themanfromnantucket - There once was a man from Nantucket...
There once was a man from Nantucket...

1782 posts

A Short Graphic Story Follow-up To My Fish In Brooklyn Doodle.

A Short Graphic Story Follow-up To My Fish In Brooklyn Doodle.
A Short Graphic Story Follow-up To My Fish In Brooklyn Doodle.
A Short Graphic Story Follow-up To My Fish In Brooklyn Doodle.
A Short Graphic Story Follow-up To My Fish In Brooklyn Doodle.
A Short Graphic Story Follow-up To My Fish In Brooklyn Doodle.

A short graphic story follow-up to my fish in Brooklyn doodle.

Street and subway reference images from Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan (I'm fairly certain).

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    ieatedthepurpleone liked this · 12 years ago
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    exexpulmonologist liked this · 12 years ago

More Posts from Themanfromnantucket

12 years ago

Her work provided wonderful source material for her writing

I once met a special massuse

Who liked innuendo, obtuse,

Which she then set in rhyme.

And she told me one time,

"I'm the 'rent by the hour' Mother Goose!"

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12 years ago

Todd Akin, the reddest of red, Has turned to abortion instead. For the pregnancies quit If the rape is legit— Or so all his sources have said.

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Todd Akin, The Reddest Of Red,Has Turned To Abortion Instead.For The Pregnancies QuitIf The Rape Is LegitOr

(Image from)

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12 years ago

Kanzi is a one of the coolest apes I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. Look him up!

Kanzi The Bonobo Chimp Learns To Create Tools By Himself - Repeating Humanitys First Steps Towards Civilisation
Kanzi The Bonobo Chimp Learns To Create Tools By Himself - Repeating Humanitys First Steps Towards Civilisation
Kanzi The Bonobo Chimp Learns To Create Tools By Himself - Repeating Humanitys First Steps Towards Civilisation
Kanzi The Bonobo Chimp Learns To Create Tools By Himself - Repeating Humanitys First Steps Towards Civilisation

Kanzi the bonobo chimp learns to create tools by himself - repeating humanity’s first steps towards civilisation | Mail Online

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12 years ago

An explanatory note

Higgeldy, piggeldy

Catherine of Russia, was

Up to no good again,

Flown from her bed

To stables in search of

Equine-imious pleasure.

Delivered by men?

Neigh: thoroughbred.

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