What Happened To "diluc Is My Number 1" LMAO
what happened to "diluc is my number 1" LMAO
listen. LISTEN!!!
Diluc will always be bbgorl in my heart ❤️ . . .
but. Tighnari...andCynoAlHaithamScaramoucheHeizouetc...
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heyyy, okay so I read the cute lil Tighnari post and I died a lil (a lot actually, it was so cute pls my heart can't take it) If you have the time could you pls post more abt him 👁👁
I physically need more of that man, it doesn't really matter if it's sfw or nsfw or both. I just need more posts on this man or I will fall over and die 🛐
You 🤝 Me --> Needing more Tighnari content Say no more babes.

(Sfw) Tighnari as a Boyfriend

Characters: Tighnari x GN!Reader
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, subtle yandere themes
WC: 0.8k words

Fennec foxes mate for life. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Tighnari is loyal to a fault. Some of the villagers and even fellow rangers may try to woo him, but his eyes are focused on you and you alone
This also applies in the opposite direction-- if anyone flirts with you, he's by your side and growling at the offender, canines bared and ready to bite. Poor Al-Haitham got a bit of a shock when an off-handed, semi-flirtatious statement earned him a bone-chilling glare from Tighnari and the feeling of claws around his neck. Please give this man all of your attention
Gets very excited if you groom his ears and tails-- he likes to keep them nice and presentable for you and what better way to do that than to have you preen as you see fit?
Speaking of grooming-- if you do a particularly favorable job at it, he'll purr. Idc if foxes cant purr, Tighnari can. It's barely audible, trading sound for power as it's strong enough to be felt all over your body. Once he's purring you've won-- you could ask him anything and he'll probably say yes to it
Always brings you something from his expeditions-- from flowers to unique plants and strange creatures-- as long as he's vetted it to be safe, Tighnari will bring it home for you to keep. His tail curls up in anxiety as he watches you carefully inspect the gifts he brings home, but it always relaxes when he sees your delighted smile and you look at him with such adoration keep your eyes only on him
Speaking of his tail, it's the biggest indicator of his mood. If it's still, he's either in a neutral state or very focused. If it's swaying back and forth, he's calm and perhaps happy-- the faster it sways the happier he is. If it drags behind him on the floor like it has no life, he's upset. And if it curls up very tightly he may be a tad excited.
It also naturally seeks you out. If you stand next to him, it automatically wraps itself around your leg, waist, or just all over your body. You're familiar and safe, and it's a way of staying as close and connected to you as possible. It does make for some unfortunate moments when one of you decides to move abruptly, tugging the poor thing hard and lightly spraining it.
He will lecture you if you get in trouble or hurt yourself, but not out of anger-- only frustration and worry. He loves you very dearly and he doesn't want to think of a world without you. Tighnari's lectures are just another way of him expressing his concern for you and your safety. This also means that before you go anywhere, even if it's down the road to a local merchant, he'll make sure you have an emergency pack fully stocked. He can't have you tripping over a root and injuring yourself, and without anything to self-treat, now can he?
The cooler seasons are the best time to cuddle with him-- the fur on his ears and tail get slightly thicker to adjust to the falling temperatures, which makes sleeping curled up against the tail all the more comforting. Its extra warmth makes cool breezes and nightly chills a thing of the past.
While he does have a nickname or two for you, he doesn't call you by it often. Saying your name is loving as it is-- it's your name. It carries the weight of your history and how far you've come-- who you are. To him, that is the most precious thing and every time he says your name, all that information floods his brain as he conjures up the image of you, his lovely partner. During more sappy and romantic moments though, he will throw in a nickname for you here and there.
He may tease and be sarcastic with you, but if you express your discomfort, he'll stop immediately. However, if you can match his snarkiness and shoot back your own witty retorts, you'll have him completely ensnared. An off-handed comment turns into a full-blown snark fest with neither of you willing to give up until you leave the other completely stumped. It makes those around you either annoyed or amused. After all, anyone that can keep up with Tighnari's wit is sure to make a worthy opponent.
All in all, Tighnari is a very caring boyfriend with his own quirks. If you're lucky enough to be chosen by him, you'll have quite the satisfactory relationship-- one that only inspires joy and free love. Just be mindful not to set off one of his more fox-like instincts. It often can get...messy.

