she/her| Requests: OPEN Guidelines Masterlist

81 posts

New Fic Coming Soon?? P.s. I Didn't Forget Ab My Current One. My File Didn't Save So My Work Is Gone

new fic coming soon?? p.s. i didn't forget ab my current one. my file didn't save so my work is gone so i've been reluctant to redo it lol. But this new fic has smut which is smth i've never thought i'd write lol.

More Posts from Uhhlucid

2 years ago

sanji my beloved

2 years ago

Part. 4

Part. 4

pairing: iwaizumi x black!fem reader

synopsis: on pointe (updated weekly)

word count: 1.9k

type: fanfiction

a/n: previous parts in masterlist as usual. this was originally a fluff but that's too boring so.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa were up before the sun was. They bickered about who got the shower first and who got to brush their teeth first. It was a warm day which Iwaizumi took as good luck. Once Oikawa and him were ready, they set off. Everything on the campus was closed at this hour. The birds weren't even awake to begin their chirping. Oikawa was very hyper for it to be so early. They navigated to the front entrance where the charter bus was waiting. Mrs. Aveline and Lia were already there. Iwaizumi sat on the steps and lingered back as Oikawa and Lia began eagerly talking about the competition.

Frankie arrived next with bagels for everyone. Iwaizumi munched away as Serenity, Elissa, and Y/n arrived. He checked his wristwatch which read 1:02am. "I don't think we'll make it in time for registration," Iwaizumi started to say. Mrs. Aveline quickly shushed him. "Not to worry. I did it all online." He had never heard of such a thing before but his opinion didn't matter. They took a quick photo and boarded the bus.

It was rather spacious considering there were only seven students going. Iwaizumi took the window seat and Oikawa flopped next to him still engrossed in his conversation with Lia. The driver started the engine and off they went. Iwaizumi watched bleary-eyed as they drove away from the school and onto the highway. He soon fell asleep.

He suddenly regained consciousness when Oikawa shook him awake. "We're here." Iwaizumi had been to Gold Coast before but it was still an amazing sight for him. He reluctantly stood up and stretched. He grabbed his backpack from the overhead bin and followed the others outside. The other dance studios seemed to have arrived already as the outside of the building was deserted.

He followed Mrs. Aveline into the building where they got their wristbands. "I think Lia's really nervous," Oikawa whispered. "Isn't she supposedly better than all of us?" Iwaizumi questioned. "It's her first competition," he replied rushing to her side. Iwaizumi thought he was babying the girl. They arrived at their dressing room a little after 8. Oikawa was still right by Lia's side doing her makeup for her.

"Can you help me run through my solo really quickly?" Y/n came up behind Iwaizumi. He nodded and followed her into the hallway. Tons of dancers were practicing there so it would be easy to see your competition. He watched intently as Y/n did her routine. He had to remind her a few times to keep her knees straight or to remember her facial expressions. "I keep forgetting everything you tell me," she complained. "It's probably just your nerves. Your going to do great," he reassured her.

"Thanks for your kind words." She enveloped him into a hug before they began calling for her division. Iwaizumi watched her head off to the stage and joined the team in the audience. The first dancer from their school to perform was Lia. Iwaizumi had to admit she walked in with poise and grace. The music started and Lia's technique was flawless. He noticed her expressions would falter slightly especially when she came out of a turn.

Her routine was soon over and there were a few numbers before Frankie's turn. Frankie being a boy gave him an advantage in a female majority competition. Frankie doing a lyrical piece was almost guaranteed he would win. He told a story when he danced and the judges seemed all in. Even Mrs. Aveline seemed pleased. The number ended and it was Y/n's turn. A tragic look greeted the crowd just as they had practiced.

Iwaizumi was proud at the way she had buried her anxiety. The number ended and the judges seemed to be smiling. The team had little time to focus on the judge's opinion as Iwaizumi and Y/n had to get ready for their duet. "Congrats Y/n. You did amazing," Iwaizumi sat next to her. "Thanks I owe it to you." Iwaizumi and Y/n quickly got changed and went over the dance.

It was hard for him to focus however because she just looked so cute in her costume. Once they went though the dance, Oikawa and Y/n were putting makeup on her face. Iwaizumi was a tad jealous but he knew his friend had no ulterior motives. Once the makeup was finished they rushed off backstage. "I'm glad I get to do a duet with you," Y/n took Iwaizumi's hand in her smaller one. "Glad to dance with you too," he quickly responded before she went to the other side of the stage. The number before theirs ended and they both waltzed out.

