tiloopadoo - Untitled

61 posts

Tiloopadoo - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago

Something I've never got was how people call Grian weird, while it is sorta true, the fandom puts him in like the top 3 weirdest, which I would not agree with at all, are there actually any moments of Grian where his weirdness can rival Joe and Zedaph like I've heard people say?

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2 years ago

If Cleo wasn't canonically a zombie, I feel like living armour stand Cleo would be a pretty popular headcanon

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2 years ago

One of my favorite headcanons is that Joe's hair is a greenscreen, he just greenscreens actual hair onto it

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2 years ago

Maybe if I experience the true spirit of titmas my boobs will grow three times their size

2 years ago

Guys this wasn't supposed to get attention, it was 3am when I thought of this

I don't know what Cleo and Etho's duo name is but if it isn't Snakes and Ladders ill be very upset

2 years ago

Hermitcraft as things me and my friends have said: 4

Impulse: Who's the prime minister of Canada?

Pearl: Obama?


Scar: I think I'm allergic to feet


Joe: Put your pronouns back where you found them


Scar: Quick, someone play Disney music

Cub: *plays final countdown*


Ren: How many calories do sunglasses have

Bdubs: 97

Ren: Amazing answer my dude

Bdubs: I aim to please


Grian: What day is it?

Mumbo: It's night time

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2 years ago

Something something Pearl being symbolised by sunflowers in empires and sunflowers meaning unwavering faith is oddly beautiful something something

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2 years ago

I don't know what Cleo and Etho's duo name is but if it isn't Snakes and Ladders ill be very upset

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2 years ago

I think people should draw Pearl with a high vis jacket more, she's an Australian tradie, it'd be perfect

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2 years ago

Since I got into hermitcraft thinking it was very family friendly, I get shocked when I hear the hermits say something sexual, and then I go on thinking it's not gonna happen again and then it does, I'm like a cat that keeps touching puddles and gets shocked when my paw gets wet

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2 years ago

Hermits as things me and my friends have said: part 3

Cleo: I'm gonna go throw myself off a cliff

Joe: Can I come?


Keralis: Be a good friend and look at my butt


Joe: If I'm not diagnosed, I don't have it


Scar: I don't think 27 is a number


Zedaph: I like to imagine a worm gave birth to me


Scar: What colour of orange tulips do you want?


Keralis: I was going to say the experience was orgasmic but I think that's going to far

Xb: You went too far months ago

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2 years ago

Things me and my friends have said as hermitcraft 2: Electric Boogaloo

Ren: What are pickles

Doc: Pickled cucumbers

Ren: Doc, would you like to have sex with me?


Cub: Joe is my favorite poet along with *insert poet name here*


Grian: You are the worst friend I have

Scar: You misspelled best, sexiest, dedicated

Grian: You misspelt 'Misspelt'


Mumbo, trying to catch a bird: I know im not a very attractive man, but please, give me a chance


Zed: I should become a reverse prostitute

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2 years ago

Things me and my friends have said as Hermitcraft

Tango: Guys, don't touch Impulse's hand, it's actually my dick


Bdubs: I'm going to sleep, I gonna dream of you dying

Keralis: I love you


Cleo: I don't think we're skilled enough to make porn together

Joe: I was in a musical once, that's basically the same thing


Gem: I'm gonna steal Impulse's skin

Pearl: I already called dibs

Gem: Dammit


Keralis: Why do axolotls look so traumatised

Xisuma: They've seen God


Grian: You can't just date my imaginary therapist


Mumbo: The unknowable future isn't so unknowable if you know there's a 1 in 12 chance of salmonella


Gem: Name an animal named after an Australian state


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2 years ago

Running into fans of my fic on other sites is a strange experience

tiloopadoo - Untitled
2 years ago

Not once did I ever think a post about my fanfic would get over 1500 notes

tiloopadoo - Untitled
2 years ago

Alot of people could do well with this advice:

Make bad/cringy stuff if it makes you happy.

Draw things that are below standard to what you normally draw

Write things that have a million overused and cliche tropes

Remember that your standard doesn't always have to be quality, you can make your standard how happy it makes you making what you do

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3 years ago

Babe, wake up, new tumblr quote just dropped

a wall is god preventing you from following your dreams

3 years ago

A wall is god preventing you from following your dreams

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3 years ago

No, I will not accept people drawing the guys in ships where the guy is canonically shorter than the girl taller than the girl, but yes, I will accept them making the guy even shorter

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3 years ago

You go throughout your day, a little happier, because you made a post that was funny. You don't think much of it, people will surely forget.

As the day begins to close, you hear a tapping outside your window. You look towards it, there's a pigeon tapping against the glass, carrying a heavy letter sealed with wax.

You let the pigeon in, and take the letter away from said bird. You rip the wax open, and find 15 pieces of paper stapled together.

You flick through the pages, seeing that they are empty, it isn't until you make it to the last page that something is written. You have to lean in very close to see what is written, you wasn't sure if a pencil could write this small. You manage to see what is written, it is a single word:


*un-reblogs your funny and relatable text post*

3 years ago

Imagine if there was a site where you could type up the name of a physical book and it would give you the tags like ao3 does.

Like you have heard about a book alot before and you want to know if it's something you'd read, just search it up on something named booktagger.com and check the tags, oh, there's enemies to lovers in it? Sign me up, but there's also mentions of suicide, maybe not.

I just think it would make finding real life books alot easier if there was a system that alot of people were already familiar with and gave an easier way to find books that fit to your liking instead of a few vague genres.

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3 years ago

It becomes ao4 and enslaves us fandom freaks to write 24/7, ignoring our families and lives, there is no free will, only fanfic

The fact that Ao3 is still in beta is terrifying. What happens when it’s in it’s final form? Do we just keep on living, or is there something else? Void? nothingness? An empty useless existence with nothing except endless fanfiction or is there god, waiting on the other side of this. Coming to welcome us home after all the angst and bittersweet endings we have endured?

3 years ago

The idea of having more then one partner is so comforting to me because I want to cuddle my two lovers in the evenings and I want to share my interests with them and I want us all to love each other and I probably have a lot of unrealistic expectations for this because I don’t know heaps about poly relations but I want one like this and it’s killing me.

3 years ago

I randomly thought about dmmd but Noiz is the main character and now I'm in love

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