she/her| Requests: OPEN Guidelines Masterlist

81 posts

Part. 1

Part. 1

Part. 1

pairing: iwaizumi x blackfem!reader

synopsis: ballet au fic (updated weekly)

word count: 1.8k

type: fanfiction

a/n: i <3 iwaizumi

On the way back to their dorm, Iwaizumi stopped in his tracks. "What's wrong Iwa-chan? Not ready for school yet?" "Did you forget?" Oikawa smiled as if he had no idea what he was talking about. "How you were supposed to help me with that?" "Well you should've reminded me. Nothing to worry about we have the whole school year ahead of us." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. Of course he would say that. As the last bit of sunlight sunk below the waves, Iwaizumi closed the curtains.

Another year where Oikawa was the star of the show; Iwaizumi nearly dreaded it. It surprisingly didn't take long to fall asleep as all those all nighters finally caught up to him. The dorms soon fell silent where the only voice heard were nocturnal creatures calling to one another.

As much as Iwaizumi hated waking up early, he preferred it. This was the only time he could get any homework done or go to the gym because Oikawa consistently without fail asked him to hang out every single day. Oikawa surely had other friends considering how popular he was. Iwaizumi threw on a t-shirt and grabbed his gym bag. He quickly scanned the room for anything he might've missed and left for the gym. The gym was an impressive two story building with a pool in the basement.

Iwaizumi never had time to see the pool because of his already tight schedule. After waking his body up and completing his work out, he stops for his morning coffee. Oikawa's shenanigans drove him nuts and Iwaizumi was convinced that if he didn't drink coffee Oikawa would drive him to death. Iwaizumi quickly drank his coffee and headed back to the dorms.

His second favorite part of the day was eating breakfast. The dorm's café was free for students and the food was always piping hot and fresh. Y/n often joined him along with her friends Kourtney and Elissa. Y/n waved as Iwaizumi sat down. She had gotten his breakfast before he arrived. She smiled as she passed him a plate of egg whites, bacon, and pancakes with strawberries on the side.

"You never get tired of eating the same thing every day?" Iwaizumi asked. The girl shook her head playfully. "How can I when we eat the same thing? Plus the pancakes are like my version of coffee." He watched as she carefully poured syrup over her stack of pancakes.

Oikawa joined breakfast rather late. "There's no need for me to eat today. Someone stopped by my dorm and brought me fresh fruit. Isn't that nice?" Elissa rolled her eyes, "That happens every morning." "I know! It's great being Oikawa." Iwaizumi hit him across the head. "That's enough narcissism for the day. Let me at least enjoy my breakfast." "Iwa your so mean."

Oikawa rubbed the side of his face and slurped his tea loudly. "What bs do you think Mrs. Aveline will pull this time?" Kourtney asks. "Oo oo I'll go first," Y/n raised her hand like a game show, "She's going to add someone new to the team who hasn't auditioned." "That's a given," Elissa smirked. "Maybe this time she'll divorce her husband and won't sue him?" Iwaizumi suggested.

Oikawa laughed. "My money is betting that she's gonna do some really fucked up shit. Maybe she'll even go to jail." Kourtney pointed her fork in Oikawa's direction. "She's not that stupid y'know?" "That lady has lost her marbles. She is definitely going to jail. I can feel it."

The first bell rang and the group hurried to get their books and head to class. In addition to dance, students had to take four common core classes and one dance class of their choice which meant one style of dance they got for six hours a week instead of the usual one hour for each style of dance daily.

Iwaizumi naturally didn't pay attention much. He knew teachers had no choice but to pass him as he was on the dance team. Mrs. Aveline wouldn't know what to do if his grades were too bad to continue being on the team. He was a bit excited to dance, but Monday's were always ballet class. He wasn't the best at ballet, but Y/n was his partner in this class so that made it much more bearable.

The entire class was spent making jokes about various things and getting sent into the hallway for disrupting the class. As soon as the pair got into the hallway they burst out laughing. "C'mon let's go to the vending machine for a drink. All this laughing made me thirsty." Y/n took Iwaizumi's hand and led him upstairs. The dance studios were all on the first and second floors as well as the basement. The vending machines were right outside of the cafeteria on the third floor.

Occasionally some of the younger dancers would blush when they saw Iwaizumi but nothing too major. He paid for both his and Y/n's drink before sitting down next to her against the wall. "Ms. Harris might as well let us not go to her class. We're already star ballet dancers." Iwaizumi chuckled. "Your the prima ballerina. Should we get back to class?" Y/n nodded and the two threw the empty soda cans away in a nearby trashcan.

