Gorou X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

—coming out—

request: hi hi, if it's not too much, can i ask a headcanon where nb!reader coming out to genshin characters (thoma, gorou, childe + anyone else) but they were worried that the characters won't accept them but they do? thanks a lot if you do write this! @elychee

character(s): thoma, gorou, childe

gn reader

tw/cw: none

Coming Out


when you came out to him, he was shocked to be honest, but not unnacepting

he’s amazing tbh, like, by some miracle he always, and I mean always gets your pronouns right

if you change your name, he will slip up with that now and then, but the pronouns are spot on

he won’t hesitate to tell someone to kindly fuck off if they decide to misgender you/deadname you on purpose

overall, very supportive and helpful with your identity!

“you’re non binary? that’s so cool! of course I will respect your identity, I will try my best to remember your new pronouns”

Coming Out


he is confused, but he’s got the spirit :)

tries very hard to remember your new pronouns and new name (if you go by a new name)

he will mess up quite a few times, because his mind is usually pretty much filled with his army and such

so sometimes he does forget, he will apologise profurisly to you if he does mess up, pls reassure him that it’s ok to mess up

next time he messes up, just give him a small reminder or wait until he stumbles over his words, whichever comes first

won’t hesitate to growl or glare at someone who misgenders/deadnames you on purpose

loves you sm <33

overall, best doggo

“non binary pronouns are somewhat new to me, so please give me time to adapt to using them! if I ever mess up, please don’t hesitate to correct me, I don’t want to cause you any discomfort, that’s the last thing I’d want for my partner”

Coming Out


supports you tenfold, somehow never messes up wether it be your pronouns or new name, like, how’s he so good???

tells a few people he’s close to (with ur permission ofc) that you use different pronouns/a new name, specifically zhongli

anyone is transphobic towards you? the next day, they’ve mysteriously ✨disappeared✨

tells his siblings and parents too ofc ofc, his younger siblings are a bit more prone to misgendering you, but that’s understandable

his family still loves you tho, they’re also all very supportive (even though some of them don’t rlly get they/them pronouns, they’re trying their best)

“I will always accept you no matter how you choose to identify, even if you identified as a ruin guard I’d still want to date you. I love you for your looks and personality, not your identity”

Tags :
2 years ago


request: for the request, im not sure if you're comfortable with this since i can't find your rules post, but can i ask a scenario with thoma, xiao and gorou where the reader is pretty touchy like their love language is physical touch but one day they stopped being as affectionate because they think that they're being a bother to the boys? @elychee

gn reader

character(s): thoma, xiao, gorou

genre: hurt/comfort

tw/cw: insecurities, ooc characters(?), lmk if there are more



thoma knows that your love language is physical touch, partially due to the fact you’ve been dating for a few months and he’s quite an observant man.

he’s also observed that lately, you haven’t been as touchy, and he misses when you hold him and give him kisses on his head. he decided to talk with you about it when he came back home from being a housewife his house keeping duties.

“( name )? I’m home” thoma greeted, shutting the door behind him as quietly as possible, thinking you had maybe fallen asleep already, it is quite late after all.

toeing his shoes off, he shuffles to your shared room, only to freeze hearing some sniffling from the other side. thoma debated wether or not to barge in, deciding to comfort you instead of leaving you to cry on the bed.

thoma opened the door, before walking towards you and embracing you into a warm hug. you placed your head into the crook of his neck, desperately grabbing onto the shirt to somewhat ground you.

thoma shushed you, rubbing circles against your back. “do you want to talk about it?” thoma whispered, loud enough for you to hear. the only thing he heard was a muffled “I don’t want to be clingy to you anymore, isn’t it bothering you?” you sniffled. thomas’ heart shattered, of course you’re not a bother! he enjoys receiving your affection, no matter how small or big. placing a small kiss onto your forehead, he murmured “no, no, of course you’re not a bother! I love you so much and whenever you cling to me, it actually helps me relax knowing that I have my partner with me no matter how tough things get.” looking up at him with teary eyes, trying to rub off the remaining tears, thoma helping.

“I’m going to tell master ayato that I’m taking the day off tomorrow, I’m sure he won’t mind.” you were about to protest, being cut off by thomas’ lips on yours for a small peck. “go to bed love, tomorrow we can just spend the day in together.” thoma explained, laying down and letting you lay on his chest.



xiao wasn’t really into pysical touch, especially in public. the slightest touch from you makes his face tinge a bright red. xiao will never admit this out loud, but he looks forward to you giving him cuddles and kissing his face.

however, that didn’t happen when he got back from his duties. at first he brushed it off as you being tired, but he eventually became suspicious that it wasn’t that, and something more.

mortals are confusing, so confusing to him. but you help him understand better, and so do other mortals that he talks with now and then. he decides it’s best to confront you about this.

xiao waited at the wangshu inn for you, as usual. when you met up with him, you noticed that he seemed a bit off. xiao sighed, motioning for you to sit across from him. “you haven’t been your usual self lately. usually when you see me, you would hug me or hold my hand or kiss my face all over, but you haven’t done that in a while. why is that?” he asked, eyes widening when you let out a sob, tears collecting at your eyes. xiao instantly placed you onto his lap, gently stroking your hair.

“aren’t I a bother to you? I’m so clingy all the damn time, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or be a burden.” you managed to sniffle out, refusing to place your hands onto him. xiao glared, not at you, but at himself. he should’ve tried to reciprocate at least once, but he was too unsure of what to do or how to do so.

“no, you’re not bothersome. I’m just not sure how mortals work, or how to properly love someone and show affection. I look forward to your hugs every day when I see you.” he mumbled out, his face flushed a slight pink.

you gripped onto his back slightly, giving his neck a small kiss. you couldn’t see it, but xiao had a small smile gracing his usually stoic face.



gorous’ love language is also physical touch, he’s got dog genetics and dogs can be very affectionate. he likes to de stress after work by coming home and just letting loose whilst you smother each other in affection.

he noticed how you would hesitate to reciprocate when he hugged you or gave you a small kiss. he confronts you about it instantly.

“honey, I’ve noticed you’ve become a bit less affectionate and touchy, is everything ok?” gorou whimpered, ears flat on his head and tail droopy. you shook your head in response, climbing onto his lap and letting out the water works.

gorou helped soothe you by rubbing your back and occasionally kissing your cheek. “I just feel like I’m a burden. I just keep on clinging onto you like my life depends on it.” you hiccuped.

gorou cood at you, happily exclaiming “I love your affection so much! it helps relax me and I enjoy cuddling with you and giving you kisses, I enjoy when you cling onto me like a koala too, it’s adorable!” you noticed how his ears had perked up and his tail was now thumping onto the couch, it looked like it was going to fly off if it went any faster.

you yawned, the break down making you tired and sleepy. gorou picked you up, walking to your shared bedroom and plopped you down, jumping in afterwards. gorou then embraced you from behind, pecking the back of your neck making you giggle slightly.

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2 years ago

—birthday kisses—

character(s): gorou

gn reader

genre: fluff

Birthday Kisses


you insisted that he stays off of work for the day, which he is very hesitant to do

but then you tell him that kokomi has it all covered and she agreed to let him take the day off

there weren’t any people other than the two of you, which was enough people

you two rarely see each other in the first place, mainly because of gorou being the head of the resistance

you two don’t do much, other than just get some nice food from the nearest restaurant and chill in your house

you also pamper him in kisses, because he deserves it :))

he gets all blushy when you suddenly cup his face and place kisses anywhere you can reach. you can also see his tail wagging and his ears twitching, which is adorable <33

when it’s close to night, you hear a knock on the door. what you didn’t expect was the one and oni arataki itto to be standing there, a somewhat large onikabitto(?) in his palm

without saying much, which is surprising for itto, he places the beetle into your hands and tells you that it’s a birthday gift for gorou

thanking him, you shut the door and walk back to gorou, telling him to close his eyes. after he does so, you place the beetle onto the table

gorou opens his eyes, widening them slightly at the sight of the beetle on the table right in front of him. he can instantly tell that it’s from itto

overall, it’s a pretty nice birthday for the precious, hard-working doggy general gorou :D

© all content (minus characters and pictures) belongs to @urcatbf, pls don’t palgiraze, re-post or claim as your own

Tags :
2 years ago





> coming out

summary: their partner comes out as non binary

> birthday kisses

summary: spoiling gorou on his birthday

> drunken acts

summary: how they act when drunk


> touchy

summary: their partner thinks they’re a burden

Tags :
1 year ago


character(s) — ayato, thoma, heizou, kazuha, itto, gorou

reader’s gender is not specified, nor is their race. I always try to make my fanfics as inclusive as possible

tw/cw — none ig, lemme know if there are any

note(s) — I made this as an autistic person, however this may not include like every trait of someone with autism if that makes sense. PLS DON’T USE THIS FANFIC TO SELF DIAGNOSE URSELF WITH AUTISM, it’s important to get professionally diagnosed due to overlapping symptoms



sadly he’s usually busy with being the head of the yashiro commission so he can’t spend as much time with u as he would like to

if u have certain comfort foods? he’s defo asking his maids to make the highest quality version of said food

you stim? he’s ok with that, it doesn’t bother him at all, as long as ur happy. if u want him to he will get you fidget toys

you have hyperfixations? tell him about them, he may not seem like he’s listening whilst he’s signing some documents from other clans, but he is listening to ever single thing ur saying, he’s a very observant guy

his sister loves u and is fully understanding of ur different behaviours, she actually thinks it makes you very unique. whenever ayato is not around due to his work, ayaka is always available for stuff you need too, she’s always happy to help her future sibling in law :))

thoma is also very supportive of you, all of your needs will be met as soon as you ask for them. he sees you as a good friend, so dw about being a burden, he loves u as a brother would

you struggle to make eye contact? that is a ok, ayato doesn’t mind, he knows that ur still listening to him, he refuses to force you to make eye contact with him if it makes you uncomfortable

don’t like large crowded areas? perfect! he doesn’t really like crowded areas himself due to all the attention that’s on him due to his high status, he knows the perfect places in inazume where there are no people

don’t like loud noises? that’s ok too, he will make sure to buy you noise cancelling headphones just in case you need them at any time

one time another clan group came over to his to deal business, and when they noticed you avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with ur hands, they made a snide comment on how you were acting weirdly

safe to say ayato refuses their deal, no one talks to his partner like that and gets away with it Scott free

don’t worry, he comforted you straight after they were gone from ur sights, he even made sure his day after was free so he could spend it with u <33



this malewife is just the absolute perfect boyfie to have that’ll be so accepting and understanding of ur autism

sometimes he will ask questions about certain things, u don’t have to answer them tho, he just wants to understand a bit further in depth so he can support you as best as he can

if u ever get overstimulated for whatever reason, he will grab tomaramura for u to cuddle with or just to be there for emotionel support (forgot how to spell the dogs name) (ignore this if ur allergic to dogs)

if u can’t make eye contact he won’t mind, he just wants u to be as comfy as possible around him

if u have comfort foods don’t worry at all, like this man’s got u covered, he’s the best chef tbh, man can cook. he doesn’t care if it’s simple or the most complicated thing to make, he will make it

u have hyperfixations? he loves to hear about them, u can swear he has love hearts in his eyes whenever you talk about what you love

in return, he will talk about the animals that he helps look after, even shows you some of the clothes he’s knitting them🥺

don’t like loud crowded areas? that’s fine, he doesn’t mind a nice walk on the beachside when it’s quiet and peaceful

if ur clingy he lives for that, like hug him all you want, he doesn’t mind. he’s cooking? u can hug him, he’s cleaning? hug him, he can multitask

if anyone ever makes fun of you or belittles u for being autistic, you swear that thoma becomes a different person alltogether, like- where’d ur man go?

