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7 months ago
This Fic Could Come Out Tomorrow And Ill Still Need It Yesterday

This fic could come out tomorrow and I’ll still need it yesterday 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

Girl when you finally write a sex scene with Logan and Rafe you gotta drop some hints or a snippet for us because I am dying 😭 I’ve never been so excited for a book before. On the edge of my S E A T


18+ | MDNI | Spicy spice full steam ahead!

Girl When You Finally Write A Sex Scene With Logan And Rafe You Gotta Drop Some Hints Or A Snippet For

Girl When You Finally Write A Sex Scene With Logan And Rafe You Gotta Drop Some Hints Or A Snippet For

Logan shook her head, her body wanting more of him as she squeezed him intentionally and when the head of his cock nudged that spongy spot inside of her she almost came right there, her back arching just a little further as a loud moan escaped her lips. “Rafe!”

“That’s right, baby,” Rafe groaned into her neck, his hand moving to cup the side of her jaw, their lips meeting for a hot, open mouthed kiss, “scream it for this whole fuckin’ town to hear. Let ‘em know who’s fucking you good.”

“So good,” Logan’s legs slipped further around his waist and Rafe nodded his approval, his sweaty forehead pressing to her shoulder as he continued to move inside of her at a steady rhythm, obscene noises filling her bedroom. Sweat dripped down his back and Logan knew she was coated in it as well, the too hot temperatures combined with their activity almost enough for them to both combust, and when he pulled back and stole another kiss from her she could have melted right there.

“Harder, Rafe,” Logan begged when they parted, his forehead pressed to hers as he picked up speed, one hand running along the underside of her leg to bring it up further, “please.”

“Whatever you want, doll,” Rafe did as requested and Logan moaned her approval…

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7 months ago

“oversized t-shirt that looked suspiciously familiar”

Oversized T-shirt That Looked Suspiciously Familiar

*my actual face after reading that line and then rereading it 10 more times”

GURL. Any free snippets you want to give us I will gladly take. You are an amazing woman. My god. The way you write these two I just can’t deal

OMG!!! Thank you!! I’m so excited for them. If you all asked I’d tell you everything! Hahahaha (just kidding, I won’t because we need the mystery and plot! Hahaha)

But because I’m loving thinking about Logan and Rafe right now and @cdragons is so kind to humor me with all these plots and headcanons, here’s another snippet:

GURL. Any Free Snippets You Want To Give Us I Will Gladly Take. You Are An Amazing Woman. My God. The

“A bowtie? Really?” Rafe tugged at the accessory and Logan wasn’t sure if she was impressed or amused as he slowly untied it. “And it’s not a clip on?”

Rafe scoffed, bowtie hanging undone as he ducked his head in, eyes sweeping across the house, “JJ here or…?”

“No,” Logan glanced over her shoulder as if to confirm that the dark and quiet house was all hers, “he and John B are off doing something.”

“He was at Midsummers,” Rafe lifted his hands to undo the buttons along the points of his collar, groaning when he could finally breathe just a little better. “Are you going to invite me in?”

Logan hummed, arms folded across her body as she continued to block the doorway, “I don’t know. What’d you do to JJ?”

“Nothin’,” Rafe lifted his arm to rest it on the door frame, taking her in from head to toe, liking how soft she looked in the oversized t-shirt that looked suspiciously familiar and cotton shorts. “Just reminded him he was crashing and that he has a hot sister, that’s all.”

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7 months ago
God These Two Are Acting So Damn Cute Together And Want Them To Be Happyyyyyyyyyy

God these two are acting so damn cute together and want them to be happyyyyyyyyyy

Do you have a snippet of Logan calling Rafe hot shot/buddy yet? 😂

I could do that! 🤣😉

18+ | MDNI | References to sex, flirting.

Do You Have A Snippet Of Logan Calling Rafe Hot Shot/buddy Yet?

“Yeah, ok,” Logan rolled her eyes as she leaned over to rest her elbows on the Calacatta marble, eyes trailing across the veiny slab before she glanced toward Rafe, the oldest Cameron pulling open the refrigerator door, “whatever you say, buddy.”

It took exactly four seconds before Rafe turned his head, eyebrows furrowed, his gaze shifting away from the shelves in the refrigerator door to look towards her, watching as she rolled the Tootsie Pop around her molars, lips pursed around the white stick.

He slowly took a step back, the refrigerator door closing on its own as his frown only depended, one hand sliding along his hip, “Did…you just call me buddy?”

Logan cracked the Tootsie Pop in response, eyebrows lifting into her hairline, “Problem?”

“Um…” Rafe moved to stand near the counter across from her, his hands resting flat on the surface, “Last time I checked, buddies don’t shower together after having sex all morning…”

“Oh,” Logan pushed away from the counter, hand lifting to twirl her stick, “huh…good to know. I uh…need to make a few calls...”

Logan shrieked when Rafe closed the space between them quickly, one arm wrapping around her waist as the other pulled the sucker from her mouth, and just when she thought he was going to kiss her did he nip her bottom lip warningly, “Behave.”

Logan tilted her head back, requesting a kiss but Rafe only denied her, instead taking the Tootsie Pop into his own mouth before he released her, the open palm to his other hand lifting to slap against her denim covered ass.

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boosting because I ADORE this fic :D

Also adding my take on greaser vampire Prom because I can :)

Boosting Because I ADORE This Fic :D


Chapter 3 Of My Goofy MMZXA/Twilight Fic Is Out!

Chapter 3 of my goofy MMZXA/Twilight fic is out!

Hell hath no fury like a woman who wants answers, that’s for sure.

It was originally my plan to keep this fic as a series of super-short snippets, but I’ve been getting a lot of ideas for how to flesh the story out, so I’m more-or-less committed to making it a proper story now! Consequently, I’ve been forced to work on this fic from the inside out, uploading new chapters inbetween or in the place of old ones. It’s unorthodox, but I think it’s better than deleting everything I’ve uploaded so far and starting from scratch. Hopefully getting a taste of where the fic is going will make the new early chapters more interesting to read!

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This only just keeps getting better and better, so it's getting a boost!

Gotta love dangerous gremlin Aile and "stop-calling-me-Dad" Omega :D
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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Oh To Be A Pair Of Teenagers Chasing Each Other Through A Washington Cedar Forest Trying To Uncover Each

Oh to be a pair of teenagers chasing each other through a Washington cedar forest trying to uncover each others’ secrets / salvage the task you bungled horribly within a day of being given it~

Chipping away at the next chapter of Fluorescence (my silly MMZXA/Twilight mishmash fic, for the uninitiated) and felt like drawing Ashe and Prometheus as they appear in the story! You can really tell whose outfit I put more thought and effort into, lol - but I always imagined Ashe to be a casual activewear type of gal. Meanwhile Prometheus is out here doing the complete opposite of blending in.

I know the height difference is pretty stark here (part of that is those unnecessary platform boots) so I feel obligated to re-emphasize that - ignoring supernatural time/immortality shenanigans - these characters are 19 / 18 years old, respectively. Don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea!

Yes, that does technically make Ashe older. 😛

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