unintentional-edgelord - Edgiest of Unintentional Edgelords
Edgiest of Unintentional Edgelords

The edgiest thing of all is kindness. Art and other nonsense, I also lurk elsewhere on AO3 as miss_grimm. this slowly seems to be becoming a Megaman ZX focused blog, whoops.

200 posts

Chimera Here Is Absolutely One Of THE Best Omega Writers And I Don't Know How They Come Up With These

Chimera here is absolutely one of THE best Omega writers and I don't know how they come up with these fic ideas but they do - this and The Devil You Know (Unfortunately) are hilarious and very original takes on "what if Omega played a part in ZX?"

Anyways go read this fic, it's fantastic!

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Oops, I did it again…

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More Posts from Unintentional-edgelord

boosting because I ADORE this fic :D

Also adding my take on greaser vampire Prom because I can :)

Boosting Because I ADORE This Fic :D


Chapter 3 Of My Goofy MMZXA/Twilight Fic Is Out!https://archiveofourown.org/works/41088294/chapters/103794648

Chapter 3 of my goofy MMZXA/Twilight fic is out! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41088294/chapters/103794648

Hell hath no fury like a woman who wants answers, that’s for sure.

It was originally my plan to keep this fic as a series of super-short snippets, but I’ve been getting a lot of ideas for how to flesh the story out, so I’m more-or-less committed to making it a proper story now! Consequently, I’ve been forced to work on this fic from the inside out, uploading new chapters inbetween or in the place of old ones. It’s unorthodox, but I think it’s better than deleting everything I’ve uploaded so far and starting from scratch. Hopefully getting a taste of where the fic is going will make the new early chapters more interesting to read!

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Assigning D&D Classes to Hair Metal Bands

Jeez that’s the most 80′s sentence I’ve ever written. This is probably a niche humor type that only I’ll get, but-

-Motley Crue: Barbarians. They’re the ones with the most infamous reputation for being stupid and violent. 

-Alice Cooper: Cleric. He’s a very kindly and gentle man, but has the potential to be fucking terrifying. 

-The Scorpions: Fighters. Typically regarded as generic and maybe even boring, but they have much more potential to be entertaining than anyone ever gives them credit for. 

-Stryper: Paladins. Is it because they’re a Christian band? Yes. Is that a lazy answer? Also yes. But am I wrong? No. 

-Skid Row: Rogues. They’re edgy, they’re violent, and just like Sebastian Bach, have both the potential to be really hot or annoying as hell. 

-W.A.S.P.: Warlocks. Another edgy band, but they get their angst from sacrilege and moral philosophy more than physical violence. 

-Warrant: Rangers. Both got a cowboy thing going on. 

-Winger: Wizards. Just like how wizards are regarded as the nerds of D&D, Winger are the nerds of hair metal. 

-Poison: Bards. Now you’re probably thinking, “Darren, Bards are literally musicians. How can you choose one band to be bards?” And to that I say: It’s because they’re the pretty boys. 

-Guns ‘n’ Roses: Druids. More feral and grungy than your typical hair band, and their frontman is named after a flower. 

-Van Halen: Sorcerers. The big classic hair band gets the big classic D&D archetype. 

-Def Leppard: Monks. Don’t ask me to explain this one. I can’t. They both just have a ‘psychic energy’ thing going on that I can’t put my finger on. 

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It's been really interesting to me to see what stuff people have enjoyed about the story and that's honestly one of my favourite exchanges - I'm SO glad you're enjoying it!! :D

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

New chapter of For the Glory, For the Fame is FINALLY out!!

This chapter covers the events of the Arctic Ice Floe, though as usual I've taken some liberties with canon.

Shoutout to @tyrantchimera for giving me the ideas on how to make this chapter more fun because it was a SLOG to write, and @dumpsterfirepropaganda for keeping my motivation with it going!

Read on and I hope you enjoy, guys!

A Work In Progress I Might Not Finish But I Really Like How Vent Came Out :) The OG ZX Hero Of Justice!
A Work In Progress I Might Not Finish But I Really Like How Vent Came Out :) The OG ZX Hero Of Justice!

A work in progress I might not finish but I really like how Vent came out :) the OG ZX hero of justice!

Plus a bonus closeup of his face. Yes I do draw him with stubble, I feel like it works for him!

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