🔞Here's some stories and pics from around the Internet that involve TF, either made by others or myself. (If you see your work on here and would like it removed, please message me and I will do so immediately!) 🔞Asks/Requests are currently paused.
309 posts
Oops, I Completely Forgot To Tell That Jock That There's A Side Effect To His Growth Potion I'd Given

Oops, I completely forgot to tell that jock that there's a side effect to his growth potion I'd given him: the bigger his pecs get, the dumber he gets. If he's not careful, he'll end up as some big-titted himbo. Oh well, I'm sure he'll figure it out...
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More Posts from Ultram0th

"Coach," Evan blushed as he gestured at his muscletits, "that protein powder you gave me only seems to be helping my pecs grow. And not only that, but... um, they're really sensitive. Like really, REALLY sensitive."

A commission for @anonymouslylurkinghere (anonlurks on Twitter)
Der/ek Hale finds himself in a hanging wedgie, though embarrassingly, he seems to like it. Who's the alpha now?

Here's a request from @physical-lust
Sorry it took so long! Hope you like it!
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Alec sighed as he logged onto FaceTime, getting ready to talk to his classmate, Van.Â
The two of them had been close friends back in high school, however, they quickly drifted apart when they went to college. Despite going to the same school, Alec had received a baseball scholarship, and therefore tended to hang out solely with his fellow teammates, living it up as the stereotypical American jock. On the other hand, Van had opted to follow in the new, mysterious paranormal tract at school. The diverting paths had caused the once close buddies to become strangers.
Which was why Alec wasn’t too keen on asking Van for some tutoring help with his Biology class. Due to his focus being on partying and trying to fuck all the girls on Sorority Row, Alec had let his grades slip and he was at risk of losing his scholarship. Van had always had impressive grades all throughout high school, so he was the one Alec had contacted.
It didn’t take long for the app to connect, and Van popped up on the screen.Â
The physical differences between the two young men was also noticeable. Whereas Van was slender and wore thick glasses to help him read the numerous textbooks for his advanced classes, Alec’s body was blessed with toned muscle. Alec had a perfectly proportional body with toned pecs and a perky butt. His shaggy brown hair and sparkling blue eyes made him look like a model ripped straight from an Abercrombie & Fitch bag; and he made sure to use that to his advantage. The jock had scores of women falling over at his feet (and a few men, but he didn’t pay them any attention). Even now on his FaceTime chat with his tutor/friend, he wore a tight t-shirt that displayed his impressive chest.
“Hey there, Alec,” Van happily waved on the screen. “Long time no see, right?” In the background, Alec could barely make out a treasure trove of large books, all of them looking ancient and like they’d take years to finish. The lighting was so dim that he couldn’t make out the rest of Van’s dorm, but he could see a fancy-looking candle flickering on the desk next to Van’s open Biology textbook. There were ornate carvings on it, and the way the yellow flame danced was almost mesmerizing and Alec had to snap himself away from staring at it.
“Yeah, hey, how’s it goin’?” Alec mumbled, trying to keep this tutoring session quick so that he could go nail the girl in his English class. He snatched his textbook and flipped it open to the chapter on the citric acid cycle. “So I was having some trouble with—”
“We have plenty of time for that,” Van said, waving a thin hand dismissively. “How’s your year been going? I’ve been really busy with my studies, but it’s totally worth it. One of my professors even asked me to be his personal assistant and we’ve been studying all sorts of ancient artifacts that have been used in all of these ceremonies.”
“Wow, that’s so interesting…” Alec huffed, trying not to let his annoyance show since Van was technically doing this for free.
“It really is,” Van blabbered, oblivious. He paused, a slight smile on his face.Â
The candle flickered in intensity, the yellow light growing in fervor and shining even brighter.Â
“Y’know,” Van began, “I’m actually really liking your new look. Blond is a good color for you.”
Alec cocked his eyebrow in confusion, knowing that his hair was brown, not blond. He shrugged it away and chalked it up to Van’s thick glasses not really helping his sight. Poor guy. “Uh, sure,” he muttered. “Thanks.”
The two of them began to go over some of the notes on the science chapter, with Alec having a difficult time keeping up with Van’s teachings. Much to his chagrin, Alec was starting to feel a little slow, having a hard time grasping the highlights of the section in his textbook. He scrunched up his face as he stared at the chemical formulas, none of them making even the slightest bit of sense to him.
Alec scratched at the back of his head in irritation, trying to not let his frustration show on his face.
