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7 years ago

Tell me, does it break your heart to know that if you had stayed, you wouldn't be alone now - that you'd have a woman who loves you enough not to leave you for someone else?

My Heart Bleeds Poetry #8 Charlene Pablo ( via @inevitable-realities )

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5 years ago
Butterfly Lie

Butterfly lie

Ride on paper wings

Gold chasing the morning

Lips tainted sweet with 

The echo of your name

Ringing in desolate streets. 


The most beautiful moments in life

Shattered as our future rides on the

Fragile wings of a butterfly. 


Mine to hold

My hands grow cold

Watch as paper flutters

A note not mine

Sweet words of pride

In the catch they found 

In a man who was not theirs to own. 


Butterfly lie

Ride on paper wings

Gold chasing the morning

I’ll stand with tears in my eyes

And pray hope comes in the glory

A new day, a fresh start, it’s high time

That I depart from a story in which I do not play a part. 

One breath...

                      Tears fall...

                                       Faded memories

Stain the wall…


                                          My butterfly lie.

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5 years ago
Moon Illuminates

Moon illuminates

Your face in all its chaos

My heart is enthralled

Forgotten all its sorrows

I tried to think since when

Weirdness turned into a friend

Words gushed out like stream

Like they have never been

Enslaved underneath

A stone cold flesh

Suppressed shrieks

Of a heart barely beating

Time may have heard it

As we sat silently waiting

For drizzles to stop

Our worlds suddenly interlapped

Caught in a whirlpool of dreams

A quest each night star screams

I wonder how it came to be

A friendship of you and me

Bizarre as it may seem

A flower in spring it bloomed

Your smile feels like home

Eyes speak of long, lost songs

And if daylight ever crumbles

I swear to remember the bubbles

Of thoughts we shared that night

As our souls bathed in starlight!


(8th Avenue)

Katie, 19:11

Image: Pinterest

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4 years ago
There Are Hearts That Suck At Being Hearts. Cold, Numb, Ruthless Hearts, Filling Spaces They Dont Intend
There Are Hearts That Suck At Being Hearts. Cold, Numb, Ruthless Hearts, Filling Spaces They Dont Intend

There are hearts that suck at being hearts. Cold, numb, ruthless hearts, filling spaces they don’t intend to be. Causing havoc to where they land, bullets piercing flesh wherever they rain.

Yes, there are hearts like that, hiding behind ribcages, protected from the elements, pumping blood, providing oxygen to the brain so the whole system won’t fail. But what about the lives they shatter which are despairingly growing in number? Blame the victims for not mastering the game? For not learning the art of gambling? Like we all existed to just play and gamble. It’s depressing. But I watched you walked towards me with that smile too big for your face. I closed my eyes and wished I died before you took my hand so I will never come to my senses and hurt.

There are hearts that suck at being hearts. Mine is one of them. For it just can’t stop aching for your lies. And as we make love tonight, I let you possess all of me with your lips and fingers while playing a “make believe” game that I’m the one in your mind and not her. I convince myself that your heated kisses are for me, your insatiable hands reaching, seeking, yearning for satisfaction are for me. I let your wanton passion ignite the sheets, savor each move you make and pretend I didn’t hear you breathed her name over and over.

I convince myself that you’re mine and I’m yours and we’re doing this intimate dance in the name of love. But underneath my writhing flesh, there’s a heart that sucks at being heart. And as you feast over my vulnerability, my mind try to elope with beautiful fantasies to push away the truth that you’re not making love to me but to her memory.


bygones, ana

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3 years ago

It’s impossible to exist in this world without losing a piece of yourself. I look at the way that my fingertips press to your cheeks like butterfly kisses and wish I was better at this. Everyday a human looses 40,000 dead skin cells, each afloat like ashes drifting off into a winter breeze. I find solace in the fact that some of this confeti of DNA has found home on your cheekbones like buried treasure. You’ve spent all day studying genetics so I wonder if you can tell me how long this will last. The helixes of our DNA intertwined across skin like satin ribbons, silky to the touch and yet so slippery.

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7 years ago

have you ever thought, that maybe the happiest people that always cheer others up and listens to everyone’s problems are sometimes the saddest people when they’re alone and have nobody to go to.

spilled thoughts (via @angleofdepression)

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You don’t want people to leave, especially if you feel you haven’t been given enough time with them. But they do leave, and their presence ages sweetly, like fine wine. But just how sweet can a frail acquaintance get, until it’s sweet enough to be poison?


Excerpts from a story I’m working on

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