ultram0th - UltraM0th's TF Stories
UltraM0th's TF Stories

🔞Here's some stories and pics from around the Internet that involve TF, either made by others or myself. (If you see your work on here and would like it removed, please message me and I will do so immediately!) 🔞Asks/Requests are currently paused.

309 posts

31 Days Of Derek Hale

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 13: Clown

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Derek practically whimpered like a wolf pup as he watched his husband, Stiles, slowly slump to the couch. The usually vibrant and cheerful human had been going through some hardships at work, and it’d really affected his mood; thus, the normally smiley and singsongy Stiles was all gray and sulky. The alpha werewolf frowned as he saw Stiles’s thin shoulders rise and fall with a sigh.

On a normal day, Derek was the grumpy one, mad at the world and scowling at every living creature that dared to cross his path; and Stiles would be his anchor, calming him down with a simple kiss on the cheek or by placing a warm hand on his broad shoulder. Now that the roles were evidently reversed, Derek was struggling to find out the right things to do/say, empathy never really being one of his strong suits.

“Babe?” Derek asked as he walked over to the couch and placed a hand on his husband’s shoulder as he would’ve done had the roles been swapped. “Um
 have you tried not thinking about it?”

Stiles’s frown deepened and he rubbed at his temples, making Derek feel guilty.

Derek flinched and quickly tried to make things better. “Got a headache?” he asked, already dashing to the bathroom. “I’ll grab you some Ibuprofen!”

As Derek leaned over the sink, images of his sad husband kept replaying in his mind, making him grimace. He felt guilty for not being able to cheer up Stiles like he would do for him whenever he was moody. He couldn’t help but feel a little helpless and, what was worse, was that whenever he felt like this, it was usually Stiles who convinced him of otherwise with a little corny joke.

Derek loved his husband with all of his heart, and it pained him to see Stiles sad. He missed his smile, he missed his laugh.

“Damn it,” Derek cursed under his breath, “I wish I could cheer him up.”

The second the words left his mouth, Derek felt a shudder ripple through him. The sensation morphed into an odd tingling that consumed his whole body before fading, but not before being reduced to a tickle that actually made Derek laugh.

“Hyuck! Hyuck!” Derek guffawed, his normal throaty chuckle sounding more like a cartoonish wail that was comically deep. The werewolf jerked back and cleared his throat, wondering why he’d just laughed like that.

He shook it away and opened up the mirror cabinet to grab some Ibuprofen for Stiles, gasping when he saw his reflection after closing it.

His normally jet-black hair was green! Derek dropped the small pills in shock as he ran a shaky hand through his green hair, his eyes wide at the vibrant color that would without a doubt, draw a lot of attention his way. 

“What’s, *giggle, wrong with my hair— Hyuck! Hyuck!” Derek laughed again. This time, he finally realized that he’d been smiling the entire time. Although he was confused and slightly panicked over what was happening to him, his face looked alight with zeal. His pearly whites were on full display, which brought about something new to him. Derek had always had larger front teeth, Stiles sometimes referring to them as Bunny Teeth, but his eyes widened when he saw them grow in size until they protruded over his bottom lip, effectively giving him over-exaggerated buck teeth.

Derek barely had time to react to his large teeth before he witnessed his nose shudder. Its skin reddened drastically until it looked cherry red, even taking on a shimmery sheen. It then steadily inflated, rounding out until Derek had a red clown nose affixed to his face.

“I look ridiculous!” Derek giggled, still grinning widely despite his inner panic.

The altered werewolf’s first thought was to rush to Stiles, knowing that his husband would figure out what was happening to him. Derek quickly hurried out of the bathroom, stumbling over his feet as he moved. Derek’s eyes widened even further when he witnessed his feet elongating past their usual size thirteen, growing comically huge with large stumpy toes capping them. 

With each step he took, Derek’s new feet slapped loudly against the hardwood floors and he struggled to maintain his balance. His gait resembled someone more clumsy, struggling to walk a straight line. He kept bouncing against the walls, knocking over pictures and causing a ruckus as he moved.

With a loud giggle, Derek waddled into the living room where Stiles moped. His husband took one look at him and scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion. 

“Der?” he asked. “What are you doing?”

Instead of asking for help, Derek heard himself laugh, “Hyuck! Hyuck! I heard that there’s someone who’s a little down!” He cringed at how he was acting, this cheery clown attitude a direct contrast with his usual self.

Stiles just stared blankly ahead. “Huh?”

“Want a balloon?” Derek happily asked. “I got a real big one for you!”

With large, flailing motions, Derek searched all around his clothes. His busy show wouldn’t allow him to display his shock over the bright neon colors that his black clothes had been magically dyed to. Derek felt as if he were a passenger in his own body, hearing himself speak and feeling himself move, but he didn’t have any control. He was helpless as he behaved like some sugary sweet clown, unable to stop smiling and giggling the entire time.

When Derek couldn’t find a balloon, he frowned before perking up with an a-ha motion. Pursing his lips and whistling through his large buck teeth, he unzipped his now bright yellow pants and let them fall to the ground. 

He exaggeratedly gasped as he looked down at his soft cock, grabbing at his green hair. “Oh no!” he chirped. “You don’t want that small balloon!” 

He winced at calling himself small, but then flinched when he saw the corner of Stiles’s mouth slowly pull upward. Seeing Stiles doing so sent a fluttering feeling through Derek’s chest, and he started to feel a little excited, his panic steadily fading.

Derek felt himself stick his thumb in his mouth and take in a deep breath, puffing out his chest. He then puffed out his cheeks and acting like he was blowing air into himself, pausing every so often to take a deep breath.

Stiles let out a little chuckle.

Derek felt himself perk up, his cock instantly rocketing to attention. It swelled up and stood out in front of him. Derek dropped his thumb from his mouth and gestured towards his hard cock.

“Ta-da!” he cheered, puffing his chest back out and setting his hands onto his hips proudly as he pushed his hips forward so that his rock hard member was closer to his husband.

Finally, Stiles’s face broke out into a loud smile and he started to laugh.

At seeing his husband finally laughing and being able to see his beautiful smile again, Derek’s cock throbbed and began to leak precum. His own smile was back in full force.

“Oh, thank you, Der,” Stiles cooed as he sat up and gave his husband a big hug. “You always know how to cheer me up.”

“Hyuck! Hyuck!” Derek guffawed, his face blushing wildly as Stiles kissed his cheek lovingly. Seeing the love of his life smiling again, Derek figured that as long as it made his husband happy, he was fine with being a werewolf clown.