Van could pick up on it through, and playfully said, “Don’t worry, Alec. I know that some things are a little hard for you to understand.”
The fog seemed to deepen in Alec’s mind, completely destroying any chance of him understanding anything during this tutoring session. The more Alec looked at the textbook, the dumber he felt. He struggled to piece together the information in the book, but could barely recall anything he’d learned at all in class… that is, when he bothered to go to class.
Van shrugged his thin shoulders. “At least you have a deal with the professor,” he added. “It’s nice of him to pass you just for a daily blow job.”
Alec jerked back in his chair in shock, confused by what Van was saying. He didn’t have some sort of sexy deal with his Biology professor. The teacher was a large man in his early fifties, with a trimmed beard and thick salt-and-pepper colored hair. He was a total daddy of a man, always dressed in suits that showed off his nice muscle gut.
Memories of himself down on his knees, with his face shoved into the older man’s crotch started to filter into Alec's mind. His heart starting to speed up in his chest, Alec ran a shaky hand through his hair as he easily pictured himself moaning loudly under the desk as he sucked off his professor, eagerly swallowing down his entire load that he shot down his hungry throat.Â
Despite himself, Alec squirmed in his seat as he felt his own cock start to harden at the memory. His impressive seven inches plumped up to full size, tenting out his workout shorts noticeably. It throbbed with want under his desk, and Alec had to fight with himself to keep his hands above the desk.
“I, uh, I didn’t know many knew about that,” Alec heard himself mutter, blushing at the words that left his mouth.
Van chuckled. “Everyone knows that,” he laughed. “You love to show off and act like a total slut in front of everyone, remember?”
The candle flickered some more.
Alec paled as his cock throbbed even more. The hunk began to squirm around in his seat as he suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. The fog in his brain seemed to intensify, and all of a sudden Alec wanted nothing more than to peel out of his overbearing clothes— just being so covered up felt sweltering. Even though it was autumn, Alec feel as if he were wearing a parka in ninety degree weather, and he tugged at the collar of his t-shirt, stretching it as low as he could.
“Everything alright?” Van asked, a smirk detectable in his voice.
“Um, y-yeah,” Alec stammered, still unable to relax. Something deep in his gut told him that he shouldn’t be getting undressed in front of another guy, but he’d already torn his shirt away from his chest before registering it.Â
The mere second that his pecs were out in the open, Alec felt leagues better. The cool air in his dorm made his nipples perk up and a dull grin formed on his handsome face, and before he knew it, his hands were already shimmying his shorts down to the ground.Â
Alec’s face scrunched up in confusion as he sat at his desk, wearing nothing at all since he usually freeballed. His still throbbing cock bobbed in front of him, a bead of precum forming at the head. No matter how wrong he felt this scenario was, he couldn’t deny that there was a spark of excitement that rippled through him.
Van’s eyes got bigger as he looked the jock up and down.
Alec noticed that he’d been bouncing his pecs, blushing a little when he’d been made aware… but he didn’t stop.
The two of them continued to go over a few more science problems in the textbook, Alec having immense trouble concentrating. All of the long words on the pages seemed to blur together and he’d quickly get distracted by flexing a bicep or crunching his abs for the camera on his laptop.
The candle’s light shined brighter.
Van cleared his throat as Alec ran a hand over his pecs. “Lookin’ big there,” he commented. “Those tits are getting some serious size.”
If he hadn’t been watching, Alec wouldn’t have believed that his pecs would magically grow. However, the stunned stud went slack jawed as he witnessed his toned pectorals shudder before ballooning out from his chest. They grew larger and rounder as they jutted off of him. Even his nipples enlarged, going from tiny and perky to huge and nubby.
“Wh-what?!” Alec panicked as he palmed his giant muscletits, wincing at how they filled his hands and how he couldn’t see anything below them as they blocked his view. “What’s happening?!”
His heart raced in his chest even faster as he groped his large chest, his cock still throbbing despite his fear. His slow head started to piece together what was happening: all of his weird behavior and foreign memories.
Alec stared up at Van who only grinned from ear to ear on the screen.
“You son of a bitch!” he growled. “What are you doing to me?”
Van simply shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious, Alec?” he teased. “I was growing tired of being ignored by my supposed friend, so I decided to turn you into my own personal himbo.”
