thesuperheroeater - Superheroes on the Menu
Superheroes on the Menu

He, french native language, Male (Fatal) Vore Kink page, mainly Marvel Charcters, sometimes actors, write stories, All characters are 18+ dispite what movies says.

41 posts

''Big Fan, Spider-man''

''Big Fan, Spider-man''

''Big Fan, Spider-man''

(Request from @swwith18more)

How could Stark recruit a kid into a war which isn't even his, Steve would never understand Stark. But right now he has to deal with the kid himself. In spite of his age, he's a real pain in the ass, no wonder Stark engaged him… 

The kid, Spider-man as he called himself, is throwing webs everywhere, swinging from high to high, slowing down the team with those sticky webs. And Steve had to admit the kid could pack a punch. Captain America himself had difficulties getting rid of him. 

During their fight Spider-man gives a well placed punch into Cap's face, which disorientates the man for a few seconds. ''I have to admit you can really pack a punch, son. Where are you from?'' ''Queens.'' Answers the young hero as he tosses another web, swinging toward Captain America, ready to web the man. But Cap reacts quicker and gives a kick into the young hero's stomach, which sends him flying across the field hitting against one of the wheels in the middle of the airport. ''Brooklyn.'' Says the captain with a shrug.


The kid's laying half consciously on the ground. Cap sees an opportunity to put an end to this fight. He has to act. He knows he shouldn't do this to a kid, which is also one of his fans. But the kid was getting too irritating for the team with all the webs he's shooting everywhere. The blond man knows what he has to do. The kid is old enough he should've known what he put himself into.

As Rogers removes his helmet and walks toward him, the kid slowly starts to get his consciousness back and tries to get back up, but is suddenly surprised by a firm grip that's pinning his arms next to his body. Spidey tries to get free, but he can't. As he looks up, he sees Cap's mouth wide open, and before he could say something, Captain America engulfed his head in one big slobbery bite. 

Peter starts to panic, he doesn't know what's happening. In an act of distress he struggles. Desperately trying to get free. Which annoys Steve, who's holding a stronger grip on the kid, trying to hold him still. He starts shoving the kid deeper inside, and despite the struggles he gets the kid's shoulders in, drooling all over it. It causes the kid to struggle even more, but it wont save him from Cap's determination to turn him into his meal.

Thanks to the drool Cap gets Spider-man's pecs past his lips. He moans at the taste of those. He had to admit, the kid was well built for his age, which makes him even tastier. Cap gets a mischievous smile as he wants to get more of the kid inside. Moaning even more for each inch that slides past his lips. Steve lets go of the suited hero as he takes another bite and gets the young hero's abs down his throat. The kid won't be able the escape anymore

He puts his hand on his belly rubbing his swollen gut as Spider-man's crying inside, desperately screaming for help as he's shoved deeper down Steve's intestines. ''Please! Someone Help!'' He's squeezed between the slimy walls, which made it hard for him to move. Even breathing feels a lot harder to do. 

Steve decides to rest against one of the wheels on the plane, as his stomach is getting bigger and heavier thanks to the kid that's finding his way inside. When his belly rests on the ground he takes another slobbery bite around his meal's juicy ass. Shoving his tongue between each curve of the kid's bubble butt. Savoring the taste. 

Only a pair of wiggling legs are left, which Cap is shoving down his throat with his free hand. An eighth is shoved inside, an eighth that becomes a third then two third and eventually he swallows the small feets with a last big gulp making those join the rest of Spider-man down his gut.

Eventually Peter gets completely nested inside Captain America's acid tank, making the man's gut even bigger. Steve smiles at how full he feels. He wraps his arms around his belly like a prize he just won. He could stay like this the whole day, but he knows he should hurry up, there's a war still going. 

Inside the kid feels the stomach acids rising, ready to digest him alive. Now that he has more room to move, Peter takes his mask out to breathe easier, and starts bumping against Steve's slimy stomach walls. ''Please mister America sir, let me out, I don't want to be turned into food! Please, I'm scared.'' The man is starting to get annoyed by the kid's stubbornness. Cap tries to hold it back, but because of the kids' struggles the gas inside finds his way out, making Steve release a huge belch.


As the kid's shaked from all sides because of the belch, Spider-man mask gets burped out landing in front of Captain America. Who smiled at the sight of it, not bothering to pick it up. Peter feels there's even less air left inside as he tries to get his breath back. He sees the stomach acids rising, till only his head is above the liquid. As the acid starts to burn his suit as his flesh away, he cries, winning, pleading Captain America to release him as he squirms even more, not wanting to get digested and die. But it only annoys Steve even more. 

''You never give up, do you.'' As he gave his stomach a big slap to keep the kid still, but it just proved useless. The kid keeps squirming and whining for his release. ''When are you gonna understand you're just food now!'' Followed by another big slap on his belly. ''You leave me no choice, it could have been easier for you, but you just made it all harder. You are my meal! Digest already!''

