thesuperheroeater - Superheroes on the Menu
Superheroes on the Menu

He, french native language, Male (Fatal) Vore Kink page, mainly Marvel Charcters, sometimes actors, write stories, All characters are 18+ dispite what movies says.

41 posts

A Dream-Like Meal

A Dream-Like Meal


(Request by @swwith18more)

Star-lord puts his headphones on, playing his favorite 80's music as he had just taken a shower. He walks by the common room of the ship, only wearing a shirt and a black shorts. He sees a sleepy god of Thunder. The two of them were sent on mission together while the rest of the Guardians went to another mission. Teaming up with such a handsome man that's challenging his authority, irritates Quill more than anything, even more if the said man is so drunk that he's sleeping like a bear. The snoring sounds the man could make while sleeping, unbelievable. It resonates through the whole ship, making the brunet unable to close his eyes for a nap.

Curiously, and because he has nothing better to do, Peter comes closer to the couch where Thor's resting. The man was shirtless, wearing only his pants as his boots on the couch. He slept with his mouth wide open with some drool sliding down his cheek, Peter rolled his eyes at the sight of it. Thor slept with an arm above his head revealing his hairy armpits. His other arms laid on his stomach, as if he just had a filling meal. He was also sweating from all the mead he drank, which made his muscles shine even more. Quill couldn't help but keep looking at them.

Thor does have nice muscles, he really has the body of a god, Star-lord had to admit it. Peter couldn't help himself and had to touch them. Which he did. He blushed when touching the biceps. They were as tough as steel, but also very soft. Quill keeps looking at the physique of the god and hesitates touching his pecs, it would be very awkward if the man suddenly wakes up, he has a reputation after all. But another snore from the god proves to him that the man won't wake up so soon. 

He takes his headphones off, putting them around his neck and starts touching those huge pecs. Quill smiled at the contact and didn't hesitate to touch the abs too. Suddenly the sleeping man leaves a big belch. Peter was surprised by it, it was unexpected, but the man was still deep asleep, it's the most important. Peter gave out a sigh as he was relieved. But  he was quickly disgusted by the smell of that belch. ''Ew, God, what did he eat? A dead corpse?'' He then heard some gurgles coming from the other man's stomach. He got curious and put his hand on the said stomach, he could feel the gurgles vibrate through the belly. He laughed at it. Another gurgles made himself heard, resonating through the whole ship. Peter noticed also more drool sliding down Thor's cheek. The man must be really hungry, he thinks. But then, he also saw the god smiling in his sleep. Quill couldn't help but smirk at the sight of it. Even in his dreams the man is eating. How the blond could have such a nice body while eating like a pig, would still remain a mystery to Peter. 

But enough joking for now, they're still on a mission after all. Peter decided to go back to his room, but was surprised as a firm grip held his arm. Star-lord quickly started to panic. He wasn't awake right? But as he looked at him, he saw the man was still asleep. Peter was relieved. He tries to free his arm, but he quickly discovers it's impossible. ''Realy? How? You're sleeping, man.'' Peter thought out loud. As he still tries to overpower a sleeping god, he soon will get into a more awkward situation. Thor, who was still sleeping, held Peter on both sides, shoving him on himself. Peter's face is getting abnormally red as it finds itself between Thor's huge pecs. This is getting really awkward. He tries to free himself, but he then hears some noises from the man he is laying on. He lifted his head and saw Thor still sleeping but with a huge gaping mouth. Peter's eyes got wide open. ''No-!'' as he desperately tried to get free, he felt some drool falling on his face. And in a matter of seconds found himself in complete darkness…

''Dude, Wake up! You swallowing me!'' But the sleeping man answered with a moan. He followed with another wide bite and got the shoulders of his prey inside as well. The more Quill is sliding down the god's throat, the more he starts to panic. He desperately tries to get free, struggling the best he could, but despite sleeping like a bear, Thor's grip was stronger.