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More Posts from Ultram0th

1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 17: NippleslĂŒt

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Alpha Derek Hale was taking a shower, a little irritated that he was rock hard and his husband was working the nightshift. Normally whenever Derek got a little frisky, he was all too happy to rush over to Stiles and go to town. However, he was a little miffed that he was all cocked and loaded, yet he was stuck all by himself with just his hand.

“Damn it,” Derek growled as he pumped away at his throbbing cock, even using some of Stiles’s shampoo to help do the trick.

Still, jerking off just failed in comparison to actually fucking. 

Derek was about to just give up and turn the water to ice cold when he spotted an unknown blue vial in the shower. Picking it up, he eyed it and read out the chicken scratch writing on the label that read out Liquid Lust. 

“‘Liquid Lust’?” Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes at his husband’s antics. Stiles had been practicing potions with Deaton, and every so often, Derek would find remnants of his experiments around the house.

Still, wanting to encourage his lover’s endeavors, Derek opened the vial and sniffed at the concoction. It reeked of musk, making the alpha gag and flinch.

Unfortunately, Derek’s jerky movements caused him to lose grip of the tiny vial in the shower, leading it to falling out of his grasp.

“Fuck!” Derek huffed as the smelly liquid fell out of the bottle and landed all over his hairy chest. It splattered across his pectorals, seemingly absorbing straight into his skin. The musky aroma clinging to Derek like it was emanating from him directly.

Immediately, Derek felt his nipples go hard. The little nips perked up before actually stretching out and elongating, inflating until they were large and nubby, looking like a pair of thumbs attached to his chest.

“What the hell?” Derek gasped as he looked down at his altered nipples. He tentatively reached up with one of his hands to prod at them. “What kind of potion is this— OOoohhhh!”

Merely grazing his fingers against his enlarged nipples sent a ripple of pleasure throughout Derek, his voice breaking out into a moan as his knees buckled. His cock throbbed even more, leaking precum. It was like a surge of pleasure never felt before. No amount of sex or jerking off had ever felt nearly as good as just touching his nipple just had.

“Wha-what the fuck is going on?” Derek panted, his meaty, hairy pecs heaving up and down as he struggled to catch his breath. His nipples seemed to burn with want, their own hardness competing with his cock’s, demanding attention from the alpha.

Almost unable to control himself, Derek reached up with both hands, running his thumbs over his hard nubs.

“Uuugghhh!” he squealed, his head rolling back as he toyed with his chest. The pleasure was mind-numbing, and Derek was helpless to do anything besides rub his nipples.

This soon turned to him grabbing a strong hold of both of them with his hands, lightly tugging on his huge nipples. It felt as if Derek had two cocks on his chest, his ignored dick bobbing uselessly between his meaty thighs as he pinched his big nips.

“Oohh fuuuck,” Derek bellowed out, the normally silent guy unable to stop moaning loudly, his deep voice echoing throughout the bathroom. “Holy shit, that feels so good— UUGHHH!”

Derek nearly shrieked as he came, his cock erupting and spewing out globs of cum that splattered against the linoleum in the shower. Basking in the post-orgasmic bliss, the werewolf felt as if he’d just shot the largest load of his life. He couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief as he tried to catch his breath.

“Holy shit,” he breathed, rinsing away his cum off the walls. His nipples remained perky and hard, and after masturbating by tugging on them once more, Derek finished his shower and toweled off.

He wiped the steam away from the mirror and frowned when he saw that his nipples were still huge and hard. They poked noticeably off his chest, looking ridiculous on his muscular, alpha male frame.

“Um, maybe this’ll wear off in the morning?” he guessed as he glanced at the vial of the liquid lust, finding no other information about it on the bottle. 

Derek stumbled over to his bedroom, biting down on his lower lip at the shiver that traveled down his spine as the cool air from the A/C blew over his hairy chest, caressing his hard nipples. Just that light sensation was enough to make his cock begin to stir back to life, but he tried to ignore it.

He walked over to his shirt to try to cover his chest, but that proved to be another problem.

“Uuughh!” Derek moaned out again as soon as he tugged his shirt on. His nipples poked against the fabric like crazy, and just the cotton running over the nubs was enough to cause his cock to go erect and shoot out cum.

Derek had to rip the shirt away off of him, panting as he gained a reprieve for his sensitive chest. “What the fuck’s happening to me?” he gasped, his nipples almost simmering in the air as they begged for his attention some more.

That night Derek barely got any sleep at all. He would try to lie down on his back, but whenever the covers brushed up against his hard nipples, he’d go rock hard and have to tug on his nips to ease his horniness. Whenever he tried to lie on his front, it led to the alpha uncontrollably squirming against the mattress, moaning loudly as he ground his chest against the hard mattress, loving how it felt to rub his nipples against it, but also humiliated over what a huge nippleslut he was turning into.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do with these?!” he roared in frustration, looking down at his big nipples. 

When morning came, Derek was slightly relieved to hear the front door opening, meaning that Stiles had come home.

Derek leapt out of the cum-covered bed and raced downstairs to his husband, eager for some answers.

“Hey, Der— what happened to your nipples?” a tired-looking Stiles asked from the entryway once he saw the large nubs attached his husband’s muscled chest.

Derek gestured down at his nubby nipples with a shaky hand. “I accidentally spilt some of that liquid lust potion of yours on them, and now they’re— this! And they’re super sensitive!” he growled, his cock already starting to twitch at the mere thought of playing with his chest again.

Stiles’s eyes widened. “You messed with my potion?” he gasped in shock. “That was just a test. I don’t know if there’s a cure for it.”

Derek paled. “So I’m stuck like this?” he asked, looking down at his hard and sensitive nipples, imagining a life where he’d have to walk around constantly shirtless with his massive nubs on display. They’re so sensitive that he seriously doubted that he’d ever be able to get off again without someone playing with his nipples.

Stiles frowned for a moment before offering a meek smile. “If it helps,” he said, slowly reaching up, “I could play with them, if you’d like?”

He reached up and ran his thumb over one of the nubby nipples, and Derek instantly swooned.

“Ooohhh,” he moaned, his cock going straight to attention. “P-please, play with them some more.” He leaned forward and shoved his chest towards Stiles, looking forward to spending the day having Stiles play with his enlarged nipples, the nubs already tingling with anticipation.

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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 24: Cow

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23 │ 24

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Derek grimaced as he swallowed down the odd tasting protein shake. “That tastes weird,” he spat. “What’s in it?”

Theo shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a new recipe I’m trying out,” he answered, smirking slightly.

