Archangel, she/her, 18Requests are my lifeblood, send them to meFeral, Morally Gray, Creature of The Woods(Requests are open)
196 posts
There Is Only One Alien Race That Humans Fear; A Race That Can Send Them Into A Panic Almost Immediately.
There is only one alien race that humans fear; a race that can send them into a panic almost immediately. It just so happens that race was voted the most harmless in the universe. One was recently voted a seat in the intergalactic council next to the human judge, who was silently shaking.
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More Posts from The-broken-pen
“You’re drunk,” the villain said, voice tinted with surprise.
The hero hiccuped.
“No—wait, why are you here?”
The villain laughed.
“Someone told me a party was going on, and that I should crash it. I didn’t expect it to be yours.”
The hero blinked back a sudden onslaught of tears.
“Not really mine any more. So if you had any reservations about crashing…”
The villain arched a brow, and sat down on the slightly damp grass across from the hero.
“Are you saying you want me to crash your party?”
“Not my party.”
The villain tugged out a piece of grass.
“Why isn’t it your party anymore.”
“It just isn’t,” the hero said around a sob.
The villain studied them, too observant, too seeing.
“Does this have anything to do with you being drunk?”
The hero hiccuped again. “No.”
The villain hummed.
“I thought you had a problem with alcohol. Because of your—“
The hero stuck their hand out, pressing a finger to the villain’s lips.
“Can we not?”
The villain had the audacity to smile.
“Stop smiling.”
The villain obliged.
“Did you…did you want to get drunk?”
The hero didn’t answer, and the villain stiffened. Their eye caught on the empty solo cup, abandoned on the grass beside them.
“Please—and I mean this in every sense of the word—tell me that those ‘friends’ of yours did not spike your drink.”
The hero shrugged, noncommittally.
“They just wanted me to relax. Have fun. It isn’t their fault.”
When they looked up again, the villain was seething.
“They drugged you.”
“That sounds so bad—“
“Did you give consent?” The villain’s face was carved from stone.
“I—they wanted me to relax.”
“That’s a no.” The villain grabbed the hero’s chin. “If it isn’t an enthusiastic yes, it’s a no.”
The hero moved their head from the villain’s hand.
“It’s fine.”
“It isn’t.”
The hero looked back at the villain. The villain sighed.
“You’re even more stubborn when you’re drunk.”
Ridiculously, the hero smiled.
A moment later, the villain held out their hand.
“Come on. Let’s go get you some better friends—these ones are trash.”
The hero blinked uncertainly. They shot a glance back at the house, humming with music, and laughter, and light. The hero doubted their friends—their ex friends—had even noticed they were gone.
They took the villain’s hand.
“As long as they aren’t douchebags.”
The villain laughed. God, they had a nice laugh, and led the hero away, down the street, and kept holding their hand the whole time.
The only friend the hero ended up making that night was the villain.
And in the end, they were the only friend that mattered.
No no you don’t understand the utter joy I get when I see someone liking and reblogging a lot of my writing at once is just, unimaginable. It makes me so happy
And then if they follow afterwards I feel like a car salesman that successfully sold a car after hours of haggling
just saw someone post “it’s common knowledge ur not supposed to spam reblog from someone ur not mutuals with” …..?????????? am i confused??? IS that common knowledge???? i try not to spam if i can help it but i actually personally love seeing spam notifs lmao??? unless i dont know what spam reblog means
I’ve done this to people
And I enjoyed every moment

She was on that episode and a very stupid opportunity presented itself
Fog licked at the edges of the bridge, curling around the street lamps and up into the stars. It was cold, bitterly in a way that sliced to the bone. She shivered, tucking her coat around her.
The street was as silent as a tomb, nothing more than wet concrete and wind, and she could be at home right now. She probably should be, at least. At home, her cat was probably waiting for her in warm bed sheets.
Here, though, secrets might be waiting.
And oh, how she loved secrets.
The suicides weren't anything special- every city has them. She had dealt with her fair share.
But this? This was strange. One person jumps off a bridge, and it's a tragedy. Two, it's awful.
And three? That's a pattern.
The wind picked up, howling as it tore through her hair. Ten minutes. Ten more and she would leave. It was edging towards two in the morning, and from what little the autopsies could gather, that was the latest time of death.
Five minutes.
She pushed off the edge of the bridge, turning—and froze.
"Hi," the little girl smiled, all teeth. She had ribbons in her hair.
"Hi." It was more out of reflex than anything. She glanced up, and found no parent, no guardian. Just empty street.