Thor was drooling even more around his snack, and with another slobbery bite he gets Peter's pecs inside followed by his abs. He soon let his prey go, and lifted his head, making his meal sliding down much faster. The guardians' ass gets past Thor's lips, which makes him moan loudly that resonates throughout the slimy walls of his intestines.

Peter inside is squeezed between the slimy walls that are pressing his bones onto each other, making it hard for him to breathe. When his head makes it through the acid filled stomach, Quill gets disgusted by the smell. It smelled horribly, as if someone had died inside. Peter couldn't stand the smell. What did Thor eat on that other planet? 

The more time passes, the more of Star-lord is sliding down Thor's throat, inflating the man's belly more and more. Peter's huge ass as well as his thick thighs made the god moan even more as they slid past his lips, savoring their taste. Finally Thor takes another huge bite around Peter's sock feet, closing his mouth just behind those.


Star-lord lands into the acid pool, where he will suffer the whole process of digestion. Peter thrashes from all sides, desperately trying to get free, insulting Thor along the way. ''You stupid pig, let me out!!'' But the other man is still snoring like a bear, nothing will be able to wake him up. Looks like Peter is doomed.

Quill's irritation soon changes into panic as he feels his bones breaking as he gets squeezed even more and his flesh melting from the rising gastric acids. ''Please, Thor let me out! You are digesting me! Please, it hurt!'' As he punches against the walls, trying to wake up the sleeping man. But all those struggles led to another belch coming from Thor. 


Quill panicked even more at the vibration of that belch. He is going to wake up, right? He's not going to digest him? But eventually the acid ends up disintegrating even more of Peter's flesh and bones. He couldn't even breathe anymore as his body got compressed. And inevitably he loses consciousness and lets the darkness take over, closing his eyes forever

Later that day, Thor wakes up with a mighty jawn. Stretching his arms as he rapidly puts a fist against his chest as he needs to release a belch. 


With this huge belch some pieces of headphones land onto the couch along with something electronic, which Thor quickly identifies as Peter's Walkman which never leaves alone. Thor doesn't understand as he puts his hand on his rock hard abs, but he soon makes the link between the two. ''Quill?'' Thor asked as he understood what happened. He had completely swallowed and digested Peter! This, actually, made him smile. Not that he wasn't sad, he was, just not for the right reason. ''I'm really sorry Peter Quill. I would've preferred to swallow you whole, while I was conscious. But at least you filled me quite well.''  He said accompanied with a slap on his belly. As he stood up a gurgle made itself heard followed by a huge fart.


''Haha-, looks like I need to release you, Lord of Stars.'' He said with a joyous smile on his face. He was heading to the restroom, when he had a thought. ''Why go to the restroom, when we're all alone on this ship? Ain't I right my friend?'' He said with a laugh followed by him taking off his pants and underwear and getting into a squat position. He flexes hard his anal muscles, pushing hard to get the log of shit out. ''Looks like you don't want to leave my godly body Peter, I understand, but I'm afraid I can't keep you with me.'' He pushed harder until finally the bone filled log showed up. And eventually with some extra flexes, the huge stinky log lands on the ground. Followed by another one this time accompanied with the remains of the digested skull visible in it. Eventually, 4 logs later, Thor moans and lets go one last big bones-filled log making it fall on the other ones. ''You sure made a huge mess, my friend, I've never shitted this much.'' The thunder god says as he turns around to admire the huge pile of shit he released in the middle of the ship. He gave his ass a big slap and went back to live his life as if he hadn't digested a complete human being and shitted his remains back out. Poor Peter Quill, at least he will be remembered as extra layers of those muscles he admired so much…

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More Posts from Thesuperheroeater

1 year ago

I feel like in the vore departement, there is a severe lack of Bucky content. So what about him being reverted to his Winter Soldier self and being very hungry for Spider😏

I Feel Like In The Vore Departement, There Is A Severe Lack Of Bucky Content. So What About Him Being

There sure is! I mean of Marvel overall... But yeah, Bucky, definitely.

