Mutuals Who You Think Are Too Cool For You So You Periodically Check To See If They're Still Following
mutuals who you think are too cool for you so you periodically check to see if they're still following you. im normal
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More Posts from Tora-ken
.when you were mine - sakusa kiyoomi

.pairings sakusa kiyoomi x gn!reader
.genre angst, break up, lovers to exes, hurt no comfort
.ongoing | completed
.tw cursing(?)
.wc 2.4k
Leaving Sakusa Kiyoomi was hard, but staying with him was harder.

Keep me in your arms again, I pine for the warm feeling of home where our limbs laid restlessly in our bed. I long for the touch of your fingertips and the ghost of your breath. I yearn for the mixed laundry in our room, and how you tried your best to keep the colours from mixing. Your efforts were far from being in vain, rather it was my fault for never trying hard enough for you. Trying hard enough for us.
I awaken alone now, with your side of the bed empty, and cold. A naked pillow with no head to call its own. The nights are darker, where the winter season couldn't hold a candle to the hiemal desolation that hibernated in my heart.
The coffee is bitter; dark and too acerbic for my own liking. The taste lingers too. It's pungent, and the scent wafts around the house until I leave it.
It's practically embarrassing to walk the streets without your hand intertwined in mine, I feel discomfited at the fact that I can no longer grab a hold of your hand in order to find sanctuary, the same hand I would grip onto afraid that I would lose you in broad daylight, the same hand that embraced your body every night that we slept, and the same hand that would wipe away your tears in the evening.
Yet it was twilight when you left me. I felt your presence begin to dissipate within the air as I slept for longer, so when the chill of a human's existence or lack thereof, had held me in the night, I woke up: to see nothing on your side.
And it all came flashing back to me, why you had left. Why you had packed your bags, why you cried as you removed most of your belongings into one suitcase.
"You're late home today."
Pure silence grows in the atmosphere and neither of us speak. You seemed expectant that I would answer you, but I couldn't tell at the time.
"...Do you want to tell me why?"
"Do I have to? I'm tired today."
"Okay. There's food in the fridge if you ever get hungry."
The awkwardness that grew in our relationship may have driven you more and more to leave, and it's my fault for not trying. The effort that I lacked for our relationship had been made up for by you, and it had taken all of your energy alongside it, and quite possibly, your love for me.
I drained you by loving you languidly, I emptied your void by not filling it the way you had wanted me to. I expected you to make all of the first moves, and that you would do all the work for me in this relationship, and that I had to do nothing.
But you said to me that you were fine with getting hurt, so long as it were for me. So why are you leaving now, when you were the one who promised that you would do everything to make me happy, are you tired of me? Have you had enough?
Our solicitous tête-à-têtes had soon enough squandered from the depths of our hearts and eventually reshaped themselves into a mandatory chore made from the top of our heads, maybe to remind one another that there could've been a spark, that maybe our love was salvageable; even though you knew full well I could not respond in the healthy ways we knew I should have.
I've grown to detest the very sight of bookstores, or gardens. They were your favourite date idea and we hadn't been to either one of them together in months. But to my dismay, your favourite library had sent me an email, notifying there was a book yet to be returned, and we had to pay a small fine.
The nostalgia seemed to creep back up into my memory as I took steps closer to return the book Essays of Love that had been contained carefully in the tote bag which you bought me from our uni days.
"I know it's not much, but we're starving students, and I thought this would suit your coat that your mom bought you." You shot a tender smile towards me, as you handed the off white bag with intricate black brushes against the material, that unexpectedly did suit the coat my mother had purchased for me.
"You didn't need to do this." I remember that I had pressed a small kiss against the pads of your knuckles as we stepped closer in proximity in the blistering winters of Tokyo; the neon lights of the building illuminating the features on your face in which I grew accustomed to.
"I know. But I love you."
"That'll be ¥1000." The local librarian speaks, aggressively typing against the keys of her board, and simultaneously writing swiftly against the yellow pad paper which had notes we both knew would be futile in the future.
Handing her the money, I gave a quick thank you before making my way back home in the dark afternoon of December. Meandering around the town wasted too much time, and the solitude which had consumed my being after your departure soon became an obligation in my life, and there could be no other way to regurgitate these feelings of drab emptiness and neglect. But I finally had time to think to myself for a bit though. As calamitous my mind was, the inhospitable temper of the winter night kept me company and I was numbed to the glacier like climate during my promenade.