By the time they got back, ballet was already over and it was time for the company to take over the studio. The senior team had to practice with the company because Mrs. Aveline expected them to join the company after graduation. It had been a running joke since freshmen year that she actually expected them to join the company.

Oikawa was already waiting for the two at the same spot they had stretched in for the past two years. Kourtney and Elissa soon joined the trio once their class were over. The final members of the team joined and class began. Iwaizumi hated practicing with the company because all of them were getting paid to perform and were grown adults.

Some days it was difficult to keep up, especially when there was a show coming up. Mrs. Aveline expected everything to be perfect. Iwaizumi was almost certain no average person would be able to tell if there was the tiniest mistake in their show. During one of the water breaks, Mrs. Aveline rushed out the studio with no explanation.

"I bet it's her husband calling to give her divorce papers," Frankie exclaimed. It was Frankie's last year on the team so Mrs. Aveline was trying her best to convince him to join the company. Frankie had his eyes set to be a dancer for Hollywood movies and already invested in an agent. Iwaizumi thought he might find better luck being a internet contortionist and doing a cheap promo every once in a while if the money ran dry.

Before either of them could deny or support Frankie's claim, Mrs. Aveline rushed in with a girl following behind her. She introduced the girl as Célia Lafitte. She had thick dark brown curls that flowed freely down to her waist. Bright green eyes and pink lip gloss greeted the group. Didn't she know makeup wasn't allowed for practice? She wore a cropped black leotard and black shorts. She plastered a smile across her face and said that Lia was just fine.

"What did I say?" Y/n whispered to Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi wondered what crazy scheme Mrs. Aveline had planned this time. Once introductions were over, Mrs. Aveline abruptly ended company practice and was ready for her dance team. "Lia here will be joining our team as she is a transfer student from our ballet school in France."

Lia waltzed over to stand next to Oikawa which slightly pushed Y/n out of the way. "Now that that's settled, let's get on with assignments. This week we're going to Gold Coast, Queensland. I've decided to do five numbers. Since Lia is new, she'll be getting a solo so I can see where she's at."

"Of fucking course," Y/n mumbled under her breath." "Frankie will also be getting a lyrical solo as well as Y/n. There will also be a jazz-ballet duet with Iwaizumi and Y/n. The group routine will be ballet. Let's start stretching and work on the group routine." Oikawa congratulated Y/n by giving her a high five. Iwaizumi found it strange that there was a duet for the first week back.

There was no surprise the group routine featured Lia as well. With how much attention she was getting, you would think they were in a relationship. After around two and a half hours of practice, Mrs. Aveline cleared the studio for the soloists and the duet. Iwaizumi was glad he wouldn't have to wait for the soloists to finish to go back to his room.

Mrs. Aveline didn't seem to interested in their duet and once choreographing it, she left them on their own to perfect it. "Isn't it great we get our own duet Iwaizumi? I get to do it with you so of course we're gonna win." Iwaizumi did a few practice turns. "I expected Oikawa to get the duet to be honest."

Y/n look confused. "You rather not do it?" He sighed. "Since you and Oikawa always fight for the top spot and all." Mrs. Aveline shoved the two into the studio across the hall so they could work with Maria. Maria was one of the teachers and often traveled with the team. Maria was like an older sister or cousin to Iwaizumi.

During the run through of the dance, he had to pick Y/n up. She giggled and complimented his muscles. Breakfast with Y/n may be great, but hearing her say that was definitely number one on his list. He took pride in his muscles and it was nice to know someone recognized his hard work. Maria eventually let the two of them go and Oikawa was eagerly waiting right outside the studio door.

"Iwa-chan why do you think so highly of Y/n and not me?" Iwaizumi took a swig of his water. "Don't you think it's weird how you say that even when your speaking English?" "But Y/n and I are equal," he continued to whine. "If I buy you take out will you stop whining?" Oikawa's eyes lit up, "We have to hurry before they close."

"You and that new girl seemed pretty touchy feely," Iwaizumi pointed out. The two were sitting in their dorm room sprawled out on the floor doing homework. "Oh yeah she's totally into me. Maybe I'll date her, maybe I won't. He shrugged. Everyone's into you, Iwaizumi said under his breath. "Maybe a relationship would be good for you," Iwaizumi suggested. "Maybe it would be good for you too. Let's see who can get a girlfriend first."