dw after he’s done with them he will comfort you sm, cuddles, kisses n anything else u need, he’s on it <33



at first, he’s not the best with knowing what to do or how to support you, but throughout the relationship he gets way better at understanding you

if ur unable to understand sarcasm, don’t worry, he will let you know if he’s being sarcastic or not, if u want him to tell u that is

doesn’t mind if ur clingy, he lives for that shit. cling to him all u want, he just basks in it, he’s also quite clingy at times, so he appreciates it being reciprocated

if u don’t like loud crowded areas, he’ll try his best to take you places where it’s more quiet or less people are around. if he’s unable to do so, he will just drag you throughout the city until you find a nice quiet spot to relax

if u have certain comfort foods he will buy them when he can, he’s not the best cook, but he’ll try his best when he does cook

if u don’t like making eye contact he’s fine with that too, he can still talk to you and you can still talk to him so what’s the problem?

have hyperfixations? great, he does too. sometimes you guys just end up talking about ur hyperfixations and when u realise the time it’s already night time somehow

one time you were attacked by some samurai cause they thought you were an easy target, safe to say that heizou literally kicked their asses for you :))



when u tell him ur autistic, he just lightly smiles and says “I know love, the wind already told me”

he always knows whenever ur overstimulated, u don’t have to say/do anything, he has it covered

hate loud noises? if ur on the crux ship then kazuha will ask beidou if the crew and her could possibly keep it down a notch

hate crowded places? he has the perfect spots where only the wind resides, they’re always so calming as well

if u have comfort foods then he will make them or buy them when possible

don’t worry if u can’t make eye contact, he’s totally chill with it, doesn’t bother him at all

if ur clingy he’s fine with that too, you can cling to him as much as you would like and he won’t bat an eye

if u have hyperfixations he will just sit down and listen to them, he can listen to them for hours no matter what

one time a new crew member poked fun at you for your autism, safe to say that they were no longer a crew member the next day

even tho beidou is pretty boisterous and loud, she always tries her best to tone down her tone when speaking with you, she has a small soft spot for you and often buys you ur comfort foods when she has extra mora <33



this himbo oni loves you for who you are, like he doesn’t care you have autism, he still thinks ur the coolest person ever, however ur still numero dos, he’s numero uno

whenever ur feeling overstimulated he will get out ushi and let you cuddle with him, if not then he can just be there for emotional support

whenever he has his gang around he always asks them to tone it down just a notch if ur also there, he doesn’t like to be the cause of ur discomfort

clingy asf, like if ur clingy he’s like so happy, hugs for days, kisses for days, just fluffy shenanigans all day

whenever you start stimming he copies you, not in a mean way, he actually enjoys stimming with you, if you want him to of course, if not then he’ll just annoy kuki or sum

one time a member of the tenryo commission made fun of you... safe to say you and kuki had to bust him out of jail again

speaking of kuki she is like amazing with you, very supportive and is the one to go to when ittos not around and up to his shenanigans

have comfort foods? he will buy them when he can, can’t buy them often since he and the gang are sadly broke

talking about ur hyperfixations all day? talking about ur hyperfixations all day :) u and him will both take turns talking about ur current hyperfixations

he’s trying his best ok <33



best emotional support dog/hj

when ur feeling overstimulated u don’t have to say anything, he will sense ur overstimulated and cuddle you if you want, he will also let u play with his ears and tail if desired

won’t take for you being picked on by anyone that resides on watatsumi island, he wil give them a very stern talking to, and he’s a general so he can be quite strict when he needs to be

if ur clingy he is too, case solved. no but srs, he’s a dog boy, what did u expect? whenever u guys hug you can hear his tail wagging and thuming on whateverur sitting on

have comfort foods? not to worry, he’s on the case, he will cook for you, don’t test him, cause he will no matter what!

doesn’t mind if u can’t make eye contact, sometimes even he struggles to make eye contact, and he’s a general!

sadly because of his job as a general of an army oftentimes he’s unable to really see you or spend lots of time with you, so when he does have time off you guys make the most of it by spending as much time together as possible

in short, he’s an amazing boyfie who won’t hesitate to receive and give affection when possible <33


Tags :
3 years ago

Hello, about the kinktober can you do humiliation + kazuha, please?

of course lovely! <3

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2 years ago

《Forbidden game》

[Genshin Gorou, R18]

Pairing: Femboy!Gorou x Fem!reader

Note: Image(s) is not mine and credit goes to its original owner.

Forbidden Game

Summary: You and Gorou have discovered a kind of 'forbidden game'. A game where he dresses up like a girl. And gets pampered.

"Y/n...you've really acquired some weird taste while you were away."

"Ah, won't you please, Gorou?"


"Just a little bit would be enough."

"I promise. This is the last time."


"How...do I look...?"


"You're an absolute angel~ ♡ I can't believe such a cute person exists on Watasumi Island~ "

"Haaaaah~ I just wanna eat you up~ ♡ Oh, just what should I do? ♡"

"You're so cute that there's no way I can keep my sanity~"

"How can you be soooo adorable?! ♡♡"

"So, Gorou, please ♡"

"Can we do......that today as well...?"

*Gorou pouts*

"That's not fair."

"You know I can never say no to you, Y/n..."

*You kiss him from his back*


"Huu...♡ Mnnnnh......♡"


*You maneuver your hand to his cock*

"Hehe, just a little kissy made your cock get so big in your girl undies."


*Your finger rub his tip in a circular motion*


"Gorou is really such a bad child..."

"Super supper cuuuuute Gorou's cock. ♡"

"I'll use my mouth to give your tip some more strokey strokies. ♡"

*You gobble up his cock in an instant*



"Aah~ Aah~ Aah~"

"Hehe, Gorou, even your voice is becoming like a girl's."


"Your agonised expression is really sexy...so cute...♡"


"It's okay. Go pssh pssh and shoot your girly milk deep inside my throat. ♡"

"Iyaah~ Aah"



"I'm about to shoot...I'm about to shoot!"


"Mnnnnh~~ Uuuu~ Mnnnnnnnnn~~"

As Gorou cummed inside your mouth, he recalled the previous small happenings.

After you saw how he looked in a girl's uniform for the first time, the colour of your eyes literally changed. That day, he was milked until he lost consciousness.

From that day on, you begged him repeatedly everyday to wear all types of clothing and make love with you. Wearing matching cute, Inazuma-styled evening gowns. Sometimes he was doted on until his brain was about to melt into jelly.

"Iyaah...Aah. That place is...really dirty......Aahn......♡"

"Don't put your tongue in...♡"

He trembled in pleasure, suddenly remembering the moment when he sticked his butt out for you to play with. Sometimes you would mercilessly attack him without stopping, until his body was about to turn into malleable clay.

"Today you have to shoot cum to your heart's content like the girl you are. ♡"

"Let's rub against your little pee pee hole as well. ♡"

"Won't you let me hear more of your cute and sexy sounds? ♡"


"Hehe, so obedient. Such a good child."

"Bad child. Gorou's such a bad child."

"So much fluid spilling out. Gorou you pervert. ♡"

"Gorou masturbating like a girl. ♡ It's really cute."

"Gorou ♡ Gorou ♡ I love it. ♡"

"Y/n~ Y/n~ Faster...Faster please..."

"I'm begging you..."

"Here, Gorou, can you feel it? ♡"

"The entrance to my womb is playing kissy kissy with Gorou's cute cock. ♡"

"It seems like it's begging Gorou to quickly go pssh pssh and shoot lots and lots of cum out. ♡"

As these days passed...his conversations with you have become more and more erotic. Both of you demonstrating your increasing love for each other in bed. He smiled as he looked forward to his future with you.

Tags :
2 years ago


;feat. xiao, ayato, thoma, + gorou / afab!reader

;contents. insecurities, wet&messy, good bf content, hurt/comfort if u squint <3, specific warnings on individual parts

。˚ a/n. contrived from this abomination and also for @vyndior <3

✣ all characters presumed to be 18+

୨୧ minors do not interact. reblogs/comments appreciated!

requests are open!



cw: punishment, prone bone position hehe, wet&messy, squirting, mean!xiao

xiao is finicky + everyone knows that + sometimes it feels like you’re one step away from setting him off + but he also doesn’t really know much about humans + so you always are careful with him, not wanting to anger him or confuse him + you’re especially unsure how he’ll react if you squirted ): + will he think u peed on him??? u don’t think u could handle that embarrassment + what if he hates the mess???? you’d feel so bad !!!! + so you resolve yourself to faking it + and thankfully he’s none the wiser + for a while at least….

“Why did you lie to me?” he asks, hand roughly tangled in your hair, using the grip to press your face against the mattress, “did you think I wouldn’t notice? Did you think I was an idiot?”

“N-No!” you squeal, voice breaking when he meanly snaps his hips forward, thick head of his cock prodding against the gummy spot near your cervix, “I-It’s not that, Xiao!”

“Then what is it? Hm?” he hisses, “Let me hear your excuses.”

“Xiao!” you sob, legs kicking up from underneath him, where you sits to pin you down against the bed, “W-Wait! I-“

“I’m waiting,” he snaps, dragging his hips back before rolling them forward, once again sheathing his length deep within your gushing cunt, “Tell me.”

“I-I’ll make a mess!” your voice is embarrassingly pitchy the closer you get to your high.

“And?” he grunts, hips never even hesitating, “You always make a fucking mess, human. You are right now.”

You feel your cheeks burn hot in embarrassment at his words. But you know he’s not lying. You can hear the slick sounds of your own cunt being fucked and can feel the way you’re dripping all over yourself and him.

You do your best to lift your hips, grinding back against his thrusts. Your eyes roll back in your head and you cry out his name as the pleasure grows and grows.

“I-I’m close!” you squeal, mindlessly reaching back to press against his hips as if that’ll stop his mind-numbing movements, “Xiao! Please!”

“Move your hand,” he snaps, grabbing your wrist in his hand only to use it for leverage to fuck you even harder, “Take it and show me how you make a mess.”

His words ignite something in you and before you know it, you’re cumming all over him. He doesn’t stop or pause, instead he speeds up his pace. You’re squealing and crying out as your high peaks.

You wail, drool slipping down your chin, helpless to do anything as he fucks you through your orgasm. It crests and intensifies until you’re gushing all over him. You hear him curse before his own body slumps over yours, trembling and wrapping himself around you from his own orgasm.

