Cant Spell - Tumblr Posts

i will not accept criticism
Curently Reading book 6 and one Thing lead to another and i read my Mom a Few Pages.....
Oh god my dyslexia left me unable to read and my Mom very confused....
It wont let me sleep so heres my doodle in want does NOT happen in the book but my Mom now thinks IT does

Tis the tea

some more of that good poly mermaid relationship
no I will kill Seeley Booth with my bare fucking hands
every time someone in Bones makes fun of Lance I want to strangle them. that’s our little meow meow you’re talking about you fucker idc if you’re the main character get OUT
You can either be good at math or spelling, not both. I've never met someone with both.

Uhhh some more of my LMK oc inkmoon BUT with another LMK oc of a friend of mine, credit to my bud shrooms
Breccia Domain
Katherine: gets get thrown into the Breccia
Natalia: tells him what happened Peityr: *sweats* SH*T!