theyellowroseofsodor - The Yellow Rose of Sodor
The Yellow Rose of Sodor

Welcome to blog that will follow and add to The Yellow Rose of Sodor series found on FanFiction.Net and archiveofourown.orgShe/Her | | Married and Mother of 2 Heathens | Nerd | Writer | Cosplayer| 30 years young

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🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Gift Anon!!! To my rescue!!! What would I do without you???

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An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gordon (Thomas the Tank Engine)/Original Character(s), Henry/Hiro, Flying Scotsman (Thomas the Tank Engine) & Original Character(s), Flying Scotsman & Gordon (Thomas the Tank Engine) Characters: Gordon (Thomas the Tank Engine), Edward (Thomas the Tank Engine), Camille - OC, James (Thomas the Tank Engine), Thomas (Thomas the Tank Engine), Percy (Thomas the Tank Engine), Henry (Thomas the Tank Engine), Flying Scotsman (Thomas the Tank Engine), Emily (Thomas the Tank Engine), Hiro (Thomas the Tank Engine), Midas - OC, Zephyr - OC, Bull - OC, Rocket - OC, Sir Topham Hatt Additional Tags: no beta we die like men, Eventual Romance, Alternate Universe - Human, Engines can shift back and forth, Gordon is emotionally constipated, Sibling Rivalry, Sibling Bonding, Rating May Change, Transformation, but I still love him

New Chapter Summary:  Gordon encounters a horrible passenger and it's up to Camille to make help him come out of his funk. Rhinos are in need of help. A day at the zoo reveals more feelings than originally intended.

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That moment when you’re writing tragedy in your fanfiction and a sad song comes on your shuffled playlist.

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I personally haven’t added a yuri couple in my writing but that’s because I have difficulty writing yuri for some odd reason 🤷🏽‍♀️ Otherwise, here I am 😂



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so im going to ask about the lead oc (Camille) because i always wondered what model did she have her basis on?

Hi there!! Thank you so much for the praise and love!! It really made my day!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💙💙💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

Camille’s model basis ended up being a tricky one. I originally wanted her to be like Ryan but then I discovered he’s a Gresley and that would’ve made her and Gordon cousins… 😬 *Sweet Home Alabama intensifies*

And although Camille is short I didn’t think of her like Percy short, so in the end she became an SR USA Class like Rosie! It also made sense because she is a US engine and that her builder/father was in the United States Army, which is what the SR Class was created for. It fit too perfectly!

So earlier today @anonymouse55555 asked me about my OC Camille and her model. Camille is an SR USA class tank engine, like Rosie. And something I’m realizing as the fanfic continues is just exactly how small Camille is compared to Gordon. For example this is a SR USA class tank engine:

So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class

And this is an LNER Gresley Class A1 aka Gordon

So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class

If that doesn’t sink it in, here are some stat differences in size. Camille’s locomotive weight is roughly 46 long tons (47.2 tons or 94,400 lbs.) vs Gordon who is 91.35 long tons (92.82 tons or 185,640 lbs.). He is MASSIVE compared to her!! Like I feel like I didn’t think this through when I thought up Camille and how cute Gordon would be with smol mate. Not only that but the length difference is Camille at 29 ft. 8 in. and Gordon’s at a whopping 70 ft. 5 in.

Like there is a significant difference but they’re adorable and this is canon in The Yellow Rose AU soooooooooo…. Smol girl with BIG BOI.

Also here’s some more stats to look at between the two, you can find them on their models wiki pages as well.

So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class
So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class
So Earlier Today @anonymouse55555 Asked Me About My OC Camille And Her Model. Camille Is An SR USA Class

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