“Don’t lie to me again, human,” he whispers, slowly rutting his hips again, “I will find out.”



cw: clit play, “lord”!ayato, shy!reader

you’ve always cum so hard + even the simplest of touches on your clit are enough to send you into body-shaking, twitching orgasms + and it’s almost embarrassing + you worry about how your body reacts, the sounds you make, the faces you make + and you worry about what ayato will think + maybe he’ll think you’re faking it or he’ll just think it’s ridiculous that u get so dumb over nothing ): + so you’re always tense and anxious + but ayato is more than determined to get you to relax with him <3

Keep reading

Tags :
2 years ago



Featuring: Xiao, Albedo, Gorou, Aether, Scaramouche, Kazuha x GN!Reader (separate)

Content Warning: none, v fluffy

How is physical affection with them?

Authors Note: I realize that this is similar to my other post, “Softly”, think of this as an “add on” but with more characters.


Xiao’s a bit reluctant, seeing himself as a weapon, simple touches are foreign to him. But when you cup his cheeks, or press your lips to his forehead, or even rub your thumb against his bloodstained knuckles- it is hard to resist, especially yours.

So he reaches out, careful to not accidentally scare you or worse- hurt you. He lets himself rest against your body, hiding his face in your neck. He finds himself longing for your kisses, silently asking you by pressing his own against your lips. He found that his hands hold more than just the blood of his enemies, but your heart as well. He now understands why mortals- lovers- cannot get enough of each other.


Albedo had been stuck in thought, only one occupying his mind. He had wondered why he only thought of you: your hands holding onto his when excited, or when you lean your head against his shoulder when you feel tiredness. Not only that, but why he had a sudden craving for it.

It started with subtle touches: fingers tracing the features of your face, his own hands guiding yours when helping him with experiments, small forehead kisses when greeting you. However, he felt as if it wasn’t enough. It was only when you were around that he felt his thoughts calm, when he was able to hold you, keeping him grounded.


General Gorou felt appreciated when you didn’t ask about touching his ears and tail, only giving glances every once in a while. Though it soon turned into worry; did you not like those features about him, or did you know about his apprehensiveness due to his past encounters with nosy soldiers?

Those worries went away very soon after when you did start asking, not just to pet them but how it felt to have them. It made him happy that you had a genuine curiosity towards it, giving you full permission to touch them when in private with him. Even then, he felt the need to sometimes shove his face into yours, needing to have your fingers brush out the knots accumulated in his fur, or so he said.


Aether was happy that you were just as touchy as he was. He was happy that you let him hold your hand when walking, giving you light kisses on your cheeks when he said his ‘good mornings’ and ‘good nights’, hold you tight against him when he felt as if the whole world was against him.

He found you to be his anchor, his rock, the one person whom he felt comfortable enough to let them hold him the same way he would a lover. The way you hold him to you, letting your fingers weave through his hair and whispering quietly to him, it almost was surreal. He would hide his overwhelming joy in your neck, placing small kisses there as well.


Scaramouche, the man who shed tears in his sleep, was only comforted by the one he called his true love. A private man he was, only showing an ounce of attention towards you out of public eye, but would make it obvious to anyone else if need be.

Thumbs drying his tears, bringing his ear to the only other heart he needed, he would hold on to his lover like his life depended on it. He would sometimes question your willingness to be with him, but when you kissed his forehead and didn’t bring up his sleepless tears, he understood that there would be no one else like you. He vowed only to protect you from the cruelty of the world.


Kazuha’s touches were as light as his words, they would hold just as much meaning. His haikus and poems would depict the most beautiful of sceneries, however, his lips against your face and his hands holding your own would leave you wondering if they were actually about you.

Drunken nights were a rarity, a light buzz would leave you both to ignore the outside world while you bask in each other’s presence. His head would be placed under yours while his fingers traced random patterns against your soft skin. You, on the other hand, would be fixated on his hair, as soft as his words. Delicate whispers of love surround the space you both share.


Tags :
2 years ago

Little Something

Little Something

Featuring: Kazuha, Albedo, Gorou x GN!Reader (separate)

Content Warning: NSFW

You decided to put something on for them, how much do they enjoy it?



It was a see-through white set, accompanied with a flowy white robe. Small red bows littered the light outfit you had, you thought that Kazuha would definitely love it.

He wouldn’t be too surprised or your actions, he sensed the anticipation you felt the whole day while sailing back to Liyue for a few days. Either way, it would always leave him speechless and how lovely you looked.

He’ll tell you that words cannot describe how he feels, he’ll close the distance and start showing you instead, giving light kisses on your neck.

Kazuha will insist on you wearing his outfit while fucking, giving you the small impression of possessiveness coming from him, it seemed to drive him insane.

Having you ride him will give him the best view, even if nothing sexual comes out of it, he loves just having you on his lap while tracing small patterns on your skin.

He’ll have his head at your neck, marking whatever space he was able to reach. If not, it’ll be your chest.


A pretty cream coloured set with golden accents in the form of sewed on flowers, garters wrapped around your thighs attached to thigh-high stockings.

Will not be able to concentrate for a moment, and then will immediately take out his notebook and have you place yourself on the bed.

Some sketches will be innocent enough; laying on your side, on your knees while leaning forward. But there will be times where he’ll have you touch yourself while he quickly sketches your reactions.

I feel as if mutual masturbation will take place sometimes, he’ll have one hand sketching while using the other on himself.

Albedo will make you feel good, such a nice surprise shouldn’t go to waste, afterall.

His hands would toy with you before he could get any pleasure, his way of thanking you. He especially would love to keep the garments on but pushed away from your chest and private areas.


A teal coloured set with a pretty black lace choker, the top being see-through with the bottom having an opening. You had a thick black robe to hide yourself with.

When he sees you in that set, or any that you have, he’ll feel a sense of pride. You, someone that he dearly loves and cherished, trusting him enough to show yourself like this to him? Instant appreciation.

Showers you in compliments, he will stutter at the beginning though. He won’t be able to keep his hands off of you too.

Will spend so much time between your legs, just pleasuring you while touching the lace outfit. Loves it too much for you to take it off so he’ll have you keep it on the whole time.

He may remove the top though, he just loves sucking on your nipples. Nothing too hard, but he will leave little marks around them and gently bite at it.

He’ll be a lot more vocal, just lots of moans and compliments thrown out about how you make him feel good and how pretty you look.

If you compliment back he’ll go insane, rutting into you faster than before.


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2 years ago

I love your cat reader and Gorou fic!! It's so cute and fun and the with mentioning heats it got my mind spinning

Like imagine being in heat and having Gorou gently groom/coddle you to help distract you from the pain and get the attention you craved 🥺 I just think it'd be super cute

a/n: Anon you made me go research about cat heat symptoms and effects- hnnngggshhdj honestly such a cute idea!!! I love it so here's a brainrot. Although I did research about heats, im changing it a bit for the fic to work. please don't use this as a basis for what your cats are good through.

notes: istg it's a SFW brainrot, heats, Kätzlein Reader (Diona's cat bloodline), mutual pining!! sleep deprived work

masterlist | based on this drabble and this brainrot

Heats & Distractions (Cat!Reader x Gorou) SFW

Being a part of the Kätzlein clan had its difficulties; from controlling your natural instincts in front of your human comrades to dealing with your addiction to catnip, you handled them all through life long practice and discipline.

There are times when you have to keep your impulses in check though. Things like pouncing on birds and taking random naps were easily controlled — but other things, like reminding yourself that the ingrained feeling of danger around your general was just your cat side talking, was a bit more difficult to deal with.

Another issue was your heat. As the season of spring blossoms around Inazuma, your body begins to heat up in discomfort. It started as a numb ache in your lower stomach. The ache wasn't exactly painful, but it was bothersome enough to distract you from focusing on your tasks.

You keep dropping things and stumbling, mind hazy from heat and feeling constantly distracted. Kazuha's worried about you; He has an arm around your shoulder, taking your things instead and asking if you're feeling alright.

You reassure him that you're fine, just tired. You're a little shy about admitting that it's your heat. He encourages you to take a break in the medical quarters and before you could register where he's leading you, you're already on the way.

You don't want to go to the medical, though. They don't exactly have anything that could help you and revealing your... situation to any of the nurses and soldiers would only warrant teasing and jokes from the immature ones.

It was Gorou who stops you and Kazuha. He's standing in front of you two, eyeing you up and down. Kazuha explains the situation that you weren't feeling well and you, again, say you're fine.

Gorou sighs and brushes a hand through his hair, before taking you by the wrist away from the medical. "They're fine, Kazuha,"

Kazuha confusingly protests at his friend, but Gorou quickly turns to whisper to him.

"It's... a hybrid thing. It's spring." Gorou says and Kazuha, with realization dawning on his face, nods and lets you go with the general.

You're both alone now, in a corner by the training area when he stops to look at you again.

"Why are you out? Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I really am fine! I'm not sick. Kazuha's overreacting-"

"You do know I could smell your heat from a mile away?"

You freeze, mouth agape as you stare, blush rising to your face. He knew? Your long time crush since you arrived in the resistance knew? You didn't think it would be that obvious to another hybrid of a different species but it was slightly embarrassing.

"I thought I could ignore it!" You groan, admitting your situation, "It doesn't hurt much but I- just so-" You mutter off, dizzy.

Gorou sighs, "Let's get you to your barracks. As your general, I'm putting you on bed rest for the next few days. Or whatever long this takes."

You blush, following along as he guides you to your personal quarters.

Most days, you really were fine! Taking walks around the area and helping patrol, other days, you were a whining mess, purring and pawing at your bedsheets in discomfort. Had you been back in Mondstadt, perhaps you could've found ways to alleviate the symptoms from your clan, but here you were a thousand miles away fighting a dictatorship.

What you didn't expect was for the general to visit your quarters every so often. The first time he entered with a plate of salmon from the kitchen, your ears and tail perked up in excitement.

Forget the fact that your natural mortal enemy slash crush was in your room — he brought you salmon! He would sit by your bed, chatting about what was going on in the army. To you, it sounded like he was a soldier giving his daily reports, which you found funny considering he was the general.

It was when you realized how helpful it was as a distraction from the numbing ache did you learn to fully appreciate his presence.

Of course, heats don't usually go so smoothly. It was a particularly bad night when you crumpled yourself in bed, arms wrapping around your waist as the ache was starting dull your senses. You needed to feel something, anything to ground yourself back from your dizzy state.

Gorou walked in that night with a can of tuna. Something that was promptly ignored and left on your bedside as he rushed over to you. His hands gently on your shoulder.

"Hey hey, I'm here. You okay?" He worriedly thinks back to his own heats. He usually goes through them just fine, with the war being a good distraction, but he isn't sure how much dog heats and cat heats resemble in terms of treatment. He wasn't quite sure what to do for you.

"G-gorou!" You quietly sob, "I hate this! I- I need something- stimuli-!" Your hand reaches out to grip on his top. He sits on your bed, brushing away the strands of hair from your face.

"It's okay, you're okay," He reassures you, patting your head.

Your grip on his loosened as he brushes against your ears. A silence settles itself between you. He rubs both your ears gently, warm and calloused hands softly massaging the sensitive muscles. You sigh in relief, unconsciously snuggling up to his abdomen.