The werewolf and the chimera had been trying to work more closely together, for the sake of the two packs in Beacon Hills. As a result, Derek and Theo would try to be more cordial with one another. One such activity that the two pack leaders actually didn’t hate to do together was work out at the gym. There was a sort of playful rivalry that the two engaged in, always trying to out lift the other as they worked out, trying to get more gains.

Being an alpha werewolf, Derek easily out lifted Theo and his muscles were way larger by comparison. The chimera, on the other hand, tended to stick with a more toned physique, not allowing any of his jealousy to show on his smiling face.

Which was why he was all smiles as he offered Derek a drink of his own secret concoction. The mischievous chimera had fought hard to hide his triumphant grin as he’d watched Derek take a hesitant sip of the “protein shake”.

Derek still wiped at his mouth with disgust at the horrible shake that Theo had offered him. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna stick to my usual,” he huffed. “Thanks though.”

Again, Theo shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he happily hummed.

The two men went to starting their workouts, Theo keeping a careful eye on Derek.

Derek, oblivious to the chimera’s staring, went to the chest fly machine, racking up a ton of weight before performing reps. As he worked out, he noticed an odd tingling sensation in his pecs that wasn’t like the normal burn that he’d expected. Instead, this one felt almost electrifying and oddly
 good. Really good.

Derek blushed slightly as his chest tingled, his nipples feeling as if they were hardwired directly to his cock. His cock started to stiffen up in his shorts, and as he continued to perform reps, Derek had to hold back a moan.

“Mmmm,” Derek moaned as he tried his best to keep his lips pursed. His blush deepened when he looked over and caught Theo staring.

The alpha werewolf quickly diverted his gaze and tried his best to continue his workout.

Derek was trying so hard to ignore the odd sensations emanating from his pecs that he hadn’t even registered the growing tightness of his shirt until he heard a loud rip echo throughout the nearly empty gym.

He let go of the weights, letting them bang loudly back to the machine. Cocking his eyebrow, Derek looked down at himself, gasping loudly at the large pecs attached to his chest.

“M-my pecs!” Derek stuttered out of shock. “They’re huge!”

Staring downward, Derek’s previously proportional pectorals had been wildly inflated. They jutted out dangerously from his chest, looking round and bulbous. It looked like someone had sliced a soccer ball in two, glueing both halves onto the werewolf’s hairy chest, looking incredibly out of place on his muscular body. Worse for Derek was that his nipples had even enlarged, growing thicker and protruding off of his massive chest like nubby fingers.

Derek blushed when he squirmed in his seat on the machine, feeling how much his chest bounced and jiggled. Oddly, his pecs felt so heavy and cumbersome, and when he moved, he felt an odd sensation of something sloshing deep inside of them.

Theo snickered as he looked the top-heavy alpha up and down. “I’d say so,” he teased. “Those are some serious udders you’ve got there, Derek.”

Derek shoved himself away from the pec fly machine and hurried towards the privacy of the locker room. As he moved, he noticed the arched back stance that he had to take in order to accommodate for his inflated pecs. This caused the enlarged mounds to be thrusted outwards and more into the open, being impossible to conceal. They bounced and jiggled with every step the frantic alpha took, that sloshing sensation growing in fervor.

When he reached the locker room and stared into the mirror, Derek paled at his warped reflection. His pecs and nipples were huge, easily out-shadowing the rest of his impressive musculature, every other body group looking like an afterthought. His jaw dropped, resting upon the cresting pecs that were pushed upwards and out.

Theo, a devilish smirk still plastered on his face, sauntered into the locker room. He crossed his toned arms over his proportional chest as he studied Derek. “They don’t look that bad, Derek,” he snickered. “Maybe we can get you a bra?”

The color gradually returned to Derek’s face as he turned red, slowly putting the pieces together. “You did this to me?” he accused, gesturing down at his massive chest.

“Duh,” Theo scoffed. “I grew tired of always being the small one, so I did some research and found that a really good growth formula contains alpha milk. Hence, all I needed to do was get you to produce some.”

“‘Alpha milk’?” Derek repeated, looking down hesitantly at his large pecs, frowning when he couldn’t anything past their bulbous size.

Theo walked over and didn’t give the alpha any warning before he reached around and grabbed Derek’s meaty pecs.

“Oohhh!” Derek couldn’t help but moan as his muscletits were fondled. Despite his panic and frustration over having his chest altered, he couldn’t ignore the surge of pleasure that rippled through him. In addition to increasing in size, his pectorals also drastically increased in sensitivity. Every touch from the other man’s hands lit up pleasure receptors that Derek had never had before. His knees buckled and his head rolled back as he was felt up. No amount of sex or playing with his cock could ever compare to the brilliant sensations on his chest, and deep down, Derek felt himself craving more.

Theo began to thumb Derek’s nubby nipples, and the werewolf felt as if he’d explode at any second. His heavy pecs lurched and he felt that sloshing inside of them grow even more; and Derek swore that his pectorals began to feel slightly larger.

Derek tensed up, shooting his load. However, instead of cumming, his nubby nipples squirted out a white substance. The pressure in his muscletits subsided the slightest bit, but Derek felt something else bubbling deep within him. He tried to swallow it down, but the alpha werewolf couldn’t help himself.

As his nipples leaked, Derek bellowed out a deep, “Moooo!”

He was so caught up in the feeling of pleasure that left tingles all over his skin, especially his burning nipples, that Derek didn’t even have time to feel humiliated over that fact that he’d mooed like a cow.

Meanwhile, Theo strategically placed his bottle under the alpha’s leaky nipples, collecting the milk that had seeped out. Placing the cap on it, he grinned widely.

“We’ll have to do this more often, Derek,” he happily said. “There’s a lot of guys out there who’d give a fortune for some alpha milk so that their muscles can grow bigger. And just think, it’s all thanks to you and these udders of yours.”

Derek wanted to be angry, to lash out at the chimera for turning his pecs into large muscletits. However, Theo reached out and teasingly flicked a protruding nipple, causing a lustful haze to cloud over Derek’s mind.

“Mooo!” Derek bellowed again, his giant pecs jiggling with want.

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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 15: Caveman

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Derek wasn’t proud to admit it, but he had a little bit of a jealous side.

Nothing brought out the green-eyed monster more than watching some guy try to flirt with Stiles, or even hearing Stiles comment on how hot he thought a certain actor was. The other day, Stiles was talking to Lydia, and he’d mentioned how he’d thought that the new Superman actor was cute. Derek had to swallow down a growl, and he’d not-so-subtly changed into his Superman t-shirt afterwards.

Stiles didn’t seem to mind too much, or if he did, he didn’t say anything. He’d usually just laugh it off and give his husband a big hug, trying to calm him down.