“Himbo— ohhh!” Alec snorted before getting distracted by accidentally brushing his hand over an incredibly sensitive nipple. The stud couldn’t hold back his slutty moan, and before he could react, he reached up with his other hand and thumbed his nubby nipples, all the while moaning loudly for the whole floor of his dorm to hear. He knew that he should be angry and demand that Van stop turning him into a himbo, but the pleasure was too much for his dimwitted mind to ignore. He couldn’t stop playing with his chest and pursing his lips like the slut he was turning into.
“See?” Van laughed. “It’s not so bad. And just think about how great it’ll be with that big booty of yours.”
“Uughhh!” Alec moaned as he squirmed in his seat, feeling himself lift up higher as his butt grew bigger. The altered hunk shoved himself away from the desk and stared into the section of the app that showed his own camera feed.
Alec paled as he examined this new reflection. His pecs were massive and the huge nipples they were capped with made him look like some morphed pic off of a fetish site. Not to be outdone, his ass was massive! The meaty cheeks had to have grown at least three times their normal size, rounding out and creating a perfect shelf from his back. As he swiveled his hips, he watched his booty jiggle and shake, in constant motion. The handsome jock had gone from toned to curvy in a matter of seconds. He also noticed that his brown hair was now a bright blond, just as Van had mentioned earlier.
And his hard cock spasmed as he looked at his new himbo form.
“Y-you can’t leave me like this!” Alec pleaded as he envisioned himself out on the baseball field, running around with his huge pecs and bubblebutt hindering his every movements. But then he thought about being in the locker room with all of the other jocks, showing off his warped body in the showers and having all of them either fuck him or let him suck them off— and his cock throbbed even more at the thought.
“I won’t leave you like that,” Van smirked. “Besides, there’s nothing hotter than a slutty himbo jock who’s a strict bottom. So…”
“Hnnghh!” Alec grunted as he tensed up, his pecs and ass bouncing in tandem as he came. His large seven inch cock spewed out cum. It twitched as he came, throbbing and spasming from his orgasm.
But then the jock went wide-eyed as he kept cumming, and his cock kept throbbing— and at the pinnacle of each throb, his large cock yanked itself back into his body, drastically dropping in size.
“Ugghh! Whaaat’s happening to meee?!” Alec moaned as his previously sizable cock dwindled out of sight, his large pecs blocking it from view. The stud reached down and gasped as he felt his rod get smaller and smaller in his hand. He couldn’t see them over his chest, but even his balls grew smaller, starting to look more like little grapes that were tight against his skin. His little cock settled on a pathetic three inches, looking incredibly out of place on Alec’s muscled frame; but as the himbo jock continued to cum, he relished in his pleasure, all fear evaporating from his dim mind.
A dull grin formed on Alec’s handsome face, and Van knew that the changes were about done.
Where a toned baseball playing jock had been just moments before, was a total slutty himbo who was built solely to get other men off. His massive pecs, big bubblebutt, and tiny cocklet illustrated that he was now the perfect bottom on campus, eagerly taking cock after cock.
The altered hunk swayed on his feet, the fog in his brain growing thicker by the millisecond and making it hard to think coherently.Â
“Well, well,” Van smiled, admiring his work, “it looks like my little experiment was success. You’re now nothing but a dumb himbo. I don’t think that people will recognize you anymore, Alec. So why don’t we call you something else, huh? How about Brad? Brad the Buttslut? How’s that sound?”
Alec screamed on the inside as he felt himself being locked in a tight box, Brad the Buttslut taking over. The slutty himbo smiled widely and couldn’t help but flex his large arms above his head when he noticed that he was on camera. His pert little nub went hard, almost concealed by the stud’s big thighs.
“Why don’t you come over to my dorm and I’ll fuck that big slutty butt of yours?” Van beckoned.
“I’m on my way!” Brad happily agreed, snatching an unfamiliar jockstrap off of his dresser and yanking it on. The front pouch was loose and baggy, but the hunk’s enormous bubblebutt jutted out the back noticeably. Brad then thrusted his chest out with pride and sauntered out of the dorm and out onto the hall, loving all of the eyes that locked in on his himbo form.
Nobody could tell, but Brad’s tiny cock was rock hard as he waddled down to the hallway to his best friend, Van’s, dorm, throbbing as he anticipated getting his big butt stuffed full. Brad was such a huge buttslut, and he loved every second of it.
Hey Ultram0th, I hope your move is going well! I was scrolling through Gay Spiral Stories and came across your Eric’s Sponsorship story. The first 2 parts were amazing, and I’d love to see what happens afterwards if you’d be down to continue it! Thanks!

I would like to continue that, and I haven't totally given up on it 100% yet! I know that it's been a while, but I just have other projects I'm concentrating on at the moment.
But never say never! I do have a little bit of the third/last part on my laptop, I just have to buckle down soon!
Sorry, I know that's not the greatest answer...