"Who would I even date?" Iwaizumi put down his pencil and picked up his chopsticks. "Y/n, of course. You didn't think I forgot did you?" "Kinda hoping you had. Put a can in it until tomorrow will you?" "Anything for Iwa-chan."

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More Posts from Uhhlucid

3 years ago

i <3 sims 3

2 years ago



pairing: iwaizumi x femblack!reader

synopsis: ballet au fic (updated weekly)

word count: 343

warnings: none

type: fanfiction

a/n: rewriting an unfinished story from wattpad. inspired by dance academy and dance moms. this is just a intro so the first chapter is coming after. i loooove dance academy btw^^

Charlène Aveline's Dance Company. A prestigious dance school that teaches children from 11-18. With 319 acres of land, the school is absolutely stunning. With fifteen different buildings including a shopping center for students, its better then most universities in Sydney. The most impressive however was the competitive team. There was an elite group of 6 or 7 senior dancers that traveled across the world competing with the best of the best in the industry.

Oikawa and Y/n. Now Oikawa has been his best friend for years. Iwaizumi was proud of his friend for being in the top two. Girls flocked to him after class and teachers constantly praised his ballet skills. Y/n had been Oikawa's friend for years. Iwaizumi was her friend too, but not as close as Oikawa was to her. Y/n and Oikawa fought for the top spot at the end of every semester and many students thought the couple would be cute together.

Many students, but not Iwaizumi. He knew Oikawa didn't harbor feelings for the girl, but knowing that the majority felt that his friend did made him believe it a little bit. Naturally Iwaizumi didn't get as much of the spotlight as his friends, but he didn't mind. With their next year of high school starting, Iwaizumi found it quite difficult to live in his shadow.

He snapped out of his own thoughts and continued drinking his smoothie. As the last day of summer vacation, Iwaizumi and friends were on the beach soaking in the last few days of summer. He watched Oikawa and Y/n sprint back to the rest of the group. He sighed. Oikawa seemed to have forgot his promise to help Iwaizumi over the summer.

At least he wouldn't have to worry about auditions this year. After being on the senior team for two years at least, you wouldn't have to audition anymore unless someone threatened your spot. He watched Y/n laugh as Oikawa whispered something to her. Iwaizumi huffed again. He was going to have to remind his friend about the conversation they had.

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3 years ago
Pairing: Tanaka X Oc

pairing: tanaka x oc

synopsis: Ayano Shimizu is the perfect student, the perfect daughter, and everyone looks up to her. Her only problem is Tanaka keeps playing with her heart.

word count: 1.8k

warnings: heartbreak lol i luv crushing hearts

type: fanfic

a/n: one of my old stories so might be some mistakes loool but enjoy^^

"Did you see that Ayano?" Ayano nodded, "That spike was soo cool. I know you'll do great in your game!" Kiyoko tried to hide her smile, "You guys make quite the cute couple. Where's Saori and her brother?" Ayano shrugged, "Probably at home arguing over who ate all the cereal." Ayano grabbed her backpack as their coach blew the whistle, signaling the end of practice.

Ayano stayed behind to help Kiyoko lock up. This resulted in her hearing Nishinoya and Tanaka drone on and on about how they were going to protect her at night.

Toshiaki came to save her however, since he was coming from baseball practice. "Hey Tanaka, hey Noya, what're you guys up to?" "Nothing much, just protecting our queen Kiyoko," Nishinoya responded with a proud smile.

Tanaka nodded in agreement. Toshiaki was well aware of Ayano's growing feelings for Tanaka and a part of him felt bad. He knew what it was like to be the second choice, and he didn't want his older sister having a similar experience.

"You guys want to walk home together?" Toshiaki decided on asking the other four, thinking it would result in a fun conversation. They agreed and headed towards Kiyoko's house first, considering it was the closet.

The five of them talked about their weekend plans and the upcoming games they all had. Toshiaki had a baseball game on Saturday so he would spend his time after lunch on the bus to Tokyo.

Tanaka and Nishinoya had the preliminaries next week, and Ayano had a swim meet Sunday before going to the arcade. She wasn't too overhyped for it, but she was pretty excited. If they won, they would get to go to nationals automatically.

Well that was if they got first place. If they didn't, second to ninth place have to compete in another preliminaries that was even bigger than the one they were going to. Ayano wasn't worried however, considering she currently held the record in their prefecture for having the fastest butterfly. Their team was even considered one of the top five youth teams in Japan.