This all came to a culmination when the water heater when out. 

“Der, I had to call a plumber to come fix the water heater,” Stiles told the werewolf. “He said he should be here soon.”

Derek just grunted from his spot on the sofa. He mindlessly munched on beef jerky as he watched TV, clad in just his sweatpants. He was so caught up in watching Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd swinging through the jungle as Tarzan, that he’d barely heard the doorbell ring. 

“I’ll get it!” Stiles called out as he hurried over to the front door, swinging it wide open. 

“Hello, Mr. Hale,” a deep voice bellowed out, making Derek perk up, “I’m Chase, I’m here to fix your water heater.”

“Oh yes!” Stiles breathed, sounding relieved. “Come in, please.”

Derek turned around to stare down the other man who entered his house, frowning at the muscular stud who followed behind Stiles. The alpha werewolf couldn’t help but narrow his eyes in the direction of the plumber who wore a blue uniform. The young man was so built and muscular that he left the top three buttons of his shirt undone, showing off his impressive hairy pecs. His sleeves were rolled up, allowing his bowling ball sized biceps to curl out of them. In front of his tight jeans was a large bulge that made it look like the young man was smuggling a grapefruit in his pants. And when the plumber walked, his firm butt pressed tantalizingly against his jeans which were so tight that they rode a little low, giving credence to the term “Plumber’s Crack”. His dirty blond hair was combed in that style that made it look slightly messy, but sill manageable, and his lantern jaw was covered in masculine stubble. The dude seriously looked like he’d been ripped straight out of a porno.

Immediately, jealousy surged though Derek and he felt himself leap off the couch and hurry over towards Stiles, wrapping a possessive arm around his waist. He puffed out his own sizable pecs and forced a smile on his face. “Yes,” Derek almost growled, his voice rougher than intended, “please come into our home.”

Stiles shot him a look.

Chase only smirked as he entered the home, his heavy footsteps thudding loudly as he followed behind the couple.

“The water heater’s in the basement,” Stiles babbled on. “It went out last night and the water’s been ice cold ever since. You’re a real lifesaver for coming on such short notice.”

“It’s all part of the job,” Chase said, giving Stiles a crooked grin.

Derek bit down on his lower lip to hold back his snarl. “I could’ve fixed it,” he added hurriedly, “but I have a lot on plate since I run my own auto shop. So you know, management is very time-consuming work that only tough guys can do.”

“Wh-what?” Stiles wondered aloud.

Chase shrugged it off. “Sure,” he coughed. “A lot of wives tend to call me when their husbands can’t fix a simple appliance. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.”

Derek saw red and his fists shook with rage. He had to take a few deep breaths to prevent himself from phasing on the spot and mauling the cocky plumber
 when a devious plan entered his head.

“It’s, uh, kinda hot down here,” he stated, forcing a toothy grin onto his face, “why don’t I get us some drinks.”

“I can get them,” Stiles offered.

“No!” Derek hurried, as he practically sprinted back up the basement stairs towards the kitchen. The werewolf tore through the cabinets as he grabbed three cups, making sure to grab Stiles’s favorite Superman glass. He then snatched the jug of Crystal Light out of the fridge before grabbing the secret ingredient from under the sink.

Derek couldn’t help but smile maniacally at the translucent powder that possessed a pink shimmer to it. It was a magical powder that Peter had made, claiming that it would cause “Embarrassing Side Affects that varied from person to person”. Derek had no clue exactly what that entailed, but he figured that annoying, sexy Chase would be the perfect tester to try it out.

The jealous werewolf made sure to pour Stiles’s glass first, setting it far away on the counter so that it wouldn’t come into accidental contact with the powder. That left two unmarked cups, and in his haste, Derek filled them both to the brim with the red Crystal Light. He then dumped a large spoonful of the mysterious powder into one of the glasses, marveling as it immediately dissolved, leaving zero trace of its presence behind. The giddy werewolf was so caught up in imagining all of the humiliating scenarios that played in his head involving Chase, that he put the jug of Crystal Light back into the fridge without memorizing which glass he’d spiked with the powder.

Derek froze as he stared at the two unmarked glasses on the counter, both of hem equally filled up with red juice. 

“Damn it,” he snarled, making move to dump them both down the sink to try again, but then something caught his ears.

The werewolf bristled as he heard Stiles’s laughter echo out from the basement, the deep bellowing of Chase’s annoying voice trailing behind.

With a ferocious growl, Derek dumped a spoonful of the powder into each of the unmarked glasses. He grabbed all three of them and raced back down the stairs, eager to break up the laughing session between the stupid plumber and his husband.

“H-hey, what’s so funny?” Derek asked, forcing a cheerful smile onto his face as he walked down the basement stairs. Despite his grin, his eyes narrowed in Chase’s direction. He walked up to Stiles and handed him the Superman glass that wasn’t spiked with the embarrassing potion.

“Chase here went to Beacon Hills High, too!” Stiles exclaimed. “I knew he looked familiar. We were in the same Spanish class.” He looked over towards the plumber. “You’ve put on some serious muscle.”

Chase held his head up high as he flexed a large bicep. “Yeah, I’ve been getting into bodybuilding,” he grunted. “You should check out my Instagram. I post tons of progress photos there.”

Over my dead body, Derek wanted to say, but instead he held out a glass for Chase. “Here,” he forcefully smiled, “I hope you like Crystal Light.”

“Thanks,” Chase obliviously said, accepting the glass and bringing it up to his full lips. He paused for a second, eying the water heater in the corner of the basement. “Oh, I can see a leak from here.”

“A leak?!” Stiles repeated incredulously, rushing forward to inspect the large machine as best as he could. “Where?”

Chase lumbered towards him, positioning himself way too close for Derek’s liking. “There,” he said, pointing towards a small spray of water.

For the millionth time, Derek was seeing red, beyond irritated that the muscleman was getting close and personal to his husband. In his anger, he briefly forgot that he was supposed to wait for Chase to take the first sip of his drink, and brought the glass up to his own lips to take a large gulp of the sweet juice.

Instantaneously, Derek’s eyes widened when he’d realized his mistake, quickly placing the half-emptied glass onto a nearby fixture. His heart raced in his chest as he waited for something to happen, holding his breath as he prepared for the worst.

“Damn,” Stiles frowned as he examined the leak, “do you see this, Derek?”

“Derek see,” Derek bellowed, his voice sounding much deeper and guttural than normal, making the werewolf flinch in shock. He had no idea why he’d referred to himself in the third person, so he cleared his throat and tried a second time. “Ook!”