"Lay down with me," You mumble after a while of his massage. You were in a daze now, an almost drunken state of exhaustion from dealing with your heat. Gorou looks at you hesitantly before laying down next to you.

Your long tail finds its way on his stomach. He figures you wanted him to pet it as he carefully brushes through the fur.

"Don't you go through this too?" You ask, attempting to start a casual conversation. Your eyes were closed as you cuddle up to his side.

"Yeah but it's already over," He tells you, turning his head to look at you. Both your faces closer than necessary.

"I guess you don't have it as bad?" You giggle and he notices how much he likes the sound of your laugh.

"Not exactly. I mean, Kazuha and her excellency would help distract me whenever it gets too bad. But I guess you can say I know how you feel."

Suddenly, you groan and look up the ceiling, "This wouldn't be a problem at all if we had mates!"

"W-what!" Gorou sits up, face turning red.

"What? Why so blushy, general? I mean, wouldn't it be easier to go through heats with a lover-" You laugh, sitting up as well, "Unless... you were thinking that I wanted us to be mates-"

"No! Of course not," His ears twitch frantically, hands dropping your tail, "I m-mean, we're friends! And you're part cat, I'm part dog, don't you think that's kind of... I don't know, weird?"

He doesn't notice the way your smile drops from your face. You gaze away from him, voice turning low into a whisper.

"... Is it really that weird?" You mumble and he's looking back at you as you look anywhere but back at him, "For a cat and dog to be together?"

Gorou tilts his head confusingly. He gets a feeling that something has shifted in the air, like he said something wrong but he isn't quite sure what. "Wouldn't it be? They're complete opposites in terms of their nature." He says.

Your eyes linger on him before you break out into a small laugh, "I guess it does sound weird! Besides, as you've said-" You flop back down your bed, "We're just friends."

"Ah- yeah..." Gorou isn't sure how the situation turned awkward. He's unsure whether he should lay back down on your bed either.

"Thanks for comforting me with my heat, but you should really go now," You say, picking up the forgotten can of tuna next to your bed.

Gorou quietly leaves your quarters that night. When he walks back to his barracks, eyes on the wide night sky, he thinks back to your form snuggling to him.

He thinks of your face that was unnecessarily close to for friends; of your shared whispers that were too intimate between a general and his soldier.

Gorou doesn't understand cats. He doesn't understand why his heart feels heavier than usual either.

note: I didn't mean for this to be angst but here we are. fun fact! but the heat scene was actually inspired by something that happened during my period. I get really bad cramps, one time I was puking and heaving terribly, i couldnt even lie down properly without sobbing in pain. my ex stayed by me that time and grounded me whenever i get dizzy.

Tags :
2 years ago

💭 ; lay me in the snow (where my words won't reach you)

synopsis: say it once, say it twice, it overflowed. but we're no longer wasting our last chances. (in other words, unexpected but not exactly unwelcome. that's how they'd describe their confession)

!! : masterlist.

 ; Lay Me In The Snow (where My Words Won't Reach You)

word count: 3,214

pairings: ayato, gorou, kazuha, x gn!reader (separate)

category: fluff, modern/high school au, scenarios

warnings: food/drink (coffee) mention, let me know if there's anything else

notes: this is just my excuse for wanting to write out some cute accidental confession scenes after denying people of the "i love you"s in "bury my heart out of sight" lol -- reblogs are greatly appreciated!!

 ; Lay Me In The Snow (where My Words Won't Reach You)


“ah, so this is where you ran off to.” you sigh, dim lighting filtering through the doorway as ayato looks at your position on the floor with a smile “nice place you’ve got.” he chuckles, closing the door slightly behind him and taking a seat next to you. a sweet silence passes between you, muffled music from the gym and the cheering voices of students echoing through the hallway. you turn your head to gaze at him, resting a hand on your knee with your head leaning against the wall, a tired gaze looking at his peacefully closed eyes and relaxed expression.  

“why’d you come looking for me?” ayato opens an eye, looking at you from the corner of it with a twitch of his lips.  

“it’s my duty as a part of the student council that everyone is enjoying themselves at these types of events. even if it’s just a little bit.” a stifled laugh turns into a cough as you give him a lazy smirk, amused by his words.  

“does that duty not stretch to you yourself? last time i checked, you were voted the king of the dance this year. it’s strange for you to not be interacting with your loving fans. plus,” you shrug “even if that wasn’t in your best interest, you'd at least be discussing the benefits of this event with the rest of the council.” finally turning to face you more, ayato ran a hand through his hair with a sigh.  

“what if i told you that this right here,” he waved a hand between the two of you “was my idea of having a good time?”  

“then i’d say you’re crazy for thinking that hiding out in the janitor’s closet with someone who nearly had a bowl of punch thrown at their face is fun.” it’s faint but you can hear the chuckle that makes its way out of his throat and how his shoulders shake with sound.  

“even if the person i was hiding with is my best friend?”  

“especially if that person is your best friend.” you smile, shifting in your spot to try and get as comfortable as you could in formal wear “god i hate wearing stuff like this. can’t even sit properly in it.” you mutter, a playful glare making its way onto your face when he chuckles again at your misfortune.  

“well i for one, think you look great.” you chuckle weakly, closing your eyes with a sigh and resting your head on the wall again.  

“i highly doubt i look as great as you’re saying right now.” you hear a faint scoff come from him.  

“nonsense. you look stunning as always.” he shifts, wanting to reach beside him and place his hand over yours but instead runs it through his hair. a beat of silence passes as he stares at your form “it’s funny, i see you every day yet i’ve never wanted to kiss you more than right now.” he blurts out, voice hushed as he takes a small moment to realise the things he’s said while being unaware of the heat that crawled up your neck. ayato casts a wary eye as he clears his throat. 

“my apologies, (y/n). my outburst was uncalled for and i’m sorry if anything i said made you uncomfortable. i understand if this changes things between us and i would love to still be friend-” the rest of his words are snuffed out when you pull him in by the collar of his shirt, lips pressed against his and eyes closed. hesitantly, he rests a hand on the back of your neck, thumb drawing circles on your jaw as he melts into the contact. his breath fans across your cheek as he devours the dizzying feeling. you both pull apart, small pants and huffs filling the lack of sound in the closet. you watch with a slight amount of satisfaction as a red hue spreads from ear to ear across his face and the wide adoring eyes that look back with shock.  

“in all fairness” you rub the back of your neck, muttering inaudible words while trying to stifle a grin “i’ve been wanting to do that for a long time now, too.” you manage to whisper out, resting your forehead against his shoulder. a warmth covers your hands as you still grip his collar and raising your eyes you see a warm smile sent your way.  

“if you had told me this morning that i would end up making out with my longtime crush, and best friend since diapers, in a closet, i never would have believed you.” using the wall to brace himself, he gently takes your hands in his own and off of his button-up “now what do you say, would you like to get out of here?”  

“aw, is this where prince charming whisks me away to a whole new world?” you tease, grasping his hand and letting him bring you to your feet. ayato can only let out a soft snort and grin back.  

“if anything, you’re the real saviour here. my ticket to leaving this event. or in other words,” he leans part of his body weight against you “my precious knight in shining armour.” you lightly shove him off you, as he chuckles to himself. 

he pulls you down the dim and empty hallway of the school, the dance forgotten, and dull music covered by laughter as he presses a kiss to your cheek and opens the door for you, cool night air hitting your skin before he takes your hand in his again.  

“i love you.” softly said with such truth and sealed with a squeeze of his hand.


“the usual today, gorou?” he nods, handing you the correct change. blue eyes watch as you smile and move to make his drink, tracking your movements as you appear to glide behind the counter. he should have gone to kokomi for more advice because he’s not ready to do this, nope, not at all. maybe tomorrow? but that’s what he said last week and look where he is right now, the next week with nothing said. 

“here’s your order!” he blinks, shaking himself from his inner thoughts and grabbing the drink from you with a small but tense smile. 

“thanks.” he cringes at the small crack in his voice as a faint blush creeps up his neck. taking a sip, he can’t help but sigh at the taste “i should.. probably move now and stop blocking other people shouldn’t i..” his voice grows quieter with the realisation as he lets out a weak chuckle to go along with it.

“mhm it’s fine. today is quiet so far so it shouldn’t matter too much.” your tap your chin “why don’t you take a seat? i get my break at about ten to fifteen anyway so my co-worker can take my place for a bit.” he grins, nodding and moving to take a seat at an empty table in a corner area of the store. 

for the next fifteen-ish minutes, he watches you serve the next couple of customers that trickle in with a smile. having finished his drink a couple minutes ago, he fiddles with the paper cup, taking off the cup holder before noticing something written in black ink on the side. turning it over, he traces a finger over the smiley face you’d drawn and flushes at the writing. 

this coffee might be hot, 

but you’re definitely hotter ;D 

“hey!” he looks up as you sit across from him “sorry about the wait.” you place your elbow on the table with your hand holding up your head “so, any updates with your life? i’ve been caught up with studying so i’m a bit out of the loop.” gorou doesn’t say anything at first but you catch him looking at what you wrote when making his coffee. 

“oh,” you chuckle “i got inspired from the time when you came up to the counter here. it was your second time here and the line you left on the napkin really had me laughing so i thought i’d offer one in return.” you rub the back of your neck with a sheepish smile “hope you don’t mind.” he shakes his head.

“n-no! i, uh, found it quite funny.” he pauses before continuing “there’s been quite a bit going on school wise these days. kokomi has been busy with helping out the treasurer with school funds lately, so she’s left preparing things for the school dance to me and a couple others on the council.” he sighs “though i’ve been kinda lost myself since well, there’s actually someone i want to ask but haven’t really gotten a clue how.” 

“y’know, i had completely forgotten about there ever being a school dance coming up.” leaning back more in your seat, you study his character a little bit “but honestly, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about really. you’re a great guy, gorou. the biggest bit of advice i’d say is to do something memorable when it comes to asking the person to go with you. you want a lasting impact that will have them looking back on the time and smiling later on.” nodding furiously, gorou takes in every word you say, listening intently so he doesn’t mess up his confession. you chat for a little longer, exchanging words about assignments from shared classes, ideas to help him with planning the actual dance itself, and whatnot. 

“and- oh, crap i have to get back to work.” you stand up from your seat with an apologetic smile “i’ll see you at school then? oh, and remember what i said, im rooting for you gorou.” in his mind he facepalms at his inability to actually talk to you, though waves back as you run off back behind the counter. 


“i just can’t do it, kokomi.” gorou says in a muffled whine “everytime i try to talk to them i just clam up and can barely seem to get a word in.” he heard kokomi chuckle, turning his head so cheek was squashed on the table.

“you said that the main reason you two started talking was because of a pick up line you wrote on a napkin, right?” he flushes but nods “why don’t you take a similar approach again?” 

“that… is actually a really good idea.” he perks up with a shining in his eyes “that way, i won’t have to actually say anything. or well, i’ll probably have to explain myself and all but-” 

kokomi sits back in her seat, satisfied as gorou starts making plans for what he wants the poster to say and when he would do it. since he often goes to the coffee shop at a regular time and it’s usually when there’s the least amount of people, he could just walk in then. excitement ran through him as he smiled at the thought of being able to proudly say he was officially going to the dance with you. 

