tiredbutblessed - #Blessed

Hi! I'm Theo (23, he/him) and I'm a gay transgender Christian! This blog is a safe space for everyone, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religious differences, or disability! This is a faith-based blog, where I share and reflect on God's word and my personal experiences as a queer Christian.

26 posts

How Does One Politely Tell Their Choir Director That They Will Not Be Attending The Practice In Between

How does one politely tell their choir director that they will not be attending the practice in between services because the church Christmas breakfast is happening at the same time, and there will be puppies there, and you will be playing with the puppies instead? Asking for a friend.

More Posts from Tiredbutblessed

3 years ago


2 years ago

But WHERE is my jam God Is Bigger Than The Boogeyman??

Reblogs are appreciated to get a wider sample size.

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3 years ago

My life’s purpose to let LGBTQIA+ people know that they are loved by God. They are not broken. They deserve love, safety, good health, and self-compassion. You are not a sinner just for being who you are. You are a Child of God and that will never change.

3 years ago


I just had a meeting with my Pastor and I'll be recieved into my new Church this Sunday!

BUT THEN he said, "I was looking over your paper about ways you would be interested in serving the Church, and I have an opportunity for you, if you want it." And he told me about a Bible discussion group the Church wants to start with some of the teens in the congregation! It's a more group lead type Bible discussion, but they need a facilitator to help and guide the discussions, and Pastor thought that I would be a good fit because of how close I am to their age and how I want to become a teacher! It probably helps that I used to help with Children's Church back in my old congregation, too, but I've never worked with teenagers before, so this is a bit new for me!

We don't have a start date yet and it's on Zoom so I have to learn how to use that but some people already said they would give it a try.

I'M SO EXCITED!!!! 😁😁😁😁

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3 years ago
[image Description: The WordsGod Made Me Genderfluid Over Dark Purple, Blue And White Flowers]
[image Description: The WordsGod Made Me Genderfluid Over Dark Purple, Blue And White Flowers]
[image Description: The WordsGod Made Me Genderfluid Over Dark Purple, Blue And White Flowers]
[image Description: The WordsGod Made Me Genderfluid Over Dark Purple, Blue And White Flowers]

[image description: the words “God made me genderfluid” over dark purple, blue and white flowers]