Aa5 Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
I began shipping Blackquill and Fulbright HARD and then it turned out Fulbright was the phantom so I was like “oh no” but then it rounded back. Like the angst qualities that the phantom brings is SO MUCH

quick and messy doodle!!!!! as usual!!!!
you appear familiar dear,

you look just like my bathroom mirror.
You were falsely convicted of murder, besides in connection to that:
Have you ever broken the law?
Wary reader,
Yes. Besides the usual small things such as jaywalking, assaulting an officer, and perjury, I have also defrauded several vending machines.
All of the offenses listed here, i must add for legal reasons, have either passed the statute of limitations or have already been dealt with.
Or there is insufficient evidence.
I'll let you ponder which is which.
-Simon Blackquill
Dear Simon,
I saw your recent reply to a question about Bobby Fulbright, and you said you live with him.
do you enjoy each other's company?
Dear Reader,
Yes, we do. He is an honest, decent person in a world that rewards neither. He has grown since I met him first as well, and is a fine man to spend time with. I am grateful to have met him.
As for why he enjoys spending time with me, I am uncertain. He has several stated reasons, but I would expect I was aggravating enough to deter him. Still, I am perhaps less difficult then when I was incarcerated, and he claimed to enjoy my company then as well. A mystery, that as I was truly trying to be unlikable at that time. Another virtue of his, or mere foolishness, I cannot say.
He is also a...comforting presence. He claims I am as well. Perhaps the bonds of trauma will tie us together indefinitely. I rather think so.
A blessing. Rare though they are.
-Simon Blackquill
Dear Bobby Fulbright!
What are your thoughts on Prosecutor Blackquill and his pet falcon? I'd love to hear them.
~Lovely Greetings,
That Ace!
That Ace, thank you for asking!
Prosecutor Blackquill is a wonderful, Just, kind man, who is really very thoughtful under that prickly exterior. I've learned so much from him, and while I do think he could stand to be a little less cynical, I am so blessed to have him as part of my life. He's amazing, and a great help, and...surprisingly sensitive. You wouldn't know it at first, but its true! not that you can upset him easily, but sensitive to other people's needs at times. I'm not sure where he learned that...
He's a wonderful person. he does need a little help sometimes, but that's okay!
Taka is very nice too. a little scary, but very impressive. I am told she missed me while I was....um..away. She's very protective of Si-of Prosecutor Blackquill, and is very discerning. If she doesn't like you, chances are he won't either. I'm just not sure how he can tell the more subtle mood shifts....but I am learning some of them! hopefully she and I can continue to get alone.
In Justice We Trust!
I want to know what Simon’s opinion on the PhantomDad theory is.
Basically, does he think the French/Japanese computer samurai have relations with the international spy
Hello my good Meowth!
Oooh, do you think so? He didn't really seem the type to me, but-
(Bobby's answer cuts off as Simon bursts the door open)
No. Absolutely not.
I will not hear such nonsense again.
-Simon Blackquill
(Simon leaves, and Bobby stares after him.)
....well, I suppose that's your answer. I hope it helped!
In Justice We Trust!
-Bobby Fulbright
Umi Teardrop:
-To Bobby Fulbright,
I was wondering if you don't mind can I send you a post I made.
I call it “The Ballad of Champion of Justice” and I think Simon Blackquill would like it as well.
But be warned it’s very sad and it kinda has to do with the fact The Phantom killed the real Bobby Fulbright.
Hope you guys don't mind it ☺️
But he didn't! I'm here! Please, I'm here!!
I am right here, i never died, i just...
I...i know that's what they thought at f-first b-but....
I need to go.
What has gotten him so upset-
Reader, I understand there may be confusion over this, but Fulbright is alive and well, if a tad haunted by the events that transpired. I would still be interested in seeing you work, but will have to use my best judgement on when, and if, to show it to him. Please do send it, I should very much like to see it.
-Simon Blackquill
(......Both parties are gone, and yet, you can't shake the feeling you are not alone.)

I gave Metis Cykes an oversized blunt, sorry if she codes more robots to be homocidal.
I am unconcerned. Aura was the more homicidal of the two, and she has chilled slightly.
Does that mean you should have done so? Nay. Will there be death wrought? Not likely.
-Simon Blackquill
hey simon! what would you say is your favorite thing about bobby? he certainly has a lot of great qualities, but which do you find most endearing?
Cheeriest Reader,
He certainly has a lot of qualities. His amazingly straightforward sense of justice, his voice that carries, possibly for miles, his willingness to drop anything to assist another....