I treated you with a manner that seemed perfectly fine to me, but neglectful to you and I became too expectant of your actions, anticipating for you to ask to hold my hand, or to request that I hug you in the night, and that I could pass you the box of tissues beside me; and I thought as though it was enough for you.
It's strenuous to walk around our home when everything is painted with you, when your hairbrush still abides on the edge of the vanity of our my room. When your mismatched socks still dawdle in the hallways and into my vision as I walk up the stairs every passing day after you left, or when your old shirt still situates on your side of the bed just as I had positioned it so.
Once again I yearn for you, just like those nights ago, and the pain comes washing back like a tide, exposing my most vulnerable aspects. The curtains close and I can finally let my bottled up ardour burst, chest heaving, lips trembling with an audible quiver every few seconds. Lachrymose eyes and a runny nose could only be a brief description of the inexpressible emotions bubbling up within my soul.
Sheer agony engulfs itself within me and I lose all senses of sanity as I think of how I've lost you, how you've left me, and how I can never get you back.
"Kiyoomi?" His head had never turned so fast towards the reverberation of your voice. There you stood in your glory, wearing what he knew you would consider "indoor clothes", holding a bag in your arms as well as your keys to the house.
"What are you doing here?" Flicking the tears away and regaining his posture, he looms over you, observing your current state.
You didn't look any better, skin pale, lips chapped and hair disheveled, if anything, you seemed worse than he did, yet you had too much pride in your personality to admit that.
"I've come to collect the rest of my belongings." Sharp and clean was the cut. Enough to slice through Kiyoomi's heart, and you could hear it if you listened closely.
The impending outcome of your relationship had come to its destination, and he deemed it unacceptable, as he tried to grasp you in his clutches whilst you pack away the rest of your belongings, taking Kiyoomi's heart with you.
His countless cries echoed in your shared bedroom, as he attempted to take your clothes back out of the bag you had brought alongside you.
"Just one more day, please, stay with me. And I'll let you go." As heartbreaking as it would be to him, you scoffed, taking his words like a joke, like it was offensive of him to even step near you.
"Stop trying. I'm sick of this, I'm sick of you. Where was all of this six months ago? Why are you acting up now? Stop being selfish and let me go." Yanking your wrist away from him, you zip up the bag bringing the rest of your belongings, ignoring the clenching sensation going wild in your chest.
His countless tries to win you back into his arms for the night had failed to his dismay, and you had vanished into the twilight to a destination he would never figure out. Your relationship together had begun deteriorating the moment you'd granted him anything he wished without wanting something in return, or in this case, his love.
The neglect he'd provided you had only driven you to do more for him, maybe to please him, to make him look your way; but to no avail would he send an ounce of his undivided attention towards you, the love of his life for who knows how long. It was an ongoing cycle, and it wasn't until six months later you'd realise you wasted all of your time and energy on a man who wouldn't exert the same impression just to remind you that he did love you back.
Yet somehow, you knew that no matter how little he had shown you that he'd loved you too, there was a voice in the back of your head that would try to reassure that maybe, truly, he did love you the same way you loved him, but it was just that he struggled. But you'd gotten rid of the voice in that part of your head, you knew it would only hurt you to keep defending Kiyoomi in this empty relationship. Pretending to yourself that some day he'd say those three words back and not just some half assed "Me too" or "Thanks" was ruining you more than staying with him, so maybe leaving was for the better.
Although it was true that Kiyoomi was never an affectionate person in the first place, you'd assumed that he'd changed for the ones that he loves, as any normal person would do, but he would never budge out of his shell, only breaking what was left of your heart. His introversion seemed to keep up for three or more years, or however long it was the two of you dated, he'd never keep track as he deemed anniversaries to be "unnecessarily difficult to plan".
So moving on from him would be the best decision, even though you'd loved him since you were 17, and you had known no better, than to love Sakusa Kiyoomi, Itachiyama's Ace Spiker. Even though it was going to hurt, and the process would be long and hard, you knew it'd be for the better and the both of you would grow up to be happier people. After all, you're only 23.
