vennyvenadito - Venny Deer
Any Pronouns-šŸ’›šŸ¤šŸ’œšŸ–¤
Venny Deer Any Pronouns-šŸ’›šŸ¤šŸ’œšŸ–¤

Silly Deer-Girls are just ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸ’–šŸ’–

67 posts

Vennyvenadito - Venny DeerAny Pronouns- - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

No one is saying Chloe is a saint

But you like it or not Chloe is still an abused child

Of course she need to face consequences for what her did but also her parents, specifically Andre because he is the one who raised her, he is literally the would reason why she is like this

Unpopular opinion.

You canā€™t criticise anyone forĀ ā€œCondoning abuseā€ if You keep stanning Chloe and making excuses for her.

Chloe is an abuser too.

Sheā€™s abused Marinette by bullying her.

Sheā€™s abused everyone at the school by using her fatherā€™s power to make their lives difficult, or in some cases get them expelled or fired.

Sheā€™s abused Sabrina by treating her like a slave.

Sheā€™s abused Adrien by sexually assaulting him, and being a terrible friend.

And easily the worst one.

Sheā€™s abused Zoe, her own flesh and blood. Trying to groom her into her obedient pawn, trying to get her deported, telling her what she can and canā€™t do IN HER OWN HOUSE! Using their banshee of a mother like an attack dog when she knows full well what kind of person Audrey is.Ā 

I get it, ok. You wanted your preciousĀ ā€œBad girl goes goodā€ arc. But please stop with this. Especially the Zoe part. That I find honestly offensive.Ā 

1 year ago

Honestly after all of this

Adrien and Mari shouldnā€™t be a couple

The Love square condemned this show

Is with Starco the worst ship I have ever seen

This show wasted so much time in this ship in so many years and this is the result they give us???

So many episodes wasted in unnecessary Love square plot that could have been about interesting lore or character development but no, they decided to waste everything

The worst part is I used to like the Love square (Marichat to be specific) but nowā€¦I donā€™t want to see them together in anyway

Itā€™s not cute, healthy or wholesome, is toxic in so many ways

I hate it

Honestly After All Of This

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1 year ago

As someone who saw the leaks on twitter and now seeing a lot of people exited for the finale it really hurt me

From one hand I donā€™t want to tell anything about how this would end because I donā€™t really wish to ruin the hype

From the other hand I would be sad how disappointed they would be

I may hate what the show has become and I may salt a lot but the last thing I would want to do is ruins someoneā€™s experience with the series

And from my third invisible hand, what is with this show getting rid of characters I love!?

First was Alix, then was Luka, next was Chloe

And now my baby girl, meow meow loser Gabriel!!??

Love him, hate him, you canā€™t denial the show wouldnā€™t be same without him

At least I still have Juleka, Harry the clown, Nathaniel, Marc, Plagg and Adrien

For now

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1 year ago

What thatā€™s supposed to mean? ._.

Some Superheroes Redesigns

Some superheroes redesigns

I change Roseā€™s superhero name because I kinda disliked the name ā€œPigellaā€ and Mylene name as well, not because is something wrong with her name, but because I change the power of the mouse miraculous

I may explain them in another moment

Hope you like it

1 year ago

Relax my dude

You donā€™t need to be that aggressive

I Decided To Remake My Cat!Chloe Design

I decided to remake my Cat!Chloe design

I give her yellow instead of blue in her suit, I would keep that color for Marinetteā€™s cat!suit and I give her some fur

Here is the sketch and the old design

I Decided To Remake My Cat!Chloe Design
I Decided To Remake My Cat!Chloe Design
1 year ago

I would say it

What they did to Chloe is not justice or karma

What the writers did to her is cruel and disgusting

Sure, she is a bully and a spoiled brat, what she did need to face consequences for that

But thisā€¦is justā€¦I donā€™t have the words to say it

The fact that Andre donā€™t face any consequences for his actions and also as a reward he now has a new kid to raise its piss me off

That man is not innocent, he did not deserve this pathetic excuse of redemption arc

It also make me sick how people are celebrating this, even saying she deserves this and how they were right all this time about her been an ā€œirredimible monsterā€ and even saying Andre was a caring father to her

Caring father my ass, he is pathetic, an hypocrite, a man child and an coward

Are you telling me the man who raised that child to be an spoiled and mean person is now the victim???