Well, as Winter Soldier or not I always love writing about him. I just love him. Now I've to admit that him turning back to the Winter Soldier and becoming an hungry killer, is just perfect. Him snacking om some street level heroes even more! And spidey is the perfect choice for it.👌

I can see a stituation where, after Steve 'saved' Bucky from Hydra, he bring him back to the Avengers where Bucky meets the other heroes, including Spider-man. The kid was so tasty looking that bucky couldn't hold it anymore and his Winter Soldier comes back out, swallowing the poor kid without mercy.

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2 years ago

You were best friends with Tom Holland, he often invited you to his house to hang out together. Unfortunately, well depending on the point of view, quarantine came, and you had to stay at Tom's house till it was over, Which neither of you complained about. You both continued to live your lives. You watched tv, while Tom was having an online interview. He didn't bother putting his pants on, no one would see it anyway. It's not the first time Tom isn't fully clothed. But this time it did something to you. You kept looking at him, and started to feel a hard on coming from underneath. It kept poking for more attention. As you rub it you start to feel hungry. No surprise, it's been weeks since you've consumed someone, and now you're starting to feel it. You keep rubbing your cock with a mischievous smile, waiting for Tom to finish his interview. 

An hour later you pick up Tom's sock, that he lost while you sucked him inside your cock. You shove your cock inside and start jerking off. A couple of strokes later and your cumming gallons of Tom's remains, filling the sock with the white liquid to his limits. When you finally stopped, you put your pants back on, and threw the filled sock in the trashcan as you walked by. You set yourself back on the couch and continued watching the movie.

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2 years ago

Pred Fiche: Hawkeye


Name: Clint Barton

Pred level: 7

Prey Level: 7

Prefered Type of Vore: Cock and Oral vore

Little Facs: 

‌• In one universe he was able to swallow every single Avengers, and all at once. Of course he spent the next three days digesting his buffet.

‌• One day Bucky jokingly dared him to swallow Thor and Hulk in the limits of an hour. He not only succeeded, but it only took half the time given. 

• ‌Clint is often ordering Pizza for the evening, but get you wrong the pizza isn't for him, but rather for Lucky, his dog. No, his diner would be the pizza boy himself. Much tastier.

Overall: More the type of pred to swallow someone because it's fun. Clint loves challenges, and is always ready to take on buffed guys. The archer would swallow anyone who calls him weak, turning them into a pile of shit. And his favorite meals are his friends and by far.

Hawkeye's Top 5 Favorite Preys:

5. Daredevil aka Matt Murdock


Often teaming up together to defend the streets of New York. Matt had learned to trust Clint, just like the blond already had. As always Hawkeye doesn't stop talking while Matt is dead silent, trying to focus on the sounds of the city. When he heard a big rumble coming from Clint's stomach. He gave the blond a questioning look, to which Hawkeye answered he didn't eat before leaving and he's starting to starve. But before Daredevil could react, he found himself head down Clint's throat. Barton kept gulping his compagnon down, sending him straight to his gut, where the struggling meal will soon be digested alive. After a couple of rubs and a huge belch, Clint shat a log of the remains of the brunette on top of the roof. Before getting up and going to patrol by himself.

4. Ant-man aka Scott Lang


Like always Scott makes easily friends with others, Hawkeye was no exception. But When friends are hungry, it is the duty of the other to feed him, well at least it's Barton's point of view. Anyway, the thing is that the archer patiently waits for the diner, well, 'his friend' to grow in size thanks to his powers, because Scott himself isn't very buffed. Scott Finished growing in size at the curious demand of his friend. Now let's feast! Clint wastes no time and starts with the giant pair of feet, taking them inside without a bit of difficulty. Lang is scared as he watches his friend's monstrous appetite consuming him. He tries the best he can to free himself, but surprisingly Barton's grip is much stronger. He can only accept his fate now.