After saying their goodbyes to Kiyoko, the others headed towards the train station. Nishinoya's house was right across the street from it so it would just be Ayano, Tanaka, and Toshiaki on the train. Ayano swiped her student id to get to the subway before entering and taking a seat. It was pretty empty except for other students who also appeared to be in sports.

"So are both of you coming to the game next week? You can ride on the bus with us." Toshiaki shrugged, "I'm not sure if I can miss Monday practice though. If there's anything Tuesday I can make it."

"And what about you Ayano?" "Yeah I'll ride with you guys if you want me to. Is it cool if I bring Saori and Kazuo?" "Sure if there's room on the bus." Tanaka waved as he exited the train, leaving Ayano and Toshiaki to head home together.

"You think Yuuka is home?" Toshiaki pointed in the driveway, "If Mom and Dad are home then Yuuka definitely is. Choir is over like an entire hour before sports are."

Before either of them could unlock the door, Yuuka opened it. "What took you guys so long?" Ayano shrugged and let Toshiaki answer, "Maybe because baseball is time consuming. Your totally coming to my game tomorrow right?"

"I don't know should I support my little brother?" She pulled both of them into a hug and shut the door behind them. "I'll be there. Such a shame Ayano can't go though." "I'm glad you have something to do on Sunday. I don't need your encouragement."

Toshiaki pried himself out of Yuuka's arms, "What do you mean? Her encouragements the best." "You don't exactly yell Go Ayano! at a swim meet." "I understand your point, but your foods getting cold," Yuuka pointed into the kitchen. Their parents were already cleaning up which meant they had taken way too long.

Ayano sat down and rushed to finish her food. She still had to do her homework and exams to study for.

Next week was exam week and the last week before summer break. She wanted to at least pass so she wouldn't be grounded. Ayano quickly changed into a sports bra and sweats and sat cross legged in her chair.

Friday and Saturday were when exams were held, and club activities were cancelled next week. Ayano checked her calendar and made sure to add in the change of events. She was excited for summer since she would have more time to see her friends and maybe ask Tanaka on a date.

Sighing, she put in her noise cancelling headphones and began her homework.

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Saturday July 26th

"Great job, Ayano! Your time increased by 1.5 seconds." The girls swim team captain, Yuki Saito, congratulated her as she got out of the pool. "Thanks, but it's nothing too special. I've been trying to study more." "Studying is way more important. Remember we don't have to get first place." "I'm mainly worried about the relay. See you tomorrow, Yuki."

Ayano left Yuki and the others to lock up and headed towards Okazaki's house. She hoped she hadn't taken too long. Seeing as it was only six pm, she hurried to his house.

It was only a five minute walk and she stopped to get some snacks on the way. As soon as she knocked, Kimura answered the door with dripping wet hair. She ushered Ayano inside to the upstairs bathroom where Okazaki was desperately trying to do Saori's roots.

"Hey guys. Can I put the food in your room?" Okazaki nodded not taking his eyes off her head. Kimura stayed in the bathroom with the two and Ayano headed to his bedroom.

Having been to his house multiple times, she easily found his bedroom. He had even more band posters on the left side of his wall near his bed. Next to his bed was a shelf full of albums and below it was a mirror. On the right side, he had his desk and an ungodly amount of plants.

Ayano set her swim bag and backpack where everyone had set their stuff and set the food down on his desk. She joined the others in the bathroom were they were currently trying to dry Kimura's hair. Ayano chose to film the whole scenario and post it on her story.

After Kimura's hair was dry, she went back into the bedroom to pick a movie. "If we dry your hair faster, it will probably be a pastel pink instead of just pink," Ayano suggested.

"Are you sure that will work?" Okazaki looked skeptical. "It'll be some shade of pink and that's good enough for me. I just want to watch the movie." The other two shrugged and began drying her hair. "I have an idea, let me find some scissors." Saori ran off downstairs, her footsteps could be heard throughout the entire house.

Coming back out of breath, she handed the scissors to Ayano, "Put Okazaki's hair in a ponytail, but a really like small one. Then we can cut off the remaining hair. Or maybe put it in a bun." "Wouldn't it be uneven?" Okazaki questioned her.

Saori shook her head, "I can shape it up, I think. I watched my dad cut people's hair before." Ayano hesitantly took the scissors and removed the hair tie from her hair and tied up Okazaki's into a half bun half ponytail.