ā€œB-But his dreams to be a movie director where crushed because he become a mayor to impress Audrey and then Chloe came and and-ā€œ

Pleaseā€¦.SHUT UP!!!

This is NOT Chloeā€™s fault, no child should be blamed for the parents decisions and actions

And despide her attitude and her actions, you liked or not, she is still an abused child

Iā€™m sick of this ā€œif you are an abused child but you behavior is awful then your as bad and even worst than your abusersā€

What is this ā€œperfect victimā€ thing going on in this show???

ā€œBut Mylene was abandoned by her mom and she is not-ā€œ

Shut up

ā€œBut Zoe-ā€œ

I said shut up

No every person reacts to trauma the same way, everyone reacts different

So please, stop doin that

Stop blaming the kid for being abused and not behave as the ā€œpoor and perfect victim šŸ„ŗā€

And also

Can you guys stop blaming Adrien for not telling Mari that he was gonna live Paris??!!

May I remind you he is son of Gabriel Friking Agreste!!!!???

And also stop blaming him for not standing up, this is not his fault, he is a kid under his fatherā€™s control

And sadly I really canā€™t see any moment he would do it because the show want him to be just a trophy for Mari

Just a damsel in distress for our protagonist because this show forget the title of the series ā€œMiraculous Tales of Ladybug and CHAT NOIRā€

And Miss Bustier, Damocles and every fucking adult of this showā€¦.all you guys sucks!

How the heck you let a child to be the mayor in the first place!!??You guys should know better!

No one did shit to help Chloe, all you did is just ā€œam Chloe please donā€™t be mean, you have to be nice uwuā€

You really tough this was gonna work??

No even you Marinette, you just told her to vibe with her shitty mom because they are both ā€œmeanā€, no shit why didnā€™t she change for the better

But you know what, Iā€™m not goin to blame Mari on this, because this is not her job, she is a kid as well, is the grow ass adults job

What this show built up in season 2 was pointless, because why give us a redemption arc for Chloe, why give her deep, why make her sympathetic, why make her the Bee holder if this wasnā€™t going anywhere??

I hate season 5, I take it back what I say about season 3 and 4, this is by far the worst season of the series in my opinion

Thatā€™s all folks

Deer out šŸ¦Œ

I Would Say It

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1 year ago

Iā€™m gonna be hell honest with everyone

I never liked Ladybugā€™s upgrade suit

Like, itā€™s not that bad, is better than the original but, I donā€™t know, something feels off

Those extra ribbons nah nah and the long pigtails doesnā€™t work for me

Im Gonna Be Hell Honest With Everyone

And the red polka dots are the worst part

And does black parts with red spots in her arms likeā€¦why??

The original already has to much polka dots, but this just to much

It would worked better if the black part doesnā€™t have the red polka dots, like Mister Bug

If they wanted to add polka dots, why not use another color likeā€¦white? I mean, ladybugs have that color

This is just my opinion, if you like thatā€™s totally fine

And I did a random edit

Im Gonna Be Hell Honest With Everyone

Not sayin it should look like this but, it just an idea

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1 year ago

I was working in my Ladybugā€™s redesign and then I got the idea to play a little with her original costume

This is the result

I Was Working In My Ladybugs Redesign And Then I Got The Idea To Play A Little With Her Original Costume

Now, I hear the reason why the producers didnā€™t want to go for the idea for the series to be an anime or 2D animation it was because of Ladybugā€™s spots

On one part I kinda get it, but IDK, why not just change her design?, like, the 3D one has more spots than the 2D one, I only put less spots and some black parts, not saying is better than the original but this is just an idea of what they could do in that case, in fact, I played with the idea of her hair and eyes become blue when she is Ladybug


I Was Working In My Ladybugs Redesign And Then I Got The Idea To Play A Little With Her Original Costume

Hope you like this

Deer out

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1 year ago

So now that I talked about my ideas for the new superpowers for the miraculous

Now is time to show my idea for the main five

Theyā€™re mostly the same but with some changes

Here we go

Ladybug šŸž: Creation (Life), the power allow them to create objects, BUT first the holder needs to pay attention to the situation and try to think of what they would need, when the object is build they need to figure out how to use it, in some cases the object is already made and can be the object they wanted