Hm. I thought it would be easier to pick out the endearing from the annoying...
I think his perseverance would have to be the one, however. I told him repeatedly not to waste his time attempting to 'reform' me, and he never once took that advice into account. After his experience with that spy, he has maintained a sunny disposition, despite the circumstances and the long term effects... His emotions are wild, yet he never seems to let anything get him down for long..
....I seem to need a moment. Continue sending questions, pay me no mind.
Surprisingly emotional,
-Simon Blackquill
This one is for Detective Fulbright!
When you became a detective, were you prepared for the crazed justice system, like when Prosecutor Blackquill was arrested and the whole thing with the trial and getting him back to his job, or were you not prepared at all?
Oh! another for me! how exciting!!
Apologies for the delays, friends! life just doesn't stand still, does it?
Now then, Fine dads,
Was I ready? No. I thought I was, mind!
I had done very well in police academy, and I was not the only officer in my family so I figured I had already heard it all....oh, how wrong I was!
Nothing could have prepared me for meeting Prosecutor Blackquill, for having my sense of Justice challenged, for all that ugliness afterwards, or the shock of coming back and finding both how much and how little has actually changed...we're roommates now, and I got my beloved dog, Rover! he's a great help.
Nothing could have prepared me, I don't think. It would have been nice to have had a warning, but...that's not really how life happens somtimes, is it?
All in all, regrets aside, I'm glad I'm here.
I really hope this answered your question, thank you for asking!
In Justice We Trust!
-Bobby Fulbright
How the devil did you get a picture of me?
And why did "jingle bell rock" play three times in less then three hours while I was doing research this morning?
Has the whole world lost their minds?

"At least Christmas music was largely avoidable in the clink."
He is not vibrating with excitement for December.
Who the devil am I? Who the devil are YOU?? Was that spies body a fake? How many are you? I shall cut every single one of you down! You shall not have my place!

"At least Christmas music was largely avoidable in the clink."
He is not vibrating with excitement for December.
bobby what would u do if u met your clone?
Anonymous reader.
This question is not going to reach Fulbright. While he has not met a true clone of himself, he has met the closest thing currently possible, which is to say, another man wearing his face and his voice.
The results were traumatic. He was held captive for an unclear amount of time. Unclear because by the time he was freed, his sense of time was so completely shot he could not tell us exactly when he had been replaced. There is a theorized timeline of events, but we may never be certain.
As such, another person may be better suited to your query, even if it is a simple "what if".
Completely Calm
-Simon Blackquill
Well, here goes nothing.
When it comes to psychology in criminology, it’s seen as group evidence, not individuals evidence. It’s like a shoe print, not a blood sample. This means that any hint towards this type of persons psyche can belong to any number of people. Which means, without proper thought, the paper would have been useless. So this means the phantom did all that killing for nothing.
Ah, I see where you are coming from with this.
Reader, you are correct, the report alone would never have been enough. which is why when I spent seven long years teasing the underground, I did not clarify what exactly I had. even as far as psychological reports go, It was based on the smallest snippet of information, not a complete view of the man at all. I framed it as more evidence then was actually there, and the key to finding him, as it was the only evidence available.
it took seven damn years to tease him out, waiting for him to take the bait.
Even then, he was satisfied to let me be executed, ensuring my silence, and collecting-destroying-the moon rock, which unbeknownst to anyone, had the much more damning blood samples on it.
as for why he killed Cykes-sama in the first place, I assume it was because of his own paranoia, and the possibility of being compromised, lacking the facts. As far as my understanding of the situation goes, his mysterious organization was interested in the rocket, not her. He may have believed she uncovered more then she did. He may have feared if left alone she would. his identity was not something he could take great risks with, as seen when he was cornered in the courthouse.
By the time she died, I already had the report, little good did it do.
I hope this is...enlightening, I suppose.
I need a drink.
-Simon Blackquill
ZVARRI! It appears I’ve encountered the Twisted Samurai himself, in the flesh! You’ve quite the bold appearance, it’s hard not to see you. But of course, while I am used to being gawked at by anyone and everyone who gazes upon me, perhaps you are not quite accustomed to the sensation of being seen.
Ah, where are my manners? My name is Luke Atmey, Ace Detective. I believe we were in prison at the same time. Fortunately, I managed to attain freedom from that horrid place long ago.
How did I do that, you may ask? Hah! That’s a secret.
Are you well?