"Are you out here all alone?"
"No," the girl replied drily. "You're here too."
She paused. "Right. Your parents-"
"Are dead," the girl blinked, and smiled softly. "Yours are too."
Her throat went dry. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"That your parents are dead," the girl repeated.
She didn't have a response to that, and she was trained in crisis management. Her chest squeezed like a vise, tighter,tighter still.
The girl seemed to know.
"You want to know," the girl observed, eyeing her. Her eyes drifted over the edge, the water deep and churning.
Deep and dark and deadly.
"Yes," she admitted.
The girl's smile disappeared.
"I wish you didn't."
The wind had vanished.
She studied the girl, in her perfect dress and braided hair.
"You know, don't you."
The girl tipped her head one way, then the other.
"Yes. But then again I know a lot of things. So in the scheme of it, it isn't important to me."
"People are dying," her voice went sharp. She regretted it as soon as the girl’s eyes snapped to hers.
"Everyone dies."
"Not like this," she said, and the girl shrugged one shoulder.
"Death is death in every form." She turned her gaze to the water. “The method reaches the same result."
"Where are your parents?"
"I lied," the girl said bluntly. "Earlier, when I said they were dead. They don't exist. Not really, at least. Belief systems are so strange sometimes-"
The girl did, patiently.
"You see the people who die here?"
"Of course I do," the girl said it like it was obvious.
"And what?"
"Why do they die?"
The girl twirled one long strand of hair around her finger, face the picture of child innocence.
"Because they jump, silly."
"And why do they jump?"
The world went silent. The girls face dropped. Something infinitesimal slammed onto her back, the weight of a star itself, the air like thick syrup.
"I can show you," the girl took a step forward. The strand of hair dropped. "If you like."
She swallowed, throat dry. "I do," she rasped.
"You don't," the girl corrected, but she stepped forward anyways.
"They always do this," she murmured, and she was almost certain it wasn't directed at her.
Her small hand landed her forehead, and she was gone.
The vicious bite of loss, the cry of a child, the smell of burnt toast. Abandoned buildings and car filled highways. And empty tombstone, barren elementary school chairs.
It roared through her head like a newly released dam and she was almost certain she was crying, that tiny palm set so firmly on her forehead.
She sat on the edge of the bridge, feet dangling. The girl sat with her, legs kicking in the air as she hummed.
She choked on a sob, cheeks wet.
“You shouldn’t have come.”
She merely nodded, throat closed.
The girl took her hand, fingers tiny and warm.
“You’re okay,” the girl soothed, but she didn’t believe her.
The water beckoned.
“What’s your name,” she managed, and the girl smiled, just barely. She released her hand.
“Say hi to my brother for me.”
“I thought your family didn’t exist.”
“My parents don’t,” the girl agreed. “My siblings and I kind of do.”
“Ah,” she laughed, and it was wet. “Makes perfect sense.”
The girl’s mouth twitched.
The puzzle pieces clicked into place. The girl’s name. Truth.
Her sister was going to have to take care of her cat from now on.
“That’s why,” she said dully. “It’s you.”
“I don’t give them anything they don’t ask for. It’s not my fault most of them don’t realize they never want what they think they do.”
She watched the water undulate for a moment.
“What’s your brother’s name.”
The girl’s smile turned into something wide, child-like joy.
She laughed then, and it rang out over the water. The girl still smiled.
“Truth hurts,” she murmured. The girl nodded.
“Truth hurts.”
Her fingers slackened on the edge of the bridge and she finally, finally let herself fall.
Truth stayed behind, image wavering above her as the waves swallowed her whole.
For a moment she wondered who would find the little girl next. Who would be bestowed that knowledge. Who would feel that pain.
Who would get to meet her brother, afterwards.
She supposed it didn’t matter, after all.
Everyone meets them both at some point.
Truth hurts, indeed.
The dark swallowed her whole.
Hi there!
Having whumpee OCs of your own often means having a preferred way of whumping for the each one. Sometimes it's not planned, not deliberate - just a feeling these kinds of suffering fit them right.
If this sounds relatable for you, which whump tropes each one of your OCs usually get? Which ones are just made for them?
Ooooh, this is a good question!
Adelie: exhausted, bloody, and bruised, knowing that no matter what she does, she cannot save someone in a given situation, and blaming herself for it.
Melody: being confined or bound, especially small rooms/fear of her whumper no longer being imprisoned
Cat: having to watch as someone he loves is hurt, helpless to stop it
Travis: the people he loves being hurt mere hours after he left them, but being too far away to do anything