Stiles only chuckled, his back still turned to Derek, thinking that his husband was just trying to be cute.

Meanwhile, Derek’s panic grew when he felt himself beginning to itch. He looked down at his chest and gasped as he watched wisps of black hair sprout all over his toned pectorals. The naturally smooth werewolf was stunned silent as he watched his hair thicken, and not just over his chest. He held his shaky hands up in front of his face, paling as hair grew over his arms, traveling towards his wrists and even his knuckles.

Derek felt his center of gravity rapidly shift, and he stumbled on his feet, falling over. He managed to catch himself before hitting the hard ground. Yet, he noticed that he was perched using his knuckles for support, reminding him of those lumbering gorillas he’d seen on TV. He tried to stand up straight on his two legs, but he could make it about halfway before toppling back down on all fours like an ape.

As a final touch, Derek nearly went cross eyed as he watched the bulge in his sweatpants steadily grow larger. The bulge inflated as it grew, causing his enlarged cock to stiffen and snake down his pant leg, looking ridiculously big on his toned, hairy form.

His heart raced in his hairy chest as Derek realized that he’d turned into some sort of monkey man. “Derek feel funny,” he muttered in his deeper voice, bristling at the awkward way he spoke. His thoughts were still coherent, but he couldn’t get his mouth to cooperate with what he wanted to say.

“Huh?” Stiles asked, looking over his shoulder before gasping at his hunched over, hairy husband. “Derek?! What the hell happened?!”

“Ook! Ook!” Derek bellowed, jumping up and down in his crouched position. His blush deepened when Stiles walked up to him, standing tall above his hunched over body.

Chase only glanced over this broad shoulder before shrugging and continuing to examine the water heater.

At the sight of Chase’s glare, Derek felt his possessive side spark once more. However, instead of silently brooding, the werewolf felt himself puff out his hairy chest. His muscles tensed, he beat at his chest with both of his meaty fists, mimicking a large gorilla. Again, he internally winced at his uncontrollable actions, but he couldn’t help it. Derek could only bare his teeth as he beat his chest intimidatingly.

Stiles’s eyebrows lowered slowly as he put the pieces together gradually. “Ohhh,” he hummed, eying the glass of Crystal Light.

Derek stopped beating his chest and cheekily smiled up at his husband. “Ook!” he grunted, nuzzling against the other man’s leg in an attempt at an apology.

Stiles snickered a little bit. “You’re silly, Derek, you know that right?” he chuckled as he ran his fingers through Derek’s hair.

“Ook! Ook!” Derek happily cheered as he bounced in place, his hard cock bobbing up and down wildly in his sweats. It wasn’t his intention to turn himself into some feral caveman, but he couldn’t deny that he liked how Stiles was paying much more attention to him now than he was to Chase.

“Your husband’s weird,” Chase muttered, rolling his eyes at Derek, who only beat his chest in uncontrollable response. The muscled plumber finally brought the glass of red Crystal Light up to his lips, taking a loud gulp.

“Ook!” Derek grunted as he watched the changes happen automatically.

Chase must not have felt anything, but as he drank down the cursed drink, Derek and Stiles stared in awe as the large bulge in front of his pants shuddered before growing less prominent. The previous mound that had looked like a grapefruit grew smaller and smaller by the second until the front of Chase’s jeans were flat and unremarkable.

When the glass was empty, Chase lowered it and wiped his lips. “This tastes kinda funny,” he said, freezing up in fear at the sound of his voice. His usual deep baritone was gone, replaced with a cartoonish voice that was hilariously high-pitched and squeaky, sounding just like a chipmunk’s.

Stiles had to cover his mouth to keep from bursting into hysterics.

“Oook! Ook!” Derek bellowed, happily slamming his fists down onto the ground in victory. He couldn’t hide the dim smile that stretched out his face, and he puffed out his hairier chest with pride.

Chase blushed a little and cleared his throat. “Um, *ahem, what I meant to say, *ahem, what’s wrong with my voice?!” The muscle man clutched at his throat, his face burning red at the sound of his cartoonish voice.

Stiles, unable to contain himself, broke down and doubled over with laughter. “That’s not it!” he guffawed, tears welling up in his eyes at the sight of the squeaky-voice muscleman.

“What do you mean?” Chase squeaked, stomping his foot in irritation, his voice making it sound more like he was throwing a tantrum than trying to be threatening.

“Tiny!” Derek managed to say, bouncing up and down excitedly on his feet and fists, like a chimp at the zoo.

“‘Tiny’?” Chase repeated, still blushing over the sound of his new voice. His eyes followed the direction of Derek’s stare. He gasped when he saw the flat front of his jeans and immediately unbuttoned his pants, shoving them down. The pathetic two inch nub looked completely out of place on Chase’s muscled frame. It was so small and puny that it was barely noticeable in his trimmed bush.

Chase screamed, his voice sounding even higher than before. He yanked his pants up and ran up the stairs in a hurry, exiting the house in a panic.

Stiles continued to laugh for a few more minutes before he was able to slightly contain himself. “That, haha, wasn’t nice Derek,” he tried to frown, but his chuckling ruined the mood he was trying to portray.

Still, Derek hung his head in shame. “Derek sorry,” he muttered in his slow voice.

Stiles smiled down at his husband and ran an admiring hand through his thick hair. “It’s okay, I guess,” he hummed. “You don’t have to be so jealous, Sourwolf. I love you.”

At this, Derek felt himself perk up, his lengthened cock rocketing to attention. The caveman werewolf beat his hairy chest with pride, a wide smile on his dim face. He then reached over and tossed Stiles over his shoulder, carrying him upstairs towards their bedroom as he readied to show his husband just what a wild man he now was.

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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 23: Ghost Possession

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23

31 Days Of Derek Hale

Despite being a werewolf, Derek didn’t believe in ghosts. In his opinion, they were the cheap product of Hollywood trying to advertise uncreative horror films. He would scoff at the young adults who’d dared one another to sneak into McFadden Manor, only to hear them swear up and down that they’d seen a ghost. Lies, Derek figured.

Still, when Stiles had made up his mind to investigate the ghost stories surrounding McFadden Manor for Halloween, Derek had instantly jumped at the chance to tag along in an attempt to look brave and woo the hyperactive human. 

Unfortunately, Derek couldn’t hide the grimace as he walked through the deserted McFadden Manor. The abandoned mansion was the center of numerous spooky, Halloween-themed tales— all of them focusing on a mischievous trio of ghosts who liked to mess with unsuspecting people. The wide smile on Stiles’s face deeply contrasted with Derek’s scowl.

