Rendog - Tumblr Posts

『Beast of Dogwarts,
Survivor of the Land.
War be upon ye
The King and his Hand』
Inktober Day 27: Beast

Full page, flat pen, sketch
I miss them
Where's my fucking dog

Weekly art 5: Estrogen would have save them

For the last two years I have been writing a story about Hermitcraft. It all started when I read that wonderful Hermitcraft story, "And The Universe Shifts" and the amazing, "Red Sun Never Sets". These stories where so incredible I wanted to see more of that universe so I was inspired to write a fic of my own, a very challenging thing considering I have Dyslexia and struggle deeply with reading/writing. But it's been an incredible journey writing this story, I have pushed myself to the limits as a writer and have gotten some amazing feedback, advice, and corrections from y'all. And just recently I started drawing fart (fan+art) for each chapter, which has been a truely intimidating because I'm not confident in my art skills. But I've really grown as the chapters went on and I'm thankful to have pushed myself. Now I'm working on an animation, something I NEVER thought I could do. This has been very fun, thank you Hermitcraft community for just being awesome and inspiring us to creatively push yourself in building, redstoning, drawing, gaming, animating, storytelling, and more.
Oh, and if you're interested in checking it out, here's the links-
And the Universe Shifts ~
and the universe shifts (ATUS) (37691 words) by aayaptre
Chapters: 18/18
Fandom: Hermitcraft, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, Iskall, Scar - Character, Joe Hills, Cubfan, Stress - Character, False - Character, Cleo, Xisuma, Basically Every Hermit, Doc
Additional Tags: Evo AU, Angst, Minor Violence, Grian has a bad time The Fanfic, Hurt/Comfort
Series: Part 1 of ATUS Works
"They were playing a game, they called it a game, it was one he couldn’t win. He played anyway."
Grian's been running for a long time, and knowing him, he's going to be caught eventually.
The Red Sun Never Sets ~
The Red Sun Never Sets (27242 words) by ThaneZain
Chapters: 25/25
Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, Iskall, Pablo Punchwood - Character
Additional Tags: Rated For Violence, Cussing, Redstoner AU, major character death but not permanent, Psychological Trauma, Recovery, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, idk i need to add better tags now that its two years old, but i still dont know how to ao3, have fun I guess
Mumbo wakes, finding himself stranded in a strange, flat world with a glaring red sun always directly above him. He compulsively builds redstone circuits, barely realizing the deadly traps he's creating. When his friends arrive to bring him home, the acts he commits prove how far gone he is and how long it will take for him to return, fully, from the hollow world of the red sun
And my story: Forbidden or Forgotten/ On your preferred reading platform.
Archive of Our Own ~
Forgotten or Forbidden (268172 words) by JeanBasener
Chapters: 43/?
Fandom: Hermitcraft, MindCrack RPF, Video Blogging RPF, third life - Fandom, Empires SMP, Dream SMP, Minecraft - Fandom, 3rd life - Fandom, SciCraft
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Oli & His Panda Hat
Characters: MumboJumbo, Evil Xisuma, Keralis, Docm77, BdoubleO100, Hypnotized - Character, HelsKnight, Biffa (Video Blogging RPF), GeminiTay (Video Blogging RPF), Pearl | PearlescentMoon, Herobrine (Minecraft), Skizzleman (Video Blogging RPF), Pungence, Zedaph (Video Blogging RPF), Charles | Grian, Viktor | Iskall85, EthosLab (Video Blogging RPF), Xisumavoid (Video Blogging RPF), FalseSymmetry (Video Blogging RPF), Daniel M. | VintageBeef, Astrozoan (Video Blogging RPF), ZombieCleo, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar, Rendog (Video Blogging RPF), Joe Hills, xBCrafted (Video Blogging RPF), TinFoilChef (Video Blogging RPF), Jevin | iJevin, Bryce | fWhip, Cubfan135 (Video Blogging RPF), Tango Tek (Video Blogging RPF), Welsknight Gaming, impulseSV (Video Blogging RPF), Jimmy | Solidarity, Taurtis (Video Blogging RPF), Lizzie | LDShadowLady (Video Blogging RPF), Scott | Smajor1995 | Dangthatsalongname, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Alex Edgar | PauseUnpause, Br0dyman (Video Blogging RPF), Joel | SmallishBeans, 3rd Life SMP Ensemble, Natalie Arnold | StressMonster101, Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood
Additional Tags: Friendship, Adventure, Mystery, NoShip, AllHermitsMajorlyFeatured, Fight Scenes, Special Guest Appearances - Freeform, Watchers, Heist, Wilderness Survival, Courtroom Drama, Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Magic, Prophecy, Pirates, foundFamily, Survival Horror, Ratings: PG, Hurt/Comfort
Grian whispers to MumboJumbo: Tomorrow morning, bring rope!
Xisumavoid whispers to EthosLab: We need to talk.
Tango whispers to ImpulseVS: You ok?
Welsknight whispers to Hypnotized: Bring med stuff
ZombieCloe whispers to JoeHills: Why aren't you answering?!
Bdoubleo100 whispers to GoodTimesWithScar: WHERE ARE YOU GRACIOUS MAYOR?!
StressMonster101 whispers to Iskall85: Haven't seen you, want to get together? :)
Keralis whispers to Xisumavoid: DOC'S GOAT! NOW!
iJevin whispers to Zedaph: Somewhere no one will see us
XBcrafted whispers to TinFoilChef: Need your help!
Grian whispers to MumboJumbo: Thanks for everything, spoon.
Secrets revealed, backs knifed, friends scream. Stretched fine as canvas will Hermitcraft frame the portrait of tragedy? The Hermits must use silly tactics, preserve through hopelessness, and sacrifice everything to protect their beautiful home!
Or Wattpad~
Chapter 3 of our audio version of Forgotten or Forbidden (a Hermitcraft story)!
I just tuned in to the charity live stream and idk if I came at an even more perfect time but once I joined they were talking about bald Grian and I got really confused.
But he did it the man did it. xD