Once the announcer was finished, the music started. Iwaizumi felt as if he was on cloud nine. The familiar stage lights and eager crowd reminded him why he chose dance in the first place. He loved it when he twirled Y/n around and picked her up for their stunt. He loved how in sync they were for their pirouettes. He loved the part where they were on different parts of the stage, but still completely in line with one another. He felt once you danced with someone you had a certain type of unbreakable bond.

Once the dance was finished, Iwaizumi and Y/n were panting hard. They sauntered off the stage together and Y/n hugged him as soon as they got off. They returned to their dressing room where their teammates congratulated them. There wasn't enough time for that however and they quickly got dressed for the group number. "Man Iwa why do we have to slick our hair back?" Oikawa grumbled. "I think it looks cute on you," Lia commented.

Iwaizumi slicked his hair back using Oikawa's gel and stood up. He hoped he wouldn't sweat too much in this outfit. He watched Y/n practice her turns in the deep indigo tutu that showed off her legs. "Iwa can you help me?" Oikawa was still grumbling. Iwaizumi complied and applied the hair gel while Oikawa did Lia's makeup. The whole team then searched the hallway for a suitable place to practice. Mrs. Aveline kept getting frustrated with the group when really it was Lia's fault. She couldn't grasp it as quickly as the rest because she wasn't used to learning choreography that fast.

Mrs. Aveline eventually gave up and stomped back to the dressing room. The dancers gave each other uneasy looks as they made their way back stage. Oikawa attempted to calm Lia down while a few others snickered. "You would think Mrs. Aveline would learn by now not to add new students," Serenity muttered. "She's old. She can't remember her mistakes," Elissa added. The music on stage stopped, signaling it was their turn to go. They all got into position and the music started.

Their dance wasn't terrible, but it certainly wasn't the best there. Iwaizumi could just imagine how much Mrs. Aveline would be yelling about it. Lia didn't know where she was supposed to be for the majority of the dance and that threw the others off. Serenity kept snickering and Kourtney joined in. By the time the dance was over they were all a laughing mess. Well everyone except Lia. As soon as they got off stage she ran off crying. Oikawa ran after her. "Of course she's fucking crying. She's the reason we lost," Kourtney could barely stop laughing to finish her sentence.

Iwaizumi felt bad for the girl because of how quickly she was rushed into it all. Y/n and Iwaizumi decided to go downstairs and look at the other dancer's routines to avoid Mrs. Aveline's speech. He hated to admit it but the other teams were good. Like really good. He didn't think the group stood a chance at placing at all. The two didn't return until the soloists for their division were called onto the stage. Iwaizumi wished her good luck and joined the team in the audience. "Where's Mrs. Aveline and Lia?"

"Oh they're on the bus. Lia is soooo dead," Elissa commented. Lia and Y/n tied for second, but Lia was nowhere to be found. As expected Frankie got first. He currently held the national title for their division from last year so this made him a prime target. Duos/Trios was next to get awards. Iwaizumi and Y/n got first place and Iwaizumi couldn't stop smiling. The group got ninth place and the whole team was laughing on stage. "We should lie and tell her we didn't even place. Imagine how mad she would get," Serenity suggested.

"Its not like it's our fault. The feature threw all of us off," Y/n mentioned. "It was her first time so go easy on her," Oikawa defended. "Which is why she shouldn't have gotten a lead in the first place," Elissa fired back. "I don't know why your defending her. Usually your on our side," Frankie added. Oikawa said nothing in response and continued packing up his stuff. Iwaizumi couldn't believe he was this hung up over a girl from France. They finished packing up and headed back to the bus. It was already dark out when the competition was finally over. Mrs. Aveline was sternly waiting on the bus and snatched the plaque from Frankie's hand.

Iwaizumi could barely stand and collapsed onto his window seat just as she began to yell. "Ninth place?! Is this what we represent? Frankie you hold a national title for fuck's sake. You all are veterans. You should've placed higher. And don't give me a sorry ass excuse either." Frankie grinned with a twinkle in his eye. "I was just following the lead." This made Mrs. Aveline even madder and Lia burst into tears. "Look at what you did." Frankie shrugged. "I didn't do anything. She's just sensitive."