He eagerly held up an ancient-looking camera. “We should split up and cover more ground,” he said. “I’ll go down towards the garden while you inspect the bedrooms. Radio me if you see anything.” He shoved a large, dinosaur era walkie talkie towards the werewolf.

“I can just text you
” Derek muttered, studying the heavy tech in his hands.

“Thanks for coming with me again, Der,” Stiles said, offering the usually grumpy werewolf a sincere smile, making the alpha’s heart flutter in his chest.

In response, Derek puffed out his muscular chest with pride, his pecs pressing teasingly against his thin, white t-shirt. “S’no problem,” he grunted, trying to play it cool, but he could feel his cheeks grow hot as he blushed. Plus, he couldn’t help but crunch his stomach to make his abs pop against his shirt too, his muscular bod being his best form of flirting since he wasn’t really good at wooing orally.

Stiles happily ran down one of the dark hallways towards his destination, Derek not-so-subtly watching his perky butt as it disappeared.

“Damn,” Derek admired before frowning at the sight of the decrepit mansion. “Damn it.”

Frowning again, he shrugged his broad shoulders and lumbered throughout the dark, cobweb-filled halls. To humor himself, Derek sniffed at the air, smelling nothing in the air except for dust and rats. He rolled his eyes at himself participating in this foolish activity, yet, he forced himself to focus on the endgame: Stiles and him getting together
 and then heatedly fucking in his Camaro.

That last thought put a little more pep in Derek’s steps as he explored the empty rooms in the mansion.


Derek tensed up at the sound that echoed out from one of the bedrooms. Following the source, Derek entered a room near the end of the hallway. The room turned out to be a bathroom, the rusty toilet giving it away. There was a dust-covered sink with a dirty mirror near the entryway, and in the far end was a standing tub with a yellow curtain closed over it.

Derek cocked his eyebrow in confusion over the fact that the water seemed to be running in the tub, steam even billowing out from the curtain.

“What the hell?” Derek wondered aloud, knowing that there was no way this house was occupied given its dilapidated state. Still, the running water left the werewolf deeply confused. He grabbed the edge of the shower curtain and ripped it to the side.

Inside of the tub was a portly bluish figure that was slightly transparent. Looking like a caricature ripped out of a cartoon, the ghost had a little tail that seemingly phased in and out of existence as the creature showered. When it noticed that it was being watched, the ghostly figure looked over at Derek and gasped, covering its lower half with its hands
 despite there being really nothing to see.

“Do you mind?” the ghost scoffed.

Derek was stunned silent for a moment, his eyes wide as he stared at an actual ghost that was floating before him. “Holy shit,” he finally breathed. “You’re a fuckin’ ghost!”

The ghost exaggeratedly rolled its eyes at Derek. “No shit,” it huffed in a baritone-filled voice that only emphasized its rotund girth. A sly grin formed on its translucent face and its eyes sparkled. “You know, most fleshies tend to avoid this place because of me and my brothers, but here you are.” He sniffed at the air, his smile growing wider. “A werewolf?”

Derek flinched and took a cautious step back.

The ghost continued. “We don’t get a lot of your kind here,” he chuckled. “Your bodies tend to be a little more sturdy. This should be fun!”

The ghost lurched forward at lightening speed, much faster than Derek’s werewolf instincts could react. Since his jaw was still hanging low in shock, the ghost aimed right for the alpha’s agape mouth. 

Derek felt his mouth being stretched to the limit as the ghost squeezed himself inside of him. It was a difficult sensation to describe. Thanks to the ghost’s vapor-like body, it felt as if there was a gust of air that was keeping Derek’s jaw thrusted down as it shoved itself in. Cartoonish stretching noises, like rubber, sounded out as the ghost entered the werewolf. Derek felt himself getting fuller and fuller, feeling as if he’d just eaten a multi-course meal and was stuffed to the brim.

With a simple pop, the ghost finished his entrance and successfully squeezed his rotund body deep inside of Derek.

The werewolf felt full, his stomach and even lower end of his throat feeling as if there was a thick soup trapped in it. Derek stumbled around on shaky feet, trying to piece together what had just happened. The ghost squirmed a little as he settled in under Derek’s skin, the werewolf wincing at the sensation. 

“Damn, I can’t believe that worked!” Derek heard himself exclaim. “I usually have trouble fitting inside tiny bodies.”

Tiny? Derek balked.

Derek’s tingling limbs appeared out of his control, and the more Derek tried his best to strain and walk on his own accord, the more horrified the werewolf grew as it dawned on him that he wasn’t in control of his body. He even attempted to open up his mouth and demand that the ghost leave his body, but he couldn’t even do that— instead, Derek was more so a passenger inside of his own body. He could still experience every sense, smelling and feeling everything around himself, but he couldn’t move or speak on his own.

He felt his legs propel him forward, turning around to look into the mirror. Derek bristled at his own reflection which only smiled back at him, his smile eerily similar to that of the ghost’s.

What the fuck are you doing to me?! Derek roared on the inside. Get the fuck out!

The ghost only shook Derek’s head mockingly. “No way,” he said, making Derek’s body and voice say it on his behalf. “I kinda miss having a body so I’m gonna hang onto yours for a bit. The name’s Fatso, by the way.”

That’s a stupid name.

The ghost shrugged. “And this is a stupid body,” he countered, exploring Derek’s body, running his hands over it. Derek could feel every touch, unable to stop feeling himself up. “There’s barely any room inside of here. Let’s fix that.”

Derek screamed on the inside as he witnessed his stomach shudder before it expanded outwards. His gut grew in size and it rounded out as Fatso forced it to bubble out. Derek’s chiseled abs disappeared as a thick layer of fat appeared over them, going from firm to large and jiggly. It grew bigger and bigger, becoming huge and bulbous as it jutted far out in front of Derek, looking as if he’d swallowed a yoga ball instead of a ghost. To add to the inflation, even Derek’s pecs packed on some fat. They lost some of their tone as they grew larger and saggier, resting atop his enormous belly. There was still some traces of Derek’s large muscles underneath his new girth, but instead of looking like he lived in a gym, he looked more like some ex-jock who was in the middle of a perpetual bulking phase.

What the fuck did you do to me?! Derek roared on the inside, wincing as he examined his new body in the mirror. He must’ve gained well over fifty pounds, with most of it centered on his new gut. His mysterious growth had torn his t-shirt to shreds, forcing him to see all of his girth at once. Despite looking hard and solid, Derek winced at the way his gut hung over his jeans, sagging slightly.