Later that day, Spider-man caught Hawkeye leaving a room with a slightly rounded gut. When entering the room, Peter is welcomed by drool covered bones, huge bones, spread all around the room. The boy should be careful around here…

3. Spider-man aka Peter Parker


Spider-man was one of the newer additions to the team. They all knew his secret identity, Peter knew he could trust them. So Clint was finally able to see who was under the mask, and he had to admit, damn, the kid's fit. Good, he loves them fit! When they both were in the changing room, the kid for his training with cap, and Clint, well... for his meal. He waited for Peter to undress himself leaving his underwear, and when done, he gulped the kid with a wide slobbery gulp. The kid didn't even have time to react, as his full head was swallowed. Some minutes later and Clint is now alone in the room, with a spidey filled belly. The kid was thrashing inside the man's stomach, trying to get free. But inevitably, Peter gets completely digested by the archer's gastric acids. And when Cap came to look after the kid, he was greeted by a huge burp and underwear smacking into his face.

2. The Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes


Bucky and Clint were fuck buddies, releasing every tension in a sesion of rough fucking, in with the supersoldier is often the one taking Hawkeye's arrow up his butt. Many moans later, and Hawkeye finally cums inside Bucky's ass. They soon after fall asleep, cum still leaking down Bucky's ass. But one couldn't sleep, because of an insatiable hunger. A gurgle wakes the archer in the middle of the night. He should eat. As he says this he looks next to him and observes Bucky's naked figure. Looks like he found his midnight snack. Some minutes gulps and he's now alone on the bed, with a sleeping Bucky packed inside his stomach. Clint rubbed his belly, feeling his meal wake up by his flesh ripping from the digestion. As the man screamed at the blond to release him, Barton fell asleep with a big smile and finally satisfied. The next morning, Clint had to rush to the toilets to evacuate that metal arm that's giving him indigestion as well as some bones along the way.

1. Quicksilver aka Pietro Maximoff


Pietro was a little brat, since his recruitment in the Avengers, he didn't stop irritating his favorite 'old' man. Usually Clint would put him in place by shoving his 'arrow' up that silverhead's ass. But it never made the boy stop, looks like the brat actually enjoins it actually. Well Clint does aswell, so, he's fine to keep living like this. Except that this time the Maximoff twin annoyed the man at the wrong time. Indeed, this time Barton had a powerful hunger that he needed to satisfy. So like always he ends up catching the boy like he always does despite the speed of the other. But instead of shoving his cock inside the speedster ass, he shoved Pietro's feet down his cock. The silverheaded panicked when he understood what's happening, but with his feet catched, there's no escape anymore.

Now Clint is laying on his back, moaning as he's jerking wildly his cock, untill he finally cum's the boy's remains all over himself. Well looks like the boy won't be able to annoy him anymore.

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1 year ago

Post Workout Snack

Post Workout Snack

It's late in evening when you head for the dressing rooms to change after your daily workout at the local gym. When you enter, you notice that there aren't many people left. Just one, in fact. And not the least, it's Chris Hemsworth, your favorite celebrity and crush. When he turns his gaze towards you, you can't help but smile stupidly, and give him a shy wave. It makes him smile. He greets you and goes back to removing his clothes from his locker. You did the same.

Later, when you emerge from the showers, you're faced with the actor sitting on the bench. He didn't change his outfit, as he's still wearing his short and sweaty T-shirt. With your towel around your waist, you walk past him, looking at him discreetly.

Once you've slipped on your wedges, the actor starts talking to you. It suprised you at first, but you quickly turn to listen.

''You know, I couldn't help noticing how much you're checking me out.'' You blush with embarrassment. He noticed. You feel so ashamed to have done it.

''Sorry, Mr Hemsworth. I- I...was just-'' As you try to come up with an excuse, Chris Hemsworth cuts you off.

''Don't bother, you're far from the only one looking at me, with drool sliding down your shin.'' He adds a cocky smile, which makes you smile stupidly, wiping your mouth to be sure. ''I don't mind actualy, I know I got a hot body. That said, I'd like a little help with this. If you don't mind?''