Peter's terrified as he feels Steve's hand pushing against his own gut, squeezing him even more. ''Wait! Please stop! You're squeezing me!'' The young man pleaded desperately. ''Should have thought of it before joining Stark's side.'' As Cap keeps pushing into his gut, squeezing the kid between his walls. Peter's legs are pressed against his chest, as the stomach acids have completely submerged the hero. The kid tries desperately to push back, but he is so weakened from the digestion he ends up giving up, accepting his fate. 

(Some minutes later)

With a last push Captain America gets his wholesome six pack back. When he puts his hand on his stomach, he understands the kid is completely digested as he finally doesn't feel any movements or cries from the inside anymore. The kid has been completely reduced to soup. The change in pressure from his stomach, makes him leave an even bigger belch than before. 


With his biggest belch to date, that smelled like a dead corps, a red and blue tissue comes flying out of his mouth, landing right in front of him. It's the Spider-man suit, well what's left of it… He takes a break to get his breath back, and puts his helmet back on ready to take on the fight again. But as he gets up, gurgles could be heard from his stomach. 


Steve puts his arm around his stomach trying to muffle the sound, but another one makes itself heard, followed by a huge fart. 


Cap pinced his nose from the disgusting smell of digested meat. Shit, the kid was really making his life difficult. Cap feels his cheeks turn red. If he wants to join back the fight, he has to release the kid's remains. So he puts his pants down and gets into a squat position, working his muscled hole, pushing hard to shit the kid back out. 


A bones covered log starts to show up. Captain America keeps pushing till the huge log lands onto the ground, followed by another one and then a third one. Some minutes later, Captain America had fully shitted the young hero's remains back out, in the middle of the airport. He recovers his breath and picks up Spider-man's mask to wipe his ass clean while looking at the kid's remains with a satisfied smile. He tosses the dirty mask on the huge pile of shit, and puts his pants back on and heads back toward the main fight. 'Too bad it ended this way, whoever the kid was, could've been a great addition to the team, but in the end he was far better as a meal for Captain America!'

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More Posts from Thesuperheroeater

1 year ago

Post Workout Snack

Post Workout Snack

It's late in evening when you head for the dressing rooms to change after your daily workout at the local gym. When you enter, you notice that there aren't many people left. Just one, in fact. And not the least, it's Chris Hemsworth, your favorite celebrity and crush. When he turns his gaze towards you, you can't help but smile stupidly, and give him a shy wave. It makes him smile. He greets you and goes back to removing his clothes from his locker. You did the same.

Later, when you emerge from the showers, you're faced with the actor sitting on the bench. He didn't change his outfit, as he's still wearing his short and sweaty T-shirt. With your towel around your waist, you walk past him, looking at him discreetly.

Once you've slipped on your wedges, the actor starts talking to you. It suprised you at first, but you quickly turn to listen.

''You know, I couldn't help noticing how much you're checking me out.'' You blush with embarrassment. He noticed. You feel so ashamed to have done it.

''Sorry, Mr Hemsworth. I- I...was just-'' As you try to come up with an excuse, Chris Hemsworth cuts you off.

''Don't bother, you're far from the only one looking at me, with drool sliding down your shin.'' He adds a cocky smile, which makes you smile stupidly, wiping your mouth to be sure. ''I don't mind actualy, I know I got a hot body. That said, I'd like a little help with this. If you don't mind?''

''Yes! Of course!'' You don't even know what he's asking that you already agree.

''Good.'' That's all he answers before taking off his top, revealing his swollen muscles. His pecs so voluptuous and his abs so pronounced. You can even see the drops of sweat running down the curves of his godly body. Making his muscle shine. He even flexes his muscles in front of you, inflating his bisceps even more. Unconsciously, you salivate at the sight.

''Wow...'' The word escapes your mouth.

He laughs slightly. ''After a long day of sport, my body's all tense and could use some help relaxing. And seeing all the saliva you produce just by looking at me, I'm sure your tongue would be perfect for that. So, shall we get started?'' he finishes by raising his arm to reveal his moist armpits.

You can't believe what you're hearing. Chris Hemsworth wants you to lick his body!? You don't waste another second and get right under his arm, stick out your tongue and start working his armpits. They're so wet and hairy. And that smell is so captivating! The appetite with which you lick them makes the Australian laugh. "Hungry little whore...''

With his hand he grabs a handful of your hair and directs your head all over his body. This way, for several long minutes, you cover Hemsworth's divine body with your saliva. His armpits, his nipples, his abs, his biceps and much more! Once he considers the job well done, he brings your face closer to his and starts to kiss you. It makes you lose your mind... It must be a dream, you think. He quickly breaks the kiss, which makes you wimper. ''Nice work, slut.'' With those words he drops his shorts and briefs, revealing his huge cock.