Fatso mock-frowned. “Don’t be like that,” he taunted, putting both of his hands on the sides of Derek’s new belly and giving it a playful shake, causing it to bounce wildly. “I think you look much better with some more meat on our bones. Now there’s some food in the kitchen that we can eat.”

Eat? You mean you want me to get even fatter? Derek protested, unable to prevent his body from waddling out of the bathroom and down the hallway. His thicker thighs rolled over one another as he moved, and his rotund belly stuck so far out in front of himself that he couldn’t even see his feet. He inwardly flinched every time his foot thudded against the hardwood floor, sending a ripple through his belly and pecs.

Fatso forced Derek into the kitchen, where he made him lumber towards the fridge. Derek was surprised that when it opened, it was stocked full of food that looked like it’d just been bought earlier that day as opposed to sitting for years untouched.

Derek felt his arms lurch forward, grabbing fistfuls of various treats and snacks. 

“The only downside to being a ghost is that you can’t eat a lot of food,” Fatso lamented. “But the good thing about possessing a werewolf fleshie is that you can gorge on tons and tons of junk food. Much, much more than a human can!”

No! Wait! Derek pleaded.

His pleas fell on deaf ears as Fatso eagerly shoved loads of food into Derek’s mouth, moaning loudly as he tasted all sorts of flavors. Salty, sweet, savory— all kinds of different foods were shoved down Derek’s eager throat, none of them low-calorie.

The entire time, the werewolf inwardly begged Fatso to stop gorging on so much junk food. However, the ghost was paying no attention to him, moaning loudly as he devoured everything in the fridge.

In the center of the fridge was a delicious looking, three-tiered cake with bright pink frosting. Derek could feel his mouth salivating as his eyes honed in on the monstrous dessert. 

Before Derek could uselessly plead with Fatso again, his hands grabbed at the cake as he greedily gobbled it down. All he could taste was the sugary frosting and the chocolate center of the cake, grimacing at the sweetness, yet Fatso loved it.

Derek inwardly froze when he felt something horrible: his pants felt like they were getting tighter.

It was hard to tell since Fatso controlled his line of sight, but Derek could barely make out his gut growing more and more into his field of vision. It didn’t take long for the werewolf to put two and two together to figure out that, thanks to Fatso’s overeating, he was getting even bigger.

His big belly was starting to jut even further away from his torso as it packed on even more size from the delectable cake. His pecs felt heavier as they grew in size, his nipples even stretching out from the sheer expanse of his enlarged chest. Love handles formed and drooped slightly over the edges of Derek’s pants, which felt painfully tight by now.


The button on Derek’s pants finally gave out, ricocheting off and landing on the floor. Derek felt a sense of relief as he continued to fill out, his ass puffing out as his cheeks ballooned out and became large and squishy. To account for his larger rear, Derek could even feel his thighs starting to push closer together as they blew up. As Fatso continued to eat, Derek’s body went from bulky to chunky linebacker status, looking incredibly large as if two of him were shoved together into one body.

Fatso fit the last few bits of the cake into his mouth, swallowing it down loudly and straightening back up. He patted his large gut, satisfied, before letting out a loud burp.

“I always gotta get a big cake before every Halloween thanks to silly guys like you who want to come play detective,” he smiled, rubbing his hand up and down his distended belly. “This was nice. See ya next year?”

Derek let out another loud belch, this one accompanied by a flash of blue as Fatso left his body to fly somewhere else in the manor.

Finally in control of his body, Derek gasped loudly as he ran his shaky hands all over his enlarged form. For some strange reason, even with Fatso gone, Derek was left with his added weight, looking massive and round. He took an awkward step forward, blushing as his entire body seemed to jiggle. He couldn’t see anything past his large belly which definitely wouldn’t fit in any of his clothes anymore.

“Damn it,” Derek huffed, giving his gut a tentative poke. “I have to do so many crunches to get this down to size
” He trailed off when his stomach growled, a deep hunger taking over him.

“Hey, Der,” Stiles called out, his footsteps approaching, “still no sign of any ghosts. I’m starting to think that they’re just stories.” Stiles froze when he reached the kitchen, his eyes nearly falling out of his head at the sight of the fatter Derek.

“Um,” Derek blushed, scratching the back of his head nervously, “I think I found a ghost—” He paused when Stiles stepped forward and placed a soft hand on his rotund belly, rubbing it up and down.

A smile forming on his face, Stiles couldn’t help but look up at the large werewolf. “Do you like belly rubs?” he asked, playfully rubbing Derek’s gut.

Although he couldn’t see it thanks to his big gut blocking his view, Derek could feel his cock rocket to attention, already oozing as Stiles gave him a belly rub. “Y-yeah,” he breathed. He blushed again as his stomach growled a second time.

“Big boy’s hungry?” Stiles teased.

Derek just eagerly nodded, looking forward to eating cake and getting more belly rubs from Stiles. 

All in all, it turned out to be the best Halloween of Derek’s life.

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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 12: Bunny Boi

Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12

31 Days Of Derek Hale

“You’ve got to be shittin’ me,” Derek growled as he looked over the ridiculous outfit that was in the bag.

Derek had lost a bet with a fellow alpha, and as punishment, he would have to wear an incredibly embarrassing outfit for the day.

Derek grimaced at the lacy corset that had matching garters, and a cringey set of bunny ears to top everything off.

There was a loud knock on the other side of the bathroom door. “You better move it, Hale,” laughed Nate, the other alpha who was apparently a total freak.

“Son of a bitch,” Derek spat, taking off his leather jacket and jeans so that he could put on the stupid bunny outfit. The alpha werewolf slid on the panties first, rolling his eyes at how small they were. His cock was so big that it filled the tiny pouch to bursting, yanking the tops of the underwear downward to show off his trimmed bush and the base of his dick. Clenching his jaw, Derek pulled on the corset, which was at least two sizes too small for his muscular body. It was nearly impossible to close it shut around his thick waist, and his pecs completely spilled out over the top, his nipples poking out noticeably. It was so tight, in fact, that Derek felt as if his midsection was being squeezed so tightly that it shoved his pecs outwards even more. He put on the lace garters, feeling ridiculous the whole time.

When he was finally all dressed up in his humiliating outfit, Derek begrudgingly opened up the door, revealing a smirking Nate.

“Lookin’ good, Hale,” Nate whistled, making a show of eying the alpha up and down. “Oh, but wait! You forgot something.” He reached over and snatched the bunny ears off the sink before plopping them on top of Derek’s head.

“Gee, thanks,” Derek muttered under this breath, the headband attached to the bunny ears giving him a little headache.