“gorou! didn’t expect you to come in today.” your chipper voice had him smiling “the normal order again?” he patiently waits to the side, still stuck in a slight dream-like state, and observes the people in the shop. 

“one medium latte with a double shot of espresso for gorou!” you smile at him, he seemed to be in such a good mood today so you couldn’t help but ask. 

“oh! well i…” his voice trailed off as he stared into your eyes, zoning out a bit as he thought of what to say “i…” 

“gorou? you good-”

“willyougototheschooldanceme?” he blurts out. a line of emotions flick on your face, your brain going from processing to shock to being flustered in a matter of seconds. gorou looks just as shocked as you are. this wasn’t the plan! 

“i’m so sorry that wasn’t how i wanted to- oh archons kokomi is never going to let me hear the end of this.” he groans, face red and hot as he covers his face with a hand and stiffening when he hears you chuckle. 

“you uh, may want to read what i wrote on your cup.” you say sheepishly, heat crawling up you neck and burning the tips of your ears. he slides the holder off the cup slowly, turning the cup around to stare at the text written on it. 

i like you a latte! 

so will you bean mine at the dance? 

“i guess we’re both kind of a mess when it comes to these things.” you nod along with his words. he starts to laugh and soon enough you join in. 

“so, do you accept mine?” he smiles. 

“of course.”


soft chuckles can be heard through the library as the librarian sighs and sends a shush your way. looking over his shoulder at the page, you can’t help but choke up on laughter as kazuha recites the lines of poetry with a straight face. well, tried too at least. even as an admirer of poetry himself, romantic stanzas and free verses’ chalk full of metaphors about hearts fluttering like butterflies always sent chuckles vibrating down his spine. though he couldn’t deny how warm reading these out loud made him feel, imagining your wistful smile as he tells you his latest idea of love.  

“that last poem reminds me of a book i’ve read before.” you muse, head slightly tilted as you relaxed against the bookshelf. he sits back down next to you with his lip curled into a grin.  

“oh really? what was it about?” you scratch the back of your neck, thinking for a moment.  

“it was a classic teen romance novel. new kid in the school meets the main love interest, main love interest falls head over heels for the new kid.” you shift to face him better “the new kid plays hard to get but falls just as hard. the book would’ve been alright except for the fact that they kept dancing around the truth too much to the point where it didn’t feel as satisfying when they did get together in the end.” you shrug, a lopsided grin appearing on your face “wasn’t my favourite read but definitely wasn’t the worst.”  

“what’s the title? i’d like to give it a try and see what all this fuss is about.” he says, laughing at how you blink thoughtlessly before shaking your head.  

“i can’t remember it, sorry. it’s been so long since i’ve read it and besides, it really isn’t worth a whole reading session to get through.” kazuha cocks his head to the side, a curious glint in his eyes as he wants to get you to talk more about this topic of dancing around the truth.  

“can you give me a little more insight then? a summary of sorts or maybe a list of reasons why you dislike it so much.” you groan playfully, feeling him shove you back lightly with a laugh “oh, c’mon. a book can’t be that bad.” 

“it wasn’t. the writing style was quite nice and the plot was interesting enough, but the romantic parts fell flat.” you close your eyes, leaning against his shoulder a bit “there wasn’t the right tension written out for certain scenes like where the main love interest goes to hold the protagonist’s hand and isn’t nervous about it. like how is the person so confident that the protagonist likes them back and isn’t nervous about making a move like that when they’ve only known about each other’s existence for two weeks!” you exclaim, throwing your hands up to prove a point before sighing.  

“then again, the main reason i may not like it may be due to the fact that i probably won’t get to live out a high school romance that’s in those books.” you huff, an exasperated laugh making its way past your lips.  

“what makes you say that?” kazuha watches your expression turn sour, lips pursed and brow furrowing slightly. his fingers twitch, wanting to cup your face and smother away that look to see you laugh and smile again. 

“you really do remind me of this one character from that book.” you snort, fiddling with your fingers “but really, trying to find a proper romance in high school seems so messy. not to mention if you break up with them, you’ll have to see them throughout the halls till you both graduate.”  

“yeah, i guess that makes sense.” he shrugs, trying not to seem so down about it. sitting up more, you tilt your head at him, a look of concern crossing your eyes.  

“did i say something wrong? your tone is off.” you point out. a race of nervousness runs through his bones as he coughs and smiles.  

“no! i mean, no. everything is fine. don’t worry about it.” the sceptical look on your face says it all before you lunge at him, rolling you both onto the floor with you on top of him “hey-” before he can even ask, he breaks out in laughter as you begin to tickle his side.  

“h-hey, wait!” he struggles to regain his bearings when you stop, face flushed as he stares up at you. “what- what was that for?” you smile. 

“i don’t want to force you to tell me anything that’s going on, but frowning doesn’t suit you.” you chuckle. kazuha can’t help the small pout on his lips as he sits up onto his arms, looking at the light from the window hitting your eyes.  

“i love you so much.” he mumbled, shoulders shaking in both laughter and slight heartbreak, knowing that what you said earlier was right “god, i wish i could kiss you.” he stills as your smile grows bigger. he hadn’t noticed the way your laughing had seized earlier or the hitch of your breath when he said those words.  

“say that again.” he gulps, heat creeping up his neck and ears turning pick as you move closer. 

“i wish i could kiss yo-” he eyes widen as you connect your lips with his, hand on his chin and nose nearly touching, before sinking into the feeling. pulling apart with a small gasp, he raises a hand to hover over his lips as a smile forms on his face. he can’t help but giggle at your flustered expression and you soon find yourself joining in again.  

“how’s that for the start of a high school romance?” he says through the chuckles. his breath catches in his throat as you clutch his tie in your hand with a smirk.  

“so far? great. but” you lean in a bit more again, eyes trailing over his face, “i’ll need to check again just to make sure.” 

“you said i reminded you of a character from that book.” he whispered, smiling back “care to tell me which one?” 

“oh, you’re definitely the new kid from that story.” you pull him to you by his tie “because i’ve been wanting this ever since we first started hanging out.” your breath fans across his cheek and nose as he closes the distance and presses his lips against yours, losing himself in the warmth again and how you kissed back with the same passion.

Tags :
2 years ago

pussyjob with gorou only it's ur clit on his knot

Pussyjob With Gorou Only It's Ur Clit On His Knot

being wrapped in gorou's arms was the most comfortable, safest place you could be. he smelled sweet and he was so warm and loving, giving you the loveliest kisses and squeezing you tightly in a hug from time to time just to remind you that he was there.

what you loved even more was when you were both completely bare while you were in his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist with one strong hand splayed over your back, gently caressing your spine in encouragement.

having his reassuring touches on your body urged you to quicken the pace against him; his cock flat on his belly with your perfect cunt spread open on him, leaving sticky slick behind as you rubbed against his length.

there was an indiscernible swell at the base of him that you couldn't resist humping your hard little clit against. the action had gorou keening immediately, eyes rolling back as he nails bit into your skin in response.

"c-careful, baby," he whimpers, his back arching just slightly when you continue rocking against the hard swell of his knot, "i-it's sensitive..."

you lean back, bracing your weight against his strong thighs, giving him the complete and perfect view of your pretty body. your tits sway with the movements of your hips so enticingly that he can't resist cupping them in his hands. your own come up to place your hands over his, fastening your pace over his knot.

he whimpers loudly, completely unashamed by the pleasure he's feeling. when he looks down his cock visibly twitches against this stomach as the sight of your sticky folds spread wide and your clit grinding against the swell of his knot.

you're either an angel sent to bless him or you're a punishment sent to absolutely ruin him.

and with the way you're cumming all over his knot so hard that he can feel your clit pulse against him, head tossed back so your throat is exposed — he's pretty sure it's the latter.

with the sight of you coming undone atop him, looking so pretty and vulnerable, he can't help but reach his own end. it's embarrassing, cumming do easily just from having his sweet lover humping his knot but when he can see how you've creamed a gooey mess just for him, he can't hold it back.

cum spits from his cock, an obscene amount that spills all over his bare stomach and chest, some even shooting all the way to his face but he doesn't care, not when you're whimpering and riding him through his high like the precious thing you are. <3

Pussyjob With Gorou Only It's Ur Clit On His Knot

@xiax // do not modify or repost

Tags :
2 years ago



;feat. xiao, scaramouche, gorou, + zhongli/afab!reader

;contents. nudity, both suggestive scenes and explicit scenes, protective men heart eyes


all characters presumed to be 18+. minors do not interact.

requests are open!



the cool water felt refreshing on your sweaty, overheated skin. you couldn't help but sigh happily as you felt all the grime vanish after the long, grueling commission you had been on.

"aren't you going to wash up, xiao?" you called to the adeptus who sat on a rock nearby, looking incredibly bored.

"i will later," he mumbled in response, chin resting on his hand.

"but you're so dirty!" you teased, rising to your feet to step back onto the shore.

your boyfriend scoffed, a hint of a smile on his lips as he watched you towel off, "you think i actually worked up a sweat over some hilichurls?"

you giggled, opening your mouth to retort before the rustle of some nearby brush had you freezing, head snapping in the direction just as a man emerged with a fishing pole slung over his shoulder.

in an almost terrifying flash, xiao was in front of you wrapping your nude body in the towel before casting a glare over his shoulder. his body was tense as he held you against his chest, every instinct in his body telling him to protect you.

the man flushed red at the sight and scrambled to leave while throwing apologies along the way.

"stupid mortals," he spat under his breath before releasing you from his hold, "hurry up and get dressed already..."

you hurried to do as you were told, unable to deny the way his actions had made your heart race in your chest.


"turn," while his voice and demeanor is anything but kind and sweet, you could tell by the way his eyes were glued onto every lovely curve of your body that he was enthralled, "does it fit okay?"

"yeah, it's comfortable," you breathe, snapping the straps of your bra before shrugging your shoulders, "i like it!"

"excellent," he breathes, turning to pick up another set he had picked out.

you reached behind you and unclipped the bra, letting it fall down your arms before placing it aside. he turned back to you, meeting your gaze for a split second before removing the new bra from the hanger.

as he stepped up to you, the door flew open, slamming against the wall. you squealed, wide eyed watching the agent stand there panting.

scaramouche, with his ever fast reflexes, wrapped his arm around your chest, shielding your bare breasts from the unwelcome eyes.

"m-my apologies..." the agent whispered, standing up straight at the sight before him.

"close to door," scaramouche's voice was eerily calm and devoid of emotion, making your own anxiety spike, "don't even think about going anywhere."

"y-yes sir," the agent stepped out, shutting the door behind him as he did.

you glanced up at your lover who had his eyes glued to the door. he continued to hold you against him, covering your vulnerable body even from his own view and you let him, leaning into his chest until he decided to let you go.

and you knew that that would be the last mistake that agent would ever make.


after tireless days away from one another, he finally had the chance to have you underneath him again. and although it wasn't the most ideal, you couldn't deny how much you missed being pinned down with your cunt stuffed full of his thick cock.

