Just an archive of things that inspire this 21st Century Girl ~ 20 something~ BTS ~ author ~ 3D woman
160 posts
Butterfly Lie
Butterfly lie
Ride on paper wings
Gold chasing the morning
Lips tainted sweet with
The echo of your name
Ringing in desolate streets.
The most beautiful moments in life
Shattered as our future rides on the
Fragile wings of a butterfly.
Mine to hold
My hands grow cold
Watch as paper flutters
A note not mine
Sweet words of pride
In the catch they found
In a man who was not theirs to own.
Butterfly lie
Ride on paper wings
Gold chasing the morning
I’ll stand with tears in my eyes
And pray hope comes in the glory
A new day, a fresh start, it’s high time
That I depart from a story in which I do not play a part.
One breath...
Tears fall...
Faded memories
Stain the wall…
My butterfly lie.
music-means--life liked this · 4 years ago
thewonderlustcreative liked this · 4 years ago
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[Tips for Korean learners] Lazy is not always '게으르다 / 게을러요. ' Here are some tips.
Hello! TTTempting everyone! This is the Korean Grammar Doctor!
안녕하세요! 여러분! 한국어 문법 의사입니다! . . . 오늘은 ‘lazy'에 대해서 이야기를 해보려고 해요. . When texting with one of my friends, she said that 오늘 한국어 공부하기 너무 게을러요(I am too lazy to study Korean today). It seemed fine, but I found it awkward and decided to write this post in order to let Korean learners know how to use 'lazy’ in a proper sense. . . According to Webster’s learner’s dictionary, lazy has three meanings.
1) disapproving : not liking to work hard or to be active a lazy child who avoided household chores - I should have done more work this weekend, but I was feeling lazy. -> In this context, the word 'lazy’ is equivalent to 'indolence, sloth.’ 게으르다 is fine, but there is another Korean equivalent word here: 귀찮다. . 게으르다 is commonly used to describe someone’s personality like 게으른 사람 / 게으른 성격 / 게으른 인간 / 성격이 게으르다. In addition, if it doesn’t include 'regularity of laziness / consistency of laziness’, then it is hard to use 게으르다 for the temporal action or behavior. As an exception, you can say '오늘 너 왜 이렇게 게을러?’ . To describe 'you don’t want to do anything because you have a day off OR today is Sunday,’ then I suggest the word '귀찮다. / 하기 싫다.’ . - 오늘 공부하기 귀찮다. / 공부하기 싫다. - 오늘 일하기 귀찮다. / 일하기 싫다. - 침대에서 일어나기 싫다 / 일어나기 귀찮다. - 몸이 아프니까 모든 것이 다 귀찮다. - 일요일이라서 아무 것도 하기 싫다. 다 귀찮다. . . 2) always used before a noun : not having much activity : causing people to feel that they do not want to be active - a lazy summer day . . As I mentioned above, 게으르다 is commonly used to describe someone’s personality. If you are about to translate the example 'a lazy summer day’ as '게으른 여름 날’, It will be incorrect. . In this case, you can say '나른한 여름날’. There are similiar words : 느긋하다 / 여유롭다. . 나른하다: 기운이 빠지거나 긴장이 풀려 힘이 없다. Tired and lacking energy or strength. - 나른한 봄날 lazy spring day - 나른한 상태 - 나른한 오후 lazy afternoon - 뜨거운 물에 목욕을 하니 몸이 나른해졌다. I feel lazy when I take a bath in hot water - 봄이라서 그런지 온몸이 나른하다. - 점심을 먹으니 나른해진다 / 몸이 나른해진다(feel drowsy after eating) . . 느긋한: 서두르지 않고 마음의 여유가 있다. Keeping one’s composure and not hurrying. - 느긋한 하루 - 느긋한 일요일 - 느긋한 생활 - 느긋한 성격 - 느긋한 태도 - 우리는 해변에서 느긋한 하루를 보냈다. (We spent a lazy day on the beach) - 오늘 일요일이니까 느긋하게 하루를 보내요 / 휴일을 보내요. . . 여유롭다: 시간이나 공간, 돈 등이 넉넉하여 남음이 있다. Being a state in which there is abundant time, space, money, etc., enough to spare. . - 여유로운 모습. - 여유로운 삶. - 여유로운 시간. - 여유로움을 느끼다. - 여유로운 하루 - 오늘 시간이 여유롭게 있으니까 나들이나 갈까요? . . 3) always used before a noun : moving slowly . It is same with 천천히 / 유유히
유유히: 움직임이 한가하고 여유가 있게. With a leisurely and relaxed movement. - 유유히 걷다 - 유유히 날다 - 유유히 움직이다. - 유유히 돌아다니다. - 일요일에 유유히 책을 읽으며 커피를 마셨다. - 원을 그리며 천천히/유유히 나는 매 (a hawk flying in lazy circles) - 천천히 / 유유히 흐르는 강 (a lazy river)
ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ If you have any feedback or questions, please let me know. Thank you. The Korean grammar doctor will always be by Korean learner’s side! Stay TTTempting! 한국어 문법 의사는 언제나 한국어 학습자 곁에 있습니다! Stay TTTempting! ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ
This may seem like a weird question but what kind of pens do you use to write Chinese? I have a few basic ones but I'm finding it really hard to write in Chinese with them. Do you have any that you really like?