You look at it in amazement, but without wasting any more time Chris, lowers your head in front of his cock. And in impales the whole thing in the hollow of your mouth. You choke as you feel the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. It so big, it's stretching out your throat. Suddenly he's brutally thrusting into your hole. You feel your face turning red from lack of air, but you still take it, like the good slut you are.

After a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity, he withdraws his entire cock from your mouth, leaving you to recover your breath. ''I'm liking you.'' He confess to you while he hits you with his big cock in the face.

As you recover your breath. He sits down on the bench behind him, takes his shoe off and lifts his bare foot, placing it directly on your face. Carried away by pleasure, you don't think twice and immediately start sniffing and licking it, as if it was your only purpose. Making sure to pass by each curve and each toe.

Seeing how quickly you apply yourself to the job, he quickly places his second foot on your face. He even manages to push your body to the ground, so that he's more comfortable stepping on you, while you laying flat on the floor.

Some long minutes later, his feet are as clean as they are shining with saliva. He then considers the job done and removes his feet from your face, causing you to grunt for having nothing to lick anymore. ''I like you. I think I'll keep you.'' He says with a mischievous grin.

That's when he grabs you on both sides with his big, firm hands to lift you from the ground. You don't panic, as you're lost in the pleasure, and just wait with bated breath for the next humilation. But your anticipation soon turns to panic as you see his mouth widen. Naturally, you come to your senses and struggle, begging him to let go. But all you get from him is a mischievous grin before your head dives into the depts of his big mouth.

He takes several hungry gulps, which bring even more of your body insde him. your shoulders followed by by your torso. The saliva accumulated around your body makes you slide in with ease, till only your wiggling legs are left. So so tiny next to him, that he slurps your legs down his throat, making your feet disapear behind his lips. A few extra gulps and you find your way down his acid thank. As the gastric juice start to rize, you punch against the walls in hope to get yourself free, but all it leads to, is the handsome australian letting a huge belch escaping his lips.


''I knew you'd make an excellent post-workout snack...'' He speaks out with a slap on his swollen gut.

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1 year ago

I feel like in the vore departement, there is a severe lack of Bucky content. So what about him being reverted to his Winter Soldier self and being very hungry for Spider😏

I Feel Like In The Vore Departement, There Is A Severe Lack Of Bucky Content. So What About Him Being

There sure is! I mean of Marvel overall... But yeah, Bucky, definitely.

Well, as Winter Soldier or not I always love writing about him. I just love him. Now I've to admit that him turning back to the Winter Soldier and becoming an hungry killer, is just perfect. Him snacking om some street level heroes even more! And spidey is the perfect choice for it.👌

I can see a stituation where, after Steve 'saved' Bucky from Hydra, he bring him back to the Avengers where Bucky meets the other heroes, including Spider-man. The kid was so tasty looking that bucky couldn't hold it anymore and his Winter Soldier comes back out, swallowing the poor kid without mercy.

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1 year ago

Hey, I'm back! While waiting for more uploads, I'm in the mood for some asks, so if you have any asks of any kind (about vore of course) feel free to ask!

2 years ago

The Superhero Hunt, Part 2: An Archer Up The Ass


(Request by @vorepred223311 )

After having emptied yourself of the remains of the young spider vigilante. You put your pants back on and get up, leaving the dark street with Spider-man's red and blue suit covered with his remains sprayed on the ground.

Spider-man was so delicious, much better than your daily meals! He made you want to taste more superheroes! Lucky for you, you knew where to find one.

You arrive in front of the building where your apartment is located. Except you don't go home, but instead you go to the apartment two floors above yours. You stop at the front door which, as you expected, is open as always. You open the door even more, deliberately not to be noticed, even if it probably wouldn't matter. You were surprised at what you saw. Hawkeye is in his apartment as expected, but he was asleep, lying on the couch, wearing just a black underwear with a slightly rounded belly. Next to it a skull and bones spread out on the floor next to some clothing. It looks like the archer, pleasured himself.

But who cares, you're here to eat! You approach the couch and place yourself where Hawkeye's head lies, who is still sleeping deeply. You pull down your pants and turn around, bringing your buttocks close to the blond man's face. You start to press yourself, sitting on the face, sliding the hero's head between your big buttocks until it finally penetrates your hole. You moan, at this incredible sensation. 

You continue, until you get his shoulders in, followed by his pecs and abs. You're amazed at the hero's heavy sleep, he still hasn't woken up, good for you, you're having an easy meal! Well, even if he had woken up, it's not like he would have escaped your fat ass!

A few moans later and your belly had swollen greatly because of the hero inside and outside there was only a pair of feet left, which you finally pushed in with the help of your hand. And there you have it, you completely swallowed Hawkeye! And he is so delicious!