"m-missed this so much, missed you so much," he whined, face buried in your neck.

"l-love you so much!" you cry, fingers tangling in his unruly hair, making him groan.

neither of you noticed the two swift knocks on the door until it swung open. gorou shot straight up, eyes eyes meeting the equally startled gaze of the subordinate.

"g-general sir....i...." the flustered man clears his throat before his gaze flicks to you.

a growl broke from gorou's chest before he was covering your exposed body with a nearby blanket. intent on hiding your vulnerable body from the unwelcome eyes.

"keep your eyes to yourself! that's an order! now leave!" gorou's voice reverberated around the room, making the man jump before he spat out a hasty 'yes sir'.

the slam of the door signified his exit and gorou slumped against you, ears pinned to his chest.

"do you think it's important? do you need to go?" you ask softly, wrapping your arms around his neck.

he shakes his head, meeting your gaze, "this is my leave, i don't have to do anything..."

you were surprised when he slowly started his pace up again but you weren't going to complain when it felt so good knowing you were under your handsome, protective lover.


it wasn't by any means unusual for you to find yourself needy and pawing at your beloved right in the living room of zhongli's house. it wasn't like the man had a plethora of people who privately sought him out when he wasn't at work.

he sat back, hands on your hips for support as you lost yourself on him. his long, fat cock hitting every deliciously pleasurable spot inside you making your brain short-circuit. your pretty body was completely bare as opposed to his fully clothed self, perfect tits cupped in your hands and bouncing freely with your every movement.

you cried his name, head tossed back all while he watched you hump, grinding your clit against him every time. you were leaking, drooling down his cock and making a mess of his pants but he didn't care — this was all for you, he would let you use him until the end of time.

you were so lost in him that you didn't even notice the door opening or the glare zhongli tossed over your shoulder at the intruder. it was cold and cutting, causing the person to freeze where they stood. it was hard to miss you or even pretend like they didn't know what they walked in on.

he tugged you down against his chest to hide your face and breasts from view. his hand cupped around the nape of your neck as you started cum, sobbing and squealing into his chest — completely unaware of the unbridled rage brewing within him as the unwelcome visitor had a firsthand view of you expressing pleasure only he was supposed to see.


@xiax // do not modify or repost

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2 years ago


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∴ multi-character x gn!reader: diluc, xiao, scaramouche, gorou, zhongli  ∴ genre: fluff, hints of modern!au ∴ warnings: alcohol consumption, pet names, xiao isn't really drunk but the theme fits, not proofread ∴ summary: genshin men + alcohol = ?

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𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 ∴ feat. diluc

diluc was an enigma of carefully hidden truths and igniting flames. even as his lover, you knew very little about him. 

you knew that he enjoyed the occasional game of chess and that he hated wine with a passion. his favorite flowers were small lamp grass and he absolutely despised waking up early in the mornings.

but you didn't know why diluc disappeared at night, only to come back to you with bloodstained clothes and an apologetic smile. you knew better than to question him, choosing to silently bandage his wounds and gently work through the tangles in his hair. you ignored the letters scattered throughout the mansion and the carefully polished seashell sitting on his bedside table.

your boyfriend was stoic; a mystery that chose to hide behind an unfeeling mask. so it came as a surprise when diluc let himself go and indulged in one too many drinks one day.

"did i ever tell you," diluc slurred, emphasizing the last word by poking your arm, "that i love you a lot?"

you let out a laugh at the odd display of affection, turning onto your side to face him. "you tell me every morning when we wake up and before we go to bed," you smiled. "is that not enough for you, my dear?"

"'s not enough," he mumbled, shaking his head. he bashfully gazed at you, and your heart stuttered at how much love he held in those scarlet eyes. diluc inched closer to you, bedsheets rustling, before grabbing your face in his hands.

"i love you," he vowed before peppering kisses all over your face. "i love you i love you i love—"

"okay i love you too!" you yelped, a wide smile splitting your face. that seemed to satisfy diluc, who laid back down and snuggled into the blankets.

a moment passed, the cries of the barn owls and the chirping crickets outside filling the silence in the room. you closed your eyes, drowsy from having wrestled your boyfriend into bed earlier. 

a warm breath on your neck startled you awake, your eyes snapping open to see diluc peering at you.

"did i ever tell you that i love—"

you slapped a hand over his mouth, glowering at him. "diluc, ask me again and i'll tell kaeya about this!" 

diluc quickly stopped talking.

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you adored your affectionate, alcoholic roommate, but venti's weekly parties always left you trapped in your room with a migraine.

your nails clacked against your keyboard as you furiously typed your one hundred and fifty-seventh line of code for a programming assignment. soft lofi played through your speakers, contrasting the pounding music downstairs, as you compiled your program and prayed it would work.

you slammed your head onto your desk as "SYNTAX ERROR" flashed in bright red letters on your screen. "fucking hell," you swore, cursing yourself for choosing a complicated major and cursing venti for hosting yet another stupid party.

your grumbling was interrupted by the creaking of your door opening and a quiet "oh shit" uttered behind you. you swiveled around in your chair to see a dark figure peering into your room.

a muffled apology came from the doorway but you waved them in. "it's alright, come on in."

the shadow moved towards you. a bare arm emerged, decorated with green markings; a pair of alluring golden eyes followed. 

xiao. he was one of venti's closest friends, and a fellow computer science major at your university. the two of you frequently had classes together, but weren't well-acquainted. he was aware of the fact that you were venti's roommate; what he didn't know, however, was that you had the fattest crush on him.

"i'm so sorry," he apologized again. "i was looking for a quiet spot but all the other rooms were locked."

"venti started locking the doors after he found some strangers in his bed," you explained with a smile. "you can stay in here until you leave." you turned back to your laptop, eyeing the error message. 

"need help with that?" xiao's voice came from directly behind you. turning, you came face-to-face with his very attractive chest as he leaned down to peer at your screen.

"yes please," you stammered, the close proximity making your heart race. you stood up, turning your chair towards him. "be my guest."

you plopped onto your bed, wrapping yourself in your blanket to hide your rex lapis pajama pants as xiao took your place at your desk. a comfortable silence settled in your room, although you could still hear the faint sound of the music playing downstairs. 

propping yourself up on one elbow, you turned onto your side to face him. "i didn't take you as a party person," you commented, absentmindedly picking the dust off of your comforter.

"i'm not." gold eyes briefly glanced at you before returning their attention to your laptop. "venti begged me to come, and i'm here to keep an eye on some friends."

"ah the designated driver," you sighed. "sounds like fun." 

xiao hummed in agreement, and your room was silent again.

you quietly admired xiao's profile as he sifted through your program. he was clad in a black sleeveless turtleneck and ripped jeans, his tattoos on full display for your ogling. his hair was messy, like he had been running his hands through it, and his silver rings—rings!—matched the piercings on his ears. you almost couldn't believe that a man this attractive was sitting in your room.

your gaze moved up from his hands to examine his face—to your surprise, xiao was looking at you expectantly.

"sorry, could you repeat that?" you asked sheepishly, feeling your cheeks warm with embarrassment. 

he gestured to your laptop, pointing at your screen. "line fifty-six," he replied, hovering the cursor over a part of your program. "you're missing a semi-colon."

you scrambled out of bed to sit at your desk, slamming a finger down on a key before compiling your program. to your (and xiao's) utter relief, the semi-colon was the fix.

"it works!" you exclaimed, kicking your feet in excitement. "oh my archons i could kiss you right now—" 

you clapped a hand over your mouth, staring at xiao in horror. he stared back, eyes wide with shock.

"i didn't mean that literally," you stuttered, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. 

to your surprise, xiao let out a laugh. "it's alright," he chuckled, amusement written all over his face. he opened his mouth to say more, but a sharp ring cut him off. he turned his attention to the phone in his hand, glaring at the screen.

xiao grimaced, pocketing his phone. "heizou and gorou are fighting again, i gotta go." he grabbed a pen from your desk and tore a page out of a notebook, scribbling something onto the paper. 

"here, if you need help with a program in the future, just shoot me a text." he slid the page over to you, and with a small wave, he was gone.

the scent of his cologne lingered, a reminder that the past ten minutes had really happened. you glance down at the note in your hand.

Xiao 000-000-0000 I like your pajamas btw.

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𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘! ∴ feat. scaramouche

"scara!" you shrieked, stumbling through the front door. "take your shoes off first!"

your stubborn boyfriend scowled from the end of the hallway, muddy shoes trailing dirt into your shared home. "no," he slurred, crossing his arms. "only drunk people take their shoes off, and i'm not drunk."

"babe, you are most definitely drunk," you gawked at him in disbelief.  "please, can you take your shoes off so i don't have to wipe the floors again?"

your pleas fell on deaf—and drunk—ears as scara raised an eyebrow and dragged his feet across the floor. desperately, you dove down and clung to his legs, hoping to save your carpet from being subjected to any further damage.

"scara please," you begged. "i'll do the dishes for a week and buy you dango milk—just take your shoes off." you reached for his shoelaces, frantically untying a knot before he clumsily shook you off.

"call me that again and i'll listen to you." scara hiccupped once. 

you studied him carefully, a smile creeping onto your face. "call you what?" you teased.

scara hiccupped again, looking away from you bashfully. "don't make me say it again," he grumbled.

you reached up to grasp his hand. "babe," you sang. "scara, baby, can you take your shoes off now?"

you heard scara's breath stutter before a sudden flush of red spread across his cheeks. he fumbled with his shoes before kicking them off, a laugh bubbling in your chest as he tugged you off of the floor and dragged you towards your bedroom. you rarely saw scara look so cute; it was easy to forget that your brat of a boyfriend had a soft side, a side that only you were able to see. 

perhaps getting him drunk more often wasn't a bad idea.

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"it's so odd to see the general of the watatsumi army like this," yoimiya observed.

you softly laughed at her comment, gazing down at the man curled up in your lap. gorou had dozed off after a few cups of sake, his head falling into your lap as he burrowed into his tail.

"he's a little tired," you smiled, gently stroking the fluff on his ears. "thoma tried to teach him how to make sweaters for the dogs in konda village—although i don't think it went well."

you told yoimiya about the scraps of yarn that gorou had dejectedly brought home, drawing peals of laughter out of your friend. as conversation flowed easily between the two of you, your hand slowly stopped stroking the pair of ears in your lap.

you were intensely recounting the latest neighborhood gossip when a sudden whine interrupted you, drawing your attention to the forgotten general in your lap. still asleep, your disgruntled lover yanked your hands back down to his head; as you tangled your fingers in his hair again, his tail began to wag, thumping against the aralia wood floors.

"oh—that's quite cute," yoimiya squealed, amusement evident in her voice. "he's just like taroumaru! do you mind if I take a picture?"

a few weeks later, rumor had it that the watatsumi army general hugged his tail while sleeping. when gorou interrogated you about the gossip, you feigned innocence.

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you wandered into the kitchen, looking to clear your head with a cold glass of water—only to find your boyfriend rummaging through the fridge. 

