A place for me to post my writing and thoughts on various things. She/Her. Ace. Justaceingit on AO3

170 posts

More Siren Related Stuff. Focus On Angelo. Not Super Fleshed Out And Its Kind Of Softly Exploring A New

More siren related stuff. Focus on Angelo. Not super fleshed out and it’s kind of softly exploring a new character I’m working with.


“You’re gonna bring them down on us. The way you keep looking.” Joanne declared.

Angelo pulled away from the side of the ship as quickly as possible. He winced, casting the woman a guilty look. Two of the other sailors nearby laughed at him and he could feel his skin heat up. “Sorry.” He ducked his head, avoided her eyes.

She took pity on him. “It’s alright. Some of ours have been doing it too. We’re lucky though, our captain is keeping us calm.” She looked up at the helm, at the woman looking out at all of them with those steel eyes. Angelo didn't like those eyes. They seemed to see straight into his heart, read his memories. “She’s assured us all that the sea-damned don’t attack ships like ours. All women.” Joanne said it as fact, without even a tiny doubt in her voice.

“Even with us here? Even with...” Angelo cut himself off. He knew they all knew what must have happened but he didn't want to say it out loud. Make it real.

“Well, that’s what she’s saying. I think it’s true. Never hear about it. I’d never even seen one before until we found all of you.”

“But none of you are men. You wouldn’t do what we did.”

Here, Joanne paused. She bit her lip and moved forward, coming up beside him against the rail. She looked out at the horizon and saw something else. “My father used to say I was. Maybe, if I’d stayed to live the life he wanted me to, I would have been the sort to do what your crew did.” She shrugged. The other sailors nearby had moved off when she mentioned her father, giving respectful nods in their direction before going. Not leaving because they were uncomfortable, leaving out of a respect for privacy. “Doesn’t matter but.” Joanne sighed and looked back at him. Her gaze was still a little far away but she was seeing him. “The sea-damned are only known to attack those who deserve it. They don’t risk killing innocent people.”

He couldn’t help protesting. “That you know of.”

He was testing her patience. She grabbed his shoulder, spun him, and pushed him towards the hatch. “That I know of.” She repeated sharply.

More Posts from Tieflingsarebadatnamingthings

It is hawberries, not havberries. But they have a store so this was probably purchased by someone instead of the artist having left it in there, especially since it’s apart of a larger pieces.

I feel bad having it cause I know someone was probably extremely upset when they realized they’d left it in their book.

Hey So I Found This In My Syntax Book That I Bought Used From The SIU Bookstore. The Name Is Either Hawberries

Hey so I found this in my Syntax book that I bought used from the SIU bookstore. The name is either hawberries or havberries. I love it btw, it’s amazing and I think it’s Angus from TAZ but it’s not mine. Someone bought this or made this and I have no way of knowing who forgot this in their book. Help me out!

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Jane: “Hi everybody, this is Jane, and welcome back to our podcast: Magical Bullshit! Today we will be doing some magical bullshit! Like always, am I right?”

Keith: “Jane.”

Jane: “Anyways, so you guys know that I am not the fantasy savvy one. So, logically, it should be Everett who leads this group. He should be the only one who decides what quests we do and what jobs we take. But I live to piss off Everett. So today, I have taken a job from a very shady elf to steal back an object, that he could give me no details about how it was stolen in the first place, from a suspicious looking woman. Joining me today is our good buddy, Keith!”

Keith: “Hey guys. I didn’t want to help her with this but she stole my last pair of normal world socks.”

Jane: “Keith is very enthusiastic to be here. Anyways, we did a little recon on this woman and I’m almost thirty percent sure she’s a witch. Which is good since I am immune to fire and that seems to be witches’ favorite thing to hurl at me. Keith is still very flammable but he’s prepared to use me as a human shield.”

Keith: “I am. Are you ready?”

Jane: “Yes! Hold on tight everybody! Things are about to get crazy.”

*sounds of crunching leaves and a stick snapping. A window opens*

*indistinct breaking in noises*

*very loud crash*

Jane: “Fuck’s sake, Ketih.”

*fireball sound*

Keith: “Sonofa—.”

*second fireball sound*

*phone drops and the noise becomes muffled. Either they are fighting the witch or someone spilled a very large pot of soup and is trying desperately to fix that mistake. Someone shouts something indstinct and the fighting stops. Several minutes pass before the phone is picked up.*

Jane: “Holy shit! Alright, so, Maggie here is actually not a thief! Turns out the shady elf is a dick who has been trying to steal from her for years. Now we’re gonna go fight him! I’m gonna turn this off for a while but I’ll turn it back on when we confront Dick Elf!”

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The other day I had a customer come through my line who was extremely embarrassed to be buying his wife tampons. Like a 40-something year old man. And he literally snatched one box out of my hands and the other from the bagger so he could shove them into a bag as quickly as possible. He double bagged it so it would be really hard to see. He said he was worried about what people would think.

Dudes. Let you be my witness, I hope I never end up with a person so afraid of a tampon.

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Hold on, can you have both? Cause I’m either missing the idea or I can do both. It just depends on what I’m thinking.

This Is Earth Shattering, I Cant Believe There Are People, Who Dont Think In Sentences??? What The Fuck

This is earth shattering, I can’t believe there are people, who don’t think in sentences??? What the fuck is an abstract non-verbal thot? Y’all hoes think in Pictionary???? What the fuck

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Insomnia Kill Me

Every Single

Passing Day

It gets harder and harder

To stay awake

And yet I cannot,

For the life of me,

Get Any Damn Sleep

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