You sit down and take his place and rub your belly. He tasted amazingly, you don't know if you'll ever be able to get back to the standard meal again, you only want heroes now! 

You almost fell asleep before you start to feel some movements coming from the inside. The hero had finally woken up, and didn't understand the situation and started to panic. By reflex he struggles, punching the wall, but it's useless, all it causes is you moaning even more. He can fight the best he can, Hawkeye's destined to be digested and to add a layer of fat on your already fat ass!

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2 years ago

A Wedding Meal


Today was the big day, Sue and Reed were finally going to marry! The ceremony will begin in an hour or two, but before that Reed, after being asked by his soon to be wife, checked if everything was alright, and to go looking for Johnny who was still missing. 

Reed Richard checked a couple of rooms making sure all the last preparatifs were in place. Still looking for his future brother-in-law, he opened a door, far away from the wedding hall, and was surprised to see a naked Johnny Storm covering his private parts with a pillow he had within reach. ''Oh shit!'' swears Johnny, when he sees the bearded man. 

This was a really awkward moment. ''What the hell are you doing? And where is your suit? Sue is looking for you, you know.'' ''I know I'm late. I'm really sorry. As for the suit, well… I kind of burned it…'' The blond smiles awkwardly. The genius rolled his eyes, he knew the young man very well. ''You've been to the motocross race, haven't you… On the day of your sister's wedding.'' Reed gives him a disapproving look. ''Yeah… I've been. You know me, I couldn't help it… But please don't tell her. She would be so mad at me.'' Reed sighs. ''I won't tell her, I wouldn't want her to get anymore stress on this, already stressing day.'' ''Thank you, you're the best! I could kiss you, if we weren't in this uncomfortable situation.'' He smiles stupidly. ''Yeah, keep it for yourself. Hurry and put on a suit, and prepare the wedding rings, the ceremony is beginning soon.'' He's throwing underwear that he always keeps with him, in case Johnny gets another of his 'burning' accidents, to Johnny, which the boy puts on immediately. ''Oh, Uhm… About that…'' Johnny doesn't know how to say it without pissing the man even more. ''... I kinda… lost them…'' An awkward smile on the face. ''You what!?'' That was the drop too much. ''I lost the rings…'' It was the first time Johnny felt so small in front of the anger of the Reed ''You can't be serious!'' Reed was tired of the boy's irresponsible behavior. '' you know what. You're making me stress out. And you should pay for it.'' And with those words he's using his power's to stretch his arm around the blond, keeping him attached and unable to run from what is about to come. ''Reed, What are you doing?'' Ask the troublemaker, as he's trying to get free. 

Reed unbuttoned the pants of his suit, making it and underwear fall to the ground. ''Reed?'' Panics the blond, as he doesn't know what's happening. The bearded man uses his powers to bring the boy closer to his hairy ass. ''Reed, what are you doing? I don't like it!'' But Reed doesn't care if he likes it or not. The boy was getting on his nerves. It was the most important day of his life and he couldn't take it seriously. So now Richard needs a filling meal up his ass to relax himself on this stressful day, and what better meal than a hot, beefy mess like Johnny.

And so Mister Fantastic pushes his hairy ass against Johnny's face, making it enter without much trouble. He hears some muffled screams of the boy, which makes him enjoy it even more. He kept pushing, despite the blond's struggles, and with the help of his stretching abilities was able to make the large shoulders enter his hole. Reed moans as his ass is stretched so wide. When he gets the huge pecs inside as well, he lets go of Johnny. He was deep enough now, he won't be able to escape. 

Johnny's halfway up his ass now. But looking at the clock he sees that the ceremony starts in less than an half hour, so he has to speed things up. He pushes harder to get Johnny's ass inside as well, till there's only a pair of wiggling legs left. Which he gets up his ass in seconds, moaning hard for each inch that enters. And with a last push, Johnny's feet disappear between Reed's hairy cheeks. After which Richard let go a huge fart.


Reed gets his breath back. Thanks to Johnny, he felt so full, and got his confidence back. That's what the brat deserves for losing the rings. But it doesn't really matter. He expected Johnny to lose those and had planned some spare ones. Richard is the smartest man alive after all. He feels the blond fighting against the walls inside, as he's being digested in the pool of acid. Luckily for him, thanks to his powers, he could reduce his swollen gut and replace it with his hairy six-packs. Meaning he could digest Johnny, without anyone noticing it, at the cost of Johnny being squeezed even more between the walls. Which will inevitably break him into pieces. He then puts his underwear and pants back on and hurries to the hall of the ceremony, arriving just in time to marry his beloved wife. Who was angry that his brother wasn't present, but quickly forgot it as she's kissing the man of her life. Completely oblivious that her brother is digesting in the said man's stomach.

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