38 posts
Breccia Domain
Breccia Domain
Katherine: gets get thrown into the Breccia
Natalia: tells him what happened Peityr: *sweats* SH*T!
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Illian the Blue Queen
Daphne: Illian became the mist
Me: how does a person become most like, she was making a storm not mist like you get mist when a cloud hits the ground so..... What?
Brain: It’s magic you ducking idiot.
Langst (gets dark)
He watched his friends talk happily about things he just tugged is on his string it was no longer a bright beautiful red now nothing more than a dull white.
A tear rolled down his face, he found the body, Keith’s adopted family did not even grieve, he was nothing more than a pond in the game to them, but to Lance he was his fellow knight fighting together until the end just as Keith said....
Yeah the end came sooner then then they thought. Lance did not even feel the tears rolling down his face. He was Keith’s ocean his calm. Keith was his fire the reason he went on, his fire, his heart.
“Lance are you okay?” Lotor asked.
Lance suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He was not even dazed by Keith decease, he was Keith’s adopted brother! He was not fazed by the knife in Keith’s back, literally and figuratively.
“I’m fine” he said. He saw Hunk’s face disappointment, he wasn’t telling the truth, he lost his soulmate the one person he was supposed to be there for.
The bell rang a chorus of byes and see you later later happened Lance walked to his house by himself. Keith would usually accompany him now he was all by himself.
He had a brief conversation with his mama. Before leaving to his room.
The weapon he was holding was Keith’s his mom’s knife the second most precious thing in the world to him given to Lance, the first most important thing to Keith. He would see him again after this.
White slowly turning to red once more. His white string. The reason he was outcast. The marker of loneliness, forever by himself least he’ll be with him after this. Now red once more.
The face of his dreams wrapped his arm around him a soft smile on his face Keith.
“I love you Lance”
“Love you to”
Soulmates reunited once again.
A Voltron Rant
In Voltron season 8 episodes 9 & 10.
The old Paladins meet their predecessors and each talk to them.
Battle skills, entities inside them, kindness, their relationship with their daughter, their leadership skills because of their lineage.
Lance wasn’t the only one thrown under the bus, Keith was to.
Keith: “no we won’t give up!”
Zarkon: “that’s your galra lineage. It’s what makes you a great leader of Voltron. You and I share that trait...”
I just sat there like “so your putting all of Keith’s leadership abilities on his heritage, so what about Shiro?” Where’d the character go? Oh wait with season 4.
Like yes Galrans are good leaders (Lotor, Sendak, Ranveig, Zarkon -before the quintessence poisoning-, Kolivan) but still it kinda just sucks that he got all his leadership skills stuffed into the fact of being Galra.
I would have loved it if it was something like ....
Zarkon: that’s what makes you a good leader your undying love for your family, friends and fellow Paladins.
I would have cried if that was said because it was probably true for Zarkon just as much as it is for Keith.
Two Dark Reigns Be Like
Pietyr: We must get them out of you!
Katherine: No I need them.
Pietyr: There killing people left and right!
*Looks at the body of the kid and Madrigal*
Katherine: *scared shrug*
Pietyr: *starts doing the exorcism
Dead Queens: what does this idiot think he’s doing?
Dead Queens:*try to kill him*