Lia seemed to nod in agreement in between hiccups. Mrs. Aveline slumped down in her seat. "Let's just go back home." She hadn't acknowledged the duet win or Frankie's win or Lia's win for that matter. Iwaizumi thought she was being unfair, but who was he to judge. He fell asleep on the ride back as well. They arrived back at the school at 7 in the morning and he woke up still tired. He dragged himself to the cafeteria and thanked Y/n for the fruit she got him.

"Mrs. Aveline was totally freaking out." Today it was just Y/n and Iwaizumi at the table. The others were off doing god knows what. "She wants to meet us at nine. I wonder what for," Iwaizumi mentioned. Y/n sighed deeply. "Hasn't she said enough? I'm just glad our duet did so well." "Of course it did because you were in it." She laughed. "You were pretty great too." They finished up their meal and headed to the company studio. The others were already there and Mrs. Aveline didn't look any less pissed off than last night.

"Because of your poor performance, all of you are doing a solo. Whoever places the lowest is on probation." "What if multiple people don't place?" Kourtney asked. "Then I'll ask the judges for individual scores. You all will practice on your own with the teacher of your choice with the style of your choice. That is all."

"This seems more like a reward," Oikawa told Iwaizumi. "I don't see how this solves the problem though," Y/n replied. "Yeah the problem is the group. Getting individually stronger is nice and all but," Iwaizumi trailed off. "Mrs. Aveline isn't the most critical of thinkers, huh?"

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2 years ago
A Better Version

a better version

2 years ago
Pairing: Giyuu X Gn!reader

pairing: giyuu x gn!reader

synopsis: giyuu cuddling hcs!

warnings: none

type: headcanon

a/n: smth quick while I write sex in the city!

At first he's not cuddly at all.

Is very touch starved.

Doesn't know how to make the first move. You have to do it.

He's awkward ab it at first. Doesn't know where to put his hands, arms, etc.

Once he realizes this is something he enjoys, he'll want to do it more often.

But is still too shy to initiate cuddles.

Shinobu teases him ab this.

He likes being the big spoon bc he likes to protect you.

The small spoon is also nice bc he likes being babied. (Doesn't want to admit it)

A faint blush stains his cheeks as your cuddling.

All in all very soft pls give this man cuddles he is vv touch starved.

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2 years ago

you don’t need to ask for jane anymore: a guide to coming to chicago for a safe, low-cost abortion

A lot of people in the US are super worried about the Supreme Court axing Roe v. Wade, but what they might not know is that some states have laws in place that will protect the right to reproductive choice and abortion if that happens. One of these states is the state of Illinois. In 2019, a law was passed that protects abortion rights within the state even if the federal right to an abortion falls. This means that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortion will still be a protected right in Illinois. Even before Roe, Chicago was a haven for safe abortions- you just called and asked for Jane.

Now, safe abortion access is the law of the land in IL, and there are several groups who can help you. This post is long, but I think it’s worthwhile. Even if you don’t read all the way through it, maybe save it for later. You or someone you know might need it. If you want to stop now, the TL;DR is this:

f you’re a minor and you can’t tell your parents, get a waiver of notification from the IL Judicial Bypass program.

Schedule your appointment.

Contact abortion funds to get financial aid. Your home state might have s fund, and the Chicago Abortion Fund can help.

Secure housing for the procedure through the Midwest Access Coalition or by talking to the intake staff at the clinic of your choice.

I’d like to start by saying that the closer to home you get your abortion, should you need one, the easier it will be for you… probably. It depends on your individual situation AND your safety. If I still lived in Indiana and I needed an abortion, I’d probably leave to get it done, even though there are abortion providers in Indiana, because Indiana is super hostile and there’s lots of clinic protestors- for example, when I was taking my GRE my senior year at Notre Dame, the testing center was in this little strip mall in Mishawaka next to Planned Parenthood. Despite the fact that the PP in Mishawaka does not provide abortions, there were protestors who yelled at me for going in there. I wasn’t even going to PP. I’d like to say that I said something devastatingly cool but I just ran in flustered. Point being: It really, really would have sucked if I was there for healthcare instead of a standardized test for graduate school. And that’s a very tame, mild situation! Real abortion clinic protests are often much more devastating! 

