening it, holding it for you as you walked out. “Yes, we shall, dearest.” He replied, closing the door behind him.

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1 year ago

AAAA YOUR PREV WRITING WAS SO CUTE.. QAQ tbh i love the idea of childe's s/o being protective of him and tries to take care of him.. childhood friends to lovers warms my heart Q uQ;;

Its nice to see something like that and I'd certainly like to see more of it one day ♡

Thank you anon <3, I'm glad you like my writing! Truth be told, I've always loved that trope the most aside from the soulmate AUs. I also really like writing for Childe since he's such a morally grey character. When he got his rerun late last year, I spent all of the wishes I had at that time pulling on Childe's banner for him and got him literally on the last ten pull I could make (spoiled stubborn ginger) 90 pity killed me istg :'). Anyways, I'm planning to write for him and the other Harbingers (namely Capitano) more in the upcoming months this year, but will still be taking requests for other characters, of course. Until next time~

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2 years ago

Sleepy Cuddles

Just some headcanons of mine that I have for whenever you want to sleep on them

Characters- Alhaitham, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe

Warning- Slight spoilers for Diluc and Kaeya’s backstories

Notes: I didn’t expect my Capitano oneshot to get so much love! Thank you all!

Part 2



It takes him a little while to warm up to it, but he loves cuddling with you when he’s about to fall asleep.

He’ll be reading a book while you lay down on his chest, an arm draped over your back as you sleep.

He occasionally looks down to make sure that you’re sleeping peacefully.

Yes, he will throw the book at Kaveh if he comes into the room to say anything. No, it doesn’t matter what it is that Kaveh wants to say, he’s still getting a book thrown at him.

After a while of reading, Alhaitham also gets tired, and decides to call it a night.

He always whispers words of comfort in your ear as you drift off, and plays with your hair once you’ve fallen asleep.

Another habit of his is that he’ll run his fingers through your hair as you sleep, which soothes him almost as much as it does you. It helps with the stress he feels after a long day of work.


You have to drag him to bed the first time you want to do this with him.

However, once he finds out how warm and fuzzy he feels inside every time he holds you like this, he’s willing to go to bed with you the moment you ask.

He loves physical touch, it’s comforting to him when he can make sure that you’re there and that you’re really, truly in his arms.

If you run your fingers through his hair while you lay on top of him, he’ll absolutely melt.

It generally takes him longer to fall asleep since he’s so alert all the time, but it’s also because he wants to make sure you’re alseep before he is.

His bird has a perch by the window in case it ever needs to leave the Winery. The window stays slightly cracked open unless it’s Winter and it’s freezing outside.

Then again, the cold is all the more reason to snuggle up to him, isn’t it?


He immediately falls in love with the idea of cuddling with you when you fall asleep, and instantly starts doing so.

Kaeya always holds at least one of your hands, but will also have the unoccupied arm around your waist.

He’s actually very warm for someone so lithe. You’d expect him to be freezing most nights, but it’s usually quite the opposite.

However, he has mean bedhead, and he also moves around a lot in his sleep.

He likes to cuddle after a long work day when he’s absolutely floored because of how much he had to do.

Kaeya also likes to trace little shapes in your back and see if you can guess what they are.

He’s just a romantic like that.


He’s a very good cuddle buddy. He’s very warm, and his voice is what puts you to sleep most of the time.

That’s not to say that he doesn’t treasure the quieter moments between the two of you.

Nine times out of ten, you fall asleep in his lap while he’s reading a book.

The other times are when he’s telling you a story or talking about his day while the two of you lay in bed together.

His love language is physical touch and I will die on this hill.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, he’ll make you some tea or read you the book he’s reading.

He’ll also run his fingers through your hair as he’s speaking to try and soothe you further to sleep.

It almost always works.


He’s scared to have you sleep on him at first.

Xiao doesn’t want to harm you in any way with his Karmic Debt, but eventually, after you persist for weeks, he obliges, and lets you lay down against him.

He warms up to the idea of you sleeping on him very quickly, and soon enough, he starts asking you to join him when he sleeps.

He likes it when you run your fingers through his hair. If you do it long enough, he’ll fall asleep before you.

Sometimes, whenever his Karmic Debt gets to be a little too much, he’ll lay down on you and hold onto you until it passes and he starts to feel better.

Xiao also likes to massage your back to try and soothe you if you let him, acts of service is his love language.

He cherishes every moment he’s with you, and moments like these are the ones he holds closest to his heart.


Good luck getting him to stay still. He needs to be doing stuff every waking moment he has.

However, if you ask really nicely, he’ll join you in bed and hold you.

He likes to talk, so get ready to talk even if you’re only half awake.

All jokes aside, he loves physical touch. That and acts of service are his love languages.

Childe is grateful for the times that you take care of him after a particularly rough day of work and fighting, and it shows in the way he holds you so close to him when the two of you rest together.

He likes to rest with you directly on top of him or with your head on his chest, while he has his arms wrapped around you to keep you close.

After all, he cherishes you like family, and the way he holds you reflects that perfectly.

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