Lutheran - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
This Is An Old Drawing, Someone Asked Me To Draw Bugs Buny As Martin Luther Nailing The Theses To Th

this is an old drawing, someone asked me to draw bugs buny as martin luther nailing the theses to th door of the church

i thoght it was funny so i did it

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5 months ago

Mistranslation by the KJV, Luke 11:28

27 As Jesus was saying these things, a woman called out from the crowd and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts which nursed you!”

King James Version

28 But Jesus said, “Yes, rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”

Eastern Orthodox Version

28 But Jesus said, “Yes, and more than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”

The Greek word menounge (μενοῦνγε), translated above in the text of verse 28 as “yea, more than that,” but rendered inaccurately in the KJV as "yea, rather," is the same word which occurs in Phil. 3:8, where the KJV gives Yea, doubtless, and in Rom. 10:18, where the KJV gives Yes, verily.

The force of menounge is that it corrects the previous statement, not by negating it, but by amplifying it.

Philippians 3:8 “Yes, without a doubt, I consider all things as loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whom I suffered the loss of all things. I consider them as dung, so that I may gain Christ.”

Romans 10:18 “But I say, did they not hear? Yes, most certainly: Their sound went out into all the earth, Their words to the ends of the world.”

Evangelicals and opponents of traditional Christianity often frame this statement of Christ as proof that His Mother was not holy or deserving recognition, that she was merely a vessel with little importance, and this perspective directly results from a mistranslation of Christ’s words.

Indeed, blessed is she who contained the Uncontainable: Christ our God.

Understand that Luke’s Gospel was originally written in Greek, so perhaps we ought to study the original language that the scriptures were written in to have a better understanding of Christ’s life-giving message.

Edit: I made a Part Two, I might make it a series. The second part is linked below!

Worship and Divine Service In modern English, the term "worship" (like the term "prayer") has mainly come to mean "an act offered exclusive

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2 years ago
2000 Years Ago Preacher Named Paul Spoke To A Church In Corinth. Corinth Was Located West Of Athens.

2000 years ago preacher named Paul spoke to a church in Corinth. Corinth was located West of Athens. It was at the heart of so much life in what we today call the Greek islands. Corinth was a seaport a cosmopolitan city, and a trading center that pulled in commerce from all over the Mediterranean world—and beyond.

Paul was writing to a very new church in this city; he was writing to a church that he loved--that means he was writing to people he loved because deep down the church has always been people gathered together around the good news of Jesus. Paul was writing to this church who he loved; writing to these people he loved as they were quarrelling with one another.

There have been divisions in the church for 2000 years. Paul understood this; he knew the divisions. And Paul appealed to these brothers and sisters to see themselves not as separate parties in conflict but to see themselves as God's people.

Over 20 something years of ministry I have found numerous ways that people can divide one person from another. People can fight about politics; people can joke about sports teams; I can make fun of people from Nebraska. Sometimes the divisions are small and frivolous; but sometimes the divisions are so significant and the passion behind them so strong the people feel they must take a stand and they must speak out about somebody else.

Paul appealed to this church to see their unity in Jesus--especially in the cross of Jesus Christ. There is something that feels intentionally countercultural in Paul's direction. In our time, when media companies make great profits by dividing people into ideological silos, Paul's invitation to find a common identity in Jesus crucified and risen matters most of all. The real source of the church's identity and the only real power we have he is declaring resurrection and inviting people to live in the light of the resurrection not at a future time but today.

Peace to you, John

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Hot Take.

Hot take.

#Mary did know.

The angel told her.

The song should be called

“Joseph did you know?”

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7 months ago


“…misery, suffering, poverty, loneliness, helplessness, and guilt mean something quite different in the eyes of God from what they mean in the judgment of man, that God will approach where men turn away, that Christ was born in a stable because there was no room for him in the inn - these are things that a prisoner can understand better than other people; for him they really are glad tidings, and that faith gives him a part in the communion of saints…”

Letters from Prison

17 December 1943

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4 years ago


I just had a meeting with my Pastor and I'll be recieved into my new Church this Sunday!

BUT THEN he said, "I was looking over your paper about ways you would be interested in serving the Church, and I have an opportunity for you, if you want it." And he told me about a Bible discussion group the Church wants to start with some of the teens in the congregation! It's a more group lead type Bible discussion, but they need a facilitator to help and guide the discussions, and Pastor thought that I would be a good fit because of how close I am to their age and how I want to become a teacher! It probably helps that I used to help with Children's Church back in my old congregation, too, but I've never worked with teenagers before, so this is a bit new for me!

We don't have a start date yet and it's on Zoom so I have to learn how to use that but some people already said they would give it a try.

I'M SO EXCITED!!!! 😁😁😁😁

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9 years ago

Today’s Sermon at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Mount Union, PA


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