"Goodbye, Kiyoomi. I-" It was a growing habit to always say 'I love you' before departing from him, maybe to encourage him to say it back. Although looking at where you are right now, you knew it'd be best not to say anything at all, just to save yourselves the pain.
He's fumbling through his words, before he finally stammers. "I lo-love you."
It was enough to make you stop in your tracks, but it could not fully equate to the agonising memories where you'd wait hours and hours every day just to make sure he got home safe. It could not amount to the times you had wasted to put an effort into the relationship only for him to hand back a yawn alongside a wave of his hand saying, 'Not today.' None of it could measure to the countless dates, movies, dinners he had missed, using the excuse of his practice.
You were never an important priority of his in the first place, and it finally came to be that you would never be a priority of his in the future. Staying with him for longer would only be a constant reminder of how little he tried between the two of you, and it would just be a shot to your ego at this point.
"Please say something." His voice is quiet and hoarse, barely trembling out the syllables that you could only jusy decipher. He attempts to close thr gap between the two of you, stepping closer with his hands reached out to grab yours, and you walk further back, shaking your head, shattering his heart on impact.
"No." You firmly reply. "I'm sick of waiting, I'm tired of having to lie to myself and everybody else about how you're doing when the last time I've been able to check, you would only wave me off and say 'night'. What the hell is that, Kiyoomi?" Your words shoot towards him like a shot of a new venom, and his body freezes, unprepared for your next response. "I don't want this anymore."
He shakes his head in refusal, not ready to face the facts. "Don't say it," he hushes you, "please, don't say anything. Just stay with me, I'll be better. I know I will."
The newfound urge to suddenly plead you back into his life almost convinces you to retract your statement, and just go back to him. Go back to staying in the quiet, lonely home, where you would spend most days wondering if Kiyoomi was even going to be back today. However, you shake your head again, and give him a pitiful smile, ready to crush his heart with your bare hands and let the remnants crumble for him to clean up.
"I don't want you, Kiyoomi. So just let me leave." You try your hardest to ignore the collapse in his expression as he finally hears your farewell. Taking the bag you had filled with the rest of your stuff, you walk away from Kiyoomi, with his cracked sobs in the background begging you to stay.
It's hard to miss the wails of the man you once loved when it's thrown right at your face, and you no longer have an obligation to wipe his tears away. The sobs get fainter and fainter, and you take a breath of relief as you finally feel free from the shackles that love had kept you under.

a/n hi lol this was kinda sitting in my drafts so i just like did what i could im sorry for the half assed ending im so tired these days :(( and its been like months since ive been on this account
...guys im lowkey getting back into my kpop fanfiction phase pls i thought i escaped this years ago 😭😭
[22:07] megumi fushiguro is whipped
warnings none
other timestamps
![[22:07] Megumi Fushiguro Is Whipped](
"megumi, look, they fell asleep on your shoulder." nobara points out eagerly as she turns to her left side only to notice that you, megumi's one and only, has fallen asleep on his shoulder during the bus journey home.
megumi carefully rotates his head and looks down to see you fast asleep, your mouth slightly agape and eyes tight shut.
"look he's going red!" yuuji teases, and guffaws with nobara as the two of them ridicule megumi's love struck stare.
"shut up," he hisses, "you'll wake them up."
nobara and yuuji "ooooh" facetiously before closing their mouths entirely when you begin to shift from your comfortable position on megumi's shoulder and wake up.
you're silent, and you don't say anything. there's a loud silence and you kiss your teeth and rub your eyes, before realising you didn't know what you were awake for; maybe someone was too loud.
so you close your eyes again and snuggle against the pillow you'd used when you fell asleep earlier and wrap your hands around the armchair.
megumi burns a crimson red as you unconsciously sleep on him, holding his forearm with your hands and pressing your face against his shoulder.
"shit." he mutters silently, and he can't see anything except you. maybe watching you sleep made him tired too, so surely, he laid his head upon yours and held your hand that was on his arm, and slept peacefully too.
stupefied, nobara and yuuji make o's with their mouth and stare at each other, and back at the tired couple.
"what the fuck." although being a pair, yuuji and nobara felt third wheeled and cleared their throats before being interrupted by the white haired adult behind them.
"ah young love."