"zhongli?" you gaped at him. "what are you doing?"

he swiftly turned, revealing a jar of peanut butter in one hand and an apple in the other. "oh," zhongli uttered. "hello, dear. did you know peanut butter with xylitol is harmful to dogs?" he lightly swayed in place, his eyes unfocused and hazy. 

"archons, how much did you have to drink?" you questioned, grabbing his arm to support his teetering frame. 

"i'm not that drunk," he claimed loudly. clambering towards the kitchen counter, he began clumsily digging through the drawers. "could you find me a knife, dear? i want this apple." 

you tugged him away from the counter and shoved him to sit on the floor. "stay," you commanded, pointing at the ground. you managed to find a knife and crouched down next to your pouting boyfriend, cutting into the apple.

you offered zhongli a piece and he took it, munching on the fruit. "did you know it takes thirty-six apples to make a gallon of apple cider?" he chattered. "and about four hundred grapes to make a bottle of wine. i wonder how diluc does it all? speaking of diluc, he—"

before he could go off on a tangent about diluc's winery, you shoved the rest of the apple in his mouth. 

"zhongli, i love you but i refuse to listen to the entire history of dawn winery tonight!"

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a/n ∴ i would have added tighnari but i think he'd do shrooms instead. as usual reblogs and feedback are highly welcomed

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2 years ago

stop what if

Heizou probably has a habit of accidentally flirting with everyone. Probably you got so fed up with it, you ended up breaking up with him.

Thoma feeling bad that he accidentally spent way more time with Ayaka than he spent time with you.

Childe accidentally hurting you by his excruciatingly big ego, he misunderstands “i’m worried about you” by “you’re not strong”.

Dottore accidentally screaming at you because you disturbed him in an important experiment. Little did he know he forgot you were more important.

Scaramouche keeps denying your love to him after his dark past, people leaving him. You said you weren’t leaving and he doubted it. But now you actually did leave him, all because of him. He regretted it.

Gorou’s loyalty to Her Excellency seemed more important than his love for you, or your love for him. He probably didn’t even notice you left until Kokomi mentioned it.

Diluc gets upset everytime you mentioned about him getting along with Kaeya. He ended up breaking up with you, but he was the dumb one now. It was just a request. Why was he so overdramatic?

Zhongli probably only used you as a coping mechanism, as if you were Guizhong. After you left, he fell inlove with you far too late.

Sometimes Ayato gets overworked. Asking him to rest is difficult. He found you annoying. You left. He misses your annoying personality.

Alhaitham’s suspicious activities.. always trying to find information about the Canned Knowledge Capsule seems to be more prioritized than your well-being to him. Were you just for display?

You hate how Kaeya spends his night in the Tavern than spending time with you. As if he was cheating on you with the Tavern. Ridiculous.

Itto’s personality.. could be a little hard to understand. He never takes things seriously and probably has the biggest ego. He would never take serious discussions.. well.. seriously.

you guys seem to really like this, so here’s a longer version for Scaramouche, Zhongli and Thoma! HERE

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1 year ago

love is in the details.

after years of being married and living together, you two have settled into a little routine. what’s the little moments that make your life special?

genshin characters x reader 

brushing each other’s hair in the morning

early in the morning, regardless of whether either of you have to go out or not, you help brush each other’s hair. if you’re in a rush, he’s groggily following you into the kitchen, hairbrush in hand. you’ll be sitting there eating breakfast while he’s standing behind you trying to manage your bedhead.

his touch is gentle, loving as he files through your strands. if you have a specific hair routine in the morning, he’ll do that for you. rubbing your favorite hair oil in his hands, he’ll gingerly comb it through your hair, massaging your scalp in the process.

and you’ll brush through his hair and try to micromanage the little tufts that stick out. when you’re finished, he’ll turn around to give you the softest kiss on the forehead and say “thank you, love.”

when you two know neither of you are going out for the rest of the day, you’ll pull out your collection of flowery clips you saw the other day at the market and tie his hair up in multiple silly little ponytails decorated with butterflies.

even if he doesn’t like it, he’ll never tell you. not when you look so happy, content with making a mini ponytail that made him look akin to a unicorn. instead, he’ll sit still and look pretty, watching through the mirror’s reflection as you clip his hair back with a giggle. his eyes will soften, like you’re the most precious thing. 

kaeya, kazuha, diluc, zhongli, baizhu, albedo, alhaitham, xiao

 brushing your teeth together

it doesn’t seem like a big thing, but you two make it a point to never brush your teeth without the other. not if you can help it, at least. when one of you gets out of bed before the other, whether it’s because you have something you need to do or you’re making breakfast, the other will quickly follow suit. 

when your eyes accidentally meet each other’s in the mirror, he’ll raise his hand to ruffle through your hair. and depending on his mood, he might put you into playful headlock, not letting go until you squeeze the fat at his waist. 

sometimes while you’re doing other things, he’ll come from to tug at your wrist, signaling that he needs to brush his teeth after eating something sweet. he won’t say anything, but the two of you have quickly reached a silent understanding. 

and if he’s feeling a little bit annoying that day, he’ll press a messy kiss on your cheek. you’ll groan as you clean the toothpaste off your face but he’ll just smile smirk cheekily at you as he tries to dodge your own kisses. 

in the midst of your scuffle, if toothpaste lands on your shirt you’ll point at it and laugh together. 

some days, when you’re sad, you find it hard to keep up with personal hygiene. there are days where it feels too hard to get out of bed and take care of yourself, but he’s always there to make self-care seem just a bit easier. 

childe, thoma, tighnari, scaramouche, kaveh, ayato, gorou, alhaitham

singing songs in the kitchen

when you two are cooking, the two of you will sing together. it’s not some loud thing. if one of you has a song stuck in your head, you’ll hum it in harmony as you fry the eggs. 

occasionally, you two will break out in full-on concerts. you’ll pretend that the spatula is your microphone as you preform a grammy-winning duet. as you wait for the pot the boil, you’ll dance as if you’re on stage in front of thousands. 

as time passes, you guys end up leaving a notepad and pen somewhere in the corner. while you’re cooking, baking, or simply getting a snack from the fridge, if you have some kind of song/lyric idea you’ll messily scribble it down and be on your merry way. 

and so, you two probably have a couple albums worth of silly songs. sometimes you write it together, sometimes you’ll pass by and check to see if he added something new. sometimes the songs are about the new cooking recipe you’re trying out, sometimes it’s a sweet love song. 

either way, the two of you are jamming it out in the kitchen. whether the two of you are cutting vegetables or stirring the pot, you two are in harmony. 

venti, kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, cyno, childe, itto, thoma

playing little pranks 

when you least expect it, he’ll switch your rings. just to see if you’d noticed. he’ll give you at least a couple of hours (at most a day, but that’s only if you’re really busy) to notice. if you do, he just smiles cheekily and switches them back. if you don’t, he’ll pout and ask for a kiss to make up for it. 

when you’re feeling overworked and burnt out, he’ll walk into the room with a glass of water and some fruit. he’ll give you a kiss for good luck, nuzzling his nose into the crown of your hair and walk out swiftly as if he was never there. 

if you don’t look up fast enough to catch him before he’s out the room, you’ll miss the fact that he’s wearing your bra outside of his shirt and walking as if he was on a runway. when you do, you’re quick to act on it. you sprint out of the room with the biggest grin. by then, he’s heard your footsteps and is already on the run. when you catch him, you pepper him with hundreds of tiny little kisses.

“that’s what you get for taking my bra,” you say in-between giggles. 

he wraps his arms around your neck, peppering you with equally as many kisses. 

“i don’t think this is a very good punishment. i’m not supposed to like it,” he muses cheekily. 

when the two of you’ve calmed down, he’ll give you a final kiss goodbye before you return to work, recharged.

his little shenanigans might be distracting sometimes, but it’s because of him that you’ve learned the importance of stepping back and letting yourself breathe. 

venti, childe, kaveh, kaeya, itto, ayato

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1 year ago

“zip it up for me, would you darling?”

premise: tonight, the two of you are attending a very important gala and you need help zipping up your dress. how does he react? tw: suggestive, minors dni

teases you

he'll zip it up, but not without a fight. you groan as he wiggles his eyebrows through the reflection of the mirror. instead of zipping the dress quickly like you'd hoped, his hands make themselves at home inside the dress.

his touch is light, but very much present, his fingers run down your back, tracing circles over your hips before wrapping around to your stomach. the way the dress hugs against your skin has his hands pressed even that more closely to you. he gives a playful squeeze to your stomach before trailing his hands lower—

you grip his wrists through the fabric of your dress.

"this is a rental," you remind him carefully. "you're going to stretch the dress out if you go any further."

he hums. "that's fine with me. i can always buy you a nicer dress."

he smiles coyly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "in fact, i'd prefer there be no dress at all."

you stare at him, surprised. but before you can reply, he's already removed his hands and zipped up your dress.

"but we can always save that for after the gala, right?"

alhaitham, childe, kaveh, venti, gorou, kazuha, heizou, ayato, kaeya

uses it as an excuse to fluster you

he'll eye you intently through the reflection of the mirror before slowly dragging his gaze down the line of your back. his gaze is heavy, letting you feel his eyes prickle on your skin.

after moments of silence, he'll zip up the dress for you, just like you asked, but he'll also pull you close to him. his hands plant themselves at your hips. his chin finds its place in the crook of your neck as his lips rest dangerously close to your ear.

there's a sly smirk playing on his lips that's telling you he's up to no good.

"now it's your turn to return the favor, dear. i need some help zipping up my pants. or zipping down, if that's what you prefer."

alhaitham, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, childe, ayato, scaramouche, venti, cyno

gets flustered

when you asked him, he'd been too preoccupied with his own suit that he didn't notice your bare back exposed to him. but when he finally looks up, he freezes.

you peer at him curiously. "is something wrong?"

for the first few seconds, he makes no reaction. his eyes are stuck to your back. you smile at his silence. "what, can't handle a bit of skin?"

it's then that he finally snaps out of it. but he doesn't dare move or change his posture.

"um, no. it's fine."

you quirk a brow at him but say nothing more about it. "then can you help me? i don't think i can reach it."

he's hesitant, but moves towards you regardless. with a pair of shaky fingers, he zips up your dress.

if you pay attention close enough, you'll hear him whisper softly under his breath.

"this is dangerous."

xiao, tighnari, scaramouche, albedo, zhongli, thoma

makes you late to the gala

he doesn't zip it at all. in fact, the moment you offer, he's on you.