-Luke Atmey, Ace Detective
Atmey, Atmey......
Ah, that's right. Pinocchio himself. Yes, I remember you. I'd wagered your stay would dim your self-importance, I suppose I owe Gant a pack of cigs.
I remember hearing about your case in connection with Mask☆DeMasque, it was an interesting one. By the time I went in you had been there awhile, if memory serves.
I am well. as you may or may not have heard, I was released following new evidence in my case, and not a moment too soon. was almost bloody hanged for that.
How is it that you walk free? should the detective I share my apartment with be watching for you, or are you free from the mutton-shunters all together?
Or do you still suppose all of us too daft to be worth talking to?
-Simon Blackquill
That would be for the best.
Curious, I was not aware any of my coworkers had children...then again, I'm disinclined to ask.
It is good that you are at least aware of the mess you are walking into. it's not too late to turn back, but I know from personal experience that the youth can be stubborn, especially when dealing with those who would discourage a course of action.
Themis is not a bad school, or wasn't, anyway. recent controversy has tainted it's name somewhat, a murder on the school grounds is never a pleasing occurrence, make it one of your own professors and its a damnable nightmare. Reports of corruption has followed it for a bit now, but its unclear how deeply that took root.
Regardless, I wish you the best of luck.
-Simon Blackquill
Any advice for someone who’s looking to become a defense attorney in japanifornia?
My dad’s a defense attorney, you see, I wanna follow in his footsteps
( @ask-instigator-attorney )
Future Attorney,
Firstly I would suggest you reconsider. Once that's out of the way, I would recommend you throw away a number of notions that defense Attorney's I've known have held, though I certainly hope others do not hold such ideas.
Do not hinge your case on whether or not YOU believe they are innocent. If they are, excellent, but it won't make your job even a smidge easier. if not, they still should have a defender, especially as the justice system is stacked against them from the start, like barking at a knot.
You are aware of this, yes?
Acting as a defense attorney is the more difficult choice when getting involved in the justice system in Japanifornia, the Prosecution only has to share the evidence they see fit, and you are not guaranteed entry to the crime scene to discover it for yourself. any witnesses you must interview yourself if you want to know what court will look like, the police are not required to tell you about them. Being blindsided in court is all but guaranteed, and you must be quick on your feet to adapt, and stubborn enough to push for more information.
The Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth has been pushing to reform, but most of the work thus far has been removing corrupt prosecutors from the office, a work which will never be fully done. Did make a bloody good excuse to get me back behind the bench though....
Regradless, you will doubtless have your work cut out for you.
Oh, and lest you fall into the same trap that haunts Wright-dono's office,
Make sure you get paid.
-Simon Blackquill
(thank you @ask-instigator-attorney!)
You are pulling my leg.
Though, I have spoken to someone else who was also going by the name "Simon Blackquill..."
If it IS true, how the devil are you in contact with my reality?
Aura tried to explain multiverse theory to me once, but we were both under the impression it was a hypothetical, not something that could be proven, as technology as it stood would not allow us to contact other realities, assuming they existed at all.
If you are, in fact, from an alternative reality, how have you made contact with me, and, if you have successfully made contact with a different reality, why would legal advice from my world be your first order of business? It may not even be applicable for you.
In Short, I am skeptical. If not for previous strange happenings, I would tell you to sodd off all together.
Continue with your work, certainly. Know that this is the sort of cockamamie explanation that would require extensive proof in court.
....and exactly the sort of thing certain defense attorneys would try....
-Simon Blackquill
Any advice for someone who’s looking to become a defense attorney in japanifornia?
My dad’s a defense attorney, you see, I wanna follow in his footsteps
( @ask-instigator-attorney )
Future Attorney,
Firstly I would suggest you reconsider. Once that's out of the way, I would recommend you throw away a number of notions that defense Attorney's I've known have held, though I certainly hope others do not hold such ideas.
Do not hinge your case on whether or not YOU believe they are innocent. If they are, excellent, but it won't make your job even a smidge easier. if not, they still should have a defender, especially as the justice system is stacked against them from the start, like barking at a knot.
You are aware of this, yes?
Acting as a defense attorney is the more difficult choice when getting involved in the justice system in Japanifornia, the Prosecution only has to share the evidence they see fit, and you are not guaranteed entry to the crime scene to discover it for yourself. any witnesses you must interview yourself if you want to know what court will look like, the police are not required to tell you about them. Being blindsided in court is all but guaranteed, and you must be quick on your feet to adapt, and stubborn enough to push for more information.
The Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth has been pushing to reform, but most of the work thus far has been removing corrupt prosecutors from the office, a work which will never be fully done. Did make a bloody good excuse to get me back behind the bench though....
Regradless, you will doubtless have your work cut out for you.
Oh, and lest you fall into the same trap that haunts Wright-dono's office,
Make sure you get paid.
-Simon Blackquill
(thank you @ask-instigator-attorney!)
Umi Teardrop:
-Here is the Champion of Justice post I did watch it when you guys are ready to watch
Apologies for the long delay in posting this,
Thank you for sharing it, we liked it quite a bit.
For those who wish to see, I will link it here
-Simon Blackquill
((out of character, finished the last chapter of a fic today and wanted to share! Tomorrow I'm back to work, but thank you so much for joining me this week as I posted a whole bunch! Keep sending asks, and I hope you enjoy!))
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes, Ban Gouzou | Bobby Fulbright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice Additional Tags: Hospitalization, Shooting, Major Character Injury, Medical Trauma, Hospitals, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, NO DEATH, mentioned wrightworth, Psychological Distress, Gyakuten Saiban 5 | Dual Destinies, Gyakuten Saiban 5 | Dual Destinies Spoilers, Mentioned Phoenix Wright, Blood, Imprisonment, Hurt, POV Multiple, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Needles, just at the very end Summary:
After an incident at the court house, Simon Blackquill gets a closer look at how the Japanifornia health care system treats inmates, and how it will effect his care.
This takes place at some point either before or during Dual Destines, but the exact time frame is not specified.
Blood tag applies only to a scene that those who have played the game would recognize, it really isn’t present for the rest of the fic, but thought it would be better to tag then not.
Last chapter finally up! apologies for the long delay, life just wouldn’t stop happening! big thank you to both @gigimirasol and @thesecondwetnote for proofing it for me! I love you guys!
Hmph. I suppose it is unreasonable to expect a fifteen year old to have an explanation. I remain skeptical that this is not some prank or ruse, but I'll admit it would seem a smidge pointless. Were we in court it would be clear, some mission to get your client off the hook, or at least reduce the sentence. Outside of court, you may find enjoyment in watching people argue with you, or mayhap you think you will recive acclaim.
On the other hand, you may be completely truthful, having discovered something you can not yet explain is hardly that unlikely, even grown men and women are not able to explain items they use every day. Were it not for the magnitude of the discovery, this would be hardly worth commenting on.I have met two others who claim to be Simon Blackquill, what is one more? Shall the universe fall apart if there is one more man claiming it to be so? Or do you expect your Blackquill will cause problems for me on a personal level? Is paranoia a trait he carries? A great deal of anger? What version of Me takes in a child?
I'll admit I am curious, as I am frankly, not father material. I am somewhat adapt with dealing with witnesses who are very young, but that is not the same set of skills. Any fool of a psychologist can get their act together long enough to get a statement, assuming they pay attention, listening more than they speak. More adept than that is why they have child psychologists, which I am not.
Parenthood...What a strange choice.
-Simon Blackquill
Any advice for someone who’s looking to become a defense attorney in japanifornia?
My dad’s a defense attorney, you see, I wanna follow in his footsteps
( @ask-instigator-attorney )
Future Attorney,
Firstly I would suggest you reconsider. Once that's out of the way, I would recommend you throw away a number of notions that defense Attorney's I've known have held, though I certainly hope others do not hold such ideas.
Do not hinge your case on whether or not YOU believe they are innocent. If they are, excellent, but it won't make your job even a smidge easier. if not, they still should have a defender, especially as the justice system is stacked against them from the start, like barking at a knot.
You are aware of this, yes?
Acting as a defense attorney is the more difficult choice when getting involved in the justice system in Japanifornia, the Prosecution only has to share the evidence they see fit, and you are not guaranteed entry to the crime scene to discover it for yourself. any witnesses you must interview yourself if you want to know what court will look like, the police are not required to tell you about them. Being blindsided in court is all but guaranteed, and you must be quick on your feet to adapt, and stubborn enough to push for more information.
The Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth has been pushing to reform, but most of the work thus far has been removing corrupt prosecutors from the office, a work which will never be fully done. Did make a bloody good excuse to get me back behind the bench though....
Regradless, you will doubtless have your work cut out for you.
Oh, and lest you fall into the same trap that haunts Wright-dono's office,
Make sure you get paid.
-Simon Blackquill
(thank you @ask-instigator-attorney!)