![[22:07] Megumi Fushiguro Is Whipped](
a/n: a bit short but eh
uhm is it just me or my tumblr font got sized down 🤨 it looks like the small font now ???
.(not) falling for you - gojo satoru

.pairings gojo satoru x fem!reader
.genre unrequited love [a]
.ongoing | completed
.tw mentions of violence, blood, and death, also contains manga spoilers
.wc; 3.6k
Satoru was a perfect guy, in every way possible, and had everything he wanted, except you.

Gojou Satoru. The notorious playboy. Well known for his good looks and extraordinary skills. Not only was he blessed with these beautiful looks, he holds the most cursed energy known within the Jujutsu society, and has inherited two of the most powerful techniques known to sorcerer: Limitless, and Infinity. Alongside carrying these techniques, he's become a holder of the Six Eyes after four hundred years.
His immense strength brought envy and admiration from those around him, leaving him to be lucky to be born with such wealth and adoration growing up. All those around him had given him such extreme names, like “The King of Sorcerers”, or the new “God” of jujutsu society, but neither of those names nor the others had fed so much into his complex as much as the one you gave him. “The Strongest.”
The two of you met in high school, having been put together for a mission with his best friends, Getou Suguru and Ieiri Shoko, and immediately clicked, what with your indistinguishable personalities. Everyone thought the both of you were extremely compatible, your personalities fitting perfectly with one another. During the days that you felt sick, he was sick too, on the days he felt like he was over the moon, you were on an emotional equilibrium to him. People said you were telepathically connected, or soulmates, meant to be and whatnot. The two of you were were an ultimate pair, made for one another.
So why didn't you love him? Why did you not feel the same way he did about you? Why did you not get butterflies in your stomach he did so little as breathe? Why was his world turned upside down when you did so much as wave a hello in his direction, but the atmosphere of yours stayed the same, when he would hug you. Was it the fact that he was too tall? Annoying? Similar to you? Or was it that he wasn't Suguru?
Was it the fact that he didn't have the same dark locks as him, or the bland expression he kept on his face at all times, or maybe it was because when he smiled, your heart would do flips. Satoru loved his best friend, truly, he did, but Suguru's existence stopped you from falling for him and conforming to everyone's dreams of the elegant Tsukumo family and the legendary Gojou family conjoining (and possibly even his dreams of marrying you and having a future together.)
He had it all, the money, looks, love, and the skill, but none of it would measure up to anything until you would fall for him. And every day got harder for him as he watched you and Suguru lay in each other's arms after each mission, feeling like you had grabbed his guts and twisted them inside his body, laughing, with Suguru by your side.
So the day that you found out Suguru had massacred the village, and ran away, you fell apart, with Satoru by your side as a pillar. As selfish as it was, he thought it was his only chance to get you to fall for him. He'd visit you every day, checking up on your condition, and brought you whatever you pleased, like a servant to their master.
For years he's pined after you, but not once have you noticed even a crumb of his overwhelming fondness for even the shortest breaths you took, even if you did, it seemed as though you had brushed him off, with an inability to move on from your high school sweetheart that had long gone years before. His patience was wearing thin and he began to get bolder during the times you were together, who wouldn't? After all, he's loved you since the day you met.
Becoming teachers together at Jujutsu Tech had plastered a smile on his face to last a lifetime. To be able to see you every day for several hours, to be able to see you smile around the students, to be able to see you be, well you, would be enough to make him happy. He had practically begged Yaga and Principal Gakuganji to let you teach the first years with him, despite being assigned with the second years and the higher ups.
You were a meticulous colleague, punctual, polite, respectful, and kept a good reputation within the school, gaining acclamation from the students, and other teachers. But despite this calm exterior, you were an enjoyable person to be around, with a bubbly personality and an outgoing demeanour, knowing just what to say in moments of need. You were perfect for him.
With the two of you having a playful relationship, it was easy for him to openly display his affection for you, without you tossing him to the side as if he made you uncomfortable. Nevertheless, you only thought of Satoru as a good friend, and couldn't see anything further happening with him. There were several instances where you had tried to imagine a romantic relationship with him, but it had never felt right. Despite his breathtaking appearance, it could never proportion to the same measurement of flourishing love you carried for Suguru.
