Happy Tree Friends Oc - Tumblr Posts
Meet Uncle Eggswyn Benedict

ใ Uncle Eggy is a goat and chicken caretaker. He is good friends with Lumpy. He is very generous and often gives his neighbours trays of eggs for free. Expect many chicks and hens and roosters in his barn
Meet Dodger

ใ Dodger the badger is always on the run. Reason being that he paid a hypnotist to make him excel at self-preservation. It starts out effective but soon to regret it upon realizing his body will literally never rest until it finds itself a safe place.
If he feels that death is near, his fur tufts straighten, then his feet starts moving on its own prompted by pure panic, and runs away.
Common gag is that his feet manage to outrun the thing he is running from, but the upper torso is left behind. Most likely being viciously attacked by the very threat. When there's a commotion, he is first to say "run" out loud.
In a memorable roleplay, it is tested that even asleep, he would sprint away if ever his fur tufts are raise in any way. He sucks at catching stuffs since his body automatically avoids any oncoming projectile, regardless of its incapability of harm.
Quiverrs Quiverly Handles the Quiver

Quiverrs try not to quiver while using quivers challenge
ย In le grazzy landdd
referenced that stock photo
Wispy Aims High On Trapeze

Wispy on a trapezeeeeeee
tenten tenenenenenen TENTEN
tenten tenenenenenen TENTEN
circus afro circus afro
tenenenenenenennenenenenen newnenwn
๐คก๐ฉ๐ช๐ฎโจ๐ C I R C U S โค ๐งก ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Russell's face is kinda inspired from that one Patrick meme

Rusty looks so badass

"I am the car mechanic"
Uncle Eggswyn is confused...

how does bloo mooz lay eggs
and why does its quality just the same as from eggs of grade A chickens
what in the absolute world of-
Dodger and Flaky round the campfire

about to sing the campfire song
THE C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
Snippy, My Beloved

And here's how to draw him!!!
BONUS: Diddly Doodle Duds
> Menacing

> Smiley

> Distracted

> That mood shift meme


> Pissed

โกโกโก Omniel โกโกโก
For Reference, the following are my earlier posts of her:
I Had a foken Mary Sue OC
Omniel Got A Voice Now
Aight so there are 3 charas one must know of:
Om, a high rank Ethereal
Niel, a normal cat villager
Omniel, the combination of the two
Niel and Om are different figures

Om is an ancient narcissistic Ethereal from archaic plane and is good friends with the Ethereal that is possessing the cursed idol in my AU, hence the heartless and the power hungry behavior. Om loves the feeling of being dependent on so it uses the fact that it can revive critters to have many followers.

Niel is just a humble villager that's neckdeep into a religion that praises Om and she got no choice but be the host. Host usually dies when they reach 40s, and when they do, there's like a lottery of names and the candidates are female children of the village. That year, the lottery picked Niel, who was 12 at the time, and she was chosen to be Om's host. She is now 19 and tasked on a quest to go travel outside the village and recruit more followers.

Omniel happens when Om overpowers Niel's mind and convince her that things would be better if she let Om be in control.
(Ah yes, definitely is not like how Venom, Flowey!Sans, Bipper, Darcy, Possessed!Hunter works. This is totally unique and original--)
Animated versions from this post!!!

Omniel's Followers
Star - Aster โ
Diamond - Zinnia โ
Club - Fickle โง
Heart - Hasty โก
Spade - Crackle โค

Gotta link this with their htf robed look!
Omniel's Followers: THEIR LORE
For basis development, here is like the main idea: Theres a village that is somehow involved with working with angelic beings in the past. I havent really work with the why and the how of it, but they ends up worshipping the notion that free will is uselless if painless immortality is something to be achieve.
Every 6 months of a year, a group lead by one of the "Markers" (the demi angel beings appointed to show the taste of joining this 'religion', which is Niel/Omniel's role) will do a tour around surrounding tows and villages and recruit critters into joining them. Their current target is Happy Tree Town.
โ Aster

- lowest rank. He is a curious case since he is actually not marked yet, as evident by the lackness of a cross in his pupils, but still considered part of the group. Omniel refuse to mark him to see how she will affect those who are not directly linked to her soul. That way, she can minimize the amount of critters that becomes a brainwashed member that adores her. Interestingly, he acts just like the others, singing praises and willing to do anything she says.
โง Fickle

- The most recently marked member, a young roe buck that cant grow any antler. And since he have been marked at this state, he will remain thatcway. He is recruited in another town. He is still freaked out by the fact that he can still maintain awareness without pain for so long in any state, when normally he couldve just died. While he doesn't really have any friends in his old home, he is wondering what life could have been like if he never gets involved with this group.
โ Zinnia

- A squirrel tasked with memorizing and carrying out rituals and holy invocations. She may or may not have a crush on Aster. Wait, that can't be possible, the mark should make her heart to be only devoted to Lady Omniel. Still, what's with this fluttering feeling when she's with him? Gah, focus, task is ahead. You can not fail for the sake of her Holiness. Presents herself as a logical being.
โก Hasty

- Need to eliminate a sacrifice in a jiffy? Worry not for here is Hasty! A raccoon specializing in quick and easy kills. She always does her job with a sweet smile. She has been a member of this wonderful group for the long time now, she can't even remember the faces of her family! Actually, she bares not a single memory. Phooey to that, who needs memories when she feels the happiest serving Omniel?
And finally
โค Crackle

- The only critter in this group, aside from Omniel, that was born and raised in the village. This bear is known to have a calm, soothing voice to the point that it is almost hypnotizing. You just can't pull away from looking into his eyes without struggle. It feels so much easier to fall into his command... what's that? Join a friendly group where there is no suffferring and only happiness??? That sounds quite nice.... I want to be included too...
Feel free to ask or share your thoughts about them!
Amora is Pumped Up to See Ya

The local LoveHam is warming up for today's love assignment special. She shared with you how giddy she is for the new clients in her love clinic. So many critters to pair, so many combos to try! Ain't that just something to smile a bout?
You're My New Infatuation~

Blush over cheeks so warmly
Heart racing, her words flee
What a shock
Her sight is lock
On face that looks so pretty
Wordless wonder, deeply ponder
What can be of our life together
Yearning, Chuckling
Forever wanting
Of memories coming
At happily ever after
Her Bio At โกโกโก HERE!!! โกโกโก
POV: Snippy Holds Your Hand

|| Lineart || Flat Color

Is it obvious that out of all of my oc, I love Snippy the most ๐๐๐

smol rodent tol scissor gf lmao
H-Hot dog!!???
For Nix
Requested CHARA:

|| Still Version

|| Lineart || FLAT COLOR

|| w/o BG || BG

Amora but she in Hamtaro
Thankies for the base by Puppies56 on DeviantArt

Amora but she in Ebichu

This foken hamster definitely fits in this foken show more than Hamtaro help
N.O.R.A. sees you being cringeee
A fanimatic for a fren!!! Check em out at that_weirdo_artist on YT really cool peep
I use that Voice Changer app that requires you to watch ads to add filters to your voice
Also was watching Life as a Teenage Robot aahahha

I love this robot soooo frickin much

Flouie and a bucket

Sketchy lookin sketchy

Crystal and Nephelle hanging out