Not weird at all! I love talking about pens! I usually use Muji 0.38 or 0.5 pens. They’re thin enough for my small handwriting to make detailed characters. I also used to use Zebra Sarasara Clip 0.5 cause they have nice colors, but for now I like Muji pens. BUT! Recently I discovered a new favorite pen. It’s the Pilot Juice Up 0.4 Needle-tip gel pen. I use it in blue but there are other colors. It’s so soft to hold and writes solidly and thinly! It’s sooo niceeeeee. Here it is.
요리하기 어휘 - Cooking Vocabulary
Hi there! I realize I haven’t posted any big vocabulary posts in a while, so I think it’s worth giving you guys a little break from grammar! Enjoy <3
Vocab // 어휘 [mostly korean foods]
음식 - food ~ 한식 - korean food [한국 + 음식]
고기 - meat ~ 물고기 - fish [lit. water meat] ** not the same as 해물 - seafood ** ~ 불고기 - korean marinated beef ~ 닭고기 - chicken ~ 소고기 - beef
소시지 - sausage
밥 - rice / meal ~ 볶음밥 - fried rice
국 // 탕 // 갱 - soup 1. 국 - side dish soup [example: 미역국 - seaweed soup! this is very popular at birthday celebrations] 2. 탕 // 갱 - full meal soup [example: 감자탕 - pork bone soup] ** you might get a side of 국물 [broth] with a main dish **
찌개 // 전골 - stew 1. 찌개 - thicker stew [example: 김치찌개 - kimchi stew] 2. 전골 - hotpot [example: 소고기전골 - vegetable and beef hotpot]
건더기 - ingredients in soup [like vegetables, meat, sauce] ** to help with understanding the difference between 국 and 찌개, you won’t get much 건더기 in a 국 like soup **
어묵 - fish cake
전 - korean pancake ~ 파전 - green onion korean pancake (my favourite)
떡볶이 - stir-fried rice cake
순대 - pork blood sausage
만두 - dumplings
김밥 - for lack of better words, korean styled sushi [lit. rice wrapped in seaweed - 김]
Verbs // 동사
요리하다 - to cook
다듬다 - to prepare
썰다 - to chop / cut
섞다 - to mix [not to be confused with 썩다 - to rot]
젓다 - to stir
반죽하다 - to knead dough
붓다 - to pour
까다 [벗기다] - to skin / peel [to peel / skin meat]
데우다 - to heat
태우다 - to burn
볶다 - to stir-fry
굽다 - to roast / grill
찌다 - to steam
식다 - to cool down
낳다 - to add
기름을 두르다 - to oil
간을 보다 - to taste test
끓다 - to boil
More Vocab // 더 어휘
오븐 - oven
칼 - knife
도마 - cutting board
냄비 - pot
프라이팬 - frypan
밥솥 - rice cooker
Example Sentences:
요즘 한식을 요리하고 싶어요 - these days, I want to cook korean food
10분 만두를 쪄요 - steam dumplings for 10 minutes
건더기를 김치찌개에 넣어요* - add the ingredients into the kimchi stew
어묵을 썰고 끓은 물에 넣어요* - slice the fish cake and add into boiling water
*you can pronounce 넣어요 like -> 너요
That’s it for this lesson today! I hope you enjoyed and you learned something! What’s your favourite Korean food?
Happy Learning :)
~ SK101