https://ko-fi.com/unreone ♥︎ 🇵🇭 ♥︎ 21 ♥︎ She/They 🦖 local dinodemon blanchead 》 OC and AUs ASKS OPEN PLS ASK ME AAAAA《 🪄 HTF Pamaypay since 2009
665 posts
Happy Tree Friends
Somber Wood Foes/Fiends
Personalities and motivations inverted

Like fokem look at thisss????? Supposed to be opposite splendid but huhhhh???? Why this gaster walmart freak is my idea for opposite splndid and splendont@??@@??@I have no excuse for my lazy flank Ill definitely scrap this idea out from the revamped opposite au. I will keep the fact that (Since Toothy and Sniffles are biggest Fan Bois of Splendid) Tiffy and Sclutzy are biggest Haters
Insipid (Opposite Splendid) is a villain that accidentally good heroic deeds. Once i start doing the animatics, ill definitely use that ProZD audio
Intrepid (Opposite Splendont) is there to remind Splendid how to be actually villainous.

Omgggg Lucent!!! Lucent meant bright and thats the name i used for opposite Lumpy. Although he doesn't think outside the box, he is prepared for anything and everything. The chaotic variables (Sclutzy) are harder to prepare for though.

Natty for opposite Nutty. Onfg did ye know the word natty means smart looking and fashionable- He's just the rehab Nutty we have met at False Alarm ep. Hes also a dietician who promotes eating veggies and fruits and detest candies ajodod
Sclutzy was a gifted kid snapped. There's a thin line between madness and genius and Sclutzy snorted that line. Inspired by that Dexter's Laboratory episode where Deedee brings out the manic technology destroying monster inside her brother.

ONFG I REMBER HOW AN AMINO USER REQUESTS THESE BITS- Discord Ursid? DiscUrsid?? Discursive????? <<< autocorrect According to my archived notes, he's just so awkward it's awfully embarrassing???? YOUNG ME SPEAK CLEARLY WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT- but ye get flustered a lot, he never tried getting into disco music industry despite wanting to, big sadge

Of course Of course this right here is Luna and Sir Prickly. The pickle was the escapegoat this time. Luna be goin around slaughtering and then everyone blamed the pickle because he shouldnt exists and his presence is "demonic"
(ahhahaahhaaahhaa i clearly remember I just based off Sir Prickly to Will Cipher from Reverse Falls aaaaaaa ORIGINALITY DOESNT EXISTSSSSSS IN MY DICCTIONARYRYYYRYY)
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More Posts from Unreone
How's your Opposite AU going? I've seen in your post that you're having trouble with the designs so I just wanna share some ideas. When I see the description of Idles, I see a droopy-eared bun-bun whose default pose is laying still and staring blankly ahead. I think it would be funny if Tiffy would still be a dentist and his methods might look brutal but ending up giving best results. For Ruby, I imagined her to have very short quills and usually wearing a daring expression. Hope these helps!
So far, I have recovered a few of my old, amateur concept works in hand. They were at least 4 years old, drawn on an old, unrecoverable notebook, and the only proof they existed is a post I made in Amino.
Prepare your eyes from shiddy arts and highly contrasted images!

Bruh Lumpy is now an anime protag
First change on the design: the hair. I don't think a smarter Lumpy will wear that kind of silly hair. I'll also remove the glasses and labcoat, he may be more clever but his job shouldn't be a scientist. I think it's much suitable for him to become a Professor that constantly scares his students with existential questions. Since I want him to be overprepared, I will change his demeanor from a cold, calculative guy to a kooky, restless and ingenious. He must have multiple, secret bunkers around the town just in case of apocalypse.

I have changed his name into Idles since Snuggles is already the name for Genderbent Cuddles. And I think I will draw him droopy eared all the time as you said!

There's already a goth au so this idea is completely scrapped off. Since Giggles' character is all about being a stereotypical girl, Gruntles would be a rebel who is disgusted by the idea of conforming. She will wear whatever she wants (meaning her accesroies will change everyday). I will keep her love for earth but she will show it in a different way. "Chop this tree then I'll chop your head off"

Did you know Ruby used to be a Fliqpy Sue???? Yeah, I'll have to change so many things. But now that you mentioned it, I guess I'll take away more of her quills away since she did use most of them for self-defense. I will change the hoodie since Idles already got one.
Here are the old designs that will have no/few changes in my AU:

If y'all have comments or suggestions, feel free to share them! My ask box is open as always.
It's stillll so cool how this is the example sentence for Omphalos

***the omphalos of confusion and strife*** <<< literally Niel's childhood village
Seriously though, I just named it Omphalos Village cuz it got the letter OM innit, likeeee it just sounds cool to make it seem I planned everything when I just used the word that popped up in my merriam webster apk aksoosossp
FUN FACT: OMENDRA, the fricking fallen angel of the Ethereal plane, could only gather strength from those who constantly praise them
IFFFFF I ever find the will to write it
I want OMENDRA's reign NOT to be ended by violence (like holy swords or silver bullets like in Supernatural) but by making Niel successfully undoing the marks of the cultists and making them stop believing in OMENDRA
And like because OMENDRA is not getting praise, they will lose powersss and be nothing else but an annoying voice inside the amulet, same way how IDUNA in my au is stuck in the cursed idol lollllll
good traits gone bad
perfectionism - never being satisfied
honesty - coming off as rude and insensitive
devotion - can turn into obsession
generosity - being taken advantage of
loyalty - can make them blind for character faults in others
being dependable - always depending on them
ambitiousness - coming off as ruthless
optimism - not being realistic
diligence - not able to bend strict rules
protectiveness - being overprotective
cautiousness - never risking anything
being determined - too focussed on one thing
persuasiveness - coming off as manipulative
tidiness - can become an obsession
being realistic - being seen as pessimistic
assertiveness - coming off as bossy
pride - not accepting help from others
innocence - being seen as naive
selflessness - not thinking about themself enough
being forgiving - not holding others accountable
curiosity - asking too much questions
persistence - being seen as annoying
being charming - can seem manipulative
modesty - not reaching for more
confidence - coming off as arrogant
wit/humor - not taking things serious
patience - being left hanging
strategic - coming off as calculated
being caring - being overbearing
tolerance - being expected to tolerate a lot
eagerness - coming off as impatient
being observant - being seen as nosy
independence - not accepting help
being considerate - forgetting about themself
fearlessness - ignoring real danger
politeness - not telling what they really think
reliability - being taken advantage of
empathy - getting overwhelmed with feeling too much for other people

I've made this list for Reddit some time ago. Now, I'm reposting it here with some minor fixes.