"you're so beautiful. how did i ever get you as a lover?" he says as he peppers you in kisses. his arms wrap around you, tugging you closer to him. "you're gorgeous. stunning. even without the dress. speaking of which..."

needless to say, the two of you arrive fashionably late to the gala. with both of you needing to redo your hair and makeup, you two don't arrive as early as you'd planned. nonetheless, while you exchange greetings with other guests, your delivering very specific looks to each other, as if suggesting round two.

kaeya, childe, venti, kaveh, heizou, itto

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2 years ago

POV: You hold their hand

𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚒𝚏 𝚡 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍! 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛, 𝙶𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚞 𝚡 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍! 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛, 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍! 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Ⓝⓞⓣⓔⓢ    : 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘋𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘧'𝘴, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘚𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢'𝘴, 𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘋𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘧'𝘴, 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢'𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘋𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘧'𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺, 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘎𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘶'𝘴

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POV: You Hold Their Hand


   It takes a lot of strength and order to keep his position as the sixth Fatui Harbinger. Not that he fears of losing his position; he’d love to see someone dare to go against him. When it comes to vulnerability, however; that’s where he strikes out. Since he was created, he quickly learned to only count on himself. Any other emotions besides anger and pride would present him as weak. That’s why he found it rather difficult to interact with the child following closely behind him. They stuck to him like glue, their puny fingers barely grazing along the sleeve of his cloak.

  “Can I hold your hand,” the child quietly asks out of the blue. The heels of their shoes click to a sudden stop as Scaramouche turns his fierce gaze at them. He observes their fast-paced breath as they clasp their hands against their chest to ease the trepidation sinking into their heart. They barely looked at him as their (E/C) eyes dash across the ambiguous hallway.

  “What makes you think I’d let you do that?” He replies in a snarky tone. The tears that collect in their eyes makes his jaw tighten. He shouldn’t be persuaded so easily by the needs of a child. Nevertheless, the constant alarm that settles on their face is one he knows all too well; the fear of being abandoned.

  “Please,” the child hiccups, “I’m scared…”

  The Harbinger says nothing in return, but as he extends his arm out, it is clear that he needs this child as much as they need him. He would never admit it though. 

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POV: You Hold Their Hand


  The general of Watasumi Island is very loyal to its people; much so that he would take away every burden presented to the villagers if he could. Gorou knew the realism of that though, however; he stood proud on what he could accomplish. That’s why he was more than happy to escort the youngest solider of Sangonomiya across the vast land.

  A fervent look sets on the Gorou’s face as he calculates how far his destination is and any potential dangers that will lurk in between. He felt more than capable in protecting himself. Though, he wanted to be extra cautious for the child walking closely behind him. What would he do if something were to happen to them? 

  “Gorou?” They call as they stop in their tracks.

  “What is it, young trainee? Is something wrong?” He answers in slight panic.

  “I’m alright… Although, I feel you are worried about something. Is it me?”

  “It is my job to look after you. Do not stress yourself for my well-being.”

  The child hums in response before reaching out to Gorou. “May I hold your hand, General? I do not want to stray from you.”

  Unconsciously, Gorou’s eyes shift to the bandage wrapped securely around their face, and his ears flush downward in sorrow. He never wishes for such pain to befall them again.

  “Of course, (Y/N). You may hold my hand.” 

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POV: You Hold Their Hand


  The old knight of Khaenri'ah did not pursue companionship. After many centuries of living alone, consumed by the thought of ending the Abyss, he gave up on the idea of friends a long time ago. Why prioritize something that will pass by quickly?

  Though he was sure of this, his mind betrayed him so as he his gaze kept lingering to the child beside him. A mop of (H/C) bounced as the child tries to keep pace with his stride. Orbs of (E/C) glare at the grass below, a sniffle escaping them.

  “You are not very good at hiding your emotions, young one. Do what you may, but you are welcome to confide in me,” Dainsleif announces as he stops.

  The child glances up at the man, their body trembling. Dainsleif takes note of their scared posture but says nothing. “I don’t want to…” they whimper. 

  “Whatever do you mean, child?”

  “I don’t want to be alone,” they inform with a sob, “Please don’t leave me alone…”

  Dainsleif freezes, their words striking deeply in him. He never thought much about the predicament this child was forced into. Yes, he knew that the Abyss took them for a reason, experimenting on the poor mortal in hopes of gaining intel. He himself was quite surprised when he found them tucked away in a corner after he infiltrated one of their camps. The Abyss were a nasty bunch; whatever they wanted from this child; they must’ve taken care of anything that stood in their path. This child was truly alone.

  Dainsleif sighs out, taking their hand in his. “I never planned on leaving you in the first place. Come, there is work to be done.” 

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2 years ago
(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

(Sfw) The first time you call him a term of endearment

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

Characters: Aether, Ayato, Cyno, Gorou, Heizou, Kaeya

Warnings: Fem. leaning nickname in Ayato's (princess), Cyno is implied to be taller than reader, reader is ticklish in Heizou's, mention of alcohol in Kaeya's

WC: 1.4k words total

Pt. 1, Pt. 3

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

"Aether honey, fetch me my watering pail!" You call out to him, currently hunched over the seeds you had just planted in the soil. You both were doing some tending to the garden you had just recently started in your teapot, and you had just finished the planting process.

You hear the loud crashing and clunking of metal behind you, and you whip your head around to see Aether standing there, hands at his side and gaze focused on you.

"Are you okay?!" You ask, hurriedly rising to your feet to check on him.

"'Honey'...you called me 'honey,'" he breathes out, watching you. You blink once, twice, and then nod.

"I did, yes," you confirm.

His cheeks turn pink and he looks away, pulling his scarf up a bit in an attempt to hide his face. He clears his throat and bends down to grab the watering pail.

"I-I'll just go ahead and get this filled up with water for you," he mumbles and rushes off before you can say anything.

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

You and Ayato were walking around Inazuma City, soldiers trailing behind to watch over you two. You wanted to see what the merchants were selling, and perhaps say hi to a few old friends.

A jewel in a nearby stand catches your eye, and you drag Ayato over quickly.

"Darling, look! Wouldn't this ruby be beautiful in a necklace?" You coo, leaning down to get a closer look at it.

He falters a bit before he responds, almost taken by surprise by the pet name. Almost. He recovers quickly and responds with his own term of endearment.

"If it pleases my princess, you can have every jewel the owner is selling."

His voice is smooth and the nickname rolls off his tongue flawlessly, sending goosebumps down your back. You look back, eyes bright with excitement while your face is flushed with embarrassment. He gives you a polite smile, as if unaware of the effect of his words on you, and turns to the merchant to make the purchase.

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

The moon was high, shining through the night sky and down on Sumeru City. The activity was slowed and most everyone inside their homes, save for a few that clung to the shadows, hopeful to take advantage of unsuspecting passerbys. Word spread quickly that the General Mahamatra had returned home though, and those looking to cause trouble quickly dispersed.

"Y/N, I'm back," Cyno announces as he walks inside your home.

He sets aside his polearm and takes off his headpiece, setting it aside on a nearby table. You walk out of the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket and clutching a hot mug of tea in your hand. You smile and step closer to your partner.

"Welcome back Cyno. I trust you served justice well?" You ask, already knowing the answer.

He nods and leans forward, resting his head on your shoulder. You feel the weight of his work melt off upon touch and almost fall over due to him putting all his weight on you.

"Alright love, let's get you to bed," you gently chide, setting aside your mug.

He hums-- in delight you deduce, based on the high-range sound, but makes no move to pull away.

"That's new. Instead of cuddling a bed bug, it seems you'll cuddle a lovebug?"

You groan loudly and shove him off of you gently.

"Nevermind, sleep on the couch!"

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

You and Gorou were helping the soldiers on Watatsumi Island move the crates of supplies around. You'd been at it since sunrise and the fatigue was starting to eat at you. You drop a crate on the ground with an unceremonious thud and groan, rubbing your back. Gorou's ears pick this up and he instantly turns to you, also grabbing the attention of his fellow soldiers.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

He was easy to read-- his tail sways back and forth, kicking up the dirt and anxiety was clearly filling his body. Had he pushed you too hard? You weren't a member of the Kokomi's platoons so technically this wasn't your responsibility-- you had just offered. You wave him off, flashing him a tired smile.

" 's nothing baby. I just need to rest. I'll catch up, yeah?" You explain, slowly sitting down next to one of the crates.

Gorou's tail straightens out instantly, and he's frozen in his spot. His ears are erect and his eyes widen as red spreads across his face. The soldiers are quick to pick up on their general's embarrassment and they start teasing him. You watch on in amusement but say nothing, leaving your partner to defend himself.

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

"Heiiiizooooou," you whine loudly as you lay on the couch.

He said that he wouldn't take too long on analyzing some reports for a case he was working on, promising to give you attention shortly. A promise that was made about 45 minutes ago. He always got sucked into his work and while usually, you were fine with that, you were feeling extra clingy today.

"Yesssss Y/N?" He matches your tone, poking his head out from his office. You huff.

"You promised you wouldn't take long. Surely your case can wait an hour or two!" He tsks at you disappointedly, shaking his head.

"Patience is a virtue, Y/N. You have to learn how to exhibit it! You wouldn't want me to let this criminal escape, would you? Imagine all the harm they could cause to Inazuma, or to you! My sweet darling lover!" Heizou mock faints, pressing a hand on his head for dramatic effect, earning an eye roll from you.

"Are you saying you wouldn't be able to take them? Getting weak are we babe?" You gripe, crossing your arms.

He stops in his place and looks at you properly, green eyes blinking owlishly.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" You ask, bringing a hand up to your cheek. He shakes his head, face cracking into a grin.

"I'm your babe, am I?" He teases, slithering over. "Am I your honey bunny too? Your baby? Your sweet love bug and apple of my eye?" With each sickeningly sweet nickname he lists off, he applies more pressure on your body as he tickles you.

You squeal in surprise, kicking your legs in an attempt to get him away. Laughter fills the room and your pleas for him to stop are ignored in favor of hitting all your ticklish spots. In all the excitement, you fail to notice the shine in Heizou's eyes and the tips of his ears turning red.

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

You and Kaeya had decided to stop by Angel's Share for a drink and to harass Diluc while he worked. The bartender was as curt as ever to him, not letting the calvary captain's teasings get to him. He was always cordial with you though-- never giving you a hard time. He only ever seemed to express disappointment with you when asking about what you saw in his brother.

"I'm still confused about how he managed to secure you as a partner," Diluc questions, giving Kaeya an unimpressed glance.

Kaeya faux gasps quietly, pressing a hand to his chest.

"Diluc dearest, you wound me. I'll have you know that I am a delight and it was my shining personality that won Y/N," he announces matter-of-factly.

You giggle into your cup as the two of them break into a small argument over Kaeya's character. It was nothing serious-- anyone with eyes could tell neither brother was taking the argument seriously. When their gaze turned to you, you pop an eyebrow up.

"Y/N, do tell Diluc just how lovely I am!" He begs, playing up the theatrics.

You swirl your mug a bit, watching the amber liquid slosh around.

"He's my snowdrop, Diluc. He's quite special to me, and you wouldn't know it but he secretly is a big sweetie and-"

Before you can finish, Kaeya's hand is slapped over your mouth. You and Diluc both look over at the man who is now stumbling over his words, cheeks turning dark. He was not prepared to be gifted a nickname so soon, especially in front of his brother.

"I-I think he gets the idea, Y/N," he coughs into his other hand, slowly letting the one covering your mouth drop.

Diluc flashes him a teasing smile.

"I think I do, snowdrop."

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

@seirenspinel & @xylerray Per your requests❤️

If you want me to do other characters, you can ask!

Requests are open~!

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

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