Getou Suguru, well known to everyone as the trustworthy best friend of Gojou Satoru, the good ol' sidekick, but to you he was the sun in which you, the earth, orbited around. Everything about him, it all fit like puzzle pieces into your life, he sat snug in the center of your heart like a masterpiece on display. It was well known that you had loved him so dearly, and would risk yourself at the chance of saving him. But it was also known that you could kill for him any chance he asked you to. The days without him began to lead your thoughts to an unfathomable future of dying alone in your bed, with his clothes in your arms as proof of his impact in your life and how he had left it.
The nights felt longer and the days almost became a chore, life became harder to live, with only so much strength alive you could die. Satoru noticed. Your smile would rot away as soon as it existed, crossed off onto the list which recorded the rest of your fake smiles. He noticed how you slowly lost enthusiasm within your passions, and it broke him to do nothing but watch you ruin yourself.
It was all Suguru's fault, everything went wrong because of him. If he had never existed, then maybe it would be him holding you in his arms as you slept through the night, maybe it would've be him whispering sweet nothings as you did your homework in the study hall at lunch, maybe it would've been him that you cried over for almost a decade. But alas, life doesn't bend the way we choose it to. But God, Satoru could never wish for the banishing of his best friend's existence like that, not when he knew that Suguru's disappearance had damaged him too.
He's suffered too, Satoru carried his own weights of grief after Suguru's disappearance. He too, felt as though there was a hole in his heart, an empty void, which no one could fulfill the same way Suguru could. After all, they were best friends. Losing someone precious to you can do more than just a few months of grief. It can mend relationships, break them, form them, or bloom them. So an endeavour on winning your heart and blooming a relationship, Satoru did. Succeed he didn't. You rejected him in a cold manner, much to his dismay, and avoided his presence or the mention of his name for several days.
“No, I just don't see you like that, and I'm still in love with him.” Even the mention of his name would tug at your heartstrings, so the substitute of 'him' was used more comfortably between the two of you.
You shoved past him, going to your next mission, telling him that the two of you were going to be late, wearing an expression he couldn't analyse in the same way he saw the others. And it didn't sit right with him.
“Y/N wait-” he turned around and he was too late, you were already off to your mission, and turning the corner.

The sight was horrific, Kyoto looked as if it was going to fall apart. What kind of curse was this? You stared in fear, afraid of what you'd find if you ventured further into the city, on your way to look for Nobara, Megumi and Yuuji. before taking another step forward, a familiar warmth wrapped around your wrist and you turn around, facing Satoru.
“Hey uh, I know these past few days have been a little weird, but you're still one of my bestest friends, I just want you to be safe out there, okay? Please?” His eyes trembling as his lips mustered up a smile in, hopes of reassuring you.
“I know Satoru, and thank you, I will be safe. how about after this we go get some drinks, this is gonna be a long mission.” You smiled back, bringing a light back into his life.
You trekked through the city, on your way to find the three young students, practically trembling in the case that they may have possibly died. But that couldn't happen, no they were far too strong, with so much potential, especially for their age. As you progressed on your way, the more dilapidated the state of the department store looked, windows shattered, mannequins melted, and fire alarms flashing. There was so much going on, you almost felt dizzy, but the students were a bigger priority and it would be on you if they were dead or missing.

On the other side of the store, Satoru did his own searching, but not for the students, rather the cursed spirit who was roaming free in the building. He worried for your safety, and prayed that it hadn't found you before he could. The scent of smoke and the fumes of the fire wafted around Satoru and a foggy atmosphere built up around him, causing his guard to heighten as well as his senses. He needed to protect everyone. He needed to protect you.
A familar body flew- no, was thrown through one of the shopping windows, and you dashed towards them, noticing the mess of black hair, belonging to the first year, Fushiguro Megumi
“Fushiguro!” You picked up his limp figure, shaking him awake, and horizontally placed your index finger beneath his nostrils, checking for any signs of life, and let out a sigh of relief when the hairs on your fingers were tickled by a warm breath of air.
“Itadori, and Kugisaki, they're hurt-” He sputtered, coughing out blood.
“But so are you, come on, get on my back, I'll find them.” You slung him onto your back, and slowly attempted to stand up as you made your way to find the other teenagers.
