unreone - We Smiling Our Friends
We Smiling Our Friends

https://ko-fi.com/unreone ♥︎ 🇵🇭 ♥︎ 21 ♥︎ She/They 🦖 local dinodemon blanchead 》 OC and AUs ASKS OPEN PLS ASK ME AAAAA《 🪄 HTF Pamaypay since 2009

665 posts

Gotta Link This With Their Htf Robed Look!

Gotta link this with their htf robed look!

Omniel's Followers: THEIR LORE

For basis development, here is like the main idea: Theres a village that is somehow involved with working with angelic beings in the past. I havent really work with the why and the how of it, but they ends up worshipping the notion that free will is uselless if painless immortality is something to be achieve.

Every 6 months of a year, a group lead by one of the "Markers" (the demi angel beings appointed to show the taste of joining this 'religion', which is Niel/Omniel's role) will do a tour around surrounding tows and villages and recruit critters into joining them. Their current target is Happy Tree Town.


☆ Aster

Omniel's Followers: THEIR LORE

- lowest rank. He is a curious case since he is actually not marked yet, as evident by the lackness of a cross in his pupils, but still considered part of the group. Omniel refuse to mark him to see how she will affect those who are not directly linked to her soul. That way, she can minimize the amount of critters that becomes a brainwashed member that adores her. Interestingly, he acts just like the others, singing praises and willing to do anything she says.

♧ Fickle

Omniel's Followers: THEIR LORE

- The most recently marked member, a young roe buck that cant grow any antler. And since he have been marked at this state, he will remain thatcway. He is recruited in another town. He is still freaked out by the fact that he can still maintain awareness without pain for so long in any state, when normally he couldve just died. While he doesn't really have any friends in his old home, he is wondering what life could have been like if he never gets involved with this group.

â—‡ Zinnia

Omniel's Followers: THEIR LORE

- A squirrel tasked with memorizing and carrying out rituals and holy invocations. She may or may not have a crush on Aster. Wait, that can't be possible, the mark should make her heart to be only devoted to Lady Omniel. Still, what's with this fluttering feeling when she's with him? Gah, focus, task is ahead. You can not fail for the sake of her Holiness. Presents herself as a logical being.

♡ Hasty

Omniel's Followers: THEIR LORE

- Need to eliminate a sacrifice in a jiffy? Worry not for here is Hasty! A raccoon specializing in quick and easy kills. She always does her job with a sweet smile. She has been a member of this wonderful group for the long time now, she can't even remember the faces of her family! Actually, she bares not a single memory. Phooey to that, who needs memories when she feels the happiest serving Omniel?

And finally

♤ Crackle

Omniel's Followers: THEIR LORE

- The only critter in this group, aside from Omniel, that was born and raised in the village. This bear is known to have a calm, soothing voice to the point that it is almost hypnotizing. You just can't pull away from looking into his eyes without struggle. It feels so much easier to fall into his command... what's that? Join a friendly group where there is no suffferring and only happiness??? That sounds quite nice.... I want to be included too...


Feel free to ask or share your thoughts about them!

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You're My New Infatuation~

Amora Is Pumped Up To See Ya

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