“Well, c’mon, I’ll show you what chores you can do, and then we can call everything even,” Nate boasted as he stomped down the hallway, his broad back swaying with every powerful step he took.

Derek blushed as he took a step in his stupid outfit. His muscles squirmed against the tight fabric, making him have to almost arch his back in order to get semi-comfortable. The action only led to his large pecs being thrusted forward, his nipples resting atop the lacy corset, constantly rubbing against the soft fabric. The way the straps from the corset attached to the garters around his thighs made his steps resemble more of a mincing movement, soft and delicate.

Nate led Derek to a messy bedroom that completely matched Nate’s frat boy attitude. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, the bed was a total pigsty, and there were pizza boxes and empty beer bottles scattered all over the cluttered floor.

“Go ahead and start with my room,” Nate laughed.

“What a fuckin’ mess— Oh!” Derek squeaked when Nate gave his butt a playful smack. His cheeks bounced from the motion, and Derek’s face grew red.

Worse was that his cock twitched for some reason, almost thrusting out of the confines of his small panties.

“Fuck off,” Derek barked, stomping angrily into the messy bedroom, trying to shield his hardening member from the other man.

He snatched a trash bag out of the pile of cleaning supplies, starting to toss a bunch of the garbage into it. As he moved around, Derek’s nipples get rubbing up against the lace of the corset. It must’ve been due to the softness of the outfit, but it seemed as if Derek’s nipples were hardwired directly to his throbbing cock.

The alpha bit down on his bottom lip, trying desperately to resist the electrifying feelings that rippled through him as the corset stimulated his sensitive nips.

“This is so fuckin’ stupid,” Derek growled, tugging the collar of the corset downward to give his nipples some relief. However, once he let go and it snapped back into place, he had to bite back a moan as it started rubbing up against them some more.

As he continued to mince around the bedroom cleaning, Derek’s hard cock kept throbbing with want inside the tight confines of his panties. The cotton was stretched to the limit, and every so often Derek would give in and rub his aching bulge with one hand while using his other to thumb one of his nips.

Derek started to toss the other alpha’s clothes into the hamper. He flitted about the room, hard nipples and harder cock, bending down and grabbing fistfuls of Nate’s clothes. His musky scent clung to every fabric, that manly musk permeating Derek’s senses.

Derek grabbed a jockstrap off the ground, seeing that it was a size XL.

“Ooh, big boy,” he cooed, before flinching and slapping a hand over his mouth. “Why’d I just say that?”

His perky nipples still burned and his cock throbbed like crazy, at full mast. Still, it hadn’t burst through the small panties, and Derek couldn’t help but reach down again to feel himself up. His hand ran over his rock hard cock, freezing as his fingers grazed his bulge.

“I-is it smaller?” Derek gasped, looking over his pecs to the bulge in front of his humiliating panties. Sure enough, the lump in front of his meaty thighs wasn’t as prominent as it had been moments before, looking tight and compact.

Derek quickly tugged the panties downward, paling at the sight of the four inch cocklet poking out of his trimmed bush. With a shaky hand, Derek reached down at his shrunken member, wrapping his fingers around it.

“Oooh,” he moaned, unable to keep his lips shut at the surge of pleasure that rippled through him. Despite the panic that was coursing through his veins, the werewolf couldn’t help but fondle his tiny cock that made him feel even more ridiculous with his massive muscles in such a girly costume. He knew that he should be panicking even more, to tear the apparently cursed outfit off, but his frazzled mind was so clouded over with lust that it was difficult to think about anything else.

“Did I say that you could play with yourself?” Nate’s deep voice bellowed.

Derek jerked back and blushed as the other man stared him down. 

Nate smirked as he crossed his beefy arms over his large chest. Derek hadn’t noticed before, but Nate had large muscles that were so big and manly. His pecs stretched his t-shirt to bursting, and his biceps curled out the tight sleeves. His bulge in the front of his jeans was much, much larger than Derek’s diminished one. And manly musk radiated off of Nate in waves, making Derek’s mouth water.

“No, Sir,” Derek answered promptly, his voice light and almost airy. Instantly, he dropped his muscled arms to his side, his tiny cock throbbing as it stood at attention in front of him. The more Derek stared at the other alpha, the more his small cock throbbed and his perky nipples burned with want. His unknown desire was starting to creep up to higher levels, and he couldn’t help but shift his feet under Nate’s gaze, rubbing his thighs together in anticipation.

Nate gave a tsking motion with his finger. “Well, finish up then, Bunny,” he ordered. “Then I’ll let you play with your tiny nub.” He walked away.

“Yes, Sir!” Derek excitedly said, picking up his pace as he minced around the room, his pert little cock bouncing in front of him as he moved. 

He didn’t know why his heart raced at the thought of being ordered around by such an alpha like Nate. The frat boy was stacked with such manly muscles, and some of his chest hair curled over the collar of his t-shirt— a stark contrast to Derek’s smooth muscletits that bounced with every step he took. His little nub leaked precum the whole time he finished cleaning. Once he was done, Derek eagerly rushed over to Nate to deliver the good news.

“All done, Sir!” Derek reported, smiling widely at the alpha.

Nate looked away from the TV. He’d taken off his shirt, resting his arms behind his head, letting his musky, hairy pits air out in the open. “Good job, Bunny,” he grinned at Derek. “Why don’t you take your uniform off? Don’t wanna mess it up while you service your alpha.”

“Yes, Sir!” Derek happily gushed, practically ripping his panties and corset off. He paused for a moment as he looked over himself. His tiny, three inch cock was as hard as ever, yet it seemed so small and utterly tiny— especially in comparison to the large eight inches that Alpha Nate had. And even though his corset was off, Derek’s pecs were still pushed upwards and out, looking slightly larger and more bulbous than they should’ve. His nipples were hard and nubby, sticking off his muscletits like little erasures. Something was wrong, this wasn’t how Derek should’ve looked
 was it? He didn’t know why a tiny voice in the back of his head shouted that he was supposed to be a manly alpha like Nate, not some sub bunny boy.

Nate unzipped his pants and fished his own cock out, letting his large member bob in the air. “You gonna stand there or are you gonna take care of this?” he bellowed.

Derek quickly squashed the voice in the back of his head and hurried forward, his muscletits bouncing with every minced step he took. Dropping to his knees, Derek leaned forward and hungrily took the entirety of Nate’s cock into his mouth, sucking it like a pro. 

“That’s a good bunny,” Nate teased, toying with the bunny ears that were atop Derek’s bobbing head.

“Mmmm!” Derek loudly moaned, his little nub spurting tiny droplets of cum as he sucked off his alpha, loving his role as his muscled up bunny boy.

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