Requests (both sfw and nsfw) are open~! If you want a nsfw version of this lmk


i will tag u in all future tighnari posts pookie ❤️❤️❤️
Can I request playing with tighnari's ears while cuddling and hearing him purr for the first time?🙏

(Sfw) Petting his Ears

Characters: Tighnari x GN!Reader
Warnings: pinch of suggestiveness at the end
WC: ~0.7k words

"Tighnari, don't you have research you wanted to work on?"
"Mn, I do. But that can wait."
The normally dutiful forest ranger has been reduced to a lazy slump today. One to rise with the sun, Tighnari has instead elected to stay in bed with you, laying on top of you with his face buried in your chest. It's not an unwelcome moment of course-- any time you can spend with him is cherished.
Clad in a thin shirt and loose pants, you can feel the warmth of his body against yours, and the familiar hum of vitality that courses through his veins, no doubt a result of his dendro vision. His tail acts like a small blanket, covering your legs in a thick coat of fur.
"You said it was important! That's why you said we couldn't visit Port Ormos to go shopping-- you didn't want to delay for a single moment," you complain.
Tighnari sighs, and you giggle from the ticklish feeling of his breath on your chest.
"We all need a break some days. I've decided to choose today!"
You roll your eyes, bringing your hands up to play with his hair.
"Fine, but don't complain if you get an earful from your fellow rangers!"
You leave it at that, curling strands around your fingers. A comfortable silence fills the room once more as you both relish in each other's company. You glance down, noticing the way Tighnari's ears twitch in front of your face. Out of curiosity, and in a trance, you carefully move your hands up to touch them.
Instantly, Tighnari tenses, and his breath hitches. You jerk your hands back in surprise, glancing down at him. Despite his clear tension, he says nothing, waiting for your next move. Taking his silence as permission, you resume touching his ears, methodically rubbing your fingers along the coarse fur and the smooth inner ear.
As this goes on, the fox-hybrid's body starts to shake, and he presses his face harder against your chest, forcing a gasp out of you. Tighnari's tail curls up tightly, exposing your legs to the bare air, and you feel his clawed hands grip your shirt tightly. A part of you wants to stop, not wanting to make your boyfriend seemingly more uncomfortable, but the other, more teasing side of you, enjoyed seeing him act like this. Embarrassed and like a nervous kit-- it was a sight you didn't see often.
And then you heard it. A soft rumbling sound, accompanied by steady vibrations against your chest. Purring.
You both freeze in place, surprised by this new development. Tighnari can feel his skin get clammy in anxiety as he realizes what he's done. He curses himself mentally-- he hadn't planned on letting that slip out. His attempts to tense his body were futile.
"Y-you didn't hear anything. That wasn't-" Before he can try to defend himself, you're going back to rubbing and petting his ears, cooing in delight. A surprise attack that has him devolving into a cuddly pile as he lets more purrs slip out.
"You're so cute Tighnari~ I can't believe you purr! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" you gush over him, not letting him get a word in edgewise. Not like he could talk even if he wanted to-- your fingers are tactical, brushing over all of the most sensitive spots, turning him into mint jelly.
What normally was a source of agitation when touched by others, was now a weapon of dominance against him, if the rhythmic movements of his tail on the bed were any indication. He feels like a kit, unable to control his more animalistic urges. Perhaps I should've gotten out of bed earlier. I've been reduced to something short of a slime!
He peeks up at you and any thoughts of stopping you dissipate like steam off a flaming flower. Seeing your elated, childlike wonder-filled expression at the new discovery makes him less willing to pull away and scold you for touching his ears. You were just too damn happy about this, and if there's one thing he prioritizes over his dignity, it's your happiness. He sighs and buries his face back into your chest, allowing you to continue unhindered.
He supposes he'll let it slide this time. He just hopes you can take responsibility for the feelings that arise as a result of this intimate moment. It is getting close to that time of the year after all.