THIS JUST IN Local dog man returns from hiatus, immediately showered with love and affection! More at 6:00

Hermit a Day May: Day 19: Favorite ALT Hermit, The Fallen Monarch, Ren the King!
And his full portrait:

Hermit PVP x Pokémon

I wanted to do something a little different for this day, so I drew Pokémon!
I really enjoy the Hermits impromptu battles on Gems (unintentional) beach arena, so that's the group/collab moment I decided to draw for today. And for that, I thought Pokémon would be perfect!
This is more of a design challenge than a style challenge today - all the Hermits were redesigned as regional variants of existing Pokémon. So instead of putting my references under the cut, I'm going to put the Pokémon I created variants for and their variant typings. See if you can guess them before you look!
(Gamers outreach fundraiser)

Gem is a Water/Steel type Pawniard

Ren is an Electric/Poison type Rockruff

xB is a Water type Koffing

Scar is a Dark/Flying type Impidimp

BDubs is a Grass/Fairy type Tangela

Etho is an Ice type Fennekin
ReNDoG x Borderlands

For Rendog I chose the first-person looter shooter video game series Borderlands!
Ren's base this season reminds me a lot of Borderlands (at least so far). With its desolate landscape, eccentric naming conventions, and industrial buildings put in place by a morally questionable mega-conglomerate, it would fit right in as a setting in one of these games.
Borderlands is an incredibly fun (and funny) game series that I highly recommend playing if you've never picked it up before. However, the games have a lot of adult humor and are very violent, though the violence is played for laughs. If you're familiar with the character Deadpool, Borderlands has a very similar energy.
To learn more about Borderlands and see my style references, continue below the cut.
(Congratulations on crushing the Gamers Outreach fundraiser goal!)
Borderlands is a series of first person looter shooter games set in an open world with a procedurally generated weapon system. The plot of the games follows a group of protagonists with various abilities who complete missions and explore the planet (usually a place called Pandora) in order to find and unlock a fabled treasure trove called a Vault. These Vault Hunters (shoutout Iskall) are not exactly heroes, but as the player you have the option to help people along the way.
There is a lot more to the Vault Hunters' adventures throughout the games that just looking for treasure. Each game has an engaging plot and memorable characters, but the the core gameplay for the entire series is this: shoot, kill, loot a badass new gun, rinse and repeat.
Borderlands is a blast to play and no two playthroughs are exactly the same. It's also great fun to play with your friends and has an excellent multiplayer mode. The series also has a unique aesthetic that makes it look like you're playing in a 3D comic book. The effect is really cool.
Style references:

The games take place mostly on Pandora, a desert planet which has a lot of abandoned industrial buildings and machinery from various intergalactic corporations. Most of what the companies left behind have since been looted and incorporated into ramshackle towns populated by the locals.

This is Handsome Jack, the primary antagonist from the second game. The games use hand-drawn textures for the characters, which create the comic book-like feel.

The Borderlands title design.
also okay. look i know ren and doc play into the rendoc thing all the time but it is IMMENSELY funny to me that doc has decided to start directly calling ren his husband....... but only for the purpose of recusing ren as a witness because he can't be called in to testify against his own husband as a conflict of interest thing. this is insane to me. rendoc marriage is real (it is real for purposes of crime),
Was anybody gonna tell me Jono dropped Ren's full season 6 theme five days ago
Joe Hills might be a comedic genius. The "Doc is a giant baby" defense?
Actually a surprisingly strong argument
Alas, Doc getting sentenced to sky jail is the funniest possible conclusion and therefore they stood no chance.
Joe this is so cool!!!!!!
I got you a seat at Docm77's Trial! Enjoy this experimental 360° video!
It took over sixteen hours to render in replaymod, and quite a bit of experimentation to get fully functional otherwise, but I think it should be fun for folks to be in the courtroom with us!
Since Ren didn't leave his vod up, I thought I would post the clip of X telling Ren he was gonna get blazed! (credit goes to MCYT highlights on Twitter for posting this)
Xisuma: Oh, cool, cool, I'll be over here, um, getting blazed!
Rendog: Wait, what?!
Xisuma: Yeah I'm gonna roll up... into the nether, and uh, smoke some blazes, and get the blaze rods! I'm sorry, was that really lame-

Slowly but surely I'm becoming a Ren main...

Thank you Ren for making scootball gigacorp themed so I can draw cool sci fi tech and pretend it's canon🙏
Wind charge + more concept explained ↓
Scootball = football handball stickless floorball everythingball unethical armadilloball ice skating game.
I know Ren says "kick" the ball in the video but I like to imagine you can use any part of your body like in volleyball, and that they're on skates somehow.
Wind charge = stacks are stored as long strips like receipt paper. Comes out from the palm of the hand glove contraption thing, iron man vibes. Don't ask me how, it's sci fi.
Can be used to conjure wind at close range, balled up and thrown, or used as a lasso. Lasso is just a fun idea, not based on actual game mechanics unfortunately.