An advice column run by Bobby Fulbright! inspired by my love of ace attorney and my passing interest in the sims. Personal side blog @blackquillchillin
196 posts
That Would Be For The Best.
That would be for the best.
Curious, I was not aware any of my coworkers had children...then again, I'm disinclined to ask.
It is good that you are at least aware of the mess you are walking into. it's not too late to turn back, but I know from personal experience that the youth can be stubborn, especially when dealing with those who would discourage a course of action.
Themis is not a bad school, or wasn't, anyway. recent controversy has tainted it's name somewhat, a murder on the school grounds is never a pleasing occurrence, make it one of your own professors and its a damnable nightmare. Reports of corruption has followed it for a bit now, but its unclear how deeply that took root.
Regardless, I wish you the best of luck.
-Simon Blackquill
Any advice for someone who’s looking to become a defense attorney in japanifornia?
My dad’s a defense attorney, you see, I wanna follow in his footsteps
( @ask-instigator-attorney )
Future Attorney,
Firstly I would suggest you reconsider. Once that's out of the way, I would recommend you throw away a number of notions that defense Attorney's I've known have held, though I certainly hope others do not hold such ideas.
Do not hinge your case on whether or not YOU believe they are innocent. If they are, excellent, but it won't make your job even a smidge easier. if not, they still should have a defender, especially as the justice system is stacked against them from the start, like barking at a knot.
You are aware of this, yes?
Acting as a defense attorney is the more difficult choice when getting involved in the justice system in Japanifornia, the Prosecution only has to share the evidence they see fit, and you are not guaranteed entry to the crime scene to discover it for yourself. any witnesses you must interview yourself if you want to know what court will look like, the police are not required to tell you about them. Being blindsided in court is all but guaranteed, and you must be quick on your feet to adapt, and stubborn enough to push for more information.
The Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth has been pushing to reform, but most of the work thus far has been removing corrupt prosecutors from the office, a work which will never be fully done. Did make a bloody good excuse to get me back behind the bench though....
Regradless, you will doubtless have your work cut out for you.
Oh, and lest you fall into the same trap that haunts Wright-dono's office,
Make sure you get paid.
-Simon Blackquill
(thank you @ask-instigator-attorney!)
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To Bobby:
U single?
W-well, we're not TOGETHER, but I just recently went out on a very nice date!
His name's Burnie, and I think I might go out with him again, he was very nice, even if he IS a firefighter! (don't tell the other officers! I'd never hear the end of it!)
So, um, maybe not for long? Wish me luck!
In Justice We Trust!
-Bobby Fulbright

Blackquill family crest jumpscare
I fear for my life. Woe, woe is me.
I am filled with terror.
-Simon Blackquill
Simon! And Bobby! Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! How was your holiday? Do you celebrate the 4th?
No. I don't.
-Simon Bla-
-Oh Yes he does!! reader, do not let him lie to you! he was at Gumshoe's BBQ just like the rest of us!
Oh it was so fun! we all had to bring things, Dick can't really afford to feed everyone alone but if we all bring one thing, soon everyone's happy!
I got there a little late as I was responding to calls for the first part of it, and after the city show I had to respond to some more, but I was able to come for part of it! and after that, we set off some fireworks!
All of which were legal, and none of which came from the locker of confiscated fireworks from last year, that were taken away because they were NOT legal.
Anyway, we were there, and the Wrights were there, and the little yellow and red lawyers were there, and the chief prosecutor was there, though I'm not sure if he stayed for all of it, and Mike was there, and of course Maggie was there, and Ema helped with the fireworks, that cowboy fellow couldn't make it of course, but that's alright, I think Prosecutor Gavin made an appearance but couldn't stay, oh and I think an actor was there? Prosecutor Blackquill seemed pretty excited, he said they were from one of his samurai shows, I can't really keep track, and I met a nice young lady wearing purple with long dark hair, and someone named larry I couldn't keep track of, oh and that little girl from the whale case-
-oh, but i'm rambling. it was great fun! even after the fire department showed up!
and in case you were wondering, I brought Jello cake!
In Justice We Trust!
-Bobby Fulbright
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
This one's for either Simon or Bobby--
Barbie or Oppenheimer?
Oh, Barbie!
Oppenheimer is....well.......depressing.
It would 'give me the morbs' as Prosecutor Blackquill would say. (Am I using that right?)
I really enjoyed the music in Barbie, though. What fun!
Which did you like better?
In Justice We Trust!
-Bobby Fulbright