''Yes! Of course!'' You don't even know what he's asking that you already agree.

''Good.'' That's all he answers before taking off his top, revealing his swollen muscles. His pecs so voluptuous and his abs so pronounced. You can even see the drops of sweat running down the curves of his godly body. Making his muscle shine. He even flexes his muscles in front of you, inflating his bisceps even more. Unconsciously, you salivate at the sight.

''Wow...'' The word escapes your mouth.

He laughs slightly. ''After a long day of sport, my body's all tense and could use some help relaxing. And seeing all the saliva you produce just by looking at me, I'm sure your tongue would be perfect for that. So, shall we get started?'' he finishes by raising his arm to reveal his moist armpits.

You can't believe what you're hearing. Chris Hemsworth wants you to lick his body!? You don't waste another second and get right under his arm, stick out your tongue and start working his armpits. They're so wet and hairy. And that smell is so captivating! The appetite with which you lick them makes the Australian laugh. "Hungry little whore...''

With his hand he grabs a handful of your hair and directs your head all over his body. This way, for several long minutes, you cover Hemsworth's divine body with your saliva. His armpits, his nipples, his abs, his biceps and much more! Once he considers the job well done, he brings your face closer to his and starts to kiss you. It makes you lose your mind... It must be a dream, you think. He quickly breaks the kiss, which makes you wimper. ''Nice work, slut.'' With those words he drops his shorts and briefs, revealing his huge cock.

You look at it in amazement, but without wasting any more time Chris, lowers your head in front of his cock. And in impales the whole thing in the hollow of your mouth. You choke as you feel the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. It so big, it's stretching out your throat. Suddenly he's brutally thrusting into your hole. You feel your face turning red from lack of air, but you still take it, like the good slut you are.

After a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity, he withdraws his entire cock from your mouth, leaving you to recover your breath. ''I'm liking you.'' He confess to you while he hits you with his big cock in the face.

As you recover your breath. He sits down on the bench behind him, takes his shoe off and lifts his bare foot, placing it directly on your face. Carried away by pleasure, you don't think twice and immediately start sniffing and licking it, as if it was your only purpose. Making sure to pass by each curve and each toe.

Seeing how quickly you apply yourself to the job, he quickly places his second foot on your face. He even manages to push your body to the ground, so that he's more comfortable stepping on you, while you laying flat on the floor.

Some long minutes later, his feet are as clean as they are shining with saliva. He then considers the job done and removes his feet from your face, causing you to grunt for having nothing to lick anymore. ''I like you. I think I'll keep you.'' He says with a mischievous grin.

That's when he grabs you on both sides with his big, firm hands to lift you from the ground. You don't panic, as you're lost in the pleasure, and just wait with bated breath for the next humilation. But your anticipation soon turns to panic as you see his mouth widen. Naturally, you come to your senses and struggle, begging him to let go. But all you get from him is a mischievous grin before your head dives into the depts of his big mouth.

He takes several hungry gulps, which bring even more of your body insde him. your shoulders followed by by your torso. The saliva accumulated around your body makes you slide in with ease, till only your wiggling legs are left. So so tiny next to him, that he slurps your legs down his throat, making your feet disapear behind his lips. A few extra gulps and you find your way down his acid thank. As the gastric juice start to rize, you punch against the walls in hope to get yourself free, but all it leads to, is the handsome australian letting a huge belch escaping his lips.


''I knew you'd make an excellent post-workout snack...'' He speaks out with a slap on his swollen gut.

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2 years ago

Top 10 Marvel Preds:

10 Hulk


Hulk was hungry, he needs to eat. But what could he eat in the middle of the fight? Those Ultron bots aren't tasty looking at all. But luckily for him, Clint is by his side, well not for long... Some times later, the area is cleared and Barton is deep down Hulk's gut. In which he's melting down into nothing. When Captain America came to check on them he's greated with an enormous belch accompanied with some bones and a skull.