I like to think that depending on what vision you have, your body changes/reacts accordingly. After all, years of manipulating the elements have got to change your physiology somehow, right? So for dendro users, they just radiate energy. If you stand next to them, it's like taking a breath of fresh air and feeling invigorated. They feel alive if that makes sense.
Requests (both sfw and nsfw) are open~!

Remind me to proofread my stuff more often 🧍🏾♀️
The rules of English fly out my head once I’m invested in writing lol

(Sfw) The first time you call him a term of endearment

Characters: Aether, Ayato, Cyno, Gorou, Heizou, Kaeya
Warnings: Fem. leaning nickname in Ayato's (princess), Cyno is implied to be taller than reader, reader is ticklish in Heizou's, mention of alcohol in Kaeya's
WC: 1.4k words total
Pt. 1, Pt. 3

"Aether honey, fetch me my watering pail!" You call out to him, currently hunched over the seeds you had just planted in the soil. You both were doing some tending to the garden you had just recently started in your teapot, and you had just finished the planting process.
You hear the loud crashing and clunking of metal behind you, and you whip your head around to see Aether standing there, hands at his side and gaze focused on you.
"Are you okay?!" You ask, hurriedly rising to your feet to check on him.
"'Honey'...you called me 'honey,'" he breathes out, watching you. You blink once, twice, and then nod.
"I did, yes," you confirm.
His cheeks turn pink and he looks away, pulling his scarf up a bit in an attempt to hide his face. He clears his throat and bends down to grab the watering pail.
"I-I'll just go ahead and get this filled up with water for you," he mumbles and rushes off before you can say anything.

You and Ayato were walking around Inazuma City, soldiers trailing behind to watch over you two. You wanted to see what the merchants were selling, and perhaps say hi to a few old friends.
A jewel in a nearby stand catches your eye, and you drag Ayato over quickly.
"Darling, look! Wouldn't this ruby be beautiful in a necklace?" You coo, leaning down to get a closer look at it.
He falters a bit before he responds, almost taken by surprise by the pet name. Almost. He recovers quickly and responds with his own term of endearment.
"If it pleases my princess, you can have every jewel the owner is selling."
His voice is smooth and the nickname rolls off his tongue flawlessly, sending goosebumps down your back. You look back, eyes bright with excitement while your face is flushed with embarrassment. He gives you a polite smile, as if unaware of the effect of his words on you, and turns to the merchant to make the purchase.

The moon was high, shining through the night sky and down on Sumeru City. The activity was slowed and most everyone inside their homes, save for a few that clung to the shadows, hopeful to take advantage of unsuspecting passerbys. Word spread quickly that the General Mahamatra had returned home though, and those looking to cause trouble quickly dispersed.
"Y/N, I'm back," Cyno announces as he walks inside your home.
He sets aside his polearm and takes off his headpiece, setting it aside on a nearby table. You walk out of the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket and clutching a hot mug of tea in your hand. You smile and step closer to your partner.
"Welcome back Cyno. I trust you served justice well?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
He nods and leans forward, resting his head on your shoulder. You feel the weight of his work melt off upon touch and almost fall over due to him putting all his weight on you.
"Alright love, let's get you to bed," you gently chide, setting aside your mug.
He hums-- in delight you deduce, based on the high-range sound, but makes no move to pull away.
"That's new. Instead of cuddling a bed bug, it seems you'll cuddle a lovebug?"
You groan loudly and shove him off of you gently.
"Nevermind, sleep on the couch!"