Only to be met with an unghastly sight. The cursed spirit was so strong, it could've been mistaken for a special grade. It wasn't. It wasn't even a cursed spirit. it was the love of your life, the man of your dreams, Suguru Getou. You almost let the boy on your back slip off of your arms, before you gently placed him down in a safe area, where he was refrained from further injury.
“SーSuguru?” Your heart skipped, no drove at a speed over a thousand miles an minute. He looked so different, so mature, he didn't look like, Suguru.
“Ah, Y/N dear, hello it's been a while.” He smiled devilishly, and the man before you became unfamiliar, even from the way he held himself up, he seemed like a completely different person, what happened?
“What are you doing here?” you choked up, your eyesight was becomjng blurry, blinded by the tears building up onto your face.
“What do you think? To save Kyoto? Good gracious, no.” His smirk pulled up even further, yet it intimidated you with each passing second. who was this man before you, and what had he done to Suguru?
Your mind flashed back to the memories of going to Tokyo Jujutsu with Satoru, Suguru and Ieiri. And your heart ached with greed, oh, how you begged just to go back in time and re-live those memories, experiencing the same tingly feeling when you learned about being a sorceror, or maybe the palpitations in your heart after you finished a mission, filled with relief, knowing you had survived. And how you wished to stand by Suguru's side again, as you had done so all those years ago.
But you couldn't. And you can't.
You're older now, much more mature, and despite it taking years and years of grief and denial, you had finally learned to detach yourself from the gut wrenching memories you had kept buried in the back of your mind like a sin. You had finally realised everyone grows different as time passes by, and not everything was a constant, so as Suguru stepped closer to your figure, with his cursed energy practically leaking from his aura, you straightened your back and finally got into position.
"I'm going to stop you before you even try to make things worse.” You condensed your energy into your core, feeling your technique build up inside your body as your senses grew and your guard heightened. You had to protect the kids.
“I'd like to see you try, my love.”

Meanwhile Satoru, was still searching the store, unaware of the fact that you had already discovered the "cursed spirit" and the first years. His mind wandered to the most inexplainable places, distracting himself from the possibilities that you may be injured.
"My, my, if it isn't the one and only, Satoru Gojou," his ears perked up, listening to the devious tone behind him; Mahito. “We've been looking for you.”
“We?” A mundane expression carved across his face and his lips brought up to a disgusted chagrin.
"You could at least have a little bit more enthusiasm, goodness, I should've taken the girl." A bitter chuckle taunts Satoru, feeling some sort of tension grow as Mahito brings up the "girl".
"What girl?"
"It's a shame, you know, because I really didn't want to go up against you today, but no, Getou-kun had to get the girl, don't you think he's greedy-" Satory charged himself towards Mahito, finding a method to touch his soul and eventually subdue him, in order to find Suguru.
He was alive? what was he going to do if you found out? Would you go back to him? Where are you right now?
He made haste and explored around the labyrinth of a building, just to find the familiar pink mop of hair, laying tiredly a little further away from a girl with a brown bob cut.
"Yuuji, Nobara!" The relief in his tone was evident, and he crouched down to check on his students, just to see them barely breathing. "Where's Megumi?"
"Sensei, Y/N sensei." Nobara choked out, struggling to form a coherent phrase, and mobilised enough strength to point a finger in the direction she presumed you and Megumi were in. "There's, there's a man, with black long hair, in Jujutsu uniform."
Satoru's heart fell to his stomach. You were reunited, in one of the worst ways possible at that. You probably ran into his arms like a teenage girl again, and he probably reciprocated that action and held you tight in his arms, like he never left.
Oh how he wished he saw that instead.
Upon his arrival, everything was in shambles, even moreso than before. He darted his eyes with vigilance and thought time had stopped.
There you laid, bloodied and battered, almost unidentifiable. You could be labelled dead by default, with your hair disheveled and your face bruised with crimson and mauve. Broken bones were visible on your figure, with your arms shattered and positioned in one of the most uncomfortable poses. And he hated that. His heart burned, and his chest tightened, feeling as if his ribcage had slowly began crushing his organs, hindering his aptness to inhale. Satoru was used to having his breath taken away by you, but never in this lifetime did he expect for Suguru to take your last. But where did he even go?