Saori gave her a thumbs up and Ayano began cutting. Once she was finished, she handed the scissors to Saori who began to shape it up. Ayano joined Kimura in the bedroom who surprisingly didn't have her hair in a bun. Ayano sat next to her and grabbed a bag of chips from the bag.

"What movie did you have in mind," Ayano asked the younger girl. "I don't know maybe a horror movie or something? I am pretty tired." "I guess everyones like that since we've been busting our ass over exams. It'll be over soon though and then-" Saori cut her off when she entered the room, "Summer break here we come! Introducing the new and improved, Kazuki Okazaki!" Saori sat down and Okazaki entered behind her striking poses.

His hair was no longer past his shoulder, but barely reached his shoulder. While he turned around, Ayano noticed his bangs hadn't been trimmed, but the back of his hair had. "And what do we call this style again?" Kimura asked, clearly not liking it. "Its called a wolf cut. Usually girls get it, but I tried it on Okazaki." "Yeah Kimura a wolf cut. Doesn't it look nice?" "I think you look like a werewolf." Okazaki threw a pillow at Kimura to muffle her voice.

"Ayano what do you think of it?" "It's unique I guess. You'll get every wolf in school for sure." "Alright I see you guys don't like it, but to me it looks great. Now what movie are we watching?" Saori joined Okazaki on his bed and grabbed one of his blankets. She laid on her tummy far away from him. "This escape room movie. It's about an escape room, but deadly." "Ooh I am so scared Saori. What's going to happen? We can't unlock the door?" Okazaki teased.

"This actually looks pretty scary," Kimura pointed out looking at the trailer. So the four of them agreed to watch the movie. They were all fast asleep before it could end however, and all you heard were the snores of four teenagers full of serotonin with colored hair.

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Sunday July 27th

"Ayano you can't be late for your date." "Saori my swim meet literally ended five minutes ago and how did you get back here?" "Well Tanaka was asking for you. Plus, your captain let me in. Now put your clothes on and go talk to your boyfriend."

"We're not dating, Saori." "Yet." "I'll see you in like five minutes." Saori nods and leaves. Ayano looks through the pile of bags to find hers and slips off to the restroom to change. She changed grey crop top and black shorts. Her favorite grey and white jacket complimented the look as she laced her sneakers and put her swim suit in a plastic bag before putting it in her swim bag.

Waving to her team, she set out to find her friends. Saori, Tanaka, Kazuo, and Toshiaki were waiting for her in front of the main doors. "Hey Ms. Nationals," Toshiaki teased as Ayano came up to them. "I'm just glad we even placed," Ayano replied slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Of course you placed. You guys are the best in the whole prefecture," Tanaka said. Ayano felt her heart skip a beat at his compliment as the four of them headed to the train station

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3 years ago
Pairing: Giyuu X Black!reader

pairing: giyuu x black!reader

synopsis: shinobu is sick of seeing tomioka ignore his feelings

word count: 1.2k

warnings: i love fluff

type: one-shot/drabble

a/n: found the breathing style on reddit so credit to who's idea it was! also doing a black reader for every day this month cus its black history month <3

Giyuu had heard Shinobu for a week talking about how he had to come along because Y/n couldn't do it herself. He knew she just wanted him to get alone time with Y/n, but Y/n was perfectly capable of going on her own.

"But what if she dies?" Shinobu continued pushing the idea. Giyuu said nothing in response and kept walking. "I can not believe you would just let Y/n die like that. Its no wonder people don't like you." He disliked being reminded that despite how annoying Shinobu was, she was the only Hashira who talked to him.

When he did decide to speak it was barely audible, "If I go will you stop?" Shinobu nodded. "Glad you said yes because I already told her you wanted to go." Giyuu continued ignoring her. "And you need to confess this time okay? Otherwise she's going to think your really weird." The last time Shinobu forced him to confess no words came out.

She of course found it hilarious and Giyuu didn't appreciate her making fun of him. Shinobu said some other words he didn't listen to and ran off. He planned on telling Y/n he felt sick and couldn't go. What he wasn't expecting was Shinobu to bring Y/n back. They were smiling and laughing with each other like old friends.

Y/n wore the usual demon slayer uniform outlined in yellow and white. The right side of her haori was a geometric pattern of stars while the left side was white fading into yellow. Her dark brown curls were tied back with a star clip and a few strands were in the front.

"I was surprised you said yes," Y/n smiled at him. Giyuu avoided her eyes. Shinobu frowned. "Giyuu you should speak when someone talks to you." Giyuu still said nothing and began walking. "So did he not say yes?" Y/n was visibly confused.