You and Gorou were helping the soldiers on Watatsumi Island move the crates of supplies around. You'd been at it since sunrise and the fatigue was starting to eat at you. You drop a crate on the ground with an unceremonious thud and groan, rubbing your back. Gorou's ears pick this up and he instantly turns to you, also grabbing the attention of his fellow soldiers.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
He was easy to read-- his tail sways back and forth, kicking up the dirt and anxiety was clearly filling his body. Had he pushed you too hard? You weren't a member of the Kokomi's platoons so technically this wasn't your responsibility-- you had just offered. You wave him off, flashing him a tired smile.
" 's nothing baby. I just need to rest. I'll catch up, yeah?" You explain, slowly sitting down next to one of the crates.
Gorou's tail straightens out instantly, and he's frozen in his spot. His ears are erect and his eyes widen as red spreads across his face. The soldiers are quick to pick up on their general's embarrassment and they start teasing him. You watch on in amusement but say nothing, leaving your partner to defend himself.

"Heiiiizooooou," you whine loudly as you lay on the couch.
He said that he wouldn't take too long on analyzing some reports for a case he was working on, promising to give you attention shortly. A promise that was made about 45 minutes ago. He always got sucked into his work and while usually, you were fine with that, you were feeling extra clingy today.
"Yesssss Y/N?" He matches your tone, poking his head out from his office. You huff.
"You promised you wouldn't take long. Surely your case can wait an hour or two!" He tsks at you disappointedly, shaking his head.
"Patience is a virtue, Y/N. You have to learn how to exhibit it! You wouldn't want me to let this criminal escape, would you? Imagine all the harm they could cause to Inazuma, or to you! My sweet darling lover!" Heizou mock faints, pressing a hand on his head for dramatic effect, earning an eye roll from you.
"Are you saying you wouldn't be able to take them? Getting weak are we babe?" You gripe, crossing your arms.
He stops in his place and looks at you properly, green eyes blinking owlishly.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" You ask, bringing a hand up to your cheek. He shakes his head, face cracking into a grin.
"I'm your babe, am I?" He teases, slithering over. "Am I your honey bunny too? Your baby? Your sweet love bug and apple of my eye?" With each sickeningly sweet nickname he lists off, he applies more pressure on your body as he tickles you.
You squeal in surprise, kicking your legs in an attempt to get him away. Laughter fills the room and your pleas for him to stop are ignored in favor of hitting all your ticklish spots. In all the excitement, you fail to notice the shine in Heizou's eyes and the tips of his ears turning red.

You and Kaeya had decided to stop by Angel's Share for a drink and to harass Diluc while he worked. The bartender was as curt as ever to him, not letting the calvary captain's teasings get to him. He was always cordial with you though-- never giving you a hard time. He only ever seemed to express disappointment with you when asking about what you saw in his brother.
"I'm still confused about how he managed to secure you as a partner," Diluc questions, giving Kaeya an unimpressed glance.
Kaeya faux gasps quietly, pressing a hand to his chest.
"Diluc dearest, you wound me. I'll have you know that I am a delight and it was my shining personality that won Y/N," he announces matter-of-factly.
You giggle into your cup as the two of them break into a small argument over Kaeya's character. It was nothing serious-- anyone with eyes could tell neither brother was taking the argument seriously. When their gaze turned to you, you pop an eyebrow up.
"Y/N, do tell Diluc just how lovely I am!" He begs, playing up the theatrics.
You swirl your mug a bit, watching the amber liquid slosh around.
"He's my snowdrop, Diluc. He's quite special to me, and you wouldn't know it but he secretly is a big sweetie and-"
Before you can finish, Kaeya's hand is slapped over your mouth. You and Diluc both look over at the man who is now stumbling over his words, cheeks turning dark. He was not prepared to be gifted a nickname so soon, especially in front of his brother.
"I-I think he gets the idea, Y/N," he coughs into his other hand, slowly letting the one covering your mouth drop.
Diluc flashes him a teasing smile.
"I think I do, snowdrop."

@seirenspinel & @xylerray Per your requests❤️
If you want me to do other characters, you can ask!
Requests are open~!