theunmanipilateddiaries - The Unmanipulated Diaries
The Unmanipulated Diaries

Welcome to the Unmanipulated Diaries! We're Max or Kenneth (or Kenny, for short). This blog is an online diary of our experiences as a transmasc non-binary person that was originally manipulated into "remaining a girl" by our friends and family. This diary is our way of navigating who we are and getting comfortable being in our own skin again!

12 posts

The Dysphoria Was Hitting Us Like A Truck Today. No Idea Why, It Just Was. Maybe Because, Since Saturday

The dysphoria was hitting us like a truck today. No idea why, it just was. Maybe because, since Saturday or Sunday, we've been planning to dress hypermasculine tomorrow? And we're excited for that? No fricking clue, man.

- Max / Kenneth

Front: Andie (he/she/web)

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More Posts from Theunmanipilateddiaries

Plural Ask Game

We figured we’d try making an ask game! This is for anyone who’s a system–regardless of origin–to use. Remember that you’re not obligated to answer any of these if any are too personal!

How many members are in your system, and does this number change frequently?

What are your collective pronouns, if you have any?

What’s your system name if you have one, and how did you choose it?

Are there any activities your system members like to do together? Collective hobbies? Talk about those!

What sort of music do people in your system like?

What’s the average age of your systemmates?

If you have a singletsona, what is it? Explain a bit about them!

Does anyone in your system have roles? If so, what roles?

How long have you been a system and/or known of your system?

How did you discover your system? What was the process?

What does switching feel like to you, if you switch at all? 

Are your switches voluntary, involuntary or a mix? How often do you do it, if at all?

What’s your favourite part of being a system?

What’s your least favourite part of being a system, if you’re comfortable sharing?

Are your headmates generally different from the physical body? How do they differ from it?

Do you have any fictives/factives/etc? Tell us a little about them!

Does your system have a headspace? Are there multiple of them? What are they like?

Are there differences between systemmates surrounding sensory things? (For example, one person likes the taste of one food and another doesn’t.)

Does anyone have any different accents, or speak any different languages?

How would you describe your system in 3 words or less?

Do you have any LGBT+ headmates? What do they identify as?

Does anyone outside of the internet know you’re a system?

Do you have any cool/funny stories from inside the headspace that you’d like to share?

What’s some advice you’d give to yourself when you were first discovering your system?

What is something you wish singlets knew about plurality?

system ask game!

any systems of any origins may reblog this :]

name asks

1. do you have a collective name? how was it chosen?

2. how do new system members choose their names?

3. are there any system members who identify with the body’s name?

4. which system member has the most stereotypical name?

5. which system member has the weirdest name?

age asks

6. how does age work for your system’s members?

7. does your system have ageless system members?

8. who is the oldest system member? how old are they?

9. does your system have system members who age slide or age regress?

10. if you have them, do your system’s littles want to be treated like children or adults?

queer asks

11. do system members tend to have similar sexualities, or are they different for each member?

12. does your system have more male, female, or nonbinary system members? is there any overlap between those?

13. do any system member use xenogenders or neopronouns?

14. does your system collectively identify as anything? if so, what?

15. do you& consider the body to be transgender?

nonhuman asks

16. what system member is the strangest species?

17. do any system members have wings?

18. does your system have any animal system members?

19. what is the weirdest part about being a nonhuman system member?

20. is the majority of your system human or nonhuman?

introject asks

21. do you have multiple system members from one source?

22. are most of your system’s introjects connected to their source? disconnected from their source?

23. what is the weirdest source that an introject in your system has?

24. are any of your system’s introjects in relationships with other system members? is their partner(s) an introject from the same source? different source?

25. do any of your system’s introjects have non-canon source memories?

syscourse asks

26. do you engage in syscourse?

27. were you previously anti-endo?

28. if you could tell all anti-endos one thing, what would you tell them?

29. does your system have a collective opinion on syscourse, or does it vary?

30. do you think that syscourse is more helpful or harmful?

asks for the current fronter

31. who is your favorite member in the system? (alternatively, who are you closest to?)

32. which system member has the most based takes?

33. what is the funniest piece of system drama?

34. do you enjoy being part of a system?

35. what’s something you like that no one else in the system likes?

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Hi! Welcome to the Unmanipulated Diaries. We are Max or Kenneth (Kenny for short), otherwise known as the Eclipse Labyrinth Collective. We are a system that collectively identifies as a transmasc non-binary person.

Our parents are extremely transphobic. So much to the point that, when we first came out as genderfluid and later transgender to them about four years ago, we were forced back into the closet and manipulated into thinking that we were making it up and were just a girl. The Unmanipulated Diaries is our online diary recollecting our experiences of realizing we are transmasc non-binary and refusing to go back into the closet this time. Note, we are not out to our parents yet, we are simply out to friends who are aware of our situation and know not to use the correct names and pronouns around our parents.

Here, we will mostly talk about our experiences of being a transmasc non-binary  person living in a transphobic environment and how being disabled affects that. (We are both neurodevelopmentally and physically disabled, and as we are also an OSDD system, we have many alters that have various identities that causes struggles from time to time.)

There will be some posts on random things, but we'll try our best to keep it on "theme." If anyone ever has any questions about our experiences, disabilities, or just about anything else, send in an ask! We love receiving asks, they're a lot of fun for us.

Hope you have a great day!

- Max / Kenneth

Front: Michael (he/corpse/death), Andie (he/she/web)

Now this, this made us, like, cackle, for lack of a better descriptor. This is amazing.

- Max / Kenneth

Front: Evan (xe/they)

here’s a transmasc joke for the internet:

i like my estrogen like i like my coffee…

…i’d much prefer T