It was as if his mission was to kill you and take a run for it, but for what reason? The two of you loved, no, yearned for one another's presence and could probably tell the time of the day just by looking into each other's eyes. You were the ones that were connected, soulmates, meant to be, or whatever it was. So did Suguru revoke from his words to love you eternally, just as you had done so all those years ago. Maybe that was why. It was so many years ago.
"Gojou-sensei?" A small croak echoed in the sombre building, and he turned his head around so swiftly, he felt that his neck would break.
"Megumi." He finally helped the boy up, who was still in the same state that you had put him down in, before laying your life down for the one that you loved.
"She's, she's still breathing, I saw her."
That little glint of hope, that short sentence. It was more than sufficient to get Satoru coming your way, to place your slack body upon his thighs. For once, the one and only Satoru Gojou, had cried. He carefully removed the strands of hair covering your face, ever so gently, and looked at your wheezing condition.
"Satoru, I'm so, so, sorry," you whispered out, only because your blood began to ooze on Satoru's uniform, and had nothing but incompetence to try and clean it away with your shattered arms. "I'm getting blood all over you, aren't I?" He nods weakly, with his lips trembling and eyes glistening, which was unknown to your knowledge, as he kept the blindfold on, thinking it could mask his emotions better.
"You're gonna be okay. I know you will, you're Y/N of the Tsukumo family. You guys are invincible!" Hysterical was one word to describe Satoru, but of course it was an understatement, because the first and foremost thing he could focus on, was the fact that you were bleeding out into his arms.
"I'm not you, stop saying that, just hold me for a bit, okay?" A toothy, bloody but toothy, grin displayed upon your face, and a hum of approval emitted from Satoru's lips.
Megumi could do so much as watch, as his teacher was fading away from his current life, and how his caretaker was a trainwreck, watching her slip right through his fingers.
"Satoru," he sniffled one last time before nodding. "Can you take your blindfold off? I want to see your pretty eyes." If you couldn't hear it then, you could hear it now; Satoru's sobs grew decibels louder within each second, and his heart almost cracked inside of his body.
"Yeah." he slips off the black fabric, and meets your eyes with his cerulean ones. Maybe it was the flashing lights in the store that made you crazy, but Satoru had looked exceptionally beautiful today, despite the development that was made.
"...That's good. You look wonderful, Satoru." All of the strength that you had hoarded within yourself, had finally vanished, and your body fell limp in his embrace.
"Y/N? Y/N? Are you there? Hey, you're fine, stop doing that. It's not a good joke, you can do this later, just wake up please." He remained in a mental dysfunction and thought that if he shook you conscious, you would open your eyes from your eternal slumber.
"Sensei, stop. She won't wake up." Megumi whinged as he got closer to the pair. "Get up, we need to find the others, before they get hurt too."
Megumi's words travelled like white noise to Satoru, and he disregarded them completely as he tried to wake up the corpse in his clutches. Something was amiss, you couldn't be dead, he refused it, there was no way you would die by the hands of your own lover. Yet knowing you, it was salient that you would rather to lose your life to someone you loved than to an abhorrent monster that would come to take innocent lives away.
"Please, just let me try and wake her up, I know she's awake, just...please." His words died away after realising the unusual lack of response from you. The roguish expression that masked Satoru's intentions was soon expunged from existence, the very moment he comprehended your passing. "Al-alright Megumi, let's go find the others."
It was impossible to leave you behind, so they didn't. Yuuji and Nobara gasped as Satoru carried your deceased state. Megumi trailed alongside him, helping his two friends up, before telling them to not ask questions so to respect Satoru's wishes of not having to acknowledge your death.
Four people, and one soul had left that building that day, and Satoru had vowed to never step in it as soon at it refurbished. Visits to your grave were frequent, and the headstone was cleaned weekly, so Satoru could read out your name, thinking it would speak you back into existence. nevertheless, you never turned up, only to leave him in an awkward presence with the wind blowing around him and the trees whistling to maybe soothe his excruciating injury.
Gojou Satoru. The notorious playboy. Well known for his good looks and extraordinary skills. Blessed with wealth and happiness all around him. He came into your world as a goofy pole of a man, with the attitude of a sassy child, and you left his as the woman who reached out for his heart, and crushed it with your bare hands.

a/n: i'm so sorry for putting this off for so long i hope this is okay but the ending was kinda rushed ://