ANYWAYS. The less you have to travel, the easier things tend to be, if it’s safe to get an abortion where you are and if your state will have protected abortions if Roe is overturned. If you’re not sure what might happen in your state in that case, this map has a clear, succinct overview of the legal status of abortion in each state and all US territories. You will want to click through to that link, because this image isn’t interactive.


[ID: a map of the US with states and territories sorted by their legal protections for abortion into four categories: expanded access in the case of Roe v. Wade being overturned, protected, not protected, and hostile. IL is highlighted.]

So let’s say you live in any of those red states. (Yellow and blue are safe- abortion access is protected there.) Let’s say, worst case scenario, Roe gets overturned and you get pregnant and you want to terminate. You will be able to do that in IL, and it’s relatively easy to do that in Chicago for a relatively low cost and with the benefit of a robust support network of people who want to reaffirm your reproductive choices.

First, if you’re a minor and you don’t want to tell your parents because it’s not safe for you to do so, get a judicial waiver of parental notification. The IL ACLU has a judicial bypass hotline. This will come at no cost to you. Do this ASAP, because it takes time to get it set up! You can do this by calling the hotline at 877-442-9727, texting 312-560-6607, or emailing

Next, you need to get an appointment set up. You could get a referral from someone local to you, but this can be tricky- 87% of counties in the US don’t have an abortion provider, and google can lead you to a crisis pregnancy center. They will not help you. If you have a local Planned Parenthood, call them. Even if they don’t provide abortions, they can refer you to someone who can. If you’re coming to Chicago, which this post… kind of assumes you are… you can call any of these groups to talk about your options and what clinics can help you. I recommend starting with FPA or PP; those are two actual clinics. MAC and CAF are funds- they can direct you but they can’t schedule an appointment for you.

Family Planning Associates (FPA): 312-707-8988 or use their online schedule tool, found here: Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF): Phone: 312-663-0338 (note: the helpline is only staffed MWF from 3:30-6:30 PM CST, or email Midwest Access Coalition (MAC): 847-750-6224 or email Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PP): 1-800-230-7526

You might want to shop around and see which clinic costs the least, and is the most practical for you to get to. FPA has a lot of patient resources, as does PP. Don’t be afraid to ask for financial assistance. The people staffing those organizations have extensive networks and deep compassion for their patients- if the clinic can’t help, they might know who can.

Once you’ve made an appointment, now’s the time to start gathering financial aid. Some insurance, including IL Medicaid, covers it. If yours does not, or if the copay is still too much, this is where abortion funds come into play. Many states have their own abortion funds for state residents, so you might have to look around to see who can help you. I’d start with the National Network of Abortion Funds.

You also need to figure out transportation and housing while you’re in the city to get your abortion. This isn’t super necessary if you’re just coming for the pill abortion, but if you’re coming for a d and c or other surgical procedure, you will be staying for a couple of days. THIS is why I’m writing this up, because abortion funds typically only are able to help cover the financial cost of the procedure. It’s expensive to stay somewhere and it can be absolutely terrifying if you’re on your own! Navigating while you’re in pain from the procedure can be an absolute devil of a time, too! However, Chicago has MAC (contact info above), which is a practical access fund, which means that they help pay for transportation to the city (bus tickets and train tickets) and around the city (volunteer drivers or volunteers who take rideshares with clients), food, aftercare medicine (painkillers, etc.), and housing, and there’s also free access to emotional support staff throughout your stay. This is not just open to IL residents; it’s open to anyone coming to the city for an abortion. ALSO if you go through FPA, they have a partnership with the Hampton Inn a block away from their location where their patients get a discount. If you go that route, just talk to FPA about housing and they’ll hook you up. This can be super helpful if you need some evidence that you’re on a “business trip” or something like that- if you are in a position where you need an excuse for your safety, that might work well.

Hopefully you won’t need this post- but if you do, I hope it helps. Feel free to share it around. If you have anti-choice opinions and you feel the need to share, don’t. This isn’t the space for it; you will be blocked and your comments removed. And then remember that criminalizing abortion won’t stop abortion. It’ll just stop safe abortions. Also, increased access to abortion, funnily enough, tends to be the thing that lowers abortion rates, because increased access to abortion comes part and parcel with increased access to birth control and general health and sex education.