"He wants to get the mission over with. He's so anti-social its sad really," Shinobu smiled. "Any advice?" Y/n asked. "Bully him until he responds," Shinobu had a playful glint in her eyes. Giyuu was already far ahead and by the time Y/n caught up he still wasn't talking.

"How'd you know where to go?" Y/n attempted to make conversation. Shinobu told her that Giyuu didn't hate her, but his current behavior said otherwise. "Giyuu you have a mission on your own right?" He shook his head. "Even though your breathing style is basic, I still think its pretty cool." Giyuu nodded.

Y/n sighed and was ready to give up defeat. How could Shinobu get him to talk but no one else could? The rest of the walk was silent except for the occasional bird singing. Giyuu's expression didn't change either. Y/n usually got him to speak whenever she greeted him, but apparently whatever connection they had was lost.

When the two reached the town the demon was supposedly terrorizing, it was already nightfall. "Are you tired," Giyuu whispered. Y/n was surprised he even asked about her wellbeing. "I'm fine. What did you hear about the demon?" Maybe Y/n had asked too much. "You would've been fine without me here."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment." The two were approached by a frantic woman in tears. "Please you have to help me. That devil took my babies. They're the only ones I have left." She began to sob. "Where'd you last see them?" Y/n hated seeing families being torn apart because of demons.

The woman tried her best to recount what happened. Once they got a solid story, the two went off in search of the demon. "It's probably too late to save them." "Giyuu how could you say that?" The barn the woman described was a few miles outside the town.

There were dead bodies littered in the grass and a rotten stench filled the air. None of it fazed Giyuu and he continued walking. "You save the kids and I'll get the demon," he didnt want Y/n in any kind of danger despite knowing she was more then capable.

She nodded and continued walking towards the front door while Giyuu went around back. The door creaked eerily as it opened to a pitch black room. Y/n carefully walked but without any light, she stepped right into a trap. A sharp pain hit her foot and she almost yelped in pain.

A hand covered her mouth and dragged her to a corner. "Keep quiet while I get it off your foot." She nodded and let them remove the trap trying desperately to not make a sound. Once her foot was successfully wrapped in bandages, the pain subsided a bit. "He definitely knows we're here now. You stay here and when I find him you can get the kids," Giyuu's tone was very hushed.

Y/n nodded again and sat patiently waiting. She heard a few noises, but chose to ignore them. If anything she was utterly embarrassed that her crush saw her at a weak point. She admitted defeat and waited for his signal. As the night went on, she was beginning to wonder what was taking so long.

Y/n limped towards the only light in the barn and peeked around the corner. There the kids lay being guarded by a demon. The demon seemed small enough that Y/n could take it on. She hobbled into the shadows and planned her attack. She knew once she attacked, anyone else in the barn would know she was there.

It was one of the many downsides of her style of breathing. She focused her attention on her state of mind. "Star Breathing Fourth Form: Meteor Shower." Several quick slashes made this move one of Y/n's favorite. Cutting the demon's limbs and torso into pieces gave enough of a distraction to safely get the kids out of the room.

She was glad the children were old enough to walk without help otherwise she would have really been dead. The siblings kept running until they reached the outside of the barn with Y/n hobbling behind. The sun was beginning to rise and there was still no sign of Giyuu. Her anxiety only grew as she began walking the kids back to the town. As the sun fully rose, the kids were reunited with their mother.

She began thanking her and asking what she could do to repay her. Y/n insisted that it was just her job. "Where's the young man you were with?" "He should be coming soon. He told me to leave with the kids," Y/n lied. She had no idea where Giyuu was and if he was dead because of her that would seriously be a problem.

Almost as if her prayers had been answered, Giyuu appeared a few minutes later. Y/n wrapped her arms around him instantly. "I thought you were dead. I'm sorry for abandoning you like that." "Can we go somewhere private?" He whispered in her ear.

Y/n assumed he wanted to share something about the demon that the family couldn't handle, but when they reached a clearing he seemed nervous. "So what was it you needed to say?" Giyuu took a huge breath before speaking.

"I think I have romantic feelings for you and was wondering if you wanted to go on a date later?" His voice got smaller and smaller the more he talked. After a few seconds of silence Giyuu assumed he was getting rejected. Shinobu had set him up once again.

Y/n pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear, "Of course. Right after my foot heals."

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3 years ago

man why won't he text back😕