-For power up, the holder can re-create what was broken and destroy, like buildings, vegetation, also can make flowers and plants glow were ever they are walking, in a rare case, a creature that never exist

Cat šŸˆā€ā¬›: Destruction (Dead), the holder is capable of destroy things, but isnā€™t just that, they can make a major damage, almost destroying an whole building, if a human received a cataclysm, their skin gonna start to rot until they die, a painful and slow death

-For power up is that with their energy they can destroy a lot, almost like a earthquake and also they can make persons, plants and objects to age more faster

Both šŸžšŸˆā€ā¬›: Restoration (Order), with both holders together, everything would back to normal, fixing everything, but thatā€™s only if the damage is mayor, also with both combined a person can make a wish, but there is a consequence to have a balance

So yeah, no more ā€œMiraculous Ladybugā€

Bee šŸ: Subjection, When the holder hits an enemy with their sting, the victim wouldnā€™t move for few seconds, but then they would start moving again but now they are under the holderā€™s control, doing what they said and follow their lead

-They also have little bees who works as solders and would fight against the enemies to protect their owner, also can make honey to make shields to protect them or make the enemies be stuck in it

Fox šŸ¦Š: Illusion, people with this power are smart and knows how to trick people, so the fox allows the holder to make distractions, like making copies of them or things that arenā€™t even there

-They can also make fake scenarios, like making the victim living a fake fantasy or make them see something that didnā€™t even happen, and even fake their own voice

Turtle šŸ¢: Protection, the holder is allow to make shields to protect them and their team, but they can also make giants walls or even make for themselves an armor

-They can make a bridge to try to pass to another side and make a giant sphere to walk inside it and donā€™t get hurt

So here they are

I make the Ladybug and Cat to be both as powerful so they would be treat as equals

My original idea for the bee was if the victim got sting, if they tried to move they would get pimples but I decided to change that

And yeah, I kinda give the Ladybug the power of the peacock with creating a living creature, but in my defense, make sentimonsters is kinda like literally creation

So yeah, that power should be for the Ladybug, but does creatures work different from sentimonsters

Hope you like those ideas

Deer out šŸ¦Œ

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1 year ago

šŸ¦‹šŸ’œHawkmoth/Gabriel deserves betteršŸ’œšŸ¦‹


This is gonna be controversial but I canā€™t keep my mount shut anymore

This is an unpopular opinion but I have to say it

Gabriel aka Hawkmoth can be a good villain but the show donā€™t let him to be one and they are also the reason why his character is so over the place

First I would say our moth boy is smart and he really show it a lot

Now I know what you gonna say

ā€œBut his ideas are always bad and he is really dumbā€

I know but hear me out

I donā€™t denied that he can be dumb and mess up a lot but I think this isnā€™t entirely his faultā€¦itā€™s actually the writers

Why? Well

I would definitely say that Hawkmoth is not only a victim of bad writing, but he is also a victim of plot armor

There are episodes where he almost won but for some lame reason lose

And in fact not all of his ideas are but

You would say is because of Mayura and yeah, you guys are right on that but Iā€™m talking about when he didnā€™t have her on his side

Episode like








-Stormy Whether




-Strike Back

-The Owl





-Derision (I still hate this episode)



Thatā€™s proof to me that he can be smart and a treat but again, is the show who donā€™t let him be

And in fact, itā€™s also show that the show donā€™t know what direction go with him

In one episode is a broken man who lost his way and is trying to bring back the love of his life but no in the right way of course and he is also trying to hold it back for his son, but keeps himself away from him for his grief and still show humanity and maybe the change thereā€™s still some hope of salvation for him

And then he is this horrible monster without feelings and he can go as far even to destroy humanity and canā€™t barely care about his own child and neglect him a lot

In one episode he can come out with the most smartest plan to archive his goal and almost got it, but then again, villain always loses

And then in another episode has the most dumbest plan ever

And then he is this goofy and cartoonist villain

Donā€™t saying that silliness canā€™t work with a villain

Look Bill from Gravity Falls and Discord from MLP

They are goofy and chaotic but they are still a treat and dangerous to everyone (with one already redeem)