9 Hawkeye aka Clint Barton


Clint and Scott became close friend while working together. And as such, it's natural to help each other. So when Clint was hungry, Scott was there to satisfy him. This is how Lang got consumed by the archer. Later that day, Barton is burping the ant-man suit out. keeping it as a reminder of his friend. It's good to have a friend on which you can count to satisfy your hunger, well not that Scott had much to say before getting eaten...

8 Wolverine aka Logan


Wolverine is a hunter. And is always looking for his next prey. One day After having shitting the remains of Captain America back out, he got hungry again. Luckily for him his next prey is non other than his previous meal's sidekick. Some gulps later and the Winter Soldier is down in Logan's acids gut, waiting for the same fate as his childhood friend.

7 Mister Fantastic aka Reed Richards


For his studies, Reed needs some experiments. That's why when he came to the question of the human body and it's resistance to acids, he gulped down Johnny, who wasn't pleased with it. Reed promised him to let him out after that. Which he did, just not in the same state as he went in. Some hours later Reed was shitting what had become of Johnny down the pipes. It's not like he could complain anymore...

6 Falcon aka Sam Wilson


USAgent had just eaten and digested Steve and Bucky, ignoring their agonising screams, the ripping of flesh and the cruching of bones. When he was done he burped their remains in front of Sam's feet. Seeing his friends reduced to a pile of bones, triggered Falcon. And shoved the Captain America wannabe up his ass. Making him suffer the same fate as his two friends.

5 Star-lord aka Peter Quill


Peter was a bit intimated by the presence of the god. He was so handsome, tall and muscular, it made him feel jalous. There couldn't be another alpha male on his ship, so he had to take care of him. Now Quill is in his room, listening to his songs, with a belly the size of Thor, the silhouette of the handsome blond visible throught it.

4 Thor Odinson


Hercules and Thor were good friends but also rivals. They often fight each other to know who's the better god in the Avengers. They're both very powerfull, but there will only be one victorious. And this time it was Thor, which as celebration is taking his price by swallowing Hercules. Savouring each muscles of his price, sending him straight to his gut. Now let's see if Hercules is strong enough to survive this trip...

3 Shang- Chi


The Avengers welcomed a lot of new members, and it's important to establish dominance. Shang-Chi new that. So he swallowed the other new powerfull man of the team, it being Ikaris, up his ass. The Eternal was delicious and not a problem anymore!

2 Venom aka Eddie Brock


Eddie was a close friend of Peter. He knew he was Spider-man and promised to keep it secret. But he had to admit that the kid looked too tasty. And the fact that he's living with a never satisfied symbiote in him didn't help. That's why, one day when Peter called him to hang out, he swallowed him. The kid was so fit for his age, all these muscles made his meal tastier. He doesn't even notice how fast he's devouring him, dispite the struggles of the kid. Some gulps later and he closes his mouth around the kid's feet, locking him inside of him forever, dispite the cries to release him.

Eventualy after a nice evening of digestion, all that was left of Spider-man was a big pile of bones in the kid's bedroom.

1 The Punisher aka Frank Castle


Captain America was send by schield to stop Frank Castle aka the Punisher. Putting on his stealth suit, he goes to The Punisher last known hideout. Trying to be as discreet as possible, he comes across piles of bones, lots of bones, he can believe what he saw. That's when Frank appears. Steve get imediatly in defensive possition. ''Captain America himself. The Shield is pleasing me.'' When Steve asked whose bones it was, Frank tells him they're just some Schield Agents, that couldn't survive the trip down his stomach acids. Cap couldn't believe what he heard. He ate them? ''But do not worry, as you will soon join them.'' Before Cap had the time to react, he had his head in the man's mouth. Castle continued savouring each inch of his meal. Huge slobbery gulps, and eventualy Cap is just a squirming bulge in the man stomach. Frank gave his swollen belly a slap as it's breaking down Captain America.

Sometimes later the Punisher belches loudly, burping out drool covered bones, adding Captain America to his collection. He loves it when the Schield sends his best meals.

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