If they want him to be a treat or an irredeemable villain than they could done something like Belos from The Owl House

Those two parallels each other a lot

-They lost an important person of their life with one of them killing them out of rage

-They have this little child on their care but neglected them (and also they didnā€™t born in the traditional way one being an sentimonster and the other an grimwalker)

-They are willing to destroy everything to archive their goals

-Both are also broken and lost their ways in their life and instead of trying to fix their mistakes and move on, is already to late for both of them, their path become dark

The difference here is at least in The Owl House the writers did know what to do with Belos unlike Miraculous, Belos did have moments of sympathy and moments of guilt about killing his older brother, of the little they show about his past we can have an idea how was his life before become this horrible monster, but the show let it clear thereā€™s not salvation for him anymore and he is way far to be redeem

I insist his dead could be handled a little better, but even tho, they did an awesome job with him

But with Gabe, look, they did had good ideas but the execution wasnā€™t great

I mean, come on, a villain who can take advantage of the persons feelings and transform them in monsters, thatā€™s a cool concept

He been the father of one of the main characters, also a good concept there

But the writers did a terrible and miserable job with those concept and donā€™t do anything interesting with them, if they do, then they go with time travel or memory erase because this show has something towards consequences and show progression

And the fact in the leaks is show that Adrien wonā€™t be in the final battle with his father and is only Marinette itā€™s make me angry

And speaking of our bug girl, letā€™s go back with the plot armor problem

This girl doesnā€™t has the power of creation, instead she has the power of plot armor in her hands

And Intuition is the prove for that

Is basically

ā€œGabriel v.s Plot armorā€ the episode

In this episode is show that Gabriel in fact, did use the power of second chance a lot of times, all the episode we saw he did used it

But the problem was that the lucky charm of Ladybug always change, isnā€™t the same object, didnā€™t matter what he do or change something about his plan, the lucky charm always manage to change and give Ladybug the opportunity of win

So yeah, this is prove enough to me that no matter how smart his plan can be, the show is always against him

He is even more of a wasted potential than Chloe is

And I would say it, he is much of a punching bag as Chloe as well

But at least with her they kinda know what to do with her (I say kinda because they did a terrible job, and is mostly because Thomasā€™s hate boner for her), they want to keep her as a brat, I hate that, but you know what, ok, good for you guys, keep going

But come on, why you keep Gabriel like that??

You want him to be a good villain or not??

The poor man is goin on circles because you donā€™t know what to do with him

In fact, you know what, Iā€™m happy he is leaving in the season five finale, not like he deserve this or Iā€™m happy he got what he wanted, but more like ā€œyou know, good for him, he can finally rest from this mess that this show is, he can be free for nowā€

Good for you Gabe in that, good for you my dude, hope you enjoy your freedom

And look, Iā€™m not saying this beacuse, who those who donā€™t know, he is my favorite character (yeah you can kill me for that), but mostly Iā€™m saying this because I want his character to make sense, to be consistent and has deep, which he has but the show act like he doesnā€™t sometimes

Itā€™s make me sad seeing my favorite character been treated like this, because I know in the right hands he can be a great character

I wouldnā€™t care is they wanted him to be redeem or not, at least, make him a great an iconic villain

Belos is one of the best villains a I have never seen in a while

And this is why I starting to work in AUs about Hawkmoth, because I know he has potential and thereā€™s a lot of fun things you can do with him, if no anyone can sees it that way, than I can because I care about this character

Let me show some love for my moth boy please if no one wouldnā€™t do it

I wanted to vent a lot about this main problem I have with the show and why Hawky deserves a lot better like the other characters in this show

I would like to see your opinions about this

Deer out

Hawkmoth/Gabriel Deserves Better

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1 year ago
Ban Ban Redesign Because He Needs To Look More Creepy
Ban Ban Redesign Because He Needs To Look More Creepy

Ban Ban redesign because he needs to look more creepy

And maid Ban Ban because I was bored

The game sucks but it gave me inspiration to draw again

Sketch and a generic edit I did

Ban Ban Redesign Because He Needs To Look More Creepy
Ban Ban Redesign Because He Needs To Look More Creepy

Hope you like it

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1 year ago

I watched Derision andā€¦.oh God, itā€™s a mess

I hated it

Everything was so lame

Everyone was so out of character in this episode

And I gonna ask this, when Mari was akumatized, we see her memories right?, alright, now can some please tellā€¦.why the heck we could also see other characters point of view???!!! Isnā€™t this sequence is in Mariā€™s POV?? Like, someone explain that

And please, look me in the eye and try to tell me this backstory make sense, come, try

Because none of this make fucking sense!

And before you go to tell me otherwise, Iā€™m saying this as some who was in the fandom since season 1, like, when everyone where trying to figure out who Hawkmoth is, that old I am, so no, no try to tell me I donā€™t know anything about the show and the characters because I know them perfectly

So yeah I can tell, Chloe wasnā€™t this type of ā€œā€œeViLā€ā€ā€ in previous seasons back then, Marinette wasnā€™t even scared of her, she was just annoyed by her, even before Alya came she wasnā€™t really afraid of her, she was like ā€œugh, this bitchā€

And tell me Mari, if you where so traumatized about falling in love with someone, than why didnā€™t you do the same thing with Luka and Chat Noir huh?, Please explain yourself young lady?

In fact, why are you panicking in front Kim??, you always acted normal around him!!

And for last, I just loveee the doble standard in this show

Marinette can be excused of her stalking behavior towards Adrien, every bad thing she does was just because she is traumatize, so please donā€™t be harsh on her, after all, she is young, and kids do stupid thing

But nooo, no no, Chloe shouldnā€™t be excused, forget the fact her mom is a abusive bitch, forget about the fact she openly say to Ladybug she feels useless, forget the fact she was only Adrienā€™s best friend back then and did care about him (watch ā€œCollector episode 1, season 2), forget the fact she has Andre as a pathetic excuse of father

Because every teen can be forgiven except Chloe

She is evil, she always will be, she canā€™t change, because Thomas say so, and if you not agree than you are an abusive person, your evil as well

And Myleneā€¦shut up, please

When Thomas would release that not everyone reacts the same way on trauma?

Back to Mariā€™s panic attacks, everything go to fast to me!, thereā€™s no time no analysis what the hell is going on, also, didnā€™t she used to be in the public pool before this episode?, like, Mr Pigeon 72 never happen I guess

Also, this episode make her look worse because back in season 3 in Animaestro, she fucking team up with Chloe, Chloe, her bully, the person who made her life back then a living hell, to humiliate Kagami in front Adrien

What the hell Mari!?

And Chatā€¦.sweety, honey, I love you, and I insist your deserve better butā€¦.please donā€™t do that, this isnā€™t you, your not like that, your better than this

Anyway this episode is trash, is literally every salt fic in one episode, every single cliche of a generic backstory perfect for a Wattpadā€™s fanfic

And please, instead of trying to tell me every episode that Chloe is evil and I should hate her, what not you guys try to focus in more interesting lore instead? Please, like, kwamis, Gabriel and Emilie? (Representation doesnā€™t count)

And even then, why show this episode in season 5, you literally have a lot of seasons to show this, and you decided this was the right moment??

Ok, thatā€™s all I wanted to say

Se ya folks

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1 year ago
Am.yeah So Antibug Redesign

Amā€¦.yeah so Antibug Redesign

To let it clear, all of the akumas in my version are going to look like monsters and some how humanoid

Also for Antibug I didnā€™t want to her to be just a recolor of Ladybug, the last time I redesign her I give her another outfit instead of just give her my Ladybugā€™s redesign outfit with the colors in invert

Am.yeah So Antibug Redesign

But now the I decided to go crazy with the design I wanted to play along with her and this is was the result

And surprise, she isnā€™t a ladybug anymore, she is based in a red weevil, the bug got my attention of how similar in colors looks almost like a ladybug

Am.yeah So Antibug Redesign

And the another reason why I did choose this bug is because unlike ladybugs, who are know to eat plagues to protect plants, does guys are the opposite of that, they are plagues

So yeah hope you like this re-imagination of Antibug

Am.yeah So Antibug Redesign

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1 year ago

Sorry, I just have to change some stuff a little

Here are the powers ideas for the miraculous in my MLB remake because in my version most of the original powers doesnā€™t convince me or they mostly donā€™t make sense (*cough* rooster *cough*)

Pig šŸ–: Restorative food, the holder cook food for their teammates, the food would give them back the energy they lost in the battle (doesnā€™t heal injuries or sickness)

Snake šŸ: Future vision, the holder manage to see what would happen moments after of an situation, so they would tell the team of what would happen

Tiger šŸ…: Camouflage, they will combine with the environment, that way they can hide from the enemy and chase their prey

Rooster šŸ“: Strong scream, with this they will stun everyone around them, keeping everyone deaf for a few moments except the holder

Peacock šŸ¦š: Blindness, the feathers will expand behind the wearer and anyone who looks directly at them will be blinded for a few moments

Goat šŸ: Telekinesis, move objects or even persons in every way they want, even give the enemies a electric touch

Rabbit šŸ‡: Multiplication, the holder can multiplied in many copies of them (get it, because rabbits can multiply), but they would have a limit time, they can jump more higher than other holders

Ox šŸ‚: Super strength, can hold heavy objects and throw them away, physically they are more resistant than other holders

Mouse šŸ: Change size, become more smaller to get inside places or get things, they can become bigger as well

Dog šŸ•: Sense of smell, when they throw the ball and hit the objetive, in case they loose it, they can activate their power to smell and follow the target

Monkey šŸµ: Derision, makes the enemies more dumb or ruins their weapons to be useless

Dragon šŸ‰: Whether elements, alter it to make it more chaotic

Horse šŸŽ : Teleportation, move to place to place by portals, the horse make the holder be more faster than the other holders, being able to travel great distances

Moth (I know in canon is a butterfly but I like the moth theme) šŸ¦‹: Emotion and transmission, the moth would become in a cocoon to keep the person inside but the victim would be trap in their own mind without noticing, the holder play with the memories of the person and bring their dreams, goals and fears to provoke them, also participate in their fantasies, when the holder accept the holderā€™s help, they will transform in the creature of the pain or emotion they feel right now (the holder donā€™t give powers but they give the victim the strength to finally express what they are feeling)

So here they are

I didnā€™t put the main five because I think theyā€™re ok (just the ladybug one is over-power)

1 year ago

People have to understand when this topic come to Chloe and Zoe

Good personā‰  Good character

-Be a good person doesnā€™t mean is a good character, they need to have more than that

-Be a bad person also can coexist with being a great character

Look Belos from The Owl House, he is the villain and he was way to far to be a decent human been and was an asshole to the end and he was an awesome character

And Luz is a sweet person but she have more character than just being nice, her character development with the other cast was brilliant

Miraculous doesnā€™t have ither of that

Chloe was so wasted, she has more character and charisma then the whole cast and then got replaced with another goody goody nice girl because god forgive this show to have a neutral character that is not an angel but ither a demon

Because seriously, all the characters are annoyingly nice that is make me sick

Zoe is nice and then? What else?

Her problems were solved in one episode and in the next one she become the new bee miraculous

And thatā€™s another problem I have

Does so called ā€œcharacter developmentā€ only last one episode and is just another ā€œthey were good a along šŸ„ŗā€

Chloeā€™s development feels more genuine because it wasnā€™t just one episode, it was more, almost the whole second season

If you like Zoe thatā€™s fine

If you donā€™t like Chloe thatā€™s also fine

But please, you have to understand that if a character is a good person that doesnā€™t mean is automatically a good character šŸšŸ’›šŸ–¤

People Have To Understand When This Topic Come To Chloe And Zoe
People Have To Understand When This Topic Come To Chloe And Zoe

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1 year ago
There They Are
There They Are

There they are

The chaotic duo of Cat šŸˆā€ā¬› and bug šŸž

I decided to make four design for the redesign instead of just one

For our bug girl she still keep her Multimouseā€™s hair and red spots to contrast her black hair, her ribbons are more like a bug and crazy eyes because she is an insect, donā€™t expect normal eyes from a bug

For her costume, a fashionable look but still childish because she still a kid and she still keep the cape, I added white spots because ladybugs have them, her yo-yo has more details, the first designs tries to be similar to ladybugā€™s wings

And for Kitty baby I decided to go crazy with his costumes, give him a samurai vibe and long hair with black, his blonde hair is more vibrant then in his civilian form

I keep the bell because itā€™s look cute, for my idea for his look is that the costume may look crazy and wacky but still comfortable enough to move and fight with bad guys, still have green assents

I think thatā€™s all I wanted to say, hope you like those designs, tell which one you like the most

Here are the old ones

There They Are
There They Are

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1 year ago

I can really make a list of why derision doesnā€™t make senses

Like, the episode still hasnā€™t come out yet and I can say itā€™s gonna sucks

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1 year ago


If not the Lovesquare

Please consider reblogging for a larger sample size

1 year ago
Rabbit! Marinette

Rabbit! Marinette

Hear style inspired by her Penny Bugā€™s design

I wanted her to have a more cute look and her suit not be just a spandex (seriously what is with this show with giving the girls cast a spandex??)

Hope you like it


Rabbit! Marinette
2 years ago
Rabbit! Marinette

Rabbit! Marinette

Hair style inspired by her Penny Bugā€™s design

I wanted her to have a more cute look and her suit not be just a spandex (seriously what is with this show with giving the girls cast a spandex??)

Hope you like it


Rabbit! Marinette

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2 years ago
I Decided To Remake My Cat!Chloe Design

I decided to remake my Cat!Chloe design

I give her yellow instead of blue in her suit, I would keep that color for Marinetteā€™s cat!suit and I give her some fur

Here is the sketch and the old design

I Decided To Remake My Cat!Chloe Design
I Decided To Remake My Cat!Chloe Design

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2 years ago

Here are the powers ideas for the miraculous in my MLB remake because in my version most of the original powers doesnā€™t convince me or they mostly donā€™t make sense (*cough* rooster *cough*)

Pig šŸ–: Restorative food, the holder cook food for their teammates, the food would give them back the energy they lost in the battle (doesnā€™t heal injuries or sickness)

Snake šŸ: Future vision, the holder manage to see what would happen moments after of an situation, so they would tell the team of what would happen

Tiger šŸ…: Camouflage, they will combine with the environment, that way they can hide from the enemy and chase their prey

Rooster šŸ“: Strong scream, with this they will stun everyone around them, keeping everyone deaf for a few moments except the holder

Peacock šŸ¦š: Blindness, the feathers will expand behind the wearer and anyone who looks directly at them will be blinded for a few moments

Goat šŸ: Telekinesis, move objects or even persons in every way they want, even give the enemies a electric touch

Rabbit šŸ‡: Multiplication, the holder can multiplied in many copies of them (get it, because rabbits can multiply), but they would have a limit time, they can jump more higher than other holders

Ox šŸ‚: Super strength, can hold heavy objects and throw them away, physically they are more resistant than other holders

Mouse šŸ: Change size, become more smaller to get inside places or get things, they can become bigger as well

Dog šŸ•: Sense of smell, when they throw the ball and hit the objetive, in case they loose it, they can activate their power to smell and follow the target

Monkey šŸµ: Derision, makes the enemies more dumb or ruins their weapons to be useless

Dragon šŸ‰: Whether elements, alter it to make it more chaotic

Horse šŸŽ : Teleportation, move to place to place by portals, the horse make the holder be more faster than the other holders, being able to travel great distances

Moth (I know in canon is a butterfly but I like the moth theme) šŸ¦‹: Emotion and transmission, the moth would become in a cocoon to keep the person inside but the victim would be trap in their own mind without noticing, the holder play with the memories of the person and bring their dreams, goals and fears to provoke them, also participate in their fantasies, when the holder accept the holderā€™s help, they will transform in the creature of the pain or emotion they feel right now (the holder donā€™t give powers but they give the victim the strength to finally express what they are feeling)

So here they are

I didnā€™t put the main five because I think theyā€™re ok (just the ladybug one is over-power)

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2 years ago

Zoe getting the cat miraculous got me thinking

If Chloe had kept her character development we could had Chloe with cat miraculousā€¦

The more I think about it, the more upset I am

Zoe Getting The